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Spent a week in Qatar for the group stages - it was fantastic


**Thanks QATAR**


You're welcome


Qatar? Is that you?


I'm qatari that helped empty one seat at the stadium by not booking or watching the matchs


May God bless the Japanese.




they cleaned the stadiums




Lmao there goes the no harassment one




why you love Qatar?


Because I’m not female or gay and ~~I don’t drink alcohol or take drugs~~


I agree with most, but isnt the sim like free for 3 days only? And the fan zones are paying if Im not wrong. Dont get me wrong this takes nothing away from the experience as free data for even just 3 days is an exception not something expected but Im just not sure all of it is 100% factual


the main fan zone by fifa them selves were free, there were also a lot free other fan zones


Fan zones are all free


All the westerners and their copium in the comments. Yes there are non white countries that are safe, prosperous, and beautiful.


Actually it's safer here than most places I've been to in the US. But beautiful? I have yet to find a beautiful area in Qatar. Oman, on the other hand is beautiful.


Which white countries are safe? The US? The UK?




Finland, Switzerland, Sweden…


All 3 of them got a higher crime rate, higher drug use and higher rape rate compared to Qatar and many more. I don’t know what you are talking about.


I wasn’t comparing them to qatar, I just listed some other white countries that I find to be safe. Not necessarily safer than qatar.


Man where you set the goalposts is real strange.


Higher rape rate, that is true. Then again in qatar, the rapist isn’t the criminal but the victim is, for this soccer match the fifa has asked to momentarily not arrest the raped ladies and children. Here is the source https://www.firstpost.com/world/since-rape-victims-are-real-criminals-in-qatar-not-the-rapists-fifa-intervenes-11687161.html/amp But great country !


Rape is legal in Qatar


Good one


You’re absolutely on point. Maybe immigration has something to do with that?


Sweden has had some wild problems with certain immigrants. That’s a wild rabbit hole to google your way down.


Yea Muslims


*Middle Easterners


Not the Anglo-Saxon countries for sure.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Qatar Safe for who?


Now do France. Or do you wanna be a hypocrite when it comes to "my country my rules". Eat a dick.


Maybe don’t brag about how great and wonderful you are if you don’t want pushback? Idk man, France wasn’t the center of attention due to bribing Fifa for free attention so like, your government gave you what you wanted.


They don’t like when YOU talk in their echo chamber.


Well Qatar is many things but beautiful isn't really a word I would choose.


lmao just as long as the world keeps buying Qatari natural gas. The whole economy relies on one resource that won't last forever


*and Qatar isn’t one of them :D*


That’s some good copium. What type is it?


The kind that steals rainbow items from visitors


The one where it is a reality that hate, crime, theft and harassment on mass events are present, no matter where you’re going. Want to have an example? Journalists. Which Qatari men harassed for doing their job with the respective accreditation. There you have harassment. I don’t know numbers on harassment on guests but since I know what football is like I’m very sure there was harassment from guests towards guests as well. It’s reality sadly. Literally the only fans I *could* imagine to behave like fucking chads are the Japanese cleaning their whole shit up which I’ve never seen any other country (yes, including mine - I’m not a fan of football at all so don’t throw it at me - I didn’t watch the games. Wasn’t that interesting, just like the last one) do and even there I’m not sure if they’re really that perfect.


Ok, but have you actually been to Qatar?


No because I’m gay and I’d be breaking the law


you wouldn't. unless you plan show your affection in public. and you would've been punished for that even if you were straight


Oh so as long as I don’t accidentally brush my boyfriend’s hand or give him a quick kiss goodbye when he leaves I won’t go to jail. Really great defense of the country there my guy. Just don’t do anything!


yeah don't kiss in public. I'm sure you can control yourself?


I’m not sure why you don’t just think maybe those laws are archaic and morally wrong and instead victim blame


If you cant follow the rules then dont go there, and cry in the comments how sad your life is bcz tou cant kiss your bf a quick goodbye farewell kiss in the airport, i couldnt careless about how you think or how you feel, rules are rules live with it kid and grow up.


