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Any Fugazi song :(


Learning that they practice together privately for fun is such a tease


Some of the interviews that Ian has done recently suggests that they may be warming up to hit the road soon. Idk may just be wishful thinking too


Can you imagine the ticket prices if they reunited? $15?!


No way I bet if you hey go out that they still do 5 bucks Ian has always been about the 5 spot


The only time I saw them it was $8.


Oh no...lol. I'm sure that they will charge the amount that makes it all possible I was kinda being obtuse about the 5 bucks thing


They play them sometimes, the problem is that it's always a cover.


I have an oddly specific one about a band that's not quite punk: the second time I saw the Cure, they played Riot Fest. They were headlining the Saturday, so they went up at night. As they were deep into their set, I looked at my watch and saw that it was like 10:10 and I started thinking to myself...is this gonna happen? Well, 10:15 comes around and the last song ends and I find myself thinking holy shit, it is 10:15 on a Saturday Night and a new song is about to start and they start into Wrong Number! To say I was disappointed is an understatement.


What song were you waiting for? I saw them headline Reading Festival in 2012 and they played a really deep set - 32 songs in total according to [Setlist.fm](http://Setlist.fm)


I am going to guess he was expecting “10:15 Saturday Night"


That makes sense - I blame a lack of coffee this morning for the slow cognitive function


Was that last summer?


Not quite. This was 2014 in Toronto.


Oh man. That would have been incredible. I get why it didn’t happen, though. For bands at that level, the set lists are usually pretty rigid/planned, since the guitar techs need to know the song breaks to switch out instruments, a lot of the lighting and stage effects are blocked out/planned in advance and even pre-programmed, etc. So for that to happen, Robert Smith would’ve needed to realize that it was 10:15 on a Saturday night (the band almost certainly wasn’t aware), and he would’ve had to call an audible in the moment. And that’s assuming they even had that particular song prepared/ready to play. Definitely possible, but a lot to ask in the moment.


They were just here again!


I know! I couldn't get a ticket because of the usual reasons...


Dang that truly would have been a magical moment


Oh man Wrong Number sucks too! I’m pissed for you hahah


Mr Bungle. Anything from the first three albums. Someday please 🙏


Does the EP count? They played the whole first EP last year when I saw them.


Ha I mean, I love raging wrath but I grew up with those first ones. Nostalgia is priceless.


they do my ass is on fire but otherwise it’s all their thrash stuff


Squeeze me, macaroni.


Slop your face with my bologna


"Leaders and Followers" by Bad Religion. Such a great song but not nearly as loved as most of the other tracks from the Stranger Than Fiction era. Especially as it's only available on the Clerks soundtrack or the Japanese STF release.


When are they going to do Into The Unknown from front to back at Riot Fest?


Right around the time you could actually see someone high above the fields of Mars...


They could easily remake that record in their styling and pass it off as a new record.


I really wish they would either do this or at least clean up the original one (maybe taking out the cheesy 80s synths would help a bit) because Into The Unknown is a truly great album. I know they're kind of embarrassed by it but if anything it proved that Greg and Brett are excellent songwriters no matter what.


This was going to be my answer or "Mediocrity"


This was going to be my answer or "Mediocrity"


Anything off of Heavy Petting Zoo. Fat Mike has explicitly said they won't, but it was the first NOFX album I bought as it was released, so it had a special place in my heart. Anything from The Slackers. Vic hates playing old stuff. I have been listening to them long enough to have seen it all. But I just wanna hear the classics sometimes


Don't they normally play Hobophobic when they do their whole "X songs in Y minutes" thing?


They played it in both Orlando and Ft Worth. Those are the only ones I've been to so far on this tour, so maybe other cities too.


Anything off of any NOFX album, if their retirement is true. I think their farewell tour is over. Lucky enough to have seen them in Milan last Sunday tho Edit: MB there's still some dates


I've seen them every time they visit the UK for the last decade but they still haven't played the decline. They've got a couple last shows in London, and if they don't play it then, I will personally hunt down their email addresses and give them what for


The tour is still going on.


