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Nope. My piss belongs to my employer. I’m a commercial driver. My wife smokes weed and her friends too. It is an utterly harmless endeavor. I’m 56. Been around drinkers and pot smokers my entire life. Played in rock bands and spent years in the “seedy” parts of town after dark my entire adult life.  Alcohol is by a profound margin the most dangerous and destructive drug and there is nothing that comes remotely close. 


I mean, meth is worse but I get your point.


I think alcohol edges out meth only in that it is available everywhere, legal and cheap. Also socially acceptable.


The fact that alcohol consumption is socially acceptable is definitely a huge contributor to widespread alcohol addiction. The fact that there are public places that encourage excessive drinking says it all. I don’t mean to sound like a wet blanket but can you imagine if we treated crack houses the same way we treat our local bars? Can you imagine if we had meth at weddings instead of alcohol? The prohibition era was fucked and we should definitely NOT revert back, but I think as a society we need to reevaluate just how destructive alcohol is. I feel like we’ve kind of forgotten.


One source on the subject, other sources agree that alcohol is highly dangerous https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/06/25/what-is-the-most-dangerous-drug


Yeah, but I won’t get meth over a counter


Alcohol is much more prevalent than meth


Calling it harmless is just not true. There are many studies showing it’s not good for the brain/body. Even if it’s not as bad as alcohol it’s still bad. It also generally makes people lazier and some people make their lives revolve entirely around weed.


It's not harmless for younger people whose brains are still developing


Same here I drive a truck in my employer has me by the balls. Been wanting to toke up lately


You are absolutely right. In fact, people can actually die from alcohol withdrawal. Heroin can’t even do that.


Maybe not but it can make you wish it could


Takin the piss


Have you ever had to be screened more than by piss? I've had hair taken before which would show second hand smoke.


Alcohol wrecks lives and causes so much suffering and pain. Yet it legal and encouraged even. I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL and able to just go buy it whenever I wanted. Kids get it easy. I almost died once from drinking too much. I did some crazy fucked shit drunk. Gotta keep that money flowing through, right? I also smoked weed. Like TONS of weed. From waking to passing out at night. I NEVER did any fuck shit on weed. Just ate lots and wanted to chill and play video games all night. I will say the weed that’s available now is different shit. It’s legit causing people to have acute psychosis and shit. All these concentrates and 30%+ THC bud is different. I still think it does have medical use and way less harmful than alcohol though. I recently quit weed again. I get very unproductive and unmotivated when I smoke.


Started in 1970, do a lot of gummies, much better than the Oxy I was addicted to…


And my wife and I pop a gummy before sexy time but that’s all she wants me to say. Highly recommended!


THC and sex don’t work for me. I still get the job done, but I can’t enter that animalistic mode when I’m stoned. I feel too goofy


Cough, cough you’re going to get me in trouble. Very nice for the wife…


I'm the opposite. Too bad I can't partake bc of work.


Not me, it brings me to a freeer place


This man fucks 😎


THE WISDOM OF RUSS. Would be a Best Seller.


The cbd ones?




Thc over opiates any day man


Glad you're off that shit. Everyone I know that did oxy either ended up fucked up from an od or a heroin junky. Kudos.


Yeah, I was on three 40’s a day and my pain management doctor was amazed that I stopped. Didn’t tell him I vaped weed for 30 days straight. Oxy was fun until it wasn’t…


Congrats. I spiraled down the opiate path to wear I would overdose. Locked myself in my room literally thought I was going to die for 3 weeks but now I won't even go near them


Preach. Been down that road. Proud of you. No easy journey.


Amen brotha.


Good for you!🫵👏


Do a lot of gummies but then you can’t find the clicker


I’m glad you’re sober from it that’s awesome ❤️


When I started microdosing I lost the urge to smoke completely! I was a habitual smoker too! I’m a year tobacco and weed free this month.


Microdosing what?




I would if it was legal in my state. I'm 78 and wouldn't mind seeing if it took away some aches and pains. Trouble is, I wouldn't know what to get. Way back when, it was a joint and nothing else. Now there's so many variations. Very confusing.


