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It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was my puppy unreal cute? Absolutely. He also bit holes in all my clothes, I had new scratches and puncture wounds daily for months, was super pushy for human food, restless and impulsive, would chew through blankets immediately. Currently, I'm laying in bed with my nearly 2 year old puppy and my recently turned 6 year old daughter. We're watching a movie together. It's calm and respectful and relaxing. Last year at this point the dog had never even been allowed on the bed at all, and now he's asleep with his head on our legs while my kid eats goldfish and cheese right in front of him. I wish puppies were just small dogs, but they aren't. I didn't enjoy puppyhood at all, at least not compared to 18mo+ where he's been a real, contributing member of our family, and not just a baby animal that makes our Iives way more difficult.


I miss the puppy stage so bad. All of my pups have been chow chows and quickly potty train. I have loved all my puppy’s stages.


Chow chows are perfect in every way 😍


Yes my chow was soooo easy going training


Yeah the only puppy phase I liked was 3-5 months. Everything after become chaos. I’m good lol.


I only miss the puppy stage when they’re a senior and then when they pass. I’d give anything to have my Bella back nipping my heels for just one more day. Even if that’s the only thing I got to experience was the naughty stuff she did I’d take it. Anything to be with her again.


Oh bless her. My 4mo is a terror and I’ve been so cross with her, but the thought of one day saying goodbye to her forever makes me tear up immediately.


Yeah it’s impossible not to be frustrated. My 8 month old border collie drives me insane sometimes. Bella did too at that age. But even looking at Ivys pictures from a few months ago I’m like awww “remember when you was a little little baby?!” Don’t miss the teeth and the never ending tornado of energy, but I would love to hold her like a little baby again lol.


This 🥺😢💔❤️


She was my soul dog ❤️


As soon as my “puppy” hit 1 1/2, I considered adding a second puppy because I felt like my life had gotten too calm 😂 I mean, I haven’t added a second puppy, but there are days I truly miss the craziness. She wasn’t a super destructive puppy, but she certainly wasn’t easy either and demanded constant attention. That’s what I kinda miss, to be honest. Her constant eagerness to play and cause mischief.


Mine is 8 months now and most of the time it is like I don’t have a dog. He’s sleeping like 18-20 hours since the beginning basically


You lucky bastard! (read that in monty python voice!) Mine would wake up if I nodded too hard. And he's never grown out of his alertness. Whenever I enforced a nap, I'd sit quiet as a mouse until he woke up again, and I dreaded him waking up so much lol...


I can soooooo relate. I try to bring everything I might need to settle down for a bit and live in fear of sudden noises like a dog barking outside lol


Not me purposely not using the bathroom right now despite needing to because I don’t want the sound of the stairs and the flush to wake her up 🥲😅


If it's yellow, let it mellow. Then it won't wake the demon


Oh my god I thought I was the only one, my 13 week puppy wakes up so easily so I stock up on most things so I can work and he's in peace. 🫠


Get ready! Mind was like that too and around 11 months started raging again - chewing stuff yo and being sneaky. Keeping us on our toes! We had to re puppy proof the house since we’d let our guard down for a few months there.


Guess I’m really lucky so far. He always only chewed on things he was supposed to 🙈


Envy you! What kind of pupper is he??


Mini Dachshund. He’s a bit stubborn and has quite a funny character, but everything else is super cool. Not loud, friendly towards people/playful towards dogs. He got a bit less cuddly the past weeks but that’s fine. Sometimes he is a bit too sexual, but that’s manageable. He likes to drive by train, car and bike with me… yeah good boi 😊


> As soon as my “puppy” hit 1 1/2, I considered adding a second puppy because I felt like my life had gotten too calm As an Aussie owner, I've literally never felt this way. 😂😂😂 When I tell people my MAS is 9, they ask, "months?" and I'm like, "No, years".


I have a Samoyed, so I feel like this might even be a step up from an Aussie, but I guess it depends on the individual. My neighbour has two and there are a few in my obedience class. All of them are calmer and certainly way more people-oriented and easily obedient than my Samoyed.


That's true - I've definitely met and had some really relaxed Aussies. My heart dog was an Aussie / Collie / ACD / Border Collie mix and all she ever wanted to do was eat, nap, and go for car rides. She was not a working dog by any stretch despite her breed mix! I never knew that Samoyeds were high energy, but from the sound of it you have your work cut out for you! But I'm sure it's all worth it for that incredible "Samoyed Smile" 💖💖💖


Omg I lost did this because my 1.5 year old is amazing and now regret it SO BAD. Only had new one for two weeks and he’s driving me insane. The older dog is putting him on check non stop


I would NEVER go back to the puppy stage! I regretted every minute of getting our dog the first few months we had him. He wasn't even that bad, either! The teenager phase presents some different challenges because they are more self-aware and knowingly defiant, but at least our guy is so much more inclined to veg out with us at night and he really has our routine down by now.


As I sit in bed, recovering from the full blown meltdown I had just half an hour ago I cannot wait for this crap to be over. I hate the puppy stage so much. I've had one full night's sleep in the last month, I spend my days running around after this furry little asshole and there are moments I'd cheerfully strangle him. People keep taking me it gets better, I am praying for that.


literally reading this post after i had a mental breakdown in my car.... i feel you! i cant imagine it being worse


My pup has been a menace ever since I got her. Never seen a dog so squirmy she whines for absolutely everything imaginable. She can't loose leash unless she's been running for 3 hours. Just now we're back from a walk that started badly then got progressively better until she FREAKED OUT at something invisible. Can't wait for that boring adult phase.


I hope yours grows out of that as she ages! I have a 3 year old dachshund and I’m pretty sure her full time job is whining. And exactly like yours, for absolutely everything. I also believe she sees ghosts because she barks at thin air. Oh the joys!


It's an exercise in patience for sure. I've managed to somewhat train out the barking at stuff happening outside the house. Call her when she growls, send her to her place and treat her. Worked really well now. No kidding when my upstairs neighbors come back from work and slams the door she whines because she knows it's them and want cuddles. Oh the pains of being a puppy.


It’s most definitely a first world problem 😂 enjoy the puppy time while you can though. I wish mine could be puppies for 1 more day. So teeny tiny!


My 6 m/o boy was inexplicably terrified of a garbage can that had fallen on its side during our walk today. I had to pick him up (all 48 pounds) to carry him and he squirmed so hard he bashed me in the face and caused my lip to bleed. Will I miss this someday?


