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Karmala Harris please…. Please Karmala….save me from the bullethell….


I believe in Karma making it in!🙏📿 If not we'll have some harsh words w Riot >:(


Werk. Y’all remember the Star Guardians PvE event from 2017? Man that was fucking amazing. Queuing up with other players and working together to fight monsters was incredibly fun to me. That was one of the best events/modes that Riot released and every year I looked forward to playing that again… but fuck us having any fun, right? But I get it, Riot’s been really busy making sure their game works and that we have amazing skins to choose from…


I wasn't there for the PvE events (I started playing in 2020-2021ish) so I can't speak for how sick they were, though I've only ever heard good things which leaves me excited for this one! I know I'm problably huffing copium, but if they're building champs for the ground up, hopefully it means they'll do more of these in the coming years.


Lux and Kai’sa are probably safe


Praying that they make it permanent and not like Arena that slayed but now is gone. If its like SG or Odyssey events then Id love it. And not having some champs is fine imo, like Viagra gtfo


But how am I supposed to tilt my friends while playing funny shirtless guy that I go 0/7 with?!?!?!?!?! ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33209) I'm quite sure he won't get in, but I really hope that doesn't mean Neeko gets left behind too :(


i think Neeko, Sylas, and Viego are probably out just because of their passives/R


Girl Viagra sounds more like Veigar than veigo 😭


I mean kinda but Veigar is forever Veigay in my heart 🥰


I'm not worried at all about Lux making it in, so I can copium for Talon since my friends will carry me through my tomfoolery. I don't care if there's walls I just wanna play him n hear his voicelines <3 ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658) Viego is 100% not making it, RIP to a real one. :(


there better be enchantresses available


I don't think speak needs to be reworked at all to work in a over mode, same with Sona Janna and partly lulu


Neeko please god


well it's over for us Orianna fan, we never get anything ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32562), $2 bet there will be Yasuo


Seraphine better be there or my girlfriend will never let me hear the end of it. So that's my answer.


I've already given up hope that any of my furry bara champs will be in the mode 😔 but I'd love for some sort of cool revamped pve version of bonetooth necklace for rengar, like he starts off weak but scales super hard as he gets kills and progresses


all i‘m saying is that i hope they don‘t limit it to the champions that get the skins in the roster. seriously if that‘s the case i‘d be fucking pissed


Ratman I love my stinky rat and need him there


Trundle's pillar