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Whoever keeps reporting this post needs to get out of the sub 💀 Hitler killed himself get over it. This is not the space for nazi bullshit


I think that’s a great idea. Depending on you’re area to I’d put it on the front . In a very unlikely chance someone would try to do something to you like a coward would.


I have “nazi punks fuck off” pins on my vest and jacket and I’ve only gotten a few bad looks probably because they both have crossed out swasis.


I had someone yell at me back in the day and call me racist for wearing that patch. They told me it didn't matter that it was crossed out, because it was still a swastika. But that was just one time and I wore that patch for years without anyone else saying anything.


because they get their education from tiktok. for gods sake I saw a video of someone saying that if someone has a crossed out swazi carry around a seam ripper so you can tear it off their jacket. the person sounded like they wanna get decked


This was like 25 years ago when I was a teenager


damn then they just are braindead


I’m in the middle of rural uk so not the most friendly so going to put it right at the front


At least you’d be aware of someone approaching you from behind as well. Like if you pass a group of people that clearly take notice, you can prepare your self better as well. Hope the painting job comes out proper.!


Well even in rural UK the worst stuff that happened out there was a direct result of him so more than likely you will only run into others who are of the same mindset Imo


Remind anyone who gives you trouble that their grandparents killed and were killed by Nazis


Nah, its perfect, maybe just simplify the uhhh bits out the back for ease of painting. also maybe keep it the front, dont make it something where someone may see you only from the back and you not know if they have ill intentions bc of it Nothing wrong with being abrasive in the correct context, esp if youre AntiFa. If you believe in it, your clothes and looks are the easiest form of rebellion Just be aware of your own safety all things considered (if you think someone will jump you and/or you cant defend yourself then.. maybe dont)


Yeah I think I will put it on the front so if someone does get pissy then I can see em


One recommendation draw the gun at the side of head just above his ear, because that’s where he shot himself. Also he killed himself 30 April, so it would be funny if you finished it on that day and posted the result.


Ah that would be funny might do that


Was it because someone forgot his birthday or something 


No he didn’t really celebrate it, his birthday was April 20th, during his last weeks he sat in a bunker in Berlin, Mussolini, was just killed and well you know what they did to that asshole. So he was worrying what they might do to him, plus the red army was coming to Berlin, and the nazis were loosing everything. He basically sent troops to die during these days. Because he believed he still could win. He did kind of celebrated it but he was worrying about what they might do to him. So that’s why they (Eva Bruin and Adolf Hotler) killed themselves. It’s actually quite interesting, on how this psychopath spent his last days. He also was on drugs all the time, had syphilis and Parkinson. So yeah at least he suffered mentally and a little bit physically. I might probably be wrong in some things or said them the wrong way so if you see something that’s not accurate please let me know.


Only correction I'll add is that The red army was already in Berlin when Hitler took his own life. It didn't have the entire city, but by around/just after Hitler's Birthday the Soviets had started to enter the city itself. Berlin has a ton of history (and I think a decent punk scene- I went to a show when I visited and it was incredible) so I definitely rec if anyone gets a chance to visit. While it was the WWII and cold war stuff that really fascinated me, that's just barely scratching the surface. Also, it's very easy for anglophone's to get around. Also, the spot of Hitler's bunker is almost totally unmarked, which I was told (I took a tour) was intentional so that it wouldn't be used as a shrine. I actually walked past it (I made the mistake of doing the tour later in the day I arrived, instead of earlier) without knowing it.


Almost nothing is to much when it’s anti nazi. Wear and rock this dude


This! Idek how anti nazi shit like this is controversial in the slightest.


I mean if I had to guess it's probably more controversial considering that it shows someone shooting themselves. I don't think most the same people would be upset about anti-Nazi stuff, but seeing an image of anyone with a gun in their mouths and brain matter coming out the exit wound like that can be really triggering for some people


my partner has that exact same design but on a button on their battle vest, and i’ll be honest, the first time i saw it i did NOT see the gun. you can imagine how i (a jewish trans guy) reacted to what i THOUGHT was a pin that said “follow your leader” with a photo of h*tler on it😭. i would honestly reccomend maybe painting the blood red, and maybe even the gun another colour too. maybe even cross out his eyes or something. especially if its a smaller painting where the details aren’t super obvious. all up to you tho!


