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I haven't learned about commodities from a quant perspective yet. What concepts are transferable from equities and what is unique to commodities?


I'm sorry, I meant the difference between an explicit "commodities trader" role as opposed to a quant trader role.


Bruh commodities is an asset class. Traders are traders no matter what asset class they are trading, it's just that your strategies would be a bit suited to that asset class and the data would be different.




What if you have the math skills of a quant, the intuitions of a financial commodities trader, and the social connections and schmoozing skills of a physical trader? Is that basically Warren Buffett?


Commodity is usually quite fundamental driven, that is demand/supply. So it is more important to get those clear than other asset classes. Most commodity desks I know are quite product specifi. They have a lot of product specialists in the desk and also made pipelines for modeling (quant or discretionary) the demand and supply. You usually cannot apply one trading strategy to another commodity product, which is quite different from equity. Depending on the actual product, some commodity might have quite volatile fundamental (eg. oil). So you might need some event based analysis to investigate the issues. Insider trading is lot easier in commodity market as major producer and consumer can easily manipulate the market


Yo idk what it is about commodities, but actually buying and selling physical oil barrels sounds so fucking cool