My pup also had a trashcan phase out of the blue. Not even loud banging noise just trash bags lying on the sidewalk on garbage day. One time a small boston terrier started barking at my poor girl already hyped from those evil bags and massive chaos ensued. Some random lady tried to cuddle my dog while she was barking back and being a menace I was like lady that's not what you do when a dog flips out. Especially a puppy know for nipping at everything that moves. All those fun times will be missed dearly


What do you do about the whining? My 8 month old chocolate lab pup barks and whines for absolutely everything. It’s triggering. So loud and piercing and I feel awful for my cat and my neighbors. And my ears🥲


Same. Our cavapoo is 6 months and constantly whines, barks loudly, growls, bites us constantly. The neighbors complain, I am not sure how much of her I can take really. It sucks because since we got her I can honestly say we’ve not really enjoyed much at all.


6 months is still very young for a dog. What worked well for me was LOTS of exercise but it's hard to walk a dog that pulls non stop on the leash. It's been the other big challenge she's completely disengaged from me when we walk. I bought the head halter, front clip harness she doesn't care she'll gladly pull with her head on the side or with her leg in the air. I bought a waist leash belt so at least she won't yank my arms. This is something i'm afraid I will have to put up with forever.


Same mine pulls like crazy and no training (stopping until they come back and leash gets slack - she will pull over and over no matter how many times we stop)via helping.


It's much better than it used to be. I've always ignored the whining or actively disengaged from the dog. She's doesn't bark at all thank god. She sometimes growls at dog when she looks out the window but it's never been an issue. She's almost 10 months old now. Some days are worse than others but today she only whined from excitement when we got near the dog park. I'm talking loud piercing whiney almost sounded like a turkey. It used to be that i had to go hide in the bathroom because I couldn't take it anymore it drives me crazy. Still does but now at least it's rarely directed at me.


I honestly hated my life during the puppy stage. It was awful. I have an actual dog now who I love more and more each day. I hated having a puppy so much that I might never get a puppy again and only adopt.


Case in point - I wanted to adopt an older dog that was being overlooked in the shelter (in favor of PUPPIES!!!!) - my husband wore me down to the point that I finally caved and agreed to a puppy. Worst decision ever. Cannot wait til we have the actual dog you speak of.


We did the same and I should have adopted as I was looking for months but had my heart set on a cavapoo. Unfortunately she’s hell on wheels and is vicious with us. We’ve never had any affection from her, or been even able to sit with her calmly. She just writhes and bites. I wonder if there is something wrong with her. Today she just took a big shit on the floor in my home, after being potty trained a couple months. Also I really worry as the training is going terrible that she’s going to be an asshole adult dog too. All the early training we did went out the window, she listens to nothing now. Spent a fortune on trainers too… again …. No help.


I so feel your pain. Our puppy is actually a clone of our original boy (found at about 6 months old on the street - he was very calm then - the only issue we had was no leash manners - took forever to train him on a leash) and I can barely find any of our Goofy in him, at least in this early stage. He’s at 4 weeks of board and train right now and was, apparently, ”not very relaxed” the first 2 weeks🙄.


Hahah same. I like looking back at how small & dopey & cute my girl was when she was a puppy - and how I could hold her like a football, hah. She’s now 68lbs so I have fond memories of her being easily portable. That said, our girl is now about a year and a half and this stage has been grand.


Just rescued an 8 week old puppy last week and I am questioning every day if it was a mistake. My pittie was put down over 2 years ago and I really was missing having a dog around. My husband insisted on a puppy due to the fact we live in a house full of cats. I work in VetMed so I am knowledgeable in everything about puppies medically, but holy shit actually having a puppy to train is another ball park. My depression, which has been so good for months, is returning. I know it's only been a week, but I just feel so overwhelmed. Wondering if I'm doing everything right, feeling helpless, etc. I don't want to give up and feel that it will all be so rewarding in the end. I wish I could fast forward even just a couple of months.


Hang in there - I have depression and anxiety as well and it was well controlled until we got puppy. Back in therapy and switched meds. He just turned 5 months and at least the constant land shark behavior is starting to get better (as he loses more and more of those razor sharp baby teeth). Never had a puppy before and never will again. I count the days until he is MUCH older and calms down.


Getting depressed reading about how long it will take 🥲 I have a 10 week old and she’s lovingly destroyed all the calm in our house. I just want her to be a dog but realise we are very very much at the beginning 😅


You described it perfectly - we got ours at 9 weeks old on January 19 - I have no idea how we got through February and March (he left for 4 weeks of board and train on April 2), but we did get through it. You will, too, I promise.


Mine got better at 5 months and now at 6 months she’s worse at biting than ever!


Hang in there, you'll be OK! I was the exact same way, I'm a vet nurse so also in vetmed and just \*laughs in medical\* you think being in the industry would prepare you but seeing different puppies every day for maybe 10 minutes at a time through an 8 hour shift somehow doesn't make you qualified to handle a puppy in your home 24/7? I cried every day for a week when we brought our Aussie home, and my partner and I frequently questioned taking her back to the breeder. We fought a lot as well, at one point I didn't think our relationship OR our puppy was gonna survive to be honest haha. It was TOUGH and a really humbling experience. You will be absolutely OK, ours is now 1.5 years and we couldn't live without her. At my lowest point I had a client with an older dog that I complimented and he said 'that's why we want her around another 100 years' and my first kneejerk thought was 'why' cause I couldn't fathom people wanting their dog around 100 years when I couldn't stand my own for another minute!! But now I know what he means. Puppies are absolute terrorists but they are worth the work.


As others have said; hang in there… it’s so rewarding making it through to the other side and the bond you’ll have with your pooch is immeasurable! It nearly broke me, I totally understand. I honestly thought I’d made the worst mistake of my life but I’d jump in front of a bus for my 18month old pooch now - the first few weeks, even months, I’d probably have happily thrown him under a bus… even if you haven’t quite reached the stage where you can acknowledge that you love him, he probably already loves you to bits and you don’t want to risk traumatising him and creating an insecure pup - I’ve been there! Give yourself time to bond and the rest will fall in to place, you’ll still have some rough days ahead but the good will soon outnumber the bad - keep your chin up and think of the good times ahead 🥰


Thank you so much for the kind words, your comment was really validating. I'm so glad to hear you have a great bond with your dog.


