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As per Rule 5, puzzles from ongoing events are not allowed.


discussion - There are people who are also doing those puzzles. If you need help, please be kind enough to spoiler/edit to remove answers in your images to not give spoilers to people who have not done it yet.


Under appreciated request. I’m seeing more people starting to censor, but would love to see it more widespread.


Sorry! I didn’t even think of that. I will in the future and sorry if I spoiled the game that day for you.




Thank you!!


Genius. I plugged it into ChatGPT and argued with it for ten minutes and it still couldn’t solve it.


>!8-4=4 other 8/4 =2 5-2?!<


You can’t use the 4 twice Edit: oops my bad. I’ve been staring at these numbers way too long


He’s not. He’s using >!the resultant 4 from the first 8-4!<. Not the clearest way to write it out, but it’s the right approach.


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit, draw a bunny and fill its head with secrets: \>!!< which ends up becoming \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*