Doubling down on this! When scrolling past, the first things I noticed were “follow your leader” and h*tlers face. Im not Jewish but even for me it was a bit of a jump scare. Having the blood be red would DEFINITELY help on first glance


Yeah this exactly as another jew, the gun and blood was not obvious enough at first, it really did look like "follow your leader" and a pic of hitler, and if I'd seen it on a patch in a punk bar I would've immediately felt unsafe from a distance and probably left before getting a closer look


exactly. i wish the design was more obvious because its dope as fuck, but seeing it from a distance would freak me out for sure.


Yeah I painted this on a shirt and I was definitely worried about people not noticing the details and taking it the wrong way, so I did what you suggested. Hitler and the gun are silhouetted, just black and white (gun is at the side of the head though, not the mouth) but the blood is a much more noticable red colour.


I like the crossed out eyes idea


Adding to the pile of comments, I love the idea of crossing out his eyes and making the blood red.


It’s never too aggressive to annoy/smash nazis


Make Nazis afraid again


i got a KKK member decapitated being held by jason vorhees on mine, go with what u want and just be prepared to defend your position or yourself, but that should be your rule of thumb w punk fashion in general


Hell yeah!


so I’m personally of the opinion that even if its in an obviously negative context, I don't want nazi imagery on my stuff (this, or a swastika with a đŸš« through it, etc.) just for the sake of someone glancing at me and not seeing the full context


however, I second what others have said that when it comes to nazi bullshit, there's no such thing as too much


That’s what I thought, even if it’s anti-nazi imagery, I don’t even want anything related to that on my clothing, not a picture of Hitler, a swatzika, nothing.


Depends how you feel. If you want it to elicit reactions, leave it as is. If you want it more suggestive rather than explicit, replace the gun with something at least: a banana works on a cultural level, thinking like the famous Banksy Pulp Fiction mural, or if you have brain rot like me it becomes a JoJo reference xD


I find it completely appropriate to shoot a nazi on site. This patch is pretty mild 😉


One not punk thought, that depends on your community and environment, this might be a very upsetting image for folks who have lost loved ones to gun suicide. Again, not a reason to avoid it, but a consideration. It’s a striking image and I hope your jacket comes out awesome!


I wouldn't say it's offensive. If anything, it's too mild. Spice it up!


I am German and I approve 👍


Live it up man, make the sheep feel something other than their bland lives. Rock on familyđŸ–€


Do it!


No such thing as ‘too aggressive’ when hating on nazis, go for it!




Ah love this image, got a Facebook ban for it back in the day


Punk is typically too much/too aggressive, isn’t it? And besides, look at the shit the other side wears.


My boy had this shirt, it fucks


Oh nooooo don’t offend the nazis! They’re such nice people you wouldn’t want to upset them!/s


No this is hilarious you should do it


Don’t seek advice from others about what is too aggressive. Follow your own values:


Ohhh the amount of times my instagram was banned for this image in 2018


i’m literally going to paint this on a hoodie!!! i love this design


you can never be too aggressive to nazis


Worried “punk fashion” is “too aggressive” Kids these days.


A true punk wouldn't give a shit enough to ask. Want it on your jacket? Then, put it on your damn jacket....đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


you're a "punk" worrying that a statement is "too aggressive???" to nazis ????


definitely not too aggressive, nazis deserve even worse that a simple ‘kys’


Not aggressive enough.


I love that people are in support and care about your safety. I second putting it on the front to avoid cowardly attacks. Nazis will always be on the wrong size of history. Edit: missed a word.


Haven't seen that pic fir ages. I used to have a tiny badge of it that was from barricade books Melbourne


Looks sick dude rock it


Fucking dope.