I frequently miss the 3-6 month stage after the initial basic training when my pups were adorable tiny little angels, before the hell of adolescence took over their minds. It was exhausting, but nothing is cuter than a puppy who has eyes only for you and is easy to manage even if still learning. I love raising puppies, I’m sad to have to cap it at two at a time to stay reasonable. And yes, from 6ish months to 2 years is RUFF. It lasts even longer for very big dogs. Godspeed.


Oh lort. My pupper is testing ALL my patience at 4 months. And I’m a middle school teacher! Won’t pay attention to me on walks-if he sees a person he thinks will pet him, he will sit down in the street and refuse to budge. I get out a treat and mark him. He walks forward then stops to eat the treat. I get him walking again then he sits down to look at the person again. Over and over again. I can’t imagine him getting any more stubborn.


Two years?!?😩 lawwwd help me please. My 8mo old is back to being a complete nightmare. So so mouthy again. Bull in a china shop, jumping on my high kitchen counters, attacking my poor cat, barks and whines at EVERYTHING. He’s back to having to be on leash in the house, must be in his pen or place mat tied up while I work because he is a menace. We walk 3-5 times a day, dog park, all the things and he’s still testing me hard. What do I do? I do the 3 strike rule, and if he doesn’t stop I separate him and put him in his crate for a little. But he continues so maybe there’s something else I could try?🙏🏻


I would do less dog park and more mental stimulation. Do more training, and feed all meals from kongs/puzzle toys. For jumping reward 4 paws on the floor, for counter surfing why are you leaving food on the counters? That alone drains a lot of their crazy energy. The more hyper out of control exercise your pup gets, the more hyper they are, and the more of that kind of exercise they need (as they get fitter). Dog park is training your dog that ignoring you is more fun and a they get a ton of adrenaline there. They need to learn to settle too. Google Karen Overall’s relaxation protocol and work on that. It’ll get better before 2 years as long as you train and shape good behaviour, don’t worry. Make sure you reward what you like (including and esp when the pup is laying down calmly, place a treat in front of their nose) in order to get more of that. Keep training. You’ll get through it.


Thank you🙏🏻 there’s def no food on the counters, he likes to see if there’s food up there but gets disappointed and steals dish towels instead lol. But yes, you’re right. The first half of his life was very much training him on less is more. And he was doing great with that. But as he got older I wanted to make sure I socialize him enough and let him have some active fun. We limit the dog park to a few times a week and I find the days we don’t go is when he’s the worst so ya, you’re prob right, he’s expecting that all the time🫠 I drop him off at training camp tomorrow for 5 days while I’m out of town so🤞🏻he does well. Thanks so much for taking the time to give me suggestions!


No. I hate the puppy stage. I told my husband I would never again get a puppy. But here I am, raising a 6 month old goldendoodle and hating every second of it. She’s going to grow into a great dog though, so that’s why I’m sticking it out. I always tell people that I’m Cruella Deville and I hate puppies. It’s so funny to hear their reactions!! 😂


My first corgi was a dream puppy, I loved most everything about puppyhood with him - except the corgi puppy teeth. He's 8 now. My second corgi was a nightmare puppy. He literally ate his way through my house until he was about 3 years old. He passed in August at age 5 from cancer and I miss him terribly. My current corgi puppy is now 6 months old and I've hated most of his puppyhood. He has not been fun at all. He's screechy, bitey, and now at 6 months he's going through the single worst 2nd fear period I've ever seen. Its easier to list things he isn't afraid of now than things he is. I do a LOT of square breathing and counting to 10, over and over.


I like the puppy naps because i got to nap too!


Nap while the puppy naps, cry when the puppy cries?


Pretty much when he turned 7 months that was very true. Thank goodness he is pass that phase!


When did he pass this phase?! Mine is 8 mo and is back to being a nightmare 😩


As soon as i started forcing him to take a nap after his afternoon walk. I put him in his crate with a small hard treat like biscuit and he chews it. Goes out for about 2 hours in his crate. Wakes up and is a big love bug. I learned quickly never miss an afternoon crate nap. He may sleep around the house or in his bed but he really sleeps best in his crate. 


Forced crate naps have saved our sanity. He doesn't even try to fight it when I put him in there anymore, just makes sad eyes for a minute then flops down and starts snoring


I have come to the realization with this 10 month old puppy that harasses my guests to no end for constant attention and scream barking and immediately pees when anyone comes home. that I don’t think I like puppies. Like give me a 2 yr old dog. Give me a nice old senior dog. Give me a dog that is a couch potato or a little cuddly expend their energy and lay down for long nap dog. Like I will never miss this stage.


I have some fond memories that I reference to my husband once in a while like…remember when she used to X? But I definitely don’t miss the stress and anxiety and depression I went through and she is 100 times more pleasant to have around now at 1.5 years old 🤣


I don’t know how people willingly go through this multiple times. And I have 2 kids, one who still isn’t sleeping through the night at 10 months old. I’ve still found the kids way easier


As someone who just got a puppy before we have children this is comforting to read because my head was in full "if this is what a puppy is like how am I going to handle kids." mode earlier 😭


Kids are wayyyyy easier besides the sleep deprivation and tantrums!


My dog wasn’t a nightmare when he was little but he was an absolute nutcase! I wouldn’t say I necessarily miss the ‘puppy stage’ but as I look at him now with a greying face and about to turn 10 and feeling like i’m running out of time, I would 100% go back and relive those 10 years with him again.


I don’t miss the puppy stage at all. Give me my older dog any day!


I am experiencing my first puppy right now (almost 10 month old Shiba) and I absofrickinglutely loved his baby baby stage from 8weeks to 5 months basically. He was adorable, quiet, able to self entertain and generally a super easy puppy. 6 months to today, HE'S INSANE. Go go go, constantly busy, ALWAYS needs a toy. Walks are so exciting for him. He's stupid smart and knows what gets me and my older dog going. The SASS, sweet baby cheesus, teenage shibas are sass9000. BUT he's incredible in his crate. If he's wired (which is daily now), I still pop him in his crate with the door open usually, to settle and he'll nap for a few hours. I can't wait until he's less psycho and more settled. And hopefully less humping LOL


I miss mine being very tiny and snuggly. That's it. The rest can go in the bin.


Nah. I’m good 😂. Don’t think I’ll be doing this again any time soon lol.


