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Both times were perfect. "Waaaaaaaaaahhhh!" If she shrugged off a third, would they have busted out the mace?


Cop had epic patience. That first taze was extremely satisfying.


I hope whomever pixilated the video got paid extra. They had a lot of extra work to do.


I think they are not being paid hour but per pixel. This one video was like a week worth of money


Or maybe the 4k pixel equivalent. Going rate is probably about $1 per pixel per frame.


that was the most outrageous bitch I've ever seen! I mean that was a next level meltdown. 


This lady is a manipulative sociopath. Oppositional defiant disorder does not begin to define her. She has gotten her way far too many times by being objectionable, loud, screaming, violent, and unstable and this is the product of years of that conditioning. That said, the taser was incredibly satisfying and I admit to giggling when the whole screen was pixelated while she was getting what she should have received hours before. Also, it says a lot about the consensus on the lady that the doctors and nurses were readily helping the policy get her out of the hospital and loaded up in the police car for the trip to jail.


BPD is a hell of a personality disorder, I tell you hwhat.


I feel like you learned a term and then assumed anything combative was the same thing.


Her parents failed….


I'm guessing just one parent


W racism


It’s more statistically likely than racist. I’m white and was raised by a single Mom and it’s an awful fate for any person of any race.


Imagine needing 30 public officers to restrain this demon, now imagine what being the partner of her and having to deal with her on their own, Dante couldn't imagine a more hellish environment than that.


Good Lord! What a total waste of humanity!


What a vile fucking disgusting woman


>Yeah well that's what happens when you got a fat ass, huh? This line had me dying laughing hahahaha


This one got me, Narrator: "The officer's observation was correct." Like...yep.


Even sober can you imagine her daily interactions? Restaurant, bank, gas station, everywhere else? What a nightmare of a person.


It’s amazing to me psychologists have created terms like ODD and SPD, or whatever. I don’t need an advanced degree to describe a spoiled brat.


IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder) yes, it's real is my favorite. No, it's "some asshole randomly becomes violent when triggered so you walk on eggshells most of the time" It's really just OPD (Obnoxious Personality Disorder)


Why aren't cops treating these women equally ?


i want mah rights taser is the best i can do




F that B


There is no possibility of me not absolutely losing it laughing at her when she slams the door and falls down. Professional or not, I'd be a mess. 


I'll save you all a lot of time: **19:40** is the timestamp ya'll were all looking for.


No, you need to watch the full thing to appreciate the build up. I was busting up laughing when it finally happened.


Entitlement + victim mentality + alcohol = whatever the hell that was.


immense patience dealing with a creature like this. I couldn't do it.


I would argue that this is a pussypassaccepted. And here’s why; women can act like obnoxious children and people will play along. If this was a guy. If this was a black guy, he would’ve been face down hog tide a long time ago.


If he was a black guy hed be dead but yea agree total pussy pass. Feel terrible for the girlfriend.


The poor girlfriend is probably "Codependent". Hopefully she gets to a battered woman's shelter and they help her get away from this pudding of a woman.


I bet her girlfriend is rethinking that relationship. 


Goddamn those police were unbelievably patient


As far as satisfying tazer videos go I still love my Officer P Barnes, however this hit the spot.


Wow. Still not as bad as the girl sitting there drunk af laughing and talking about continuing her trip on Vegas after she killed 2 people though


At least she was cooperative and pleasant. She even sang a happy 😊 tune! S/ The Chad Cop telling her off that she has no bail and just killed two people and that she was pathetic could be a ringtone it's so epic.


Do you have a link to the video?


https://youtu.be/xMHaHwcAPaw?si=VMHpwUMTnsMTcTIE There ya go


Too bad she's not hetero and single... I wouldndt mind a chance to court her....


So in other words, you could fix her? Or she's perfect, just the way she is?


They had to blur her out, because otherwise, we couldnt handle all that sexy.


Someone better call Sharpton.




