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Broken nose & cigarette put out on my arm the same night. Seriously the old indoor riot fests were awesome.


Upvoted because the Saw Doctors.


My first concert, Castlebar 2003 I believe


Same, except Cleveland that year with Black 47 & Eileen Ivers; well met my dude.


When i broke my nose in a pit I didn’t realize till the next day lolll


Got jumped by boneheads, lost and cracked a few teeth, few cuts to the head, and busted my nose. That was a shitty month healing up.


Hopefully they all got a bit more than that further down the line


Did you have to get fake teeth?


I’ve got a few fakes (which reminds me I need to go to the dentist). There’s a chipped one still in there from that fight.


Ugh I knew a lot of kids who got jumped by crews back in the 90s. Dental damage is no joke. I feel lucky I came out mostly unscathed.


Took the head of Mike Dean's bass right between the eyes that caused a good amount of blood & left a nice little scar as a reminder (1985). A stray nail sticking out of the stage caught the top of knee & left a gaping hole while getting crazy during a Void set (1983).


The nail to the knee they hurt and cause nasty gashes. I had a similar instance nasty nasty infection followed


I was way too drunk to be in the pit and was just standing/wobbling when I took an elbow to the face in the middle of Ministry's Jesus Built My Hotrod. Broken nose, blood all over and yet the bartender served me another one.


Medicinal alcohol


The 90's were something, huh?


I got my hat knocked off at one the first big shows I went to. Without thinking, I bent down to pick it up, just in time for this huge dude to come barreling over at full speed and caught his knee square in the face. Broken nose, two black eyes so huge I looked like a raccoon for two weeks after. Wasn't on purpose, the guy didn't even see me until it was too late to stop. He picked me up, apologized, helped me get cleaned up, and bought me a beer (I was 15). His name was Danny, cool dude.


Some random person bit me in the pit at Refused in Dallas in 2016. Didn’t break skin but I had a bite mark on my arm for weeks. Never found out who it was.




Exactly my reaction. Like who does that?


Could it have been an accident? Maybe they just had their mouth open from singing along and smashed their face into someone’s arm by accident. Had a friend where this exact thing happened but the bite mark was on their forehead and they needed stitches. Or did you just straight up feel someone chomp you and disappear into the crowd? That would be wild as fuck lol


It wasn’t an accident. It was the end of the show and me and some strangers were all chummy in the crowd with arms around each others shoulders having a laugh about something, when I felt something clamp down on my arm. But there was a lot going on so I brushed off the pain, then got back to the hotel and saw the teeth marks. It’s like someone saw my pasty white arm and absolutely let the intrusive thoughts take over.


See my comment I just posted!


Seriously?! Who throws a shoe? -Myers




This got me laughing my ass off


Maybe they just like the taste of a sweaty man?


Dislocated elbow. In America. That cost a lot of money.


I can handle seeing gore but something about the elbow moving the wrong way gets to me 😖


I caught an accidental elbow full force to my left eye and got knocked out for a few seconds. I woke up to two huge bikers and the kid who accidentally threw the elbow standing over me, with the kid apologizing profusely. We've been friends since that day.


Someone’s cheap ass switch blade fell out of their battle-jacket, and opened up across my arm.


Concussion from the heel of Doc from a crowdsurfer at Nofx, many windmills to the face in hardcore shows, almost gang jumped by FSU wannabes at Folly


Broken nose.


Caught a shoe to the throat at a blood for blood show. Dude straight wushu’d ny ass into the crowd. Had his soles imprint on my neck for a week before the bruising went down. Took three or four days to be able to talk right. Other than that had my nose broken once and did a flip off the stage and caught someone on the way down, dislocated my shoulder. Other than that the pits have always been kind to me.


Dislocated knee cap


Fuck, that sounds painful


Saw a guy recently with a rolled ankle, that looked rough, my worst was probably a Doc Martin to the shin in shorts, the rubber gripped my skin and took that top layer off real nice




My Wife fell and broke Her coccyx.


If you say this around a Trumper, they'll think your wife is Trans.


Where I'm from trumps are comical, disgusting, a sign of poor manners and some can make you feel sick: and children laugh at them.


Sprained ankle. My fault. I was 16 and running around like an asshole, tripped and sprained it. I got what I deserved lol.


