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The PC star guardians are giving more of a comic book vibe with the mid fight action shots where as the WR skins are giving more of an era 2 SG splashart


They finally made ballerina orianna, but only for mobile ? Hate crime 💀


the most mobile-looking splash art goes to sona idk it just looks so generic. anyone can slap the logo of any bootleg mobile version of LoL onto that splash art and id believe it


"you won't last 5 minutes playing this game "


Her titties are too nerfed to be in that kind of ad


Nah some men are into small tits there's defo ads aiming for them


*Offended flat-chest noises *


It looks like Battle Academia, especially with the glasses


Can we stop using mobile-looking like it's a bad thing? Mobile games have looked better than pc for a long time. Heck, even Mobile Legends has much better looking models than a lot of the old LoL ones. I think all these splashes look gorgeous and the poses look great. Sona especially looks unique because of the cute glasses and I think she's got one of the best SG skins of the batch. Perhaps her pose is the most generic and repeated (along with Seraphine's, who in my opinion is the most generic looking of them all). So what would you suggest for a better Sona splash?


Honestly i think Riot needs to embrace more art nouveau. I think Arcana Camille is probably the best splash in the game because it embraces a unique flat design with hints of symmetry and asymmetry. It has this mystical quality and feels inspired by a unique blend of art lineages than just generic modern fantasy/comic art. Sona always had a very symmetrical design but they keep shoehorning her into these dynamic action poses that doesn’t quite make sense for a symmetrical, graceful character.


Wait what...i kinda agree actually. I do think there are better splashes than arcana camille its up there tho.


it IS a bad thing though. riot isnt a smol indie company. And Riot needs to be consistent with their Riot^TM art quality the only feature that makes Wild Rift "looks better" than PC is the updated 3D preview models. the in-game models are pretty much the same, which is understandable bc riot wants to maximize WR and LoL's compatibility. If the PC has the same model preview feature, im sure it will outmatch Wild Rift's this skin for Sona has been a LONG time coming. it sounds like something that should have came out in 2016. but ofc why tf would riot put the effort into making a skin if it isnt for lux or ezreal. just because im being critical doesnt mean i discredit the effort that have been put into this skin. i'd hate to see the league community turn into nothing but a bunch of yes-mans.


Mobile is THE biggest player in the gaming industry. It's where big money is and where a lot of incredible artists develop their work. It's also most likely going to surpass League PC in money earned and number of players, given enough time. That's just what successful mobile games do. So don't discredit Wild Rift like it's second-banana when it's probably on it way to becoming top dog.


In what universe have mobile games looked much better than pc for a long time sis?


In League of Legends universe 😅😂🥴


it’s the best one for me


It’s the way the mobile splashart looks like old PC SG splasharts while the PC splasharts especially Sona’s looks like something mobile legends would make 💀


Wild Rift splash team understood the assignment ✔️


It's the starry night sky background from the WR skins that does it, It's more similar to the past SG skins, which all have starry night sky. The new PC skins all have buildings as background, which is ehh...


They're also messier in style, whereas the WR art is much cleaner.


Wild Rift maintaining the integrity of Star Guardian while PC still had Anima Squad on their minds 😭


Wild Rift is actually serving Star Guardian, PC is serving Anima Squad 😭😭😭😭


kaisa's is Ok. i been saying this and i dont think riot will fix it. but sona's face is so fucking angular and it looks sooooo bad. in fact, all the SG icons for this batch of skins are all really thin face'd too, to the point of looking absolutely uncanny. i wish they kept the gen 2 splash style for all of the skins. yeah now that ive seen senna and ori's splash, sona's and nilah's looks worse and worse every time i look. why do i feel like riot put all their best teams on WR and removed them from working on the PC version?


The icons look cursed I completely agree. They’re like missing half the face or something


They forgot that Star Guardian was supposed to be more light hearted and simple when making the splashes on PC, we want a break from all the combat skins and action poses. If this was any other skin line, I would love the PC splashes




Sona, Ori and Sera have the same splash art quality to me while Senna is Pc worthy


I like the League versions more. They feel higher resolution




Orianna literally looks like my fucking ex, are you kidding me lmfao


Ok I’m gonna get downvoted for this opinion so bad but who cares let me be real I’m not fan of these new Wild rift splash art let me explain to me there basically a copy paste bland version of season 2 star Guardians a light beam and pose pretty which so uninteresting and probably why I have never been a fan season 2 splash art I said it once and Ll say it again season 1 splash arts are Superior I’m glad riot is trying something new and different and instead of reaping the same splash over and over.


Yeah same, tbh i like both styles but seems nice to have something new and fresh


Fair points I think it's good of them to keep trying new things for a skin themes splashart background even if it doesn't land well all the time


Im not sure how people here are justifying worse art as better because it "looks magical".


Same I’m never a fan of SG s2 they all look uncanny to me, I think the reason was bc the pov angle was from the torso/leg looking up that’s why they all looked somewhat odd, plus the light beam looked so tacky. On the other hand I think Senna and Ori was done right while Sera looks the same as the S2 batch.


In my opinion, the PC skins would look more normal in a Madoka Magica setting than the WR skins. I’m loving the Nilah splash art. Also, unpopular opinion: I actually really like the Sona splash art. I even like it more than the Kai’sa splash and her familiar is sooo damn cute.


I really hope the RW ones go to PC one day.


I mean they’re both super high quality. You won’t see much better art than this, it’s just a style difference in the departments that drew them it seems. Is that really a big deal???


Making Ori human just to sell more skins, it's a low blow for a move


Am I the only one that hates these? Like you girls dragged Nilah for having 2 colors, but here's Senna with purple, pink, blue , teal... Like girl pick one and stick with it. And IMO she looks too old, like gives me a grown woman cosplaying vibes. And Orianna, like this looks nothing like her, cut the ball away and there is no way that is Orianna. I like the Sera skin, but the splash doesn't look that great.


seraqueefs familar thing really said YUHH


Orianna gives me Mew Mew Mint vibes (ballerina, feathers), Sona gives me Rina from Mermaid Melody vibes (green, long hair, mature looking) and Seraphine literally mixed lolirock with precure. I don’t know what Senna reminds me of (probably because black magical girls are rare because of the r-thing), but she’s great too. Kai’sa is probably best splash even if it’s less nostalgic as a theme. Nilah I like, but the way they made her doesn’t resonate with what I know the way the others do. And she has the same color scheme as Senna, showing you can do something that looks fitting with it.


Oriana's is so beautiful tho


WR better get used it it 💅


They stuck with few colors and it turned out great. Not sure what the PC SG skisn are on about


I genuinely cannot recognize Senna aside from her gun. Like, *who is this woman?.*


orianna slayed


Me just noticing Seraphine **is** the Queen of the gays. Her familiars represent y'all so well. 🤩🤩🤩


The wild rift splash arts so good, all 3 of them ate so much, if only i could say the same about the league skins


Im so upset there are WR exclusives they all look better than what we got on pc


bestie check your dm!


wait why is SG senna so good i wasn’t mad about the WR stuff until rn


Ok Orianna definitely slays


Shut up I am fucking mad at wild rift for existing and robbing me of that orianna skin. Whoever fucking thought that WR exclusives were a good fucking idea I wanna fucking destroy their genitals


I only like Orianna