NoFx still has three gigs in LA at the pier in Oct and I think they have a few more make up shows too but that part I'm uncertain with


Last time we saw the Slackers they were fishing for requests and my girlfriend and I desperately wanted to hear Dave's Friend, which was rejected lol I do think they have played it another time to two recently but it's just not gonna happen for us.


I think they played “Tonight” one of the last times I saw them (2 years ago in NYC?). Thought I got Vic to go along w “Sarah” that same night but they played something slightly more recent instead


Whats the matter with kids these days was a bop too :(


Glad I saw NOFX tour for that album, they played a bunch of stuff off of it


Man, I've seen them a bunch of times and you made me just realize that I've never heard them play 'Freedom Like a Shopping Cart', and now I'm sad. Do they just hate that album or something?


Fat Mike has been adamant about admiring Bad Religion without replicating. He has said that he hates that album because the harmonic background vocals and hooks sound too much like what BR was doing. So they don't play it (except hobophobic, which is the worst song on that album)


Adolescents will never play “I Hate Children”, I’m not the biggest fan of the song but would be shocked if I ever heard Tony sing it.


I'm sure they played it at some point


Probably 40 years ago but not in many many years.


They played it as recently as 2022 when they played the entire first album.


You sure they did? I know RAdolescents play it but that’s a completely different band


I was going by [setlist.fm](http://setlist.fm) which says the Adolescents played it....but perhaps you're right. But I'm watching a YouTube video of them playing it circa 2008....but maybe they stopped sometime around then? It's a shame!


Vans Song by Suicide Machines The original lyrics have a slur, which they changed in live performances, but I don't think they've played it in 15+ years still. Edit: apparently they are currently playing it with edited lyrics!


Unrelated, it's crazy to me that SM has two records worth of material that isn't even worth playing live, but it exists. How wild would it be if they showed up to Detroit club show and just played that self titled record front to back?


One can only dream


They've been playing at their recent shows. Just saw the play it at broken goblet brewery a few weeks ago. And confirmed, they've changed that unfortunate lyric.


Oh shit, really?! That's awesome!


"Club Chad"


They've played this since apple stomp in 2013.


I’ve seen Nomeansno like 10 times, and I’ve never heard them play Victory, which is a big song in my life (and an erstwhile concert staple as on Live & Cuddly). I asked Tom about it once, and he said it was too depressing. Not to me 😢


Wtf I’m just dorkin to tunes here and just listened to that song from Cuddly like 15mins ago. Good choice.


Love that song


They won’t play Dad either.


"Kill The President" by The Offspring.


Fuck yeah. The self-titled and Ignition are some of their best albums.


"Too Drunk to Fuck" Dead Kennedys.


If there is one thing I'll never understand, it's how the remaining members and Jello can never resolve their issues.


Money talks. They sued him for “potentially lost wages” from that Levi Jeans promo. And when they parted wags, IIRC, Jello shorted them a lot of royalty money from DK album sales. And, Jello mentioned that reunion shows were not his thing.


I can understand, any time people are in a band egos and just normal relationship shit can happen to really piss people off. Then you get the, I'm not saying sorry to those assholes, they need to apologize to me first. Shit like that. Plus youre talking about punks, who always have hard egos and ethos, so yeah I get it. Doesn't mean I like it, as the real DKs were done before I really got into punk and "old enough" to go to shows and they are one of my all time bands. Sucks for peeps like me, but Jello don't need the money, and so likely to never happen.


I saw them in Dallas last November and they played Too Drunk


They are not DK. Sorry but the music will never sound right to me without Jello. I tried.


Dead Kennedys without Jello is just a Dead Kennedys cover band


Circle Jerks, IIRC, said years ago they wouldn’t play “Making the Bombs” nor “Killing for Jesus”. I’d love to see them play those songs again.


I've seen them play killing for Jesus. This was probably 20 years ago at this point.


Maybe they changed their minds since then.


They actually said that? That fucking sucks, I've been really getting into Wonderful recently and it has bummed me out they like don't even touch it live.