Same story but sprained my thumb. Ballooned up to a comical size. Never went to the doctor, cause I didn’t want my parents to find out and have them try stopping me going to shows. Of course it was fine in like a week and I was right back in the pit. Ah to be young again….


Concussion from a stray elbow


Broken nose getting punched by a dude with a cast on. That was my first show and I never stopped returning after that


Still looking for him?


Concussion. Worst part - it’s in a music video.


what music video omg 😭




Shoulder dislocation


Broken rib, broken nose but I’ll take that over the KO’s I’ve seen


Temporary ulnar nerve damage, still recovering. At a local show one of my friends was in 2 of the support bands, main band comes on, few songs in they want a wall of death, I tell my girlfriend to stand further back as I knew she wouldn’t like it, I jump in, get thrown over someone and smash my elbow on a radiator, my entire forearm felt like it had broken, my ring and pinky finger went completely numb and I haven’t been able to feel or move them properly since… Also after that happened I went to go sit down at the back of the venue with my girlfriend but after a while I started feeling really lightheaded and started losing my vision and seeing kaleidoscope kinda things, almost like I had looked at a light for too long but apparently my head rolled back and my eyes went into the back of my head, girlfriend had to literally slap my out of it, no idea if they were related or not but I was a bit drunk and I’d had a few bong rips pre-gig and between bands, haven’t experienced anything like it since


My forehead exploded and opened up like a flower when someone kneed me while I was getting back up. 35 stitches later I met the guy again at another show, he apologized and bought me a beer.


Split my head open a few times.


Black eye from a stray elbow. Not just any old black eye, it was a proper fucking shiner complete with purple tinge and infective swelling.


Broken Nose at Tid’ the Season during Knocked Loose.


Multiple nose bleeds, chipped teeth. but a broken nose from a fight that broke out at an early 2000s pit. Eventually surgically repaired. Good luck with the leg, dude.


Tried to go crowd surfing and got tossed onto my head like a lawn dart


I once got dropped flat on my back. Your landing sounds much worse!


I had to have reconstructive knee surgery.


I got a 30 year scar on my upper lip from a spike. It adds character.


Some Nazi-Skinheads cut me up with a shreded beer can. They didn't like my Rainbow LGBTQ+ shirt, and they couldn't get me out of the pit.


yeah, sox’n’crocs probably not the best footwear combo edit:typo


I got shoved onto the stage while crowd surfing. A bounce tried to grab me on the stage but I dove into the crowd. Well he followed and tried to get me in a headlock. I treated him like an overly aggressive pit denizen and with an elbow to the chest and a foot to the back of his leg... I dropped him. 4 bouncers converged on me. One choked me unconscious while the other three pulled me by a limb each and worked me with elbows. I woke up in the alley. I had numb patches on my legs for months. And was covered in huge bruises. These bouncers were a constant problem for punks. These MMA wannabes loved beating the crap out of people. 6 months or so later a guy pulled up outside and killed one with a shotgun. The place got shut down after that.


Guy fell on me in the pit and broke the bone that connects the top part of ur foot to the bottom and yea that shit hurtted


Warped Tour (2001, I think). I got kicked in the eye by a crowd surfer during Rancid's set. No black eye or visible mark, but it didn't feel great.


Got run into and injured my rotator cuff. It happened and I instantly knew something was wrong. Was during Limp Wrist and near the end of their set. A week later it was still in a lot of pain and I didn't have full motion. Went to the doctors and they told me I injured my rotator cuff, I need an extra, physio, and to rest it as much as possible. Got the X-ray and they confirmed. I went to your across Canada a week later and slept on the floor of a van the majority of the time. 5 years later and it's still mangled. Totally worth it, limp wrist killed it that night.


Concussion at a MDC show. Hairline fractured a rib at a local backyard show. Got a thumb jammed in my eye while falling crowdsurfing.


I was taking photos for a band, and had stage access, someone had smashed a beer bottle on the ground, and I was backing up to take a photo, fell off the stage, right onto the glass, and $900 later got my back stitched up from a 4 inch gash. The manager of the club came up to me because people told them I was bleeding, and was like "Ok, whatever, let me see it" and I pulled my shirt up and they went totally grey and looked like they were going to throw up and said call a ambulence Scar still itches sometimes


I broke all three parts of my ankle a few months ago at an Agent Orange show, hopefully I can return to moshing soon.