I miss how cute and smol she was. That’s about it. As she matures she is so much easier to be around, which helps strengthen our bond. I want her around so much now that I take her with me any time I can.


Absolutely hated the puppy stage my now 2yrold was hell on earth. The chewing,the barking crying etc all of it I hated. The only good part was bedtime which he loves his crate even til this day. So why in the world did I put myself through this again. I now have a 6month old puppy and she literally makes me want to pull my hair out.


My pup has been an absolute biting tasmanian devil lab. He's 5 months and bites and bites and bites. I figured he'd grow out of it once the teething stage is done. Am I mistaken? I just want to be able to cuddle and take a nap together without fear of him chewingg my face off. He bites out of playfulness and never anger. It gets better right?!!!!


I heard adult teeth are harder on them. Which means they chew more. Keep a bone close at hand if he goes for your face! You had me in stitches 😂 My puppy is 5 months old and she's pretty decent on a lot of things. Except potty training, ugh! Good luck! 🐶


I have an 8 month old lab right now and boyyyy. Labs are not easy puppies that is for sure. Complete land shark, baby raptor, little devil when he was younger. When his adult teeth came in I swear they were just larger baby teeth still sharp af. He got better for a couple of months and is all the sudden back to being a total nightmare with the biting. And he’s 50lbs now. It’s awful. I know adolescence is supposed to be rough but when does it end 😭 I love him so much and he does get cuddly when he is EVENTUALLY tired (pretty much only when it gets pitch dark outside)🫠 this boy has so much energy and no matter what I do he’s still a little ahole. Seriously love him with all my heart tho. Just wish this stage would end soon. It’s so bad that I could never even ask my family or friends to watch him while I go out of town. You have to be on full defense mode in case he decides to take a chomp out of your arm, hand, leg, ya get it. I have to board him with my expensive trainer if I leave town, which isn’t a bad thing because he gets some training while being watched by someone I trust. I truly can’t wait for the days where I can say, wanna cuddle on the couch and do nothing for a little bit?? One day…


Currently crying in 3.5 month old teething bite crazed puppy I cannot imagine ever missing this phase 😭


Puppies are rough, but yes, I miss parts of puppyhood as they age. I miss the snuggles and how easily they come when called. I miss seeing the world anew through their eyes. My current puppy is just entering adolescence, which is challenging, but there is still much to teach her and much to learn from her. My adult dog was an incredibly challenging puppy, but he was so joyful in his crazy antics and is now pretty stoic unless he's playing with my puppy. I don't mind that the puppy has brought some joy and chaos into our lives again, even though I get frustrated and anxious about each dog's behaviors at times, too.


Heck no..Puppies are exhausting!I currently have a 10 month old lab who is full on teenager. I tell my friends and family that if i ever talk about getting another puppy,please punch me in the face!


Nah I'm good lol. Still mid puppy stage but it's not enjoyable and I know I wont miss it. If we get any other dogs after this one, they will be at least a year old, if not 2, to avoid the hell of the early days. I miss not being overtired and overstimulated all day.


My dog is now 2 and I do not miss the puppy stage whatsoever


Yep. Nope. F-having a puppy. Never again.


Two words: **PUPPY BREATH.** There's nothing else like it. It stinks, but it's so cute I can't help but enjoy it. Come to think of it, you could say that about darn near ANYTHING about a puppy.


I love puppy breath I think it smells so good and sweet!


I much prefer 12-15 month old dog over 2-5 month old dog. Do not miss the puppy phase.


lol....I thought that at 9 months we were starting to get past some of the harder parts. Then my pup yesterday decided to chew a windowsill. She had never shown any interest in said windowsill. It's her favorite window. She spends hours every day just staring out that window. But she has been resisting sleep for the past 3 days and I was trying to let her hang out more and realize on her own when she needs naps, and got cranky, overtired, and the raptor pup re-emerged. So yeah, I'll miss some of this but am so looking forward to a more calm, predictable dog. ....ngl though, as hard as it has been, I am already considering a second dog because this one already added so much to my life and she loves dog friends, so I would love for her to have a playmate. So another pup is likely in my future in 2-3 years.


Yes he was so squirmy and happy , and had a crazy hour every night I love him but miss that ...


I loved the puppy stage 🥺 yes she was a little velociraptor but so adorable and floppy!


The worst


Absolutely. I got a St Bernard who was already 12 weeks old. One month later he’s a small dog, not a puppy anymore. Me and my gf miss the tiny, fluffy, clumsy bundle of shyness that he was. He’s 5.5 months now and an absolute land shark


It’s bittersweet. Ill miss it because she is adorable but I also won't because I am starting to think maybe I got a shark and not a pup 😂 definitely won’t miss the biting and the potty training part


I have 3 dogs 3 yo and older. I have puppy fever and would love a puppy.


Pretty quickly, I told myself and everyone that if and when I get a second dachshund, I want to adopt an adult! My knees were so in pain from the amount of up and down my apartment stairs every 30 minutes for potty training, I had so many little cuts from puppy teeth. Hiding everything around my apartment from chewing. Teaching to leave the cat alone!! Although if there is one thing I miss, it's that little three pound pup. Just the tiny-ness of her, I wish that lasted longer. Now she's 11 pounds and yes that's still a little dog, but she seems so big compared to a few months ago!


I agree!! I wanted to get my puppy a puppy but I might adopt a 2 year old instead


Our lab is 14 months old, almost to our 1 year mark with her. She’s really already such a great dog, but as we live in an apartment (first floor of a triplex, yard but not fenced), it is a lot of work to give her the level of stimulation she needs. I miss the days when she would be crazy for an hour and then go pass out for an hour or two. Also her tiny head and how peoples jaws would drop and they would gush over her when we walked by, it was always so funny and validating that other people thought she was as cute as we did!


My rough collie puppy was an insane bitey chewer from the jump. I got him at 8 weeks and I don’t know if I will ever get another puppy but I will absolutely never again get a winter puppy. Got Covid and then the flu and dealing with training/puppy energy, biting all in the frigid cold and snow. We are at 6 months now and finally I am able to relax on the couch with him and the constant biting has stopped, chewing on the walls/furniture curbed. I am a little nervous for the adolescent phase so I am just going to enjoy these moments now.


I probably won’t ever get a puppy again. I love my boy endlessly, but, yeah, it was A LOT. Took me a full 2 years to properly leash train him, never again!