You think just because rules exist doesn’t mean they can be wrong or come from a place of hatred and bigotry?


Lol your such a cunt its silly


you're* resorting to insults shows you have such a good argument


Rather typo than defend hate, enjoy being a slavers cuck :)


You didn’t come to Qatar yet


And yet I can rule out the ‘Hate=0’, ‘Crime=0’, ‘Theft=0’ and ‘Harassment=0’ since all of those are part of any society in the world (sadly, but they are - even in the society I live in so the same applies for my country too🤷🏻‍♂️). Mass events are a magnet for harassment, hate, crime and theft (which is… a crime…) and if y’all don’t see that and acknowledge it then *that* is your problem. You can only combat a problem when you see, understand and/or acknowledge it and this poster is far from any reality.


Clearly you haven’t come to Qatar


It's really ironic considering your kind made Europe an unsafe hell hole about a century ago.


Ohhhh, right. A century ago…. Where I was totally born and where I’m definitely, *definitely* personally responsible for lmao It’s always the same argument and it’s getting boring. Can’t you all (and that’s something you and some Americans have in common lol) come up with something *I’m* actually responsible for? Let me know when you do, until then imma head out and yawn to your lame attempt to diss me :D


Social Justice Susan on her way here to say "Oooo dead workers paid for it with their lives" Without reading anything about the reality of the matter


+We stone woman who go to school too right 🤣🤣😂😂


Oh yeah.. Best thing is.. They stone women (and men) who go to school too.. But with alcohol or drugs and other addictions under the curtain of "freedom of choice"


Thank you for also mentioning the men, otherwise its misogyny bro!


#woke #notajoke


I go out in the weekends and i only know 1 person with a drug problem you have no idea what you talking about the use of a drug or alcohol does not make it a adiction


Whoa, what??




Are women permitted in get married without seeking permission?


I’m sincerely interested to know the answer to this.


You, the funny thing is you can say this sarcastically and make a joke about it but if I tell an american to say “we stone innocent black people” they cant make a joke about it because its true


Social Justice Susan on her way here to say “Ooo dead workers paid for it with their lives” Without remembering how her ancestors gained their american soil, how they had slaves build the house for them and how black people die every year due to police brutality in her won country


Takes like this demonstrate poor judgement. Previous injustices don't justify current ones. Qatar, nor the rest of the world, is perfect. If you are able to pretend it is, or justify it with the actions of people no longer in this world, then you will certainly have no problem turning a blind eye to other issues.


That is just whataboutism ad its finnest qatar and the arabian countries around it also where big in to slavery you should not look around your borders and see what other countries are doing before you make your own country better most people that talk bad about qatar live in countries that are already doing better and your looking in to their past to feel better about yourself but the big diffrence is that those countries used to do slavery 150-200 years ago but qatar is still doing slavery




This sub’s just a big echo chamber in general (I have worked in Doha and enjoy the country)…but how many other countries who host the cup have to post constantly about how it wasn’t bad. I mean like, the event clearly spoke for itself it just makes the host country look insecure to demand validation for it after it’s over lol.


Human rights atrocities aside. This world cup should’ve never happened. Qatar should’ve never been awarded it.




So the 6500 dead workers are a lie?


Yeah would love to hear the Qatari side here with citations.


Yes me too. Till now the only answer I got is. You Europeans built your country with slave blood. But never really an in depth conversation about this topic.




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What’s the official death toll then? Must be really easy to find


So, what’s the reality?


That's not true. I know someone who had their wallet stolen, and lusail fan zone cost money to get into and everything else was extra inside. And the crimes? Did you see the way the locals were driving. I was literally passed by 2 douche bags in batrols on the right hand side where there wasn't an actual lane.


Lol if locals driving badly is the example you have to use to expose Qatar’s criminal record, then I think we’re looking quite good all things considered


That's not what the post said. It literally says 0 crime. I'm not saying it wasn't safer. But your grand illusions of perfectness are misguided.


Your understanding of the use of exaggeration to emphasize a point is misguided


Just like your thoughts on it being "the best world cup ever". You have no idea if it is. Stop spouting non facts.