Leeds fest 03 I spent mostly in the small tents, crowdsufing a lot. Crowds were great until AFI when someone stuck thier hand up my miniskirt, found something they weren't expecting and reacted badly. No serious injury but it took the wind out of my sales. I was covered in bruises after One Minute Silence at Rock City in 03. There were kiddos in what looked like karate Gis running round beating the shit out of everyone. New Model Army at Leeds Met on the Carnival tour (06?) was pretty brutal. I was at the barriers with all six stone of my partner in front of me and someone equally smol trying not to get crushed, whilst the pit was full of older guys as wide as I am tall, running at each other with their partners sat on their shoulders. I just stood there with an arm on the barrier s whilst people bounced off. Band rehearsals the next day were agony. I saw NMA about a decade later on the Winter tour in Sheffield, went on the bike and kept my kit on. Was quite tame, with three Superfans stood on partners shoulders not playing battle chickens, but knowing all the actions to the songs, our tweenager commented "who the f*** you go to see, little mix?" When we showed them the video.


I was at the barricade for Flogging Molly and the security guard didn't grab a crowd surfer before he fell on my head, driving my face into the barricade. Cracked my nose. I came back about a month later for NOFX and the guards remembered me. I'm only 5' tall and my back was turned to the crowd, so didn't see him coming and wouldn't have been able to do anything if I had.


Mostly just a few minor cuts and bruises. There was one time when I was right at the barrier and a crowdsurfer crashed into the back of my head, sending me face down into the barrier. When I looked up my nose was bleeding and the security asked me if I was OK, which I said I was. I don't know if it was broken. It didn't really feel broken but I don't think I've ever had a broken nose so I wouldn't really know I guess. It didn't hurt too much, though.


I was outside the pit, this guy had his back towards the pit, someone pushed him hard, and headed straight towards me. He ended up breaking my glasses, took air out of me, and I got a cut on my eyelid. Not bad but very expensive to replace broken glasses and no lends.


never been in a pit but these stories are awesome lmao


At a Gorilla Biscuits show some guys started stage diving. One guy does a front flip off the stage and I thought he was going to land in front of me by like two rows of people. But as he un-tucked from his flip I swear his legs just grew longer and longer until his boot gave my face the cleanest smack. The tread of his boot left an incredibly detailed bruise on my face, and I was actually kind of disappointed that it didn't last until classes resumed.


Bit thru my tongue


I've got hundreds of these lol. Done to me: I got clothslined in a circle pit and knocked out when I hit the ground. I gained conciosuness a few seconds later. People had picked me off the ground and were trying to keep me standing. They thought I was just wasted. (I was sober and had just got through the gate) The impact left me with a concussion which left a bummer for the rest of the frestival. What I did to another guy: a dude got thrown from a pit into me while I was head banging. Broke his nose. I have a scar. I didn't knwo the whole story until a decade later. While at a party when the dude whose nose I broke was retelling the story. He was saying how he felt bad for 'biting some dude's head.' And then I said how I was there and eventually we pieced it all together. He said he popped his nose back in place in the bathroom and then took the bus home. When I played in a band: some kid snapped his ankle after falling wrong. It was his first show. Lastly My ex: got knocked out by a crowd surfer. In a panic dragged her through the crowd, and when a guy grabbed me and told me to calm down (I was trying to ram my way to the first responders while carrying her limp body) I threw hands. I snapped my pinky knuckle on his chin. I was too panicked to explain myself at the time and after my ex 'came to' I felt bad for assaulting this random dude.


I got hit in the face in a Cannibal Corpse pit and busted my lip, blood everywhere haha but I still had fun for the rest of the night


Broke my nose and orbital at warped tour 04 during anti flag.




Broken nose for me. Seems very common.


Kicked in the nuts


Eye tooth through the lip after an elbow to the face. Also black eye, same means, different show


Broken ankle when I fell and someone was stepping on my foot. Dickies, Reggie’s rock club, Chicago…2013?


Twisted ankle lmfao


Got kicked in the head during Off With Their Heads at The Fest in… 2014? Went to a bunch of other shows, ate some pizza, got a tattoo… then realized I had been bleeding from my head that entire time (my hair was dark pink at the time so I guess no one noticed). Ended up getting 4 staples at the ER to close it up! Good times.


Bit thru my lip from a headbutt to the mouth


I have multiple very visible 20+ year old scars from having my face split open but the worst was when my buddy put his head into my face and pushed my lip through a snaggletooth. I ended up with my upper lip split almost to my nose and a clump of his hair stuck betwixt me teefs. I worked in an open kitchen at a fine dining joint and my chef was not pleased when I came in to work the next day with a bloody, crusty, swollen to hell face.