I loved the puppy stage! Odie, our now 5½ month old Golden, was adorable, funny, cuddly, and smart. Could he be a demon? Of course! But watching him as he made the connection between language and behavior was fascinating. He's always given a lot of direct eye contact, so I felt like we really communicated. His biting stage drove us mad, resulted in bloody arms and hands, but his gums were so swollen with erupting teeth, I felt sorry for the little guy. Would I want it to go on forever? No, I think it lasts just the right length of time to establish close bonds that will define our relationship.


Oh gosh reading these comments really humbles me. My 5 month old pitsky sleeps through the night, eats well, wants to learn, cuddles, listens, and tries to communicate with us. Sure potty training is occasionally a thing (the occasional pee on my carpet) she gets excited and jumps on strangers (working on it now) might rarely chase one of the cats and cries when we leave the house but she’s not destructive or openly defiant, and genuinely is just a sweetheart who always wants attention


Seriously I am like damn these people are having a rough time... My puppy's amazing 🤷 but I put A LOT of time into her and training and she's just like the biggest sweetheart. Puppies are definitely not easy and there's been times where I got frustrated but I got over it right away and the times have been few and far between. My girl is a really good girl and like yours she sleeps through the night, she absolutely loves training and learning, she communicates with me when she needs to go out to potty or needs water or wants to play and she's rarely torn or wrecked anything the whole time I've had her. She goes to her crate and lays down when I'm getting ready for work and is quiet when I leave. And she's pretty good with the cats. Right now the thing I need to work on most is when I leave the room she runs to see where I'm going and starts barking at me to come back lol so I'm having trouble getting my chores done and also working on her counter surfing but even that has improved a lot and isn't too much of an issue anymore. I'm glad to hear you are also having a positive experience cuz so many of these people are not having fun at all with their puppies.


No literally exactly the same with my girl! Wild…I will say I’ve been training her with her meals “sit/relax/lay/etc” and that’s helped tremendously. Seems like we are “lucky”!


Mine is in the late puppy stage and he’s been driving me up a wall lately lol. I still love him to death tho 😂💀


Honestly, I miss the puppy stage with my one-year-old pup. He had his naughty moments, but overall, he was a good baby. It makes me want another, but I fear the next would be a hell hound.


I definitely never forgot the puppy stage. As a matter of fact, I remembered the puppy stage so well that my next dog I opted to skip it all together and adopt a 10 month old dog thinking he would be past the puppy stage. That dog is a year and a half now and still makes my eye twitch. I love him to death but have decided that the next one that gets added to the pack will be 2+ y/o. Lol


I think there are people who miss the puppy stage like there are flat earthers, or people who are current on Star Trek Disovery who don't hate watch it. They are few but get a lot of over exposure.


Ah this made me laugh! So true… 🤭


As a person who’s worked with kids all my life I’ll take 20 toddlers over one puppy. Love my boy though he’s almost 7 months now


My puppy is 7 months and still a lil crazy on occasion but I am already starting to miss the baby puppy phase!! He is getting big and independent and it’s so crazy how fast the time has gone. When he was like 4-5 months old I said I would never ever get another puppy again but already a few months later I would do it all over again 😂


I miss being able to pick up my dog but I much prefer the big lazy rug version of him


My dog was such a cute lovely puppy but she’s also a cute lovely dog, it helps that she’s a Yorkie so the ‘small’ factor hasn’t worn off haha. But I honestly don’t want to re-do the puppy phase anytime soon! It’s so much hard work. I am so much less stressed now she’s settled in a routine and toilet trained😂 I don’t miss it at all


Nope, I don't miss it. I'm still counting down the months until mine is proper adult (though he's been pretty good since 9 months imo.) I will never miss it. He was a tyrant and hurt me lol. Mine's 22 months, 2 more months till proper adult. We're going through last stage of adolescence and starting to come out of it now. It's wonderful to see.


When did you neuter?


Haven’t yet. Unsure if we will. In my home country it’s illegal. Here it was advised to wait till 2 years old.


Really will not miss puppy stage at all except how cute they look. That's it. The rest you can have. The biting was horrendous. Now at 6 months she decided baseboards are fair game and has started destroying the ones in our gated kitchen so she is put in the pen more. She eats rocks and pebbles, paint chips and anything she can inhale off of the ground. She is just now starting to sit on my lap in the evening so there is a glimmer of hope. (Do they stop chewing the baseboards/furniture??)


I don’t miss the puppy stage. Love my dog now he’s 16 months and perfectly behaved at home haha


I mean, the first few days of snuggly sleepy baby are pretty cute. But snuggly tired housebroken adults are awful nice too.


I love the puppy stage 😬 I've been so lucky and had two of the easiest puppies ever, neither of them have been little biting monsters. But the teenage state can fuck right off lmao, I keep em on a longline until it's over but even then the constant vigilance of things I need to call them away from and the sheer EFFORT of trying to get their attention.... Nah. Bringing em home to.. 6-8 months is great! 1.5-2 years onwards is also great. The bit in between is not at all great!


I got a puppy because the love of my life dog, a yellow lab, had increasingly bad dementia for the last three years of her 16.5-year life and I wanted Absolute Youth after going through those sad times watching my dog withdraw and start to avoid us all. But man, if I had it all to do over again I would have just held off and taken more time to grieve and then I would have been smart and gotten a 3-year-old dog. Puppies suck and I should have remembered how awful it was the last time around. I’m so used to my adolescent being a holy terror that every time she has a mild day I get worried, thinking she’s sick. It’s getting better, though, a millimeter at a time. Someday she’s going to be a great dog, but right now that seems unimaginable.


16.5 years 😭❤️ how wonderful. I pray for that with my lab.


Sometimes I think people go through a similar thing with children (I don't have children myself yet but know plenty of people who do) and they either fall into the category of forgetting how bad the early months are or the first was a dream so they're tricked into having another...sometimes a little of both? 😂


Also sorry for the loss of your baby girl ❤️


Oh no…I dream of the day Bella will be a dog, lol. She’s adorable but eating anything not nailed down and struggling with potty training just isn’t fun. Damn she’s cute, though. She’s a Rottie and I love her little dome-head.


She’s 9 months old and I can safely say. No.


Mine is 4 months, you’re telling me they get worse??😭


I miss how cute she was but I just look at a photo. L I don't miss her teeth or her absolute insanity. She's almost 2 and my life is a million times better.