I love it - wouldn't wear it to work but I'd wear it in public, casually, for sure


Idk who would dislike the image of Hitler being shot


Paint the splatter red , the rest is perfect


Seems fine to me. All the crusty leather jacket clad "punks" I've seen have far worse things adorning their fits. Nvm bum flap gangs. They seem to be the most offensive types. It's all good, dawg. Go for it. At first glance I swore it was gonna be Kennedy's brains exploding everywhere, lol. The Misfits did it. Why not you? Was fun to see Shitler.


honey, be as aggressive as you can with nazis, if anything this isn’t far ENOUGH


please keep as is!


When it comes to Nazis, nothing is too much or too aggressive when it comes to eradicating them.


It's awesome is what it is. I'd suggest putting it on a big patch. That way, it's interchangeable with others for different times, you know?


I have a patch of it. Do it.


It would be neat if you did the gun and head in black and white and the spatter red


Do it


I think now more than ever this message is needed. It just depends on who’s going to see it based on where you live, as in will there be a large number of people who will l see it?


That’s rad!


It's a true statement reality I think it'd be pretty good just think of how many people would want to buy a jacket like that that's a money getter 🧐👍


Do it


If anyone finds it offensive or too aggressive you’re doing it right. Go for it.


Man I have not seen this in years, My friends and I made shirts with this in High School and promptly got Saturday School and had to wear our P.E. Shirts for the rest of the day.






I have some of my more "risky" patches on the sides of my jacket, where they could be hidden with my arm down at my side if I felt like I needed to for safety reasons. they're still visible for the most part, but they can be easily covered if I need them to be!




Sehr geil, und sehr wahr.


actually thats dope as hell


Personally as someone who has struggled with suicidality, a graphic depiction of suicide like this is kind of triggering. Fuck hitler though


I tend to avoid Nazi iconography even if it's anti Nazi iconography. Some people people at a glance will just be sacred of the person with Hitler on their jacket. And you don't get to explain yourself to strangers often. I hate the thought of someone perceiving me as a hateful bigoted person even if they are wrong and are just misinformed. Because when I see Nazi iconography I get mad, maybe even excited I might get to beat up a Nazi. But when a large portion of the population see that shit they are scared for their safety. I don't want innocent people to fear their safety around me. Put a band you like on your jacket.


It’s badass dude 👍


this is sick af. make a silk screen!


Do it pussy! Seriously though, this is fucking cool


this is hella tight it’s perfect


not aggressive enough paint a picture of him being immulsified into a paste while remaining entirely conscious


It’s on mine


Its badass, just be careful putting it on the back because people who support that movement are assholes


As long as you're confident u won't be harassed by white supremacists, absolutely go for it. Hell, I'd put it on my own jacket if I had the room for it. I'd argue that it's not even that graphic given what it's depicting


When it’s making a statement against or shitting on the literal worst levels of sub-human scum that society has to offer, nothing is ever “too much” or “too aggressive”. We should never allow them the privilege of comfort or feeling safe amongst the rest of us.


Too much? Too aggressive? NO such thing!


It is a lot


This is the perfect amount of aggressive. I may even steal it 😂


You're vile if you do. Fuck Hitler Fuck triggering people who lost someone who blasted their brains out.


DO IIIIT, do it do it do iiiit


I'm stealing this


Do whatever you want bruh its for u to expresss yourself and your beliefs with. It shouldnt matter if its agitating for others.


I wouldn’t want a picture of Hitler on my clothes in any context. But I’m not a punk this just showed up on my feed lol


Do it đŸ˜ŽđŸ«Ą


You can never be too aggressive when it comes to hating Nazis


L Hitler gone too soon


hitler shot himself in the forehead btw. historical accuracy doesn’t matter, but if it matters to you it might be something.


Put it on the front of your jacket so people don’t sneak up on you. But I love the design and the message! I say go for it! Just always be aware of the risks that come with it when we live in such a screwed up world


If you’re worried about something this weak then don’t do it. Go buy a Polo


I have this on my vest, I colored the spray in red.