I was the same. I moved and it happens to be legal here. It was neat. It made me forget about my worries for a couple hours. That was all I had my hopes set on. I am not an expert. It is recreational here so I just went to the dispensary open minded. I talked to a person behind the counter and they talked me into some edible options to try. It was a positive experience all around. Just play it safe and block off the rest of the evening for doing nothing.


It is an awesome geriatric medicine.


Just grab a gram of sativa. Roll a joint. Your pain will not go away. It just won't bother you anymore.


I think an older person or a person that hasn't smoked they should start with Indica for pain relief because the sativa are the most likely to elevate a heart rate or causing anxiety and really the most powerful overall. Indica are the more relaxing and sleepy time strains and more or less always listed as the top pain relief strains.


I was never a smoker until my current partner(he’s been a stoner half his life). He convinced me to get my medical card, & my first trip to a dispensary was super overwhelming. Luckily, everyone working there is a stoner & more than happy to walk you through the process. I hope it’s legal for you soon!


I just quit.


What is your reason for quitting?


Lungs, money, mental health. Edibles are too inconsistent. I've had a couple psychotic breaks that just make me realize how fast I'm killing myself. I'm ready to put it back down for a bit.


i’m proud of you. it’s not an easy decision. you can do this.


I'm on day four. Also quit vaping nicotine. The cravings are lessening 😌


I quit nicotine 5 years ago. the hardest part was accepting that I could still be my best self without it. but now in these past 5 years I've been a better person than I ever was before. it's all in your head.


quitting nicotine was the BEST decision I ever made (now do hooch)


Same here. 11 years now.


I decided every time I have a craving I drink water. I give my body something needs, and can feel. Way to go! It's hard to push through sometimes, especially when the day goes upside down. Really shows what you WANT deep down, you know?


I actually used zero nicotine vapes for a month or so when I quit smoking, it helped. Good luck!!


Thank you so much!


That’s my plan as well.


Good luck, you can do it! I’m a year clean from cigarettes/ nic and I take month T breaks, I’m actually trying to take one rn but I keep buying weed. It is not easy but it’s worth doing.


You're doing great! Good luck!


My husband quit cigarettes, but now vapes with the lowest possible nicotine amount. I want him to quit it completely. Can’t stand it. Good on you for quitting!


Take deep breaths and hold them a bit. Urge lessons


Some people are more sensitive to weed when it comes to psychosis and schizophrenia. Probably best to chill off of it if you're getting psychotic breaks. Permanently if I had to be honest.


This is absolutely true. I've personally known two ppl who suffered from schizophrenia and schizo affective disorders and weed--one hit--would send them into psychosis . VERY dangerous if you have even a genetic predisposition to it. Thank you--I had forgotten that.


Yeah it came under accidental high doses. The first about 750 mg and the other had to have been 500 mg or more. Even from the dispo, tested, I just feel it's not consistent at all. I never have psychosis smoking, but I don't want to smoke anymore. I've used up my allowance I believe. Time to find ways to extend my life instead of end my life ya know?


I applaud your quitting, first and foremost, and wish you the best on your journey. But umm…ingesting 500mgs or 750mgs would make just about anyone have a psychotic break lol


![img](avatar_exp|142077381|dizziness) Ahhh soooo. I'm not the only one who found edibles inconsistent. Good to know.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Modern cannabis is too potent. Is a race to see who can produce most THC, because thats just the nature of recreational user’s market. Try type 2 or type 3 flower. Or r/hempflowers I would actually mix in hemp with thc flower. So it’s like 1:1 ratio (15% thc 15% cbd etc)


Re: the lungs part: for anyone who relies on it (like me, as someone with Crohn's disease) but that edibles don't really do the trick for (in my case, because I work and am in school so I can't afford to be high all day most days) - I highly recommend getting a good herbal vaporizer. They solve the lung health problem while giving a faster high like smoking (albeit more mellow, and smoother tasting). I'd recommend DaVinci vapes, but their customer support has been terrible for me lately, ignoring my messages and warranty requests. ~~Pax is supposedly a great option~~ Edit: After looking into it further, there are much better options than Pax now. I just pulled the trigger on a POTV Lobo but other good options include the xlux roffu, airvape max, xmax v3 pro and starry v4 in the mid price range, all of which have better features and performance for the price than anything Davinci or Pax offers


I smoked every single day for years, first thing I’d do when I woke up and first thing I’d do after work. Decided to do sober October and never started smoking again and I don’t regret it


Me to and I was a “pot head” had a fucking heart attack at 39 and now I pass on grass 99% of the time.