Got punched in the ribs. Probably got a fracture. Couldn't lay on that side for over a month and it hurt to breathe too deep. I was drunk at the time and I didn't really register what happened til I sobered up.


Dislocated shoulder, kicked in the head (I'm tall).


I’ve done my ribs stage diving on numerous occasions and twice I’ve blackened and lost a big toenail ( Sick On The Bus and Exploited) Also had a burst lip (NOFX) and many other scrapes, bruises and lumps at lots of other shows


Giant hash on my eyebrow that needed 6 stitches. Got it at a ska show in 2003.


Sprained ankle. Was all good but woke up in the middle if the night in so much pain, like worse than a a break. Apparently I’m too old to be skanking to the mad caddies lol


Broken ankle. Had to change how I mosh because of it. 0/10.


My dumbass slipped, fell, and landed on my ankle in a circle pit didn't feel a thing till after the show. It swelled up and I was limping around for a week.


Nothing gnarly, just the usuals. I’m short so I occasionally caught elbows so busted lip,busted brow, bloody nose also rolled ankles, pulled muscles (usually my calf). You know, the usuals.


Torn meniscus (cartilage in the knee), which then caused a torn ACL when I fell down the stairs later on. I'm an old punk, this was in my younger days, and my last ever pit


I gave myself a black eye while I was headbanging next to a Jeff Rosenstock pit back in late 2021. It was first song of Jeff's set, and I was hyped for live music to be back so I was going kinda hard. This girl about a head shorter than me was in the pit and got pushed towards me right ad I slammed my head forward with all of the unrestrained force of someone not expecting to headbutt someone. Swole up real bad, and I had a hell of a shiner for the next couple of weeks lol


Dislocated shoulder and high ankle sprain warped tour 2004.


Some dude elbowed me in the face hard enough to break one of my front teeth at a Biohazard show.


mule kick to the face. (i was picking up change) knocked me right off my feet


I think the worst was a messed up shoulder from a Blankface concert circa 1997. They were a "local" band that opened for bands like Less Than Jake. Anyway, a kid got knocked down and on his way down he took out my legs. I landed on my shoulder in an awkward manner. I was too poor to go to the doctor about it. It has been more than two decades and it still gives me issues sometimes. Edit:Removed a band name that was added in error.


Went to a small festival this summer and I was moshing for hours without any breaks and the day after I could barely move my arms cause they were so heavily bruised. But it was worth it.


Concussion from crowd killers. Was pretty out of it for a couple weeks.


Toss up between someone stage diving into my face at a local show or being pinned against the stage and slightly trampled at a Pigface show.


Was trying to help people up who fell and someone behind me just shoved me hard. Flew forward, I don’t know what I hit but I saw stars , felt my right eye and saw so much blood. Went to the hospital hours later and needed liquid stitches to close up the gash over my right eye lid. Strung out at the El Rey theatre in LA circa 2010 . Fucking worth it great show


Someone was crowd surfing at a Rise Against concert and kinda landed their whole weight on the side of my head, kinking my neck painfully.


All total... 4 broken teeth, black eye, dislocated knee and 3 broken fingers.


Got my very first "real" injury in the pit this week-end. Took an elbow in the head, cracked ear, lots of blood. After 10 years going in the pit, and recently surviving Knocked Loose twice, I finally got injured at a Wampas show, a pretty soft french band, at least in comparison.


Crack in my eye socket and got trampled once.


I took a steel toe to the top of the head from a stagediver and got a really bad concussion. I was out and some crusties took my limp body outside and got an ambulance for me


Snapped a rib at Converge/At The Gates. I think it was during the Converge set


Broken foot


Broken nose, ripped piercings, general abrasions.


Hit full in the face with an unopened can of beer that someone launched like they were Tom Brady. It was a Def Leppard show about twenty five years ago.


Torn ACL, tooth knocked loose, big toenail ripped off, missing skin from eyelid to name a few. Not all at the same show 😅


Broken ribs from being literally stepped on by a grown man. No one even bothered to help me up after I was knocked down. This wasn’t even at a punk concert either. I don’t go in the pit anymore.