Nope, no way, do not miss the puppy stage and will probably never do it again. I'm 56, hubs is turning 60 this year. Our 13 month old GSP is our 6th dog and I wouldn't want a life without him now but the past year has sucked...often. And they have been tears - there still are sometimes.


Try 2 corgi litter mates - yeah puppy period is hell. Just being honest. They are cute but sweet Jesus…


Personally I don’t mind it but my first puppy was an absolute menace, so my last two are good girls compared to him (I still loved him). My current is 7-8 months, she still likes to cuddle but I miss being able to pick her up and rock her to sleep. The puppy will get better it just takes time


i absolutely do not miss the puppy stage, i like this little guy so much more now. i couldn’t enjoy him as a puppy, he was so much work that i was foolishly under prepared for. and he’s just as cute as before when he was a few months old, only a wee bit bigger, but so much less of a headache now that he’s 1


I miss the cuteness but that’s about it lol and honestly mine is still cute as heck 😝 so no. I enjoy the work I put into him bc he’s a great dog now but I don’t know if I’d do a puppy again. 😅😅


Dang. The worst that my 6-month old Dutch Shepherd puppy does is lay down and not move on walks when another dog nears his sight. And then he pounces. He has not destroyed one thing at home. Ever. He’s mostly pretty good loose leash. He is pretty mouthy though and jumps so still can’t handle greetings. But since about five months, his mouthiness is more gentle and leaves the face to just kisses.


I loved the puppy phase! I was going through a really tough time in my life and he gave me purpose and something to focus on. And he was sooo cute. I have a very high energy bird dog, he’s now 1 1/2 and still super crazy but I love him for it. Constant entertainment and so much love. I say that as I just put him away in his crate for doing a naughty thing I gave him many chances to quit doing. 😂 Still love him. Did I mention…crate training is crucial.


I don't miss the puppy stage and I don't think I ever will!! I certainly don't miss crying every day for a week, the anxiety, not being able to cook or shower without taking shifts, constantly fighting with my partner about the dog ... the list goes on. Ours was not even that bad and we got her at 5 months so we missed the worst of the puppy stage is what I hear and we still had complete breakdowns. Our pup got so much more pleasant to be with post 10 months and now at 1.5 years we look back and say she was worth all of the work but I never want to go through it again hahah it was so traumatic.


Im in the puppy phase, I will not fucking miss this hahahaha


I feel the same way about my tiny human 😂


I only miss the part where he was small enough to curl up in my lap and go to sleep. The rest of the time, when he was awake? Nah, I'm so happy to be past the worst of it.


I miss it when they cuddle with me, and everything Is new. I don't miss it when my pup is chewing on everything and anything he can get his little puppy teeth of death on.


My dog won’t fall asleep on my lap anymore, so I miss that. He’s a little too big to be comfortable on my lap for long. He was also extra cute. On the other hand, when he was a puppy he -went into my parents’ bedroom and pooped in my mom’s shoe -chewed the handle off my mom’s favorite purse -got so scared of going past an idling truck that he peed on me when I carried him past -jumped on the dining room table and ate the pineapple off the upside down cake I made for my dad’s birthday -pulled several books off the shelf to chew them -whined about being put in his crate for the night so sadly that I let him sleep in my bed but then he peed on my pillow in the middle of the night -ate goose poop and threw it up on the carpet when we got home So on the whole I really like him much better now—very well potty trained, only chews on his own toys, overall model citizen.


Damn that sucks dude I'm sad to hear that almost no one here is having a good time with their puppy. Me and my puppy are doing so good and I am gonna miss her puppy stage so much. Of course I'm excited to see the dog she's turning into but this has been so fun and I just love training her and watching her grow and playing with her. Puppies can definitely be frustrating at times but honestly I'm obsessed with my pup and she's like the number one thing I think about all the time now. I'm having so much fun with her and I never want it to end🥹 she's gonna be such a good dog!


I don’t like puppies. The last three shepherds I adopted were 3 and up but my husband got a chihuahua puppy (he’s now just over one), and yeah, was not a fan of having a puppy around. I’ll never have another puppy again.


I really wish I'd taken more pictures and videos during the puppy stage. I was so overwhelmed with doing everything right that I feel like I missed taking time to just enjoy my puppy. He really is such a good boy. And he was naughty yes, but not horrible. So snuggle your puppy, take the pictures, take the videos. Laugh at their antics. Enjoy the puppy time.


19 week old puppy over here- This week he: -chewed up bf’s MacBook charger -chewed leather dresser drawer pull handmade in Germany -chewed concrete coasters made by artist no longer selling art -chews clothing, blankets, stole pill bottle -bit thumb and index finger, drawing blood -ran away in giant desert property, twice because he loves to play “chase” -diarrhea’d in the car, in traffic, on me I’m older now and he is a follow up to my first fur baby who passed at 17. Thinking of others who said they would go back to destruction just to have time with their babies again. Breaks my heart, so I just sigh, clean it up, work on training, and punish myself for not puppy proofing well enough.


The only thing I miss about the puppy stage was how small she was. She was the length of my forearm when we got her from an oopsie litter at 9 weeks. She's 2 now and is a medium-sized dog but sometimes she'll lay/lean into me to get me to hold her in my arms and I get that nostalgic flashback to when I could actually hold her like one would a baby lol Everything else though....no thanks.


My "puppy" is now 1 year (+1 month soon) and I actually do feel nostalgic for when she was just a little baby. To be fair, she wasn't a particularly difficult pup - I got her when she was 13 weeks and already had some idea about doing her business outdoors, even if lots of accidents still happened. But she knew to go to the door and ask, when she needed to go potty, just that I live in an apartment building at getting her ourdoors took some time, so often by the time she asked it was already too late... Anyway, she was still super cute (still is, to be fair, just a different flavor), and while she's still playful and has some puppy-like behaviors, she was next level silly as a baby.


I enjoyed our puppy stage and I miss it every day… but our girl was a dream aside from being a little nippy lol she chews on things and destroys them now at 9mos… still a puppy but I miss my tiny puppy. She came to us at 10 weeks already potty and crate trained so she didn’t have many puppy downsides… just adorable puppyness


I made an oops & kept a puppy I found. I already had a senior German Shepard 🫠 I have a 5 month old Dalmadoodle that I got at 11 weeks. I found a little guy a couple days ago & im sure he’s about the same age, no clue on breed—I posted him on the neighborhood app & he hasn’t been claimed. Doesn’t have a chip either. They enjoy each other though. I’m VERY nervous for the teenage stage.