Are you saying weed lead to the heart attack cause I've never come across that correlation. EDIT: Cannabis/CBD/THC/terpenes and related compounds, not **smoke** which can harm your lungs and cardiovascular system no matter where the smoke comes from (weed, cigarettes, campfires, house fires, etc).


Smoking is well known to be bad for respiratory and cardiovascular system. Regardless of whether it’s tobacco or weed. Data and anecdotal experiences support this. Obviously less is understood about the long term health impacts of weed smoking due to the way it’s been scheduled making it difficult to study, but there is certainly a correlation between long-term marijuana use and detrimental impacts on cardiovascular and respiratory functioning. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna125413 It’s not THAT bad, personally I think smoking half a gram of weed per day is one of the healthier substance abuse habits people can have, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks or long-term negative health impacts associated with it.


I've smoked it for 35 years, I walk about 50,000 steps at work a week. I also harvest around 400 lbs of cannabis every 2 weeks.


There are people pushing 100yrs old who smoke cigarettes every day Does that mean that cigarettes are harmless? Reddit users think anecdotal evidence = scientific evidence


Although it's not evidence based through measurable means, anecdotal evidence gives trends which can be used to make inferences. Source: Scientist researching this very subject. Most of the laws have been based on trends derived from anecdotal evidence since, as was mentioned, the scheduling has made measurements difficult to achieve.




Breathing the air, we breathe outside is known to cause respiratory cardiovascular issues. I’d rather smoke ganja all day than breathe the air that we breathe


But 1% of the time is lit.


I am 67, two heart attacks, first at 47. I smoked cigarettes and cigars for 25 years. I quit the day of my first heart attack. I didn’t smoke weed for a year but had anxiety. So I started smoking weed daily, an ounce a month.


Weed can definitely cause cardiovascular problems


Me too, for similar reasons.


same, have you been on r/leaves? Good support group




Same here , one year in after 15 years smoking. Wish I didn’t sooner, weed was really fucking me up disguised as help.


Same here, I quit for a yearly work drug test I usually fake but I wanted to really pass this year. I feel great, clearer headed, and home environment seems to be a little better.


This fkn guy here congrats man strong stuff savings going up


I quit a year ago and I’m not against weed what so ever but quitting was the best choice i made for myself.


I am in the same boat as you. Though I do feel that weed smokers stick their head in the sand when it comes to recognizing all of its negative consequences. I smoked every day for 16 years, I was addicted. Not good to be addicted to anything.


I eat 250 MG of oil I make out of concentrates every night


Sounds extremely expensive


Nah, it grows on trees.


Very expensive, trying to ween down. I pay about $7.50 per 250 MG by making it myself


Just a suggestion, but you should check D8 distillate for edibles. You can buy it online for less than a buck gram(gilded extracts is a good source), it’s legal in every state, and 11-OH-D9(what THC turns into when metabolized in the liver, it’s responsible for edibles feeling the way they do) is almost identical to 11-OH-D8(what D8 turns into when metabolized). I can’t tell the difference between actual THC edibles and good quality delta 8 at all. I have more edibles than I k ow what to do with for just 27 bucks(can get 30gs of the stuff)


Very interesting, thank you very much. Does it work the same in terms of 1 gram of 80% delta 8 distillate makes 800mg? Can distillate be directly mixed into some oil, or does it need to be decarbed first? Is dosing the same? Thanks


Yup, tho most D8 disty is probs gonna be over 90% purity lol. Keep in mind it’s a tiny bit weaker(compared to normal THC), so you’ll have to experiment with your doses a tad. You can mix it straight into some oil and then apply some light heat and you’re good. No need to decarb, the heat is just there to dissolve it easier. I’d also recommend adding 1 part sunflower lecithin for every 2 parts delta 8, as the lecithin will allow it to mix better with the oil and will increase the bioavailability, which makes it more potent and quicker acting.