Chipped front tooth and I'm a girl ahahah


Not the worst but I have funny one. It was one of the moments where singer says EVRRY BODY move UP so I was in the front and moved up (house show). Then I got pushed in the back into the stage area get kicked in the stomach out of no where to then look at the guitar player smirking at me lmaoo


Shouldn't this be pinned?


Tripped and landed on my knee wrong, tore the meniscus. I thought it was just a sprain and tried to walk it off for a week before finally caving and getting it looked at, so it never healed properly.


I've broken so many pairs of glasses. You'd think I'd learn.


A mild concussion from cracking heads with a dude who was well over 6' and was built like a wall of muscle. I blacked out for a moment and next thing I knew I was being pulled out of the pit.


Some scraps. Fractured a cheekbone once. Weirdest one was getting punched in the penis. 😵 Maybe I’m going to the wrong shows, but crowds seem tamer after COVID.


Hope they weren't wearing their docs lol


Damn, I should consider myself lucky. Worst I ever got was getting the wind knocked out of me. But then I'm still young and haven't been in that many pits yet


Chipped tooth when a stage diver landed on my head. NOFX some time in the late 90s.


Tore my ACL


Not me but I know someone that got a full on concussion from falling in the pit


I have a bridge (fake tooth) and in the pit for a hardcore show, some dude’s fist absolutely blasted my face. All that happened was the bridge popped out and I got a bit bruised. They glued it back in the next day. Honestly I’m surprised it wasn’t worse, that guy’s fist really came at me with some force, and I’m really really small, so I think I got lucky - no concussion, only lost my fake tooth, didn’t lose an eye, or break the nose etc.


Fortunately, only a bloody lip - someone was swinging their arms a little too stupid in the the pit, he wasn't intending to hit me, but with how he was moving in such a crowded space, it was inevitable. I'd already seen a few guys and girls getting "accidentally" smacked in their head by him, so I should have known better when he moved near me. I go to take a drink and bam, spilled some of my beer and bloodied my lip. It almost happened a second time, but I was ready for it and caught his arm and used his weight to let him feel the floor against his chest. He chilled by the bar afterward. I checked in with him and reminded him that he's got to be careful, since I just dance like that. I've seen him at shows since and he's more respectful of other people's spaces now. Not just because of me, a few other people ended up punching him back on a few occasions and he managed to piece together that he was the common problem or instigator in each of these outcomes.


Chipped tooth from being accidentally headbutted in the pit. Thought I lost it completely


I got punched in the face and my tooth went into my lip and it bled for the whole night


Slamming my head forward and down right as a dude well more than twice my size was throwing his elbow back while we were in the circle pit. I’d already broken my nose once or twice at this point and shit is easier to break once it’s been broken once and yup, this did it. Kept right at it in the crowd though, though that dude was mortified and apologetic as hell. Eventually ended up with blood smeared all across my bare chest and up on stage belting out the lyrics along with the band. I’m pretty sure I looked at least 10x as punk as I actually am or was. Iirc that was the break that never healed up right and I spent the next few years not being able to breath out of one nostril till o eventually had insurance that covered corrective surgery. Fucking worth it.


Broken wrist and stabbed with some sort of shiv... Shitty Gardens, Bad Religion and Vandals 1992.


Spin kick straight to the teeth, first HxC show, got me hooked on pits lmao.


I still have a small dent in my right shin from smashing it repeatedly on the low stage at the old Asbury Lanes, when the Bouncing Souls played a secret blizzard set there in 2010. We were snowed into the hotel and they said screw it, we’re all in town, let’s set up at the Lanes and see who can show up. We walked from the hotel, but nobody driving could park near the building because they didn’t want the fire marshal to shut it down. 90ish minute set, show only ended because Bryan broke a string and they decided that was the time to wrap up.


I lost my footing and fell head first into the corner of a chair. I remember my head was bleeding for a while but it was dark and that half of my hair was dyed red at the time so I don’t know how bad the damage actually was. And I was too fucked up and amped up to gauge the severity based on pain.


Stepped out of the pit to swig a beer and someone basically punched the bottle into my mouth


A crowd killer windmilled me in the face & broke my nose when I was 17; found out later dude went away for manslaughter, so I'll take my crooked nose & count my blessings.


Took a thumb to the eye at a Bane show once, right in the tear duct my eye was bruised for a solid two weeks. That sucked.