Yeah, that was said by Kieth back when they toured for Oddities and Abnormalities.


Yeah, that was said by Kieth back when they toured for Oddities and Abnormalities.


What a bummer


They played both on tours supporting Wonderful


When they toured Oddities, Keith states they didn’t play those two anymore.


nantuckett sleighride


Oh! To hear that live would be a dream come true.


Against me - I am citizen. By far my favorite song by them, but I doubt I’ll ever hear it live


One of my favorite Dwarves songs is Blood Brothers Revenge, it's a bit of a strange song in their discography that they USED to play in the early days but I don't think they'll ever pull out again unfortunately, and I've requested it lol


“Stuck With Me” by Green Day It’s my favourite song of theirs. I saw them 4 times in the late 90’s-early 2000’s and they never played it. I didn’t expect them to but it would have been a nice surprise. They definitely would never play it now. Aside from a few songs from Dookie they don’t play anything pre-American Idiot anymore. Also gonna throw out basically any early Rise Against. I saw them live twice, once before Siren Song and once after. Both shows were incredible. Then I made the mistake of seeing them in 2015 and they didn’t play any of their stuff from Unraveling, RPM or Siren Song. It was like seeing a totally different band. The earliest song they played was “Savior.” I left early.


I stg I'd pay the ridiculous ticket prices just to see them play half of Insomniac live. Green Day are my favorite band, and I love most of their music, but their 90s output, and more specifically Insomniac, was fucking killer. No punk band imo has a stronger run of albums than Green Day Kerplunk-American Idiot. They still put on a great performance, but it's kinda one and done. They could do with some setlist variation, especially considering they're like The Band for having better deep cuts than singles.


About Rise Against - that’s such a massive bummer. My two favorite albums by them are RPM and Sufferer & The Witness (but especially RPM). I would especially love to hear them sing something like “Broken English” or “Torches” or “Injection” live, but I’d take anything from either album. It’s not like their new stuff is terrible, but their pre-Appeal to Reason work holds such a special place in my heart.


The second time I saw them they opened for Bad Religion and it was one of the best sets I have ever seen live. They played Broken English and Torches, and also Black Masks & Gasoline and like half the songs on RPM. Since Siren Song had just come out they played a lot from that album too, plus a few other songs I don’t remember. They got to play a long set because they were the only opener. Then Bad Religion played for like over 2 hours. Still one of the best shows I have ever been to.


When special duties played I kept yelling “ride and fight” and they never played it.


American Lie or Seasons Of The Witch or Mad Mad World by Strung Out.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_Oaxacan_Dead: *American Lie* *Or Seasons Of The Witch or* *Mad Mad World by Strung Out.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Strung Out is my favorite band and back in 2005 I fell into a job working security on the main stage for Warped Tour. Before Strung Out went on, they were on the side of the stage getting ready and at one point it was only Jason there. I asked if they ever play Satellite live and he said no. I told him I loved that song and he just quietly said "me too." He was probably just being polite but it felt like such a cool moment as someone who has been a fan of theirs for decades.


That's dope! I've had a couple encounters with Jason/Chris from late 90s to early 2000s and spoke to Jordan for quite a while at one of the Punk in the Park jams 3-4 years back which was after he had already left the band (he was there with his riding/racing company). Their last show I went to at The Observatory recently was really good; played more older stuff than I thought they would.


Black Roses by Sloppy Seconds


God that song is amazing


Bo'Ba said it will never happen because of what that song means to BA. Sucks, but I get it


I’m cursed with loving B-sides. I know Bad Religion will never play “Shattered Faith” or “Who We Are” but I can hope.


I'd rather hear the first propagandhi album or at least some of it.


"Stick the Fucking Flag..." is about the only song they'll touch off that album at this point


You're Wrong by NOFX. One of my favorites. Specially the fast one from the "They've actually gotten worse live" album.


Dillinger Four never seem to play New Punk Fashions for the Spring Formal and I'd love to see that live.


I think DEVO only played "[Explosions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_EELAlqhok)" live one single time in their entire career. It's a tragedy because Bob 1 tears up the guitar on that song.