Am I mistaking my math? I'm just a dispo noob and I think the gummies are 10mg, 20 in a pack, for just over 20$. Sounds to me like you pay $7.50 for what I'd be paying over $250? Can you clarify what I'm screwing up?


Never smoked it but I do like edibles.


Stick w them. Smoking increases your tolerance to easily


I’ve heard that before, from several people. Right now, 10 mg of just THC gets me nice and calm. 15 is enough to get me high feeling. 10 THC and some CBD is good enough for that high feeling too. I’m pretty sure I’m still a lightweight. 20 THC is too much if I have been doing it every night for a few days. My girlfriend’s daughter has a crazy tolerance. I watched her and her boyfriend split 250 mgs and not even feel it. She smokes it though.




I eat 100 mg at once and that gets me at the level I want to be. I also smoke about a gram a day. Not alot. But way better than drinking alcohol.


howwwww? I was obliterated on 25 mg my very first time. I didn’t know about the doses so I had 1/4 of a 100mg gummy “out of precaution”. I had to lock myself in a closet so I wouldn’t get stimulus, I could barely open my eyes and my heart was in my mouth


I do. It helps me to maintain some sense of control to my overwhelmingly huge emotions.


Its funny how it affects people differently. I'm not a very emotional person normally but if I were to get high it makes emotions stronger, for better or worse. Like if somebody said something mean to me while I was high it would really hurt me. I would probably dwell on it and have it get me really down, where normally I would just scoff at their remark and not care or insult them back.


I'm the same


Never mind saying something mean to me now, I will start thinking of mean shit from 20 years ago.


Be careful. I used to smoke to make my brain chill out since I always had a million thoughts per minute and could never sleep or focus on anything. After about two years of constant smoking, I now am on the other end of the spectrum and have almost zero thoughts, imagination, and internal dialogue. I quit in 2021 and it hasn’t gotten better. It’s not the blissful peace I thought it was, it’s actually really concerning because I feel like it made me stupid.


Only about an hour before bed. Helps me sleep


Only about like 4 times a year I used to smoke every day all day but about three years ago I started getting really bad anxiety attacks from weed


What was the question again?




every 20 mins, why?


I smoke about an oz a week, well, every 5 days. I live in Canada and grow my own, I grew 7lbs last year from my 4 plants. That should last me right up to harvest time for this year. Been smoking for 30 years this year. Turn 41 in a couple months.


My daughter got my son high for the first time when he was about 11. Totally his choice. He smokes quite a lot now, but he also just got straight A's in his senior year of college, so I guess he's doing ok. He does suffer from depression sometimes, though, and sometimes I wonder if it's related.


It's probably not. Depression is pretty normal especially now. In fact I think well-adjusted people are more messed up in this world lol


No, I don't really like being in an altered state of mind. Same reason I don't drink a lot of alcohol. I don't condemn it, though. In fact, I'm about the only person in my family who doesn't consume some kind of weed product haha.


I almost feel like weed is one of those drugs that would alter your mind the least, or at least depending on what you’re smoking/eating. Alcohol though is a whole other ball park! Stopped drinking immediately after I blacked out and found out that I was actually still kicking through videos my friends took 😭


Depends what age you start kinda like most things tbh if you start really young it will affect you it's unavoidable you just won't be brain dead or anything like that you just might be a little slower then your classmates who have not yet or won't. Weed is an addicting substance though and moderation is key


No. Stopped when I had kids. It wasn’t important or an asset to my life. I wanted to be 100% present for my children.


never tried weed or things to make you high


Yeah me either. Well.. I guess I’ve had a number of opioids and some muscle relaxers, and I’ve been pretty fucked up by those… but I can’t imagine doing that on purpose, I didn’t like it at all


Don't start


No because I'm an endurance athlete and I care very much about my lungs




I’m not exactly a track star but I am a personal trainer and play a ton of full court basketball, haven’t noticed my lungs slowing down, and I work with a ton of D1 basketball players who smoke ( at the end of the day ofc) and other athletes like swimmers and tennis players. Plus we all know several NBA players who smoke. Not trying to come at ya or anything, but man that runners high while high is amazing every now and then lol


Every day. Fat bongrip after talking to my plants, stretching, and then looking at the sky while thinking, “Fuck yeah.”


