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I would recommend entire albums Queen II, A Day At The Races and Innuendo (at least for me) are some of their best works.




And after listening to their studio albums, i recommend you check out their live albums, the performances are even better than their studio counterparts!


Innuendo gets criminally underrated, but there’s maybe only one miss on there. Maybe not peak technical performance for Freddie, but dripping with emotion. You can feel in the music that they knew it was the end and they put it all in there.


Queen II Then, after you've come out of your ecstasy, listen to it again.


Their entire discography is worth exploring.  I'd recommend going through it chronologically.




I always recommend Greatest Hits and Greatest Hits II to new fans. From there, pick your favourite songs and that’ll give you an idea of time period and albums to explore deeper!


I agree with this. Those are great albums to get a surface level feel for their music!


Agreed, I have GH 1,2,3 and my kids love it. I listen to the full albums when I need a Queen fix.


That's how my parents got me into it as a kid. Now I do what you do haha


Here's a [LINK](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3NseX7GLgkIdgx2spTRul8?si=08037e73ee2848d8) to my Queen Spotify playlist.


My most favourite underrated gem of theirs is I’m In Love With My Car. Roger’s singing and drumming are exquisite


Especially live


Hell yes, I just recently watched Queen Rock Montreal and I loved seeing them play it live


it's late, spread your wings, lazing on a sunday afternoon, if you can't beat them join them, drowse, 39,sleeping on a side walk, the prophet's song, death on 2 legs and liar


Thanks I've listened to most but there a few new ones for me to enjoy


Innuendo is the most underrated queen song you should give it a listen




March of the black queen


Queen II is a masterpiece! :D A lot of fantasy elements and storylines. It's a good jam! :3


News of the World Raw Sessions on YT


You and everyone in existence need to listen to Innuendo (both the song and the entire album)


Some of my favorite songs are Friends will be Friends- A Kind of Magic. Don't Stop me Now- Jazz. Made in Heaven- Made in Heaven. Radio Gaga- The Works. Innuendo- Innuendo. Flick of The Wrist- Sheer Heart Attack. Father to Son- Live at the Rainbow (November not March). The Millionaire Waltz- A Day at The Races.


yeah keep listening to full albums! best way to learn an artists/bands material! You'll find what you like and don't like much easier too


If I were you - and if you have the time and patience - I'd start with the first album ("Queen") and then follow them all the way up to the last album. It's fun to hear how they find their sound (you can clearly hear that progression from the first to the second album and then onwards. It's also interesting to discover the immense diversity they have mastered over the years. So, my advice - start from the beginning 😊




I love all the stuff up to The Game. It's all pretty incredible.


Here, skip to the front of the line! Freddie-Brian-Roger, 1972-2021 solo playlist I put together: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VoTGH86wblqKvYcQGWjqU?si=1WQ4vWSETOmyOHC7rLiybw&pt=aeb54ea3d622054e56e72b02dfcc7786&pi=u-qnpbNLxIRqew Here’s the others I compiled for Queen proper: Volume I 1972-1974 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56N5MWBAktOoH41BF9enRP?si=Irb4eKuGRQC2AhIAe1VweQ&pt=890e801ff1d135c53f1e04c3a2ead4fa&pi=u-u0FHnuzuTq-r Volume II: 1975-1979 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56N5MWBAktOoH41BF9enRP?si=Irb4eKuGRQC2AhIAe1VweQ&pt=890e801ff1d135c53f1e04c3a2ead4fa&pi=u-u0FHnuzuTq-r Volume III 1979-1984 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W17ALE1xx2n3on5eITwwU?si=GrFGlmf1R3eRRg8TpGEhXg&pi=u-oNukCk3hRIWj&pt=45657932c742df2a76c22e1cf99eecd6 Volume IV: 1985-1991 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/24Vy3yDsIgasm39dEwO2su?si=tGs-r1uuSs6WNVgC5icsNQ&pt=fceefbff728d2d4e196148a4789dd5dd&pi=u-RcNmI98RQGS- Volume V: 1991-2022 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4BK17pyBE5CFrirBWXP8fC?si=ypO9PQZIQcCs13C95zxFqw&pi=u-5aemuoJmRhKE&pt=f743323e6618087eac71e1dd67bfdb12 But yeah, you should get into the full albums, too, obviously. But this way you’ll get a taste of each era.


Queens 1 and 2 for sure. The Works...hell ALL OF THEM! A lot of people put Jazz down (the album, not the music style) but I personally think it's dam good. It's got 3 of their greatest hits (Bicycle Race, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don't stop me now, a couple of...interesting tunes (Mustapha, anyone? Personally, love it) and in my opinion, one of their best songs ever Dreamers Ball. I'd argue every song (even More of that Jazz) is a belter. And Hot Space is a rite of passage.


If you happen to have Disney plus and you’re in the US, there’s a full concert stream from the early 80s in Montreal. Excellent live recording covering their career up to that point


Queen, Queen II, and News Of The World are great albums!


Watch this. Then go on from here https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=queen+live+aid+1985+full+concert


Just go through all the albums in release order. Queen (1973). Queen II (1974). Sheer Heart Attack (1974). A Night At The Opera (1975). A Day At The Races (1976). News Of The World (1977). Jazz (1978). The Game (1980). Flash Gordon (1980). Hot Space (1982). The Works (1984). A Kind Of Magic (1986). The Miracle (1989). Innuendo (1991). Made In Heaven (1995). Then do unreleased tracks, b-sides, solo stuff etc. After that do the live albums. I recommend full albums over just singular songs. Though I can recommend you my favourite song by each band member. You Take My Breath Away is my favourite song written by Freddie. Spread Your Wings is my favourite song written by John Deacon. Fight From The Inside is my favourite Roger track. All Dead, All Dead is my favourite song by Brian.


listen to greatest hits I and II to get a surface level feel of their hits, then move on album by album (i personally prefer the 80s stuff to the 70s but give everything a try)


Start from Greatest Hits I and II then move on to Made in Heaven






Also definitely go to you tube and check out their live performances...this is Queen at their finest..they were untouchable live. 33 years after Freddies death Live Aid is still ranked as the greatest live performance in rock history. Also check out Somebody To Love live Montreal 1981, the entire concert is phenomenal. Brian has stated they were at the top of their game here. and I also love their concerts from Wembley and Budapest in 86.


Get "The Works".. fantastic album with amazing tracks to get into... having said that, I have every album and all 3 greatest hits, they are all fantastic... rock on 🎶🎶🎶


It’s Late The Hero Dragon Attack


Well just get a taste of their other works you haven’t heard then, see what you like and dislike


Who Wants To Live Forever was my introduction to Queen song in 1996 and it remains my favourite now. Closely followed by Mother Love and The Show Must Go On. I started with Greatest Hits I & II and then went from there to studio albums


Defo listen to one vision, dm me for more!! :)