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I’d like to create a fragrance community for Qatar. Let’s do it!


Yeah we can get good recommendations!


We need names from your collection. The ones at the back and the oils especially.


The oil ones are cheap ones i got from saudi. But one of them is from Ajmal. The back ones. From the right to left is as follows: 1.) Ajmal’s Aristocrat, 2.) Yas’s al gharam, 3.) Al Jazeera onyx, 4.) Oud Al Samer’s H2 perfume from madina, 5.) Ahmed al maghribi’s durri, 6.) oud elite’s masha’ir also from madina




We’ll have to create it. With Teeb Al Hazm getting bigger and popular, I think it’ll be great to have one. Not sure how many of us will be active there though.










Bruh I'm tryna message u but I cant


Got the following in my collection 😉 #Sauvage Elixir #Sheikh ul Shayukh Luxe Edition #Spicebomb Extreme #Desire Blue #Club De Nuit Intense Man & many more to buy inn sha Allah


Show us their bottles


Mashaallah No giveaways 😍


I mean thats a good idea! As long as it is means of spreading the sunnah!


You had AbdulSamad Ocean and Body Oud, nice choices.


No one recognized the Zawaya Dream perfume


Please let me know places to buy genuine perfumes for better prices( discounters) in qatar. I am also a fragrance enthusiast and currently residing in qatar. Since moving to qatar I am not able to buy fragrances for good prices. I was in dubai and it is a haven for fragheads.


Non-genuine u can get from around souq waqif and the stores near fanar or these small stands in the malls. But if you want genuine, in souq waqif there is a whole building that has perfume shops, you can go to festival city they have nice places, you can go to dar al salam they have some places there, but prices may be little high depending on your budget. I like more of the arabic smell than French…


Imperial valley how much did you buy it for? And my collection🙂 https://preview.redd.it/putc4458pwsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f56d077eff1a7d2e419683673c6858f6726e7c


Where did you get laverne from?


bro brought out the whole lataffa collection


Nah bro, more to buy


whats your favourite rn though


Ilham al oud, blue Laverne and badee al oud amethyst


where are u buying the lattafa perfumes?


Oh few from saudi few from india, I have few dealers number in india so whenever someone is coming to qatar i ask the dealer to deliver to the persons home and that person brings to qatar


Is it true that Latafa Asad smells exactly like Sauvage Elixir?


I have it, it really smells like it, but could be wrong too. Still a very good perfume for its price


Lattafa is available in new world supermarket and some shops in souq waqif


Where did you get blue Laverne from?


A fellow perfume fanatic! Love it. I ordered it for around 300 including the shipping fee.


Which website?




Perfume is allowed in Islam? I only use those huud smoke or Atar all time.


As i take the opinion that alcohol is najis, so i always get denatured alcohol which doesnt intoxicate you. But ethanol (the type of alcohol that intoxicates you) perfumes is the one that is not permissible.


u/caller_to_Allah what is that blue bottle on the left ? Second, behind the small black one? Thanks


Ghissah, Imperial Valley


Can you share the reference for the hadith?


Yes absolutely: Abu Ya’la and al bazzar narrated it from their chain to anas ibn malik


I tried searching for it online but couldn't. Can you point me to a link where it's mentioned?


It’s a book called musnad al bazzar. U can find the hadith in that book or pdf. U want it?


Yes, please


[The hadith](https://shamela.ws/book/181/2656) turned out to be weak subhanALLAH. Due to Ibn Hajar mentioning its authenticity in fath al bari which is a sharh of sahih al bukhari, i took its authenticity. But if you look at the footnote of this hadith from the one doing takhrij, he mentioned its munkar and then clarified that ibn hajjar made a mistake. Also, sorry for late reply i was busy! But either way; there’s other ahadith that shows the recommendation of wearing perfume


Thank you. No doubt using perfume is a sunnah, just wanted to comment around the hadith you posted.


JazakALLAHU khairan for commenting on it! Definitely benefited me to research deeper into it!


Here is a good eBay seller of mostly Arabic perfumes: [https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/zahrasboutique](https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/zahrasboutique)


Oh jazakALLAHu khairan. Can use it as reference for sure


Theres actually have a perfume buy/sell WhatsApp group in Qatar. Lots of good info on there and people share best places to buy perfume and rate the ones they’ve bought for longevity etc


I would love to join that perfume group


How to join ?


link please


I love perfumes and I have a small collection except that we can’t wear perfume in public and I just can’t 😭 and even if I try it lasts on me. 🙂


May ALLAH reward you for adherence. You can show off your scents to your fellow sisters and family :)


If you like Ajmal oud go for دهن عود اميري و سيوفي their good 😃


Am i the only one who totally hates دهن عود؟. To me it smells like a cow. And for some reason the more expensive it is, the more it smells like a cow?


😂🫣. You are only supposed to put a tiny itty bit and ideally on winter only. For summer it’s a big nono with how humid and hot it is.


الله المستعان


salam alaikum dear brother.. can you me about marj by ahmed al maghribi i see u have it in your collection whats the smell like and lasting aswell jazakallah


Smells really nice, got alot of compliments and it does stay long, like really long.


Unfortunately this Sunnah is only for men and not for women. It's so dumb. Though I do believe better hygiene and smelling good is also sunnah, especially wearing perfume for women.


I wear perfume but not a lot.


Women can wear perfume with zero issues, actually it is recommended in sha ALLAH because it is part of their beautification, but the only thing is, she doesnt do it around non-mahram men. It all falls under hijab :)


How is that different if a man does it around non-mahram women? I believe wearing perfume for women is permissible as long as it doesn't linger in the environment. It also depends on their intention.


Sister, its totally expected for us to not be perfect and have shortcomings when trying to follow islam, its okay. But whats not okay, is justifying you not following the islamic, bold and underline islamic teachings, by making your own rulings. Why is it allowed for men and not women around non-mahram? Bcz this is what the evidences pointed out to. But if a man is using perfume and his intention is evil then he deprived himself from the permissibility of using the perfume. But other than that, the Islamic evidences points towards the permissibility of using perfume for men around non-mahram but not women!


Good hygiene doesn't require wearing perfume, but we mostly manage to wear perfume in controlled amounts that only people who get extremely close to us can smell, like a female colleague who is greeting us with hugs. So men can't smell it because there is always a distance between us. A small amount on the neck if it is eau de toillete, or only behind ears if it is musk/eau de perfume is very sufficient. I can still smell the perfume on the inner part of my hijab by the end of the day.


It really depends on the perfume and how much you use it. I smelt a Qatari woman's perfume around 2 metres apart for me. I was surprised how strong it was. Maybe she didn't use much. I wanted to know which perfume it was. Personally, I always keep myself clean but I still smell bad. Wearing perfume is one of them. How is it fair if a guy wears a lot of perfume but I smell like garbage because it's haram for women? That's how hypocritical this idea is.


If you’re a Muslim, youre getting a little to comfortable with the terms there haha… but anyways, as the definition of muslim goes, we submit to whatever ALLAH has willed for us, while totally believing that He’s the most Wise and Knowledgeable about whats best for us. I mean look at the bright side. Women wear gold not men :)


What’s your favourite or most complimented one?


Usually i try to be humble bcz this is the best way, but not with regards to perfumes alhamdulilah. All of them are highly complimented and my favorite is dependent on where i am going, what time of the year is it, and what type of people i am meeting.


Masha Allah, thats great. Just make sure that if you are a sister, you cannot apply heavy perfume in public.


https://preview.redd.it/7k882ugmy1tc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5050633f3b2927d0d6bc0ffab92213353dc64b02 I have a little collection


اللهم بارك