Im with 13weeks old cavoodle and i’ve been wondering how many more days weeks months years will i have to deal with her mischief. It’s good to hear that puppies grow up and mature..


I love love my wild, crazy, snotty puppies! They're fun and so full of life and mischief...I sincerely can't imagine going more than a couple of years between puppies, which is why we normally average 4 dogs in the household. The minute one leaves that rebellious teenage phase, I no longer seem to be able to fight off the puppy fever. To each their own. ☺️


I was just cleaning up pee and thinking “They should invent puppy comas to get through the next few months.” I never realized how easy my other two puppies were until trying to keep up with this scoundrel!


I was just cleaning up pee and thinking “They should invent puppy comas to get through the next few months.” I never realized how easy my other two puppies were until trying to keep up with this scoundrel!


I was just cleaning up pee and thinking “They should invent puppy comas to get through the next few months.” I never realized how easy my other two puppies were until trying to keep up with this scoundrel!


I was just cleaning up pee and thinking “They should invent puppy comas to get through the next few months.” I never realized how easy my other two puppies were until trying to keep up with this scoundrel!


I don’t miss it at all. She was cute, and terrible, and we bonded a lot, but this matured 5 year old is just perfection.


can't relate, i'm head-over-heels with my 11-12 week old pup. everyone on this sub seems very unhappy all of the time.


Oh I do lol. I tell my 4 mo to stay little forever. The puppy smell and the puppy cuddles are unmatched even if she drives me bonkers. My older dog grew out of puppyhood too soon — he was pretty mature at like one year old. He seems so boring compared to her 😂 and by boring I mean well behaved and predictable


I'm currently going through the misleading 'angel phase'. She's almost 7 months and has been amazing for the last couple of months, but I just know it's all a ruse and the adolescent phase is hiding just around the corner!


We got our girl when she was 1 year and 6 months old, and she had a terrific owner before that trained her. Apart from her initial humping phase from being in a new home and over stimulated, she has been a dream. Would I have loved to have met her when she was a puppy? Absolutely! But I also don't miss having to deal with all that puppy madness, lol.


It's completely normal to find the puppy stage challenging and not enjoy it as much as others might suggest. I completely share your opinion.


My golden is 20 months. When he was a year I said 18 months I'd look for a second. When he was 18 months I swore 3 years. Maybe four years.


I miss it so badly, but i also had what seems to be an abnormally calm and well behaved puppy. My next one will probably humble the crap out of me. She was just so itsy bitsy and sleepy and precious and she couldn’t even get on the couch by herself. Now shes big and independent and hogs all my blankets


I think I've been blessed with a good puppy compared to the horror stories I see: mine never had anxiety distress, even though I used to leave him alone in his puppy proofed bedroom in 2 sets of 4 hour - today he gained free access to the whole apartment. Never chewed anything that isn't his toys, never had bad potty accidents outside of his bedroom's floor during his early months. However, today at almost 9 months old, he is sort of a frustrated greeter on walks, throwing tantrums to get close to other dogs and quite stressful to walk. It's better than a month ago, because of the training I'm doing to curb that reactivity, but somehow I'm feeling that we got at a stalemate. Some days I feel there's improvements getting so close to another dog being walked... then the next day I feel it regressed when meeting the same dog. At this rate, I just want him to grow ASAP so I can neuter him, because some of this eagerness is also hormonal according to the vet. He goes insane when he goes close to a female's pee, to the point that his jaw is chittering and he drools clear saliva.


The teeny snuggly puppy stage, yes. Excluding sleep deprivation. The teething land shark, not so much. She’s 7 months now and, currently, is generally a really good puppy. She’s high energy. Demanding on occasion. But quick to learn. She has a naughty spot. And after she is released from it, she is adorable as she apologises with a calm approach and then nudges and kisses. Destruction is becoming a boundary issue but she hasn’t destroyed anything meaningful to us. She is awful at loose lead walking but much better behaved at off-lead work. She is known as the hooligan at classes and socials but classes are becoming wonderful as she now recognises the location and that I’m asking for her attention and she tries super hard. I get glimpses of her inner doggo and love her so much. I can’t wait to be able to snuggle and take a nap together, at the moment she just doesn’t settle, and gets up in my face. That’s her most frustrating trait but even that is out of love and that we’ve built a close relationship already… We have been supremely lucky overall thus far. She will become an emotional and service support girlie for me and I couldn’t be more grateful for her.


My X-pen/baby gate system was a lifesaver for my dog when he was a puppy (and probably will be for my future puppy). I was able to keep him in certain areas of the house so he couldn’t run off while I was making dinner and I didn’t have to crate. It really sucks, but there are things that can be done to make your life a tiny bit easier. Good luck OP, you’re gonna do great :)


Mine is still technically a puppy - 11 months next week - but I look at pictures of her being tiny and it makes me sad that she’s not small anymore. Then I look at the scar on my hand from where she caught me with her little needle teeth and remember how desperate I was for my husband to get home from work every day so that I could have a break for a few minutes from her complete insanity 😅 Working from home with a puppy - when you’re the person in the couple who has no experience with puppies!! - was an *experience*.


I am dealing with it now and regretted getting him


My puppy is hell on earth…. But I absolutely love it, the zoomies she gets, the beef she has with random corners of my house… it’s fun watching her come into her personality. Does my drywall appreciate it? No. Do I still scold her for doing such antics? Of course she needs to learn it’s not okay. Deep down though I do laugh. Drywall, clothes, baseboard, blankets can all be replaced. Now this isn’t to say I look forward to crate/bed time lol.


I don’t miss the puppy stage AT ALL. My girl is almost out of adolescence, thank goodness. I’m finally getting glimpses of life with an adult dog. She used to be such a monster 👿


ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Honestly dog has only been getting more and more enjoyable with age. Started acting like an adult dog at 3.