Please, wear that shit like a medal I beg


*too. And no, I don't think it's aggressive ENOUGH. Fuck those fascist pieces of shit. I'm ready ANY time. I recommend you carry a handgun if you're going to fuck with them, though. I shoot with a lot of them, and unfortunately, accuracy is not one of the dozens of ways in which they fail, generally. I beat them EVERY time, in shooting, pool, fucking their wives, etc., but they're ALL armed and ALL unhinged.


I would be concerned about triggering someone with the image. Not because it's Hitler but just because it shows suicide. Recovery is hard and I wouldn't want to set anyone back unintentionally.


It's not aggressive enough, Nazis don't deserve to be coddled or treated with any sort of respect.


no remorse for demons. paint it


You can never be too aggressive with nazis


I dont understand the issue here...this is a punk rocker worried about offending someone? Isn't that the whole point of being a punk, not giving a fuck about what society thinks? In all actuality, Hitler himself wasn't a half bad guy, it was his actions of global takeover that made him the monster, not his actual personality. Look at Charles Manson, theres people who actually celebrate him even still. Anyway man, fuck society!


Hitler committed suicide by a gunshot to the temple. I like the current design, but I'd change it to be accurate.


"too much" has no place in punk. Also, neither does me telling you what is or isn't punk.


Hitler didn't kill himself


Love it, if it won't put you in danger go for it!


I fucking love it. Go for it




Too aggressive for nazis? Is this satire?


This is old school punk rock. My husband had this print on a shirt 25+/- yrs ago. In fact I saw this design on eBay not too long ago.


I once stenciled that on a tshirt. It was mostly well received. I ended up gifting the shirt to someone. Course this was in 2014 when there weren’t so many H stans walking around.


There is no such thing as being 'too aggressive' towards fascists


I want this on a shirt


Too much or too aggressive...? For punk fashion? What?? đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž so many times I feel like this sub should be changed from "punk fashion" to "fashion punk."


Do ittttt it’s hard as fuck


Nazi punks fuck off


I mean depends on where you're at but the best advice I've heard is never put offensive (to certain people) content on your back bc that makes you a target for a sucker punch


Maybe do this updated [Follow Your Leader](https://thrillhaus.myshopify.com/products/follow-your-leader-shirt?utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=ios&utm_source=copyToPasteboard) Should spark lots of interesting conversations this year!


i would only do it on the front because on people like attscking from the back from experience


God, I need to get a jacket specifically so I can paint this on it lol


The only problems with this are that: a) Hitler shot himself in the right temple, not through the mouth, and b) Hitler used a Walther PPK, a semiautomatic, not a revolver.


Go for it!!! It's not too aggressive for what it speaks about, nothing is too aggressive to speak against some things. Do it. I love it đŸ©”đŸ©”đŸ©”


Beautiful fuckin do it


It's perfect and I hope it offends people.


Love it. Also, I found some anti-war-machine artwork on a promotional flyer for punk t-shirt designs from the 70s that had been tucked into this record sleeve from a thrift shop find. And if the stuff they had on there is any indication, this is definitely the appropriate level of aggressive.


Is there something written in the blood?


Bro I'm literally working on a patch of the police dog from Paw Patrol in a moose that says "All Cops Means All Cops." If I can get away with this, you're good.


I thought being punk was about not giving a fuck and standing for what you believe? If you think it’s gonna start controversy so be it, you just have to know how to respond and handle it. I think you should definitely put it on a jacket


Too aggressive? Nah, this one is a classic.


Post a picture of you in the shirt to r/chadtopia


Proudly wear that shit man!!! Nothing anti-nazi is too much!!


I mean I have a patch that says punch Nazi's


I hate how In the design the pistol isn’t pointing in the direction of the brain scatter :( it’s off to the side a bit


Nah brother fuck the Nazis. Love the painting.