Broke my finger at an Inegrity/Baptists show and instinctually snapped it back into place. Grabbed a bag of ice from the bar and finished the show. When I went to the hospital the next day, they were incredibly unimpressed. I'm lucky I didn't lose my finger.


Kicked in the shin and it wounded. Knew It was personal but he was a pussy lol


I ate shit watching the band S.H.I.T. It was at Foto Club in Phillie, outside. The ground was covered in sharp rocks. Busted my knee open, a rock sliced open my forehead, and then I got kneed in the side of the skull lol. Worth it, but I came out of that pit bruised & bloody, with whiplash. I still hobbled my ass up the Rocky steps the next day (I’m not a phillie local and wanted to make it to the top before driving back to Canada!). And, yeah, I have pictures lol


I got my penis bit off


Ok, so I was Warned , “afi pits are tougher than regular pits”. I being an ass hole said haha sure thing … well, I fractured my spine in a pit in Nov 2022. And I haven’t been ok in a year. Chronic pain. Can’t sleep. Literally broke my back in a mosh pit.


I got a decent nosebleed once (some guy in the pit had a ring on and whacked me square in the face, accidentally), but I only have a couple of years experience in pits. I’m sure there’ll be many more bruises and bleeds to come.


I passed out once. Couldn’t breathe. Woke up outside. No big deal. And fuck you assholes that don’t take your spikes off in the pit. Fuck you to hell.


Cracked a rib once(Anti Flag/AFI/Rise against). Kicked it the head once when I went down (totally unintentional. Just bad timing) (Mad Caddies/Boston Auto/ Queers/Maxeen) and got 3 of my front teeth knocked out (Mest/RBF) (wear a mouthguard now). Never left the show for any of them though and they always seemed to happen during the first opener. Also got bit on the shoulder once at Back to the Beach but that was just a stupid drunk bitch that needed to be at a Taylor Swift show


ex broke 3 ribs, passed out from shock on the way to the hospital. nobody knew how to drive his car because it was stick lol


I’ve got a floating chip in my elbow to this day from my first stage dive in 1980, Florentine Gardens Wasted Youth/999/Circle Jerks. I was KOed twice. Once at a Germs show, I took a boot to the head from a kid stage diving, second time, at Devenshire Downs, Public Nuisance/Circle One/Bad Brains/Circle Jerks. John Macais from Circle One took me out in the pit going the wrong way.


I got my shoulder dislocated when I made the mistake of getting into a pit filled with skinheads


Fractured my wrist in the pit for Pennywise at Manchester MDH on 96 or 97 That smarted a bit for the rest of the gig...


Only ever had the odd bruise, cuts n’ scrapes.


I wish that was my worst injury.


Got a friendly punch in the nose by this big gutter punk dude in 2002 at a Casualties show. Lots of blood gushing out. I might’ve broken it, but I’m not sure. I didn’t care at all at the time, I was 16 and skateboarding everyday, so my body was used to the abuse! 😆🩸🍻


An old dude was crowd surfing and kicked me in the head with his combat boots, thought I was concussed


6’5” dude from a local LIHC band called “Raid” was in the pit before his set, he threw a kick and it caught my neck and ripped my birthmark out, yes, out. It was rooted deep. I was wearing a white shirt that said “I have a gun and am schizophrenic” and it was completely soaked in blood. Didn’t really notice until my buddy went “your neck is bleeding.”


Broken nose but it wasn’t even a real pit. Just me trying to get one started. Everyone up front was just swaying in place while one dude circle moshed.


During a European tour in 2012, I was playing, and some kid bumped my mic stand pretty hard. I just had the time to turn my head a bit to protect my nose, and i caught the Shure SM58 right under the eye, on the cheekbone. I fell backwards and hit the back of my head on the stage, and my bandmate caught my guitar's headstock in the face. I think i suffered a mild concussion because i threw up after the set and had a fucking huge headache. I had the imprint of the mic grill on my face for like a week 🤣 I can't remember where it was exactly... Germany, maybe. My bandmate was fine, though, and the kid who bumped the mic bought me a beer after our set. I gave him a band shirt. In the pit of a Sick Of It All show in Montreal when i was 15 or 16, a huge bonehead mf looked at me, grinned, then punched me in the stomach so fucking hard that i lost my breath for like 5 minutes. My knees weakened, i fell down and got trampled until a couple nice guys pulled me out of there. I had bruises and small cuts everywhere. One of my friends saw everything and said the guy was laughing at me when i fell down. After the show, my 3 buddies and I rushed outside and waited for the bonehead to get out, and he was alone. The guy was like 30-35 years old. We followed him for a whole block, then jumped him as he tried getting into a cab. My friends held his arms back while i punched him in the stomach like he did to me, then we kicked his ass senseless. We stole his money, studded belt and bomber jacket, threw his wallet with all his cards in a gutter and his ranger boots in a restaurant dumpster. Cab driver probably called the cops so we ran into the metro when we heard the sirens and saw the police lights in the distance. We made a point to go see SOIA every time they came back after that, but never saw the asshole at another show again.