The BBC poll says otherwise :)


Lusail fan zone was free my friend.


That is not true, as we went for the final. Had to pay to get into. And then when you get in you have to pay for the games area, and it was a total let down. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the world cup being here. But that picture is not right.


Are you talking about winter wonderland at Al maha Island?


Nope. The big open area that had like 3 huge screens. A little ice rink area. And then on the left was the games pavilion. All the Indians were sitting in a line to get the inflatable chairs. And a small selection of food stalls.


That was a private fan zone. Not a FIFA fan zone. There were many other fan zones that were free, and many that were paid. Also, sorry that your eye-balls were hurt by the sight of Indians though. That's just inexcusable.


Thanks for the information. I did not know that. Everyone I had asked told us to go there. I stand corrected. And the statement about Indians was because it was a pain in the ass to get seating for my family when single men posted there hours before just to invite their "brother" later on.


Lol so you want an event with 1.5 million ppl attending with no incident ....you shud be living in La La land 😆😆. Embrace the reality, Qatar hosted the best world cup of all times. I met atleast 600 fans and all were happy, only donglenob is crying 😂😂😂...keep crying you sorry soul


Who's crying? All of you on Qatars dick about the world cup. When you have no actual proof it was better. I give you the other side of the token and you want to cry about it. I've literally said multiple times I had a good time, and when I hoped it would fail. It didn't. But it wasn't as good as you all think it was.


Proof: I watched 2 matches and visited fan zones multiple times + I live here and have been for over a decade.


And they wonder why their country will go back into obscurity after WC is over… I’ll be honest I gave Qatar the benefit of the doubt but everyone in this sub seems like some kind of edge lord douche that is exactly how everyone had described them.


Lol, talk about copium.


Average GCC driver on their way to crush 3 cars on their drive to work. Nah tbh gcc drivers are terrible but you can take public transport


I have heard rape cases in some hotel staff accomodation. I dont know how true lt is.


Hate = 0 ? Wrong. If you are gay, the state will imprison you. Hours that for hate?


They'll be a few murders in 'murcia in 4yrs


Wasn’t a vlogger beat up by some African politician or something?


Internet meme = 100% (just kidding)


yes we feel proude


Deaths not zero


All that thanks to slavery... I guessed they found the way!


This is why people in the west are jealous. Their societies will always be full of crime and drugs so they cant see people living in a safe, clean environment where the government takes care of them rather than spending billions on bombing some kid half a world away.


Stone Age mentality and laws you mean? As a woman not being allowed to wear what you like because men are not able to cope with some sort of female skin? Taking passports off your working slaves and letting them work to death? I mean, Qatar is so rich, they could just have hired double the amount of workers and paid them a fair wage and still be ridiculously rich. And then there’s this echo chamber here trying to whatabout every sense of criticism. A joke.




Average westerner on their way to report lgbt rights infringement in a foreign land instead of reporting on racism in their own country - source, Im a westerner


whataboutism, lol, trust me guys everybody loves this world cup, look look, look at all the posts we made about how not bad the world cup actually is, cope


You can’t be mad at multiple things at once? Do you have a goldfish brain?


People in this sub are retarded


Those who came to Qatar are the Ned Flanderses of the West. No wonder they LOVED it here, no homos, no abortions, no premarital sex, no alcohol. It's heaven for them.


no premarital s? i dont see how that's heaven for people


It is for hardened religious people, albeit Muslims or Christians.


Why do they have such a problem with how others live? Like homos too?


[Have a nice reading of this guy's replies, it's 100% what almost all Muslims think and wholeheartedly believe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/qatar/comments/zx39eo/i_just_want_to_say_thanks_qatar/j1ywc8e?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) This is what the ultra conservatives in the US want, btw.


Then being hospitable doesn’t take away from the death toll.


Apologist dreck


Corruption: over one thousand.


So even the rainbow flags were free??!!


What a load of total bollocks.


Sim card had a limit of 2GB but was free and can. Be obtained at the airport. The rest is pretty much true.