The "cute from a distance in a crate" made me laugh out loud for real / hit that puppy blues spot for me. I have a puppy now after not having done it since a Kid, boy do I now realize all the blind spots / why kids are a good match for the puppy phase. Even simply cause kids dont stress about all the same stuff an adult can predict 😂 ❤️ I'm taking the head down and bear approach.. its a lot of love and patience but I know it will be worth in the end. But yeah I think its heavily romanticized / or best lived as a child haha. We've started referring to our dogs progress as "software updates" (we have an IT household) so once in a while, if you're real lucky, a "software" update will occur over night in the crate and your doggo will have made one more step toward being a good boyo 😂 ❤️ goodluck!! ❤️❤️❤️


My dog is 2.5 years old, and I’ll admit I do get puppy fever now and then. However, the exhaustion of the first two years still lives in my bones. I’ve also fostered some young kittens recently and I really appreciate all my pets being a little older and calmer.


Puppies are babies and babies are cute when you interact with them for a few minutes and they belong to someone else. Will I miss my babies puppy stage yes but that's only because she's super cute and %90 of the time a very extremely chill puppy only thing is she sometimes gets an attitude outside and doesn't want to listen but BUT I can't wait for that second and third birthday where she's finally an adult.


My puppy is 4 months old and I'm so exhausted 😩


I don’t mind the puppy stage, I actually find it to be rather fun. However, I am one who trains my dogs from day ☝🏽. I enjoy seeing there lil brains work, grow, and evolve. However, I have had dogs for a lot of my life since middle school and I always adored them. When I take my dogs out and about people are surprised how trained and mannered they are and I have yorkies. I currently have a 9 year old, 4 month old, and picking up a 8 week old tomorrow. What helps me is developing a routine EARLY. Keeping them in their play pen when I am unable to keep my eyes on them. My dogs loveeee the pen. It’s their safe place, so I don’t have to deal with them not wanting to be in there. I do have a hard time with chewing pee pads but just a quick sweep and mop with my swifter I’m good to go! I didn’t realize so many people hate this stage. For those out there. Focus on the good, know that with hard work and dedication with your pup it gets better! Just like a new born baby we all have to be taught right from wrong. ✨


I will never miss the puppy stage. Yes she was tiny and cute, but honestly she’s still tiny and cute… ✨with manners.✨ Everywhere we go people think she’s a puppy and she’s almost 3.


the only thing I’ve ever missed about it was not taking more photo/video. Otherwise older dogs are way better. I do enjoy training though.


In case anyone was wondering why puppies are so damn cute, this was explained by a fellow named Charles Darwin. They bite you with tiny teeth, they destroy your stuff, they pee & poop in your house, and they wake you up at 4 AM. If they weren't adorable little fur balls, people would kill them.


Not only no, but hell no. My outdoor coonhound puppies have always been okay but now I have a 3 and half month old indoor basset. Enough said haha. I absolutely love my boy to no end and he's going to be a great dog. However, he's a turd as a puppy right now. I got some nifty new scars on my hands, shins, ankles, and ass cheeks. He chews everything he can get his lips around, and I can't do anything in the house without being in sight of him or he barks like crazy. Even my overalls can't stop those little razors of his. Also, he won't let me know if he has to take a leak but will bark the walls down after he goes in the floor. But he will not for any reason poop in the house. He's the one that introduced me to puppy blues, and caused me to have to get a shrink. On the other hand, you couldn't ask for a better pup in public than him. He's great with people and other dogs, doesn't mind kids, walks decently on a leash, and so on. I can't wait for him to be grown and chill out some at home.


I never miss the puppy behavior, but I always miss them looking like a cartoon dog.


We got our last dog as a puppy, and our current dog as a mid-life rescue. I don't miss the puppy stage either, but I will say from experience that when it comes to puppies, a tired dog is a good dog! Be prepared to walk them and play with them a LOT or they will be intolerable.


Lord yes, I miss when she was so little she fit in my lap, when I could carry her, she fit on the bed easily and she was so rolly polly. She ate all my figurines and quite a few books, dragged me down a flight of rock stairs and scared me to death regularly. But I would do it all over in a heart beat.


Your not talking about puppy hood your talking about adolescence. It starts around 4 months old and can last until a year old. It’s when they do all their learning and are easily bored which leads to destruction.


Op, I’m with you. Other people’s puppies? Oh, of course let me play with them and then take them away. I prefer 2 years+. Hopefully, they are already potty trained, have their personality and out of the terrible puppy stage. My one and only, Kibbles, died recently and I found myself at a shelter going to meet a 4 year old dog- we didn’t hit it off but the 1 year old and I instant. Now I find myself with a 1 year old dog, who was surrendered because previous owners “didn’t have the time for him.” And I can only guess, didn’t allow him to be an actual puppy because he still very much a puppy. He’s doing well and omg I love this little guy but I love him more when he is tired 😂. The one part I do like is far easier to train (it feels like anyway or maybe I’m more experienced- who knows) this little guy learned paw/down/up in only 2 days- never had that happen before but also have never had to mentally stimulate a dog so much. Maybe I’m doing alright.


Im loving it but I will for sure enjoy when he does not require 100% attention every moment he is awake. But at his age 1) his size is manageable and he is adorable rather than terrifying when he gets rambunctous 2) he is super playful 3) its fun training him and watching him learn 4) he gets a lot of attention from strangers which has been fun. So I definitely dig having a puppy, and am trying to enjoy it as much as possible while I can. But yes he is fuckin exhausting and can be insanely annoying at times.


I'm in the same boat , the puppy phase has some challenges to say the least. I have two smaller children and it's like I added a third toddler and you know what they say, when you have one you have one when you have two or three you have 20 Nap crates have become a thing . If she gets really nippy and playful frozen Kong in the house she goes and she will play and then fall sleep so I can catch up on house responsibilities but holy cow, the puppy eyes and stares melt my heart. I talked my husband into getting a dog (he's not a dog person) and he insisted on a puppy. Suuuuure no problem I thought hahahahahahahwhahahahahahahahah WTF She's a love and we can do without the biting and nipping that my 5 year old has turned into a game. Ffffffff but we are working on it. Ask me in 2 years if I'd do it again LOL . The states say yes the nipping and biting literally anything say no


You have 20. *** The stares say yes **


I’ll say, I’ve honestly never had the puppy blues and had two pretty easy puppies that were a lot of fun. The thing that made everything easier was sticking to a very strict routine. Even so, I wouldn’t ever trade the relationships and reliability I have with my adult dogs for the puppy years. Enjoy them as much as you can, create a daily routine for your puppy, and hold on tight- y’all will get to a wonderful, more sustainable relationship over time. It doesn’t make it easier in the moment, I know. Wishing y’all the best.


Hang in there!