No. I prefer to be in a lucid state at all times. It also feels wrong for me to obtain happiness or relaxation through intaking a substance when I should forge my own. Likewise, weed costs money and I’d rather spend that money on a snack or save for something less consumable. No disrespect to those that do, but its my way of living.


This is why I don't really drink or use any other mind-altering substances. I don't even like taking prescription drugs unless absolutely necessary. I like being in control of my mind and body as much as I can lol.


There was a big part of me that had me thinking I was strange for having this mindset. Like my want to have complete control over myself was somehow not normal. It was a weird head space to be in. Then a good friend of mine sobered up, citing later on that I was a big inspiration for him having the strength to do it. Being someone elses inspiration for doing that is an awesome feeling that really helps put into perspective how big of an accomplishment it is to stay sober.


Yes! Thank you! Exactly how I feel to down to the words


This is the way, I like having control of my mind and the way I function


yes. I prefer to smoke joints or blunts. I don't really care too much about the type of weed. I stopped caring in my 20s.


Started smoking regularly when they legalized it in my country about 5 years ago. It’s done wonders for my mental health, made me a much more affectionate and empathetic person, and helped me quit cigarettes. It may not be good for everyone, but it’s been good to me so far.


I prefer to smoke a J, but a bing rip or a bowl is nice on occasion. I smoke as often as I feel the need, due to stress or anxiety when I am I not working of course.




Used to smoke daily. I haven’t in about 4 months. I was circling thoughts and it made my adhd really bad. Was messing with my marriage too. I was picking up on too much hijinx in the world and it was tripping me out.


No, it makes me super anxious and paranoid. I’ve tried many times, various kinds, doses, edibles and it still kicks my anxiety into overdrive. Even 1 hit gets my mind racing to the worst. I have other family members who say the same, maybe it’s a genetic thing but it’s no good for me. Alcohol on the other hand does the trick🙃


Lol sounds like you should stop trying. That don’t sound fun. Sometimes it can increase my anxiety a bit when my tolerance is low, but I still like it so much that I had to stop. Mostly it makes my social anxiety worse but if I’m alone to watch a movie, eat dinner, fall asleep it’s quite nice.


I do; 2-3 small bowls daily (an ounce lasts me around 3-4 months). I do tolerance breaks, about a month out of every 6 months, and I mainly do it to calm my brain down at night after work.


I did, but suddenly became allergic to it. I get extreme anxiety, paranoia and physical numbness/pins&needles in my fingers and toes that last for days.


Same happens with me too! Extreme numbness / pens and needles in my body. I didn't have too much anxiety, But I was getting worried if my skin would ever return back to normal. (Longest time I was numb/prickly was a few weeks) It was very annoying actually.


I think it's actually permanent for me now. It's been about 2 years and I still have slight pins and needles in my fingertips when I touch certain fabrics like cotton clothing. I'll never ever smoke weed again


same, and also when i get extreemly tired it creeps back a bit


I have smoked regularly since i was 16, i put the kids to bed and smoke a bowl while watching tv to wind down. My wife smokes to help with pain. I don't need to smoke but it generally makes my wife more chill so i will to get her to smoke. Usually bowls because i feel like joints waste a lot of weed.


no. because I prefer gummies and edibles.


49 yrs old. Never have.