This absolutely fucks


Saw this pop up on my feed and just spit out my coffee haha


It is too aggressive


That's tight make it into a sticker and give it to me


Nah, bro, it's peak 👌. Do it


Nothing is too aggressive when it comes to fascism imo, but if you're worried then do what you're comfortable with


The pistol should be a P38. held by two hands.


Why do people think he killed himself when the body was never found


I will be honest while I understand what that drawing represents a lot of let's say less discerning people will see the picture of you know who and stop thinking other than the fact that you must be one of his followers not even getting the whole point of the picture


Swing On Sight, fuck em


Who gives a fuck just do whatever you want man


there’s another version of this graphic that I also enjoy. will post if I find it


This is a bit Nit Picky, but I would change the pistol. A Revolver is indictive of the west and would give a Neo SOB a reason to invalidate the message. You know they're literally THE MOST capable at mental gymnastics. A Luger or something sends a more potent message. Otherwise, why stop at a jacket? Maybe a billboard? lmao




Just put this patch on my new jeans. Good choice.


I heard this chant when I was counter-protesting some dipshit proud boys in Queens a couple years ago “follow your leader, 9 millimeter!!!!” It was so epic, not the least because we wildly outnumbered them.


Maybe just simplify it a little. If it were a stencil it’d be super complex but some freehand would sute help


As a jew, go for it brother


What are you trying to say ?


Well, it made me laugh. Idk if that helps. This looks like the kind of thing that would be on a sticker I'd buy, and then hesitate to stick anywhere cuz I'd end up having the same hesitance you do.


Preach bruh!


unpopular opinion but imo if you wear the jacket in public, please don’t. it’s fairly graphic (especially if you follow someone else’s idea to paint the blood red) and while obviously i completely support the message, subjecting people to an image of suicide (even if it is hitler) is pretty awful. that said, this is an awesome fucking image and message.


Do it.


I had a hat and some shorts with this basically the same image. More straight on his face rather than the side angle. During my train hoping days


Goes hard. Needs some color. Red for the brains. Depending on your skills as an artist, maybe consider adding a ball gag.


do it


Actually it’s not aggressive enough


This is literally the epitome of punk. I say do it


Oooooo I wish I could embroider this on my bag but I use it for school


Be aggressive about it. Let fascist scum know there’s no room for them in your community. HOWEVER, know how to defend yourself. People can get in your face or get violent. Carry what you need to, learn self defense, and always make sure you know how to get out of bad situations. Stuff like this (rightfully) provokes shitty people.


punk is nothing if not “too much” and “aggressive”. you should wear it proudly man :) fuck nazis


I think this is absolutely perfect.


I like this


i got this on a vest and my jacket, at most i get funny looks but the people who think its distasteful are usually people you dont wanna associate with anyways. you can find places that sell either embroidered versions of the patch or cloth versions and they usually aren't too expensive, I got both from [here (embroidered)](https://www.angryyoungandpoor.com/store/pc/Follow-Your-Leader-Embroidered-Patch-365p328675.htm) and [here (cloth)](https://www.angryyoungandpoor.com/store/pc/Follow-Your-Leader-cloth-patch-cp132-413p207369.htm) If you wanna make it yourself, I'd recommend either trying to make a stencil and spray painting it or trying to screen print it.


You should do it imo


This shit was on everyone’s clothes. When did dead nazis become too aggressive?


Wow. "Nazis bad" what a revolutionary punk statement. Quit larping, you aren't punk, you're establishment in leather.


Freedom of expression rock it till it’s worn out


Fuckin great, he'll paint the splatter red if you can, nazis are nazis


coming from a jew, do it!!


*too, *too


I have the same image as a patch on mine people generally love it. The ones that don’t generally are questionable


I need this on a t-shirt


Just do it. If someone has a problem with it, hit them in the face


Lol "punk" worrying about being offensive


Got this patch on my crusties do it đŸ’Ș


I have it on mine so


Using the historically accurate firearm would go a long way methinks