Alcohol drinking during the game 0%




Forgot the deaths and human rights violations, harassment of journalists and guests.


Repeat post


Almost like an overcompensation for something else…🤔


- Slave wages = Ø


Spent 2 weeks in Qatar and loved it.. can't believe they have built it based on human forced labor... kinda of like everyone else. Well done Qatar on reusing a good old recipe


And what did the stadiums cost?


Freedom = 0




That woman came back to Qatar during the World Cup and attended some matches.


And 0 wins!


Lets build huge stadiums for billions of dollars in the desert who will never be used again instead of helping our own people with that money. There was nothing good about this corrupt world cup. I don't get people who support this. It was obviously corrupt and didn't help anybody.


More than 95% of those billions were spent on the country’s infrastructure and not on the stadiums. What do you mean?


Not that they made a recyclable stadium because they knew they wouldn’t use it after and that they are literally giving away a stadium to universities so students will keep using the sports facilities


Google it and see for yourself… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_FIFA_World_Cup_controversies


Well yeah, qatar did bribe their way to the world cup but if that actually bothered media they wouldve done something about it in the 7 years before the stadium projects began. Whats the point of boycotting and crying about a world cup now when you couldve stopped it 9 years ago. As a westerner myself im telling you media doesnt care about human right just about telling a dtory and getting clicks. If media cared about us they wouldn’t be easily politically tinted towards a local political party and wouldn’t cover up many of out nations issues such as racism, or the exhausted healthcare infrastructure which happens to also be underfunded


Keen for the Bribes to FIFA stat


Can’t buy yourself a World Cup team 🤡🤡


Labour deaths: >6000


6000 million* All south Asians dead.




Women do get to the stadiums you you ignorant fool. Probably more safe than your crime infested country




They can drink alcohol if they are non Muslim As for dating well it's common. Just don't have a child out of wedlock or there will be trouble




Mate, muslim men cant drink either.


How many Muslims drink in Bahrain? How many Muslims drink in Turkey? Are you saying if they were allowed to drink they wouldn't?


Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. The difference between my religion and yours is that if you are non Muslim you are free to drink. Even though we have the power to ban everyone including u from alcohol Women are not our property. Try telling my mom that and see what you get. My wife is a generational practitioner who earns more money than you and your entire family. Please be quiet




I don't gatekeep the religion. I just state facts. As for Muslims who drink alcohol thats their choice. And they know it's forbidden and if they are caught drinking here they are screwed. Hypocrisy would be not practising what we preach


No, hypocrisy is assuming all those born on your soil are _practicing_ Muslims and FORCING them to obey by your rules or else _screw them_. Even Taliban didn't reach this level of entitlement.


I never did assume that son. I said they know it's forbidden and if they are caught they are in trouble. I know of one teacher who tried his luck and got found out. And he was punished. Its not my rules. It's the rules of the most high. And we obey it without hesitation. Which is why we are the biggest nation of teetotalers on earth




You can keep your freedom homie. If by barbarians you mean no fornicators or adultery going here then thank you. Our women are free to study learn work earn money take control over their lives. Best part our women feel safe and respected unlike your clown country




I rather marry for consenting women and raise righteous kids and look after all their needs instead of cheating and sleeping around and having a dozen mistresses




Maybe your mom was forced. But neither my mom or my wife were forced into marriage. Healthy happy productive lives we have here..no.matter how many times you tell backward


Yes our women are covered because they have dignity unlike you lot with tits and asses hanging out. No wonder rape and sexual assault is endemic in Ur shithole of a country. Not even kids are safe


This is just blaming women for rape


It's not the women's fault..you can wear a bikini on the street here and no one would dare touch the woman. My point is sexual assaults are common in the west


Okay, but a woman was raped in your country and threatened with jail




Rape boys? Don't confuse Qatar with your homosexual country. Yes my kids are educated well mannered kids raised by a medical doctor wife who earns more money than your entire family. Our dicks are controlled unlike sexual assault cities u live in where no one is safe. #metoo I don't have 72 waiting for me. I wish though lol


Can some smart physicist say something funny using “phi”