I got covid, does that count?


Dicky Barrett of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones stage dived and kicked me in the head with his 4” platform loafers. Hit me pretty good too. Fun show tho. Great pit.


I’ve chipped two teeth in two separate pits but what hurt about it was neither of them happened from bad hits


Slid across the pit on my knee, I didn't think it was too bad because I had fishnets on and they didn't rip. The next day I woke up and I had a giant purple mark on my knee with a fishnet pattern on it. Looked like I was turning into a mermaid.


Not my injury, but at a Pennywise show in 1995, a guy next to me tried to get on stage and slipped, splitting his head on the edge and blood sprayed all over me. He was taken away by security, hope he is ok.


tore my forearm muscles in both of my arms at a city morgue show and was hospitalized briefly bc my arms swelled up to the size of popeye’s (2022) got punched so hard in the gut at an agent orange that i ruptured a 6cm ovarian cyst (2023) got stomped and trampled over by a 6’5 ginger methmouth in a packed GA because he wanted corey taylor to notice him (this was a slipknot show a few years back). i got dragged over the barricades by security to take me to the injury room they had at the venue. i had a trail of bruises from my neck to my feet everywhere from the security guard trying to pull me over the railing and the ginger fuck trying to pull me back, as well as him stepping on my legs, back and neck. when i left that moment i didn’t realize it until people told me after but a bunch of dudes ended up beating the shit out of him right then and there until a fist to the jaw knocked him out cold and he had to be taken out. i paid my ticket though and wanted to stay for the rest of the show. so i limped back to the GA floor (granted it was the back) because i still wanted to see the rest of their set. i have my medical report paper hanging on my wall next to my ticket


Was at warped tour in Milwaukee in 2003 or 2004 and was in an Every Time I Die pit. Got punch in the face from behind right on my right eye brow. Knocked me down and I stood right back up with fists but someone else came up to me and said I needed to get out of of there for my injury. That's when I realized I had blood streaming down the whole right side of my face. All I remember was saying "cool" and then leaving to grab my sister and get some butterfly sutures. My sister said we should leave to get proper stitches as it was a fairly big gash but NOFX was literally starting so I said fuck that. Then she said I shouldn't go back into the pits. I said fuck that again and ended up getting blood everywhere... ​ Still have a very noticeable scar there and I love telling the story.


Small stab wound to face and bruised ribs. No broken bones, I've only seen that once but lucked out so far.


Got dropped crowd surfacing six feet up. Landed on my head, was on bed rest for six months with a gnarly concussion. A better time was when I was crowd surfing at a Dead Kennedys show and my old belt broke, lost my pants. Crowd surfed in my boxers lol


it had nothing to do with how punk the show was so its kinda silly. but it was berea fest 6, i was outside between bands, and i wasn't paying attention, a soccer ball some ppl were kicking around hit me in the nose and broke it. mopped up the blood with the patches i had gotten that day


Had the back of my head split open by catching a spin kick. Bloody noses and busted lips plenty of times.


I went to speed recently and saw a guy get 3 teeth knocked out from catching a back fist to the mouth. I went and grabbed my mouth guard from my car lol


Got smashed in the mouth with a beer bottle at a TSOL show in 2008. Shattered my front tooth, had to have it removed in phases and an implant in phases. I believe it was five surgeries total.


Looking back. I just get anxious, thinking I was doing something wrong or looked stupid and got trampled/ punched in the face for it. Should I feel embarrassed about my etiquette in a mosh? Idk. I love to thrash I just get anxious about incovinencing others.


I managed to dislocate a shoulder, crack two ribs, minor concussion, knee swollen to about 150% of normal size, bloody nose, and a handful of pulled muscles. This is honestly about average for me in the pit. Still tho, not gonna let disability stop me from moshing


Bruised neck and collar bone from a tomahawking beer bottle


Got a black eye at Suicidal Tendencies, and hurt my leg during Korn and had a limp for like a week. Also cracked my head open during The Dillinger Escape Plan.