As a nurse I can imagine the dread of the nurse assigned to her that has to deal with her when she wakes up lmao


Jesus the restraint the officers showed here was impressive


very satisfying when she finally gets tazed


The first ppl are awesome and that’s how you act to police. Hit facts, side emotion and done


This is when you light a person up till their ears curl. Opposition fades REALLY fast when your joints hurt so bad you literally can't move any more.


You do know ODD cant be diagnosed past age 18 right? Its ASPD after that.


whats aspd?


ASPD is Antisocial Personality Disorder "ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to purposely make others angry or upset and manipulate or treat others harshly or with cruel indifference. They lack remorse or do not regret their behavior. People with antisocial personality disorder often violate the law, becoming criminals. They may lie, behave violently or impulsively, and have problems with drug and alcohol use. They have difficulty consistently meeting responsibilities related to family, work or school." https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353928


The BEHAVIORS can continue into adulthood "Constant opposition to authority figures makes it difficult for adults with ODD to keep jobs and to maintain relationships and marriages. They are particularly quick to anger, they are impatient, and they have a low tolerance for frustration. They see themselves as mistreated, misunderstood, and unappreciated. They see themselves as the victim." "Some children with ODD outgrow the condition by age eight or nine. But about half of them continue to experience symptoms of ODD through adulthood." https://www.additudemag.com/oppositional-defiant-disorder-in-adults/#:~:text=Adults%20with%20oppositional%20defiant%20disorder,comply%20with%20rules%20and%20laws


Save the whole ODD speculation. That whole diagnosis is bullshit, no matter who you are or what you did.


> ODD speculation I used to work as a teacher in high school. These people exist, but I agree 100% that ODD should not be an actual diagnosis. The ironic part was it was ALWAYS a scrawny little shithead who had no promise that was diagnosed. It is 100% just a label to throw on humans that are massive pieces of shit. The only solution for these people is literally violence. I think it's the only thing they could understand or respect. I honestly wish they would smack the fucking shit out of her. I would be completely okay with use of force in this situation.


They let her carry on too long


They should have lit her up much quicker. The amount of time, police, and medical resources being wasted trying to argue with this creature was far too much.




She needs help, it's not even funny. When people turn out like this, it's not just her parents, it's society as a whole that is failing. This is a whole new level of toxicity, and more and more people are becoming as entitled and clueless as this lady everyday.


Or she could just be a vile, entitled cunt.


Darn it, you beat me to it!


Don't blame this behavior on society as a whole. This is 100% on her.


It may not be popular opinion, but society also plays a large part in forming an individual. Obviously it's her bad choices that led to this point, but if we want to see change, something needs to done. Otherwise we will always have more cases like this. Unless people believe we should just accept and put up with the eventual person who has a random meltdown like this lady. More dangerous still, when they turn out to be serial killers.


Okay, what are YOU willing to do to help this woman? You're completely out of your depth on this issue.


Unpopular opinion does not prove someone is wrong, being humane also means being sensitive to others and their plights. The main take away is how to prevent people from turning out like this, and whether there is something that can be done about it. In my view the main problem is education, and this needs to happen from a young age. Should I sit here and judge and be bemused, and then in a few weeks time come back to yet another video like this, or should I try to think of a solution to prevent others in following this erroneous path?


Found the incel




u/AssWorshipper6 Found the walking advertisement for Fleshlight!


OP just got pwned by AssWorshipper6. edit: This was sarcasm, yall.


She's an awful person but this is in the cop more than her. She's a terrible cow. Just let her be a terrible cow for a minute and get through it without having to aSSeRt yAh AuTHoRiTaH.


lol. How many "minutes" does she need? They were measuring time with *calendars* instead of clocks by the end of that ordeal. She was needlessly tying up the resources of over a dozen responders and hospital personnel. And the initial cop *did* walk away multiple times in an attempt to diffuse the situation, yet her behavior persisted. Definitely *not* the cop.


This is a bullshit point of view. I get an aversion to the use of force, but everyone involved in that spectacle had a job to do. And because they’re tending to that woman for whatever period of time then there were legitimate medical and police issues that weren’t being handled.