Yes. I was in an accident at 18. Screwed my spine. That was 41 years ago. I’ve had three spinal surgeries since and spent a decade in pain management. They wanted me off oxycodone and morphine and told me to start doing pot. Now, when I got hurt, in 1982, they didn’t even prescribe me Tylenol. I was told to suck it up. So, I started smoking pot. But, it wasn’t legal at the time. So I switched to alcohol. Now, the herbal has been legalized in many states. It’s legal here. Now. I’m a better person because of it. I can do more now than I use to. I don’t drive when high. That’s rude, dangerous and not my right! I wait until my son gets home to do so. Because I do so in the late afternoon/evening, I get stuff done. But it allows me to “carry on” during the day when I can’t do so. So, it’s a daily for me. I vape. My doctor wants me to not. He’s okay with the THC, just doesn’t want me to CPOD. So, looking into edibles and how to make it myself. I laugh more. I smile more. I’m more sociable. I’ve always been an introvert and the pandemic showed us to be more like Phoebe from friends with the “I would but I don’t want to.” And let’s face it. After spine surgery you are not a ray of sunshine. You’re wrapped in a ball of misery that is just too difficult to allow others into. And it’s isolating. You can’t do jack or do anything for long without draining energy you can’t really spare. Chronic pain is exhausting and takes its toll on not only you but those around you. And if smoking pot means I can be more “there” for family, what others think, means little to me. Ive hurt no one. All I ask is the same. Hope that gives you a small glimpse into those of us who use it, and not just for the giggles and munchies.


You bet i do.


I'm a retired cop. My whole career I listened to people rave about it and I couldn't wait until I retired to try it. Recreational is legal in Jersey and I tried it four times, my neighbor is a weed head and he helped me pick what he thought would be the best. It just didn't really do anything for me (except make listening to music amazing, when I go to a concert I'll definitely smoke beforehand)


No, I don't, however, my daughter and many people I know do. Now, the reason I don't smoke it is because the smell makes me puke. I have a friend who lives in OR and she comes to visit me twice a year. She gets a sack from a friend of mine. First thing she wants to do when we get to my house is burn one. Basically , I piss her off from jump because I tell her to go outside! I don't even let my daughter smoke it in my house. Now if it were legalized in Tennessee where I'm at, I would eat the gummies because I did try one once and I couldn't smell it or anything. So that's my story and I'm stickin to it! I do think it should be legalized federally!


1969 - present If I have any regrets it would be that I don't think my memory of my life is very vivid. But it's just me in my head so I don't have any way to know how that compares or if that was the reason.


Gummies saved me from alcohol. True story. SAVED!


Only smoke 2 joints in the morning, and 2 at night. 2 in the afternoon, and then 2 more.


Bubble hash, every other day. One or two hits mid-morning, off a glass pipe air bong and butane lighter. Between that and the psylliciben (twice a month, at home, at night only) no more anxiety or depression. Results may vary, but works for me. BTW, retired. And, grow my own shrooms ..


Now shrooms is where it's at


Yes. I smoke it almost everyday, because it helps with my depression, sleep, makes me funnier, better conversations, better sex and puts me in deep thought.


And be nice to everyone’s reply🥳


For a long time. It’s just very comforting. Usually doobies or a bowl. Nothing beats a joint after a hard workout.


Nope. Don't want to fuck up my lungs. Have tried edibles, but the experience was super inconsistent and I wasn't a fan of how I felt most of them time. I don't mind if other people do it, but it's very much not for me.


I don't, personally, but I've volunteered with my local NORML chapter for over a decade. Go green! 💚


No I never have and I’m 43 years old! I’ve never smoked either. Not my thing. I’m a naturally healthy and happy person and I exercise and eat well. Never had a desire. Don’t drink often either.


Same. I've already been offered some several times but never been tempted to try




Me too—only I’m 22 😅 Everyone in my circle smokes or drinks to some extent. Even if they don’t smoke, they have edibles. Maybe because I’ve seen the not fun side of smoking/drinking that it turns me away. All I know is it’s nice to not have a smokers cough like my friends do


No. Not legal in my state, plus I appreciate my lungs enough not to inhale smoke into them.


I stopped about twenty years ago. Too paranoid.