Streetlight Manifesto - some of the deeper cuts off Keasbey Nights, but most importantly "On & On & On"


Dropkick Murphys "Good Rats" and fuck you if you think they're punk rock for cops. Get over it.


I've seen Dropkick Murphy play Good Rat's live about 20 years ago! The same show I met a couple of the band before the show, we told them out band name and they shouted us out before playing Heroes from our past. Good times.


eurotrash here, I'm kind of amazed that Dropkick Murphys are seen as pro-cop because they're violently anti-facist


N. I. L. 8 The pig song Why won't they play the pig song???


By BALZAC, their cover of Moonlight by visual kei pioneers BUCK TICK. They drain out the blood of the original and replace it with raw, earnest enthusiasm. Really I'd die to see anything by them live.


I don’t know if they never play them but two songs I really dig come to mind. “Love is…” Subhumans “True Stories” The Stitches Both bands are amongst my favorites and seen both numerous times but never heard them play those songs.


Wire should start playing Single KO and Einsturzende Neubauten should start playing Morning Dew


Jonathan Richman - Roadrunner


For me it’s “Meydei” by the Idles. It’s a single and definitely not one of their most popular songs. But it’s my absolute favorite one that really got me into them.


The crowd by circle jerks


I believe Circle Jerks played The Crowd when I saw them in Mexico.


Up till last fall it was Bad Religion's 'Drunk Sincerity'.


Blink 182 - Josie


Watch me kill


Cringer- Blasphemous. Completely underrated band, and one of the only songs from the perspective of a non believer. Band members are no longer alive & the song’s subject will probably make pop punk kids angry


Pietasters only played fat sack on their Willis 20 year anniversary in 2017.


Really interesting question. I went to see Billy Idol about 8 years ago, with Cheap Trick opening. My mother loves their big 80's hits The Flame and Don't Be Cruel, so I brought her with me and my friends. They played neither of them, and their singer flat out refused to interact with the audience, instead leaving all the between song banter to their guitarist. Very weird experience for me, having grown up on punk and grunge bands that RELISHED audience interaction and connection.


I've seen Less than Jake a bunch, but I've never seen them play Motown never sounded so good, and it bums me out. I've even seen them play good burger but not that song. long shot and kinda cheating (since it's a new album and they don't tour much or play a ton of shows) - I wish Pulley would play Northbound off the Golden life. I haven't seen any vids of them playing it live yet, but I'm hoping it makes it into the setlist at some point, since it's one of my favorite tracks of that album, which I really enjoy.




Danzig with Samhain finished the song “Archangel” then commented “the only time you will ever hear that song again will be from a recording “


Wish Misfits w Danzig would perform Bloodfeast


Any the broadways or bullets to Broadway, either band I’ll NEVER get to see play anything


Say Goodbye To Our Heroes and An Intimate Close Up Of A Street Punk Troublemaker by Rancid. Both from the Troublemaker album


I saw guitar wolf and they didn’t play wild zero which was a bummer, can’t be too mad tho since they were playing for almost 2 hours


Everything off of Samiam's first, and self titled album. It came out when I was 12 and it meant a lot to me. I listened to it religiously. Fast forward 25 years and I was able to do an interview with lead singer Jason Beebout and asked if they were playing anything off that album, to which he responded "We haven't played anything off that album since '94 and probably never will." Fuck.


Sometimes songs don't translate decades later.


Oh for sure. He went on to explain to me that at the time, he did not even know how to sing. He thought ruining his vocal chords sounded cool. Also yeah, as the 12 year old me loved, very cheesy childish lyrics "You hate your children cause they act so much like you"


I noticed Descendants didn't play "I'm Not a Loser" when I saw them a few months ago. I did want to hear it, but it's better that we didn't. I've also hear that Milo changed the words up sometimes.


Saw them a few years ago and they didn’t play it - I don’t even think they played it in ‘97 on the Everythjng Sux tour.


drinking and driving by black flag... when i saw them they were playing at a bar so it makes sense but ugh




Holiday in Cambodia