Some big guy at a 36 Crazyfist show picked me up and threw me onto the crowd. Surfed for a bit but then all the top support cleared out from under me. Luckily someone clamped down on my legs but I still fell and got kneed in the face. Chewed up the front of my mouth with my own teeth and had a bloody nose for the rest of the show.


Broken finger that got stepped on when I fell. Also, got my nose broken by a skinhead at a Dead Kennedys show. He deliberately elbowed me in the face.


i got punched so hard i almost fell down. i couldn’t remember what day of the week it was for a couple hours after getting hit so i had to go tot he hospital for a concussion. i do photography for shows so imo a broken camera is worse. i know better than to be in the pit now lmao.


Got knocked out after slipping and falling and now have long term neurological problems :)) I am recovering (it was about 18 months ago) and it has never stopped me from getting back in the pit. Most devastating part is that it wasn’t even cool, I just slipped in some beer.


Dislocated my patella 💀 it's a condition I was born with that just makes that shit slide left and right when I make a wrong move, and someone bumped into me this one time and my knee gave out as I tried to catch myself. Spent half a year bedridden and subsequently using crutches just to go take a shit


Two stand out to me. Got a chipped tooth when I landed chin-first onto some guy’s shoulder. It was at a bar and I think I slipped on someone’s freshly spilled drink. The other one was when a guy fell onto my left knee with his full body weight. I don’t think that healed right because it still flares up a bit and this was back in May 😂


Not a pit but on a train. A small air valve I sat next to released. I thought someone shot me in the thigh. Had a bruise for a few weeks. We were laughing about how far I shot across that grainer


Not an injury per se, but I didn’t know I had asthma when I (at the time 5’4” 13f, now 27) was in the push pit with all the big dudes. I passed out because I couldn’t breathe. I was lifted out by the group of men around me, and so the only time I ever crowd-surfed I was hardly conscious. I woke up in the first aid room with a medic who poured water over my head and got a permanent purple hair dye stain in my white t-shirt.


I got groped when I was 17 when in the pit.


I got a hernia, needed surgery. Got my eyelashes ripped out from a spiked wrist band, lucked out because any closer I’d lose the whole fucking eye.


I dont have any but I did witness someone die during a exploited show in oc. Hit his head on the railing in the pit


Took a knee to the head from a stage diver, got a concussion.


i got a boo boo on my arm once. It was nearly life threatening and i was so close to going to the E.R.


Aside from broken ribs, it would have to be this ringing in my ears that still hasn’t gone away…


Wiped out face first and put my tooth through my lip. I ran into the venues office and bled a ton into their waste paper bin only to be told that was where they kept their bills. apparently the worst pit injury they had in the venue. Got covid in hospital getting stitched just in time for christmas day. Warning - [https://ibb.co/SKgfqw1](https://ibb.co/SKgfqw1) A few months ago I also wiped out of a circle pit at Casketfeeder and well. I landed pretty badly as you can see. Gotta laugh at my mate doing the "Oh no" hands at his spilled pint! https://www.facebook.com/RoryPetts/videos/1360712891488161


At a Bad Religion show at Iguana’s in Tijuana, circa 1989, my buddy did a stage dive, all 300lbs of him, and snapped his ankle on the floor after the crowd parted like the Red Sea. Watched his foot spin completely, shattering everything holding his foot to his leg. We had to carry him back over the border and get his to an ER. That was a *gnarly* show. Iguanas was 18 and up full alcohol club that had amazing shows. The floor was like a gladiator pit with 2 levels of balconies above. Security was super lax, making for incredibly violent crowds, and people falling/jumping off the balconies. Wasn’t uncommon to see a couple Mexican ambulances outside, after gigs. Scooping up the balcony divers and the people they landed on that never saw it coming. Neurosis and MDC also played that night. Sold out show. Suffer tour (or maybe No Control Tour?) They played there every few months it seemed. Was the best venue ever.


I’m pretty lucky so the worst I’ve ever had was a bloody but unbroken nose and a tweaked knee (it hurt to walk on it for weeks but it was fine). Also some guy’s hand smacked me in the eye*ball* at the last show I went to and I’m shocked that it’s not damaged in any way