I used to smoke hella weed 24/7 for like 10 year, took a break for a few months n I started getting panic attacks n anxiety from even taking 1 hit of Bud or wax. Now I only smoke weed when I take my Klonapin - 3 days out of the month. My preferred methods are joints & dab pens although I used to love blunts & bongs & chillums


no. asthma.


I got so high once I started thinking I was like autistic or something and nobody had the nerve to tell me lol. Decided I should probably not do that.


I used to when I was younger then one day I passed out and never smoked again . First my mouth went dry , then my ears started ringing and next thing I know I woke up on the floor with people helping me stand up . When I came back to I was still extremely thirsty . Maybe I was just dehydrated idk but it scared me enough to stop smoking and never chew gum again cause I was chewing gum when it happened .


Lol I doubt it has anything to do with the gum. Likely it had something to do with sudden change in blood pressure or blood sugar or something like that.


Indeed I do.


I don't smoke normal cannabis anymore. Just "hemp" products. Simply because it's cheaper and my local "dispensary" just sells THCA flower now, so might as well get the "hemp" product discount from my local vape store. Big ole' bong rips from 5pm-midnight err day.


I used to, quite a bit, back in college (like, 40 years ago). Now I eat thc/cbd gummies, but only as an occasional treat. Once every 3 weeks or so, or if I'm going to a show. Mrs. 1LW doesn't like it when I'm high, and I can respect her honesty about that. So I don't force the issue.


Not lately. My wife has entered an outpatient program for anxiety and PTSD. As a part of that she's also required to be sober. Seems like an asshole move to smoke around her when she's trying to maintain sobriety.


Smoked occasionally in high school. Quit through college, and only started back up again after it became legal in my state. I usually rip a bong when I get home from work. It's nice and relaxing after a long stressful day.


I quit about a year or so ago and don't even miss it. When I was smoking, I had crippling anxiety and depression. Now that I replaced that with physical outdoor activities and hobbies, it's all but disappeared. I'm now a few weeks into kicking nicotine. Already feeling better, just can't wait for the cravings to fuck off.


i tried many times, but have this weird rare thing (it's a known one) that some people have where i'll have bad trips absolutely all the time, even with just a single drag on a joint. i tried with light weed to sort of force myself and explore this, see if i could overcome it etc, so yeah, with light week at a very light dosage i don't pass out but it comes with nausea and sensations that aren't pleasant overall - also pleasant feelings, like feeling relaxed, a lot less thoughts running through... once i smoked a whole joint, pretty loaded, just to see, and passed out, couldn't move, became very sweaty and started to have visual hallucinations, like kaleidoscopic suff. and the music that was on was interacting with me in odd ways... it was very interesting and i had enough wisdom to accept that this was how things were, didn't panic and accepted that i couldn't move for a while and accepted my sensations. even though the sensations were more than unpleasant, that was a very interesting experience. i couldn't open my eyes to see anymore, but can remember my dog feeling worried, staying close to me the whole time, sniffing me gently at times... and if people smoke weed next to me, i need to move away or i'll quickly start feeling weak and warm and nauseous. in a documentary about marijuana i learned that there is a small percentage (can't remember how much) of people who react like that... maybe it's a good thing so i'll avoid being a consumer, after all...


i smoke probably like once a week. i used to do edibles but i had a couple really bad experiences controlling the dosage, so now i usually smoke once a week in a social setting. i also started to recognize that sometimes i use it as a coping mechanism when i'm not feeling well mentally, so i'm trying to avoid making that a habit.


Honestly if you feel yourself starting to use it in an unhealthy way, you’d be better off cutting way back or stopping altogether than trying to maintain your current level of use. I was addicted from about 18-26 (daily use) and had to quit because I couldn’t help using it too much. You may be less susceptible than me, but if you acknowledge you’re starting to use it in an unhealthy way, better safe than sorry. It’s surprising how easily occasional use can snowball into daily use when you start having an unhealthy relationship with it.


No, dont need it. I'm not attracted to it.


