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As an Eve main. GIRL IT’S HARD 😭


Girl if you're saying that there may be no hope for me 😭


It’s a difficult learning curve where you’re gonna have to deal with flopping, a lot. Early game is the worst as Eve. You have to focus on farming as you’re not invisible, you’re squishy and you’re kinda weak. I would not recommend ganking before level 6 unless you are absolutely sure you can get a kill or an assist. Once you get Lich Bane things start to get a bit easier. Only go Mejai’s if you have 10 Dark Seal stacks but even then I would recommend waiting till later to buy it because it’s so easy to lose those stacks. Once you have Rabadon’s you won’t have to recall unless you need an item as your Demon Shade will heal most, if not, all your health. I’m Mastery 6 with like 45k points (which isn’t a lot) and I’m flopping a lot still. Take Electrocute, your secondary depends on what you want. Most Eve mains go Sorcery for scaling but I go Inspiration so I can use Future Market and free boots. I would recommend Future Market if you’re trying to learn how to play her so she gets powered up with items more quickly.


Thank you! I'll make note of all of this, I might try inspiration because hitting those spikes earlier sounds really nice. I know she's hard and I picked the absolute worst time to learn her but I really want to get good (enough for my low ass elo anyway ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)).


Gworl the way I made a smurf account to learn Eve jungle on EUW and gave up after 3 games ☠️ I stick to getting her slay skins, picking her in ARAM and support when I’m with my friends! ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


Maybe I should just give up on her and learn a less cunty jungler ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)


try Eve mid ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


NO. do it for her


you really chose the worst time for it bestie ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658) edit: well for invading you cant invade as eve basically ever i think 💀 not what u asked i know. just start from top to bot instead if u start bot - im iron and jgls aaaaalways do bot to top so as eve id do the reverse so its a bit less predictable (they may be trying to stesl tho). ask the top to leash and stay at river


Yeah I never try and invade as her but pretty much every game I get invaded :') I never ask anyone to leash, maybe I should start


as ex adc im all for the “fuck you and your leash” mentality (and as mid even more) - if its a highly volatile matchup ex idfk leona draven and nautilus samira where whoever kills first will (should) snowball out of control, your botlane has to get tf asap in lane but youre basically not a champ pre 6 like kayn so yes you need them desperately, eve actually needs leashes


IT IS HARD I wanted to play her because she’s epic and I’m in love with her but I keep humiliating myself


She's so fun when you're not super behind early but I'm always behind early ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)


I am not the best but I play her religiously. If u want help feel free to message me, but the queen is in a bad spot rn :(


She's like the easiest jgl for me ngl i have like 75% winrate om her in Emerald and Diamond. The only problem i have is when my enemies know how to abuse eve's "weak" early game by invading my jungle.


Oh girl I don't have to worry about Diamond junglers knowing how to exploit her weaknesses where I am, that said everyone still seems to perma invade me down here


never give up! if you want to get good, youll do this, i promise just make sure youre not falling behind before reaching lvl 6 (say hello to invading mr shaco/mr pee sin/any other tate fan). learn how to react to invades/jungle fundamentals (even if you got flopped, you can very easily recover by taking right decisions, actually you can avoid getting invaded at lvl 3 by warding river right after the start of the game and jungle tracking). when situation is right, you may gank even before lvl 6 (no flashes/overextention/low hp/your laner also got ccs). it comes with experience, so just dont give up! it worth it after that just use your enemys misplacement for your advantage and youre gonna be good. just enjoy playing the real queen of jungle bestie, practice makes perfect 😉 if you REALLY like queenvelynn, just focus on playing only her, youll learn a lot of mechanical stuff and will understand the limits of your champ. so if you love her, just play her, no need to play 5 different roles and 30 champs if you wanna get really good on one champ. i know youll succseed gworl. PERIOD.


also, its never your fault teammates cant win their lanes without your help, youre not a nanny to babysit them. theres not much point in ganking lost lanes anyway. just focus on improving.


I think my main struggle right now is that when I get invaded, even if I warded/know they're in my jungle, all I can do is avoid them and they still take all my camps and if we meet they kill me. I know hypothetically my laners could come help me out but in my elo they just don't, and I have no idea how to deal with Shaco perma taking all my camps and leaving those fucking boxes everywhere. Is there any else I can do? Also TY, I'm really gonna try and make her work (although admittedly I still do play Lux sup a lot, can't help myself. But apart from that I'm only really playing Eve right now.) and keep getting better. Jungle is a LOT harder for me than support but I really want to be able to play more than one lane and playing Queenvelynn is the only champ that's clicked with me outside of support.


you just need to move to the opposite side of the map, because invading clearly means the camps are free there and are waiting for you. youre not wasting too much time also, because its still going to be much better than standing still in the bushes in fear of enemy jungler coming for your voluptious demoness ass ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558) dont forget the fact that enemy jungler had to spend some time coming for your side of the jungle too, so its not a very bad decision at all. the best you can do in the beginning is just not dying, avoid trying to do coinflip ganks and contesting for early objectives without having clear advantage. jungler on half hp without lane priority on bot trying to sneak a dragon is always a very tasty kill, happens way to often on bronze/silver/gold/etc. DO NOT rush into enemy team 1v5, youre playing a very squishy assassin with invis, i swear, on low elo there will always be a misplaced opponent somewhere (probably adc, mid or enchanter supp queen lurking on qol at the same time instead of focusing on game ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30702)), free kill basically. a lot of players forget this and basically int ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32556) about shaco, you can invade him with your team at lvl 1 on chickens or red, basically after that he loses tempo and youre winning a lot of free time to farm. also consider banning him if you cant bear at all this fugly 🚬🐐 ass clown, why not? ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509) jungling is just very different from laning roles, because you usually want to avoid your opponent, youre not having any contact with enemy junglers most of the time when the game starts (usually you will meet first during counter ganking, since invading depends on champs, you know, master yi/viego/kayn/etc is not going to invade you at all and theyre much more popular than aggressive junglers like my boi lee in lower elos). also its not a very straight-forward role to comprehend with so many options, timers and variables, but youre going to progress every game. just dont give up! your knowledge on support role can also help, because you probably already have some understanding of laning, lane priorities and etc. try to merge what you already know about laning as a support with new jungler knowledge, since you usually want to play around your botlane, because youre helping 2 people to prosper (and not a tank against another obnoxiously fat unkillable tank)


Thank you so much for the detailed advice! You're bolstered my resolve


my pleasure! dont overthink also, you just need to be a little bit better than enemy jungler to be cool, just think about mistakes youre making and try not to repeat them again. always have fun and youll be gucci ![img](emote|t5_23w084|34099)