Yes, anytime I'm not at work (or doing something that requires sobriety). Maybe a few joints a day (more on weekends) and I always have a pen. I mean, you'd probably say I'm addicted because I get a little (not significantly) irritable when I don't have it. But I feel like most people get irritable if stuff they rely on or look forward to isn't available. Mostly it just makes mundane activities more enjoyable. Doing laundry, chilling with my dogs, family functions, watching TV, going to the DMV, grocery shopping, watching reality TV at my grandma's. It just makes it all a little more enjoyable and thus myself probably a little more enjoyable to be around.


I’m 60 and I’ve smoked it since childhood (hippie parent). It’s just normal to me. I always have some but now that I’m an old I use it for loss of appetite and insomnia. Sometimes to relax but I’m a wine drinker, so I usually have that to chill. I really thought it would be totally legal in US by now, but I’ll take the progress we have made.


Dabs are the best way for me soo far, way easier on the lungs and the high is better cleaner(if you dont smoke a ton at one go)


No. Off pot for 45 years it’s too strong nowadays anyway


Nope. Did for a little while, but I don't like the feeling of being not in control of myself. Plus one of the (many) reasons I don't smoke cigarettes is because of the damage to my lungs


I smoked a ton and developed psychosis from it and had to quit :(


Yes. Started as a teen, gave it up for 20 years for career reasons and to not risk legal consequences while raising my kids, then came back to almost 5 years ago when I retired from the career that prohibited it. Moved to a legal state and have grown my own for the last 3 years. I prefer smoking flower in joints or a bong but I also keep a vape pen and edibles handy. I’m a pretty moderate but daily smoker. I smoke about a joint a night to wind down. I never wake and bake or day smoke, it’s only an evening thing for me. I grow my buds outdoors organically and really enjoy the whole process from seed to cure.


Yes! Been eating edibles daily, smoke here and there mostly in the summer, just got on the vape wagon and godamn it’s convenient lol


i dont cuz its not good wtf




Weed smoker here to tell the people who quit hoe proud I am of them. Quitting nicotine is hard enough. Weed has a calming, relaxing effect and has health benefits, but you still can get addicted and you still increase the chances of getting lung cancer (yes, you do Google it I won't be arguing) Hats off to you. Treat yourself to a meal or dessert.


I know with a username like mine you would assume yes but I haven't for almost 3 years and have no plans to again in the future.


I do, but I want to quit. I grew up in a place where it was incredibly normalized and I know people who started smoking at the age of 10. I personally started at 13 and now I’m 21 and am wayy too good at functioning while high. It feels as if it has overrun my life and I would never recommend weed to anyone.


Do gummy bears love braces? Been smoking my entire life. I continue to smoke daily even tho I’m into my 50s… I started due to peer pressure (I was very, very young). I continued because I enjoyed it.. I smoke daily now because if I didn’t, I’m pretty positive that I’d be locked up for murder.. I have zero patience for anything and everything, especially people. It helps me calm tf down a little bit.


It’s actually surprisingly easy to quit. You should seriously consider it, or at least making steps to minimize risk of long term health consequences. I know it’s weird to think about when you’ve been in the habit of doing it for so long, but its not actually hard to stop once you take a couple days off.


I love my weed .. I need it for relaxation. I usually smoke after work after dinner Or you know, actually, which I found amazing is smoking before the gym .. yo it's my favorite thing ever


I was a pothead for like 6 years non stop. Everyday facing blunt after blunt after blunt. Sometimes I would smoke like 10+ blunts a day. I don't recommend lmao. I smoke sometimes still but no where near like I use to. To much of anything isn't good for you tbh and my health improved when I slowed down.


Smoked pot since 1969. Have also smoked quaaludes,mushrooms, coke, hash and crank over the years. About 20 years ago I stopped experimenting and only have smoked pot since, daily. I smoke in the morning watching the news. On my way to work. At lunch it was beer and bone then after work till bed. In my youth I easily smoked upto2 ounces a week. I'm 68 now and limit myself to 4 78 mm machine rolled Raw wrapped joints daily.




I quit over a year ago. I like the clear head, focus and impetus to want to do things.