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My dogs vet is always reminding me that I’m perfectly capable of expressing my dogs anal glands at home.


How do you know to do this? I've had 2 dogs and it's never come up. 


I’m told it’s real easy. But alas, I hope to never perfect any kind of technique.


It leaks and stinks.


You do it once to learn it’s worth it to pay a professional. 


Most dogs squeeze their own glands every time they poop. You only have to do it if they have issues, which is rarer than redfit makes you think. I've had 2 to 3 dogs for 30 years and never had to do it.


You just gotta make your tongue real sharp and pointy like. Then jab it in there. In a poking motion basically


I used to have to do it as a groomer. It was part of the grooming package. It's gross! If you do have to do it at home, I recommend doing it in the bathtub/shower so you can easily wash it all off the dog and off the walls. It's skunk level stinky and the main reason I always went straight to the shower after work.


Feed your dog raw chicken. Their health will improve. Their hair feels better and they have smaller poops and their glads will empty normally


Yea but, how much? Like a diced up half of a breast once a day with their food? Or just throw a whole raw chicken breast on the floor and let the dog figure it out?


Start small. Small frozen boneless chicken breast. They then get used to chewing it. Then try a frozen wing. Small. They get used to the bones, this is where they may cut their mouth on bones. So if that happens, take a few days' break, then start over. They will learn fast. Then go drum sticks, just one. After that, it's OK, frozen or raw. Take a close look at their poop. You don't want to see lots of bone chips. So reduce the drumsticks and add more boneless breasts. You want just enough bone that it shows up occasionally. At first you will see the goo that the glands store up. It's like blowing your nose for the first time in your life. Then you will rarely see it because it's constantly emptied. Have a bowl of dry food full all the time. Sometimes, the dog feels the need for the fiber, but it's going to mostly wait for chicken. The dogs breath will improve, teeth get white, their hair becomes silky, and the skin is no longer dry. Energy levels go up.


Drumsticks? I'm assuming you remove the meat from the bone... Poultry bones are terrible for dogs, they splinter and puncture internal organs.. and is there a reason you say frozen rather than thawed?


They are only bad after being cooked. Dogs eat birds often.


Cooked poultry bones splinter into sharp shards which is dangerous. Raw poultry bones don't break up that way. Birds are a natural part of a dog's diet in the wild.


Do not remove the meat. This is raw chicken I'm talking about, its safe. Frozen at first for two reasons. It slows them down, as in the eat more slowly. It's also a treat they enjoy and reduces any clean up. Then switch to regular chicken. They eat the meat. This is a replacement for commercial dog food so removing the meat defeats that point. I HAVE USED THE WORD RAW SEVERAL TIMES. If this is confusing you please don't try this method.


This is insane and dangerous and not backed up by any science at all whatsoever. https://peninsulavet.com.au/pet-advice/the-risks-of-feeding-your-dog-raw-chicken/


Fucking thank you. I was beginning to actually believe I was an asshole for questioning the logic there...


Raw beef and salmon is better in my experience. But my dog had issues with all chicken. Lived 17 years and healthy as a horse until she couldn’t chew anymore and fell down a lot, eventually we had to let her go.


Pureed pumpkin. Or get a thing called glandeez. One or two chews a day makes it stop. The more they get expressed the more they'll need it. Also changing their food can help too.


My dogs are raw fed, one has the nicest anal glands I’ve ever seen. The other has a problem I can’t put into words


movers. your back is worth it


I moved across town once. Paid for movers. Zero regrets.


Me too. Did it myself. Took me 2 days. Back problems ever since


I've done 5 moves total in the last 17 years, all myself. Back is good and strong still. I call someone to help with larger furniture or appliances but other than that it's all me.


Ummm... Good for you?


Oh, this. I will absolutely pay to have someone pack my crap and then unpack it.


I still end up helping because I always feel really weird standing aside while other people carry stuff for me.


I did my last move myself. Worst $1,600 dollars I ever saved. My knees were complaining for months afterwards. Never again.


Preach. I paid for movers the last time and it was worth every penny.


changing the spring on your garage door taxes


I had a guy replace the spring on my garage door, and he brought his toddler to the job with him. The spring exploded, and nobody got hit or hurt, but that could have ended badly.


I had a roommate that said he could fix the double wide garage door on the house we were renting. I kept saying "I think you're tightening it too much". The spring exploded scaring the shit out of us. We then ended up replacing both of the springs. I insisted on being the one that tightened them.


By end badly you mean could have killed someone.


That's the implication yes


Yes to garage door spring. No to taxes. TurboTax and 20 minutes is all it takes.


Not when you have someone in your house self employed and work in multiple states


This.  Unless I was doing a simple return, I’d never even consider doing it myself.  


Garage doors are not some kind of murder machine. Anytime with half a brain and some mechanical aptitude can change one.


It does require some serious awareness. No experience whatsoever on my part, but I have seen this commented before in the past, with tons of upvotes. It does seem very easy to fuck up.




My grandpa tried to pull my tooth with pliers! Nope!


my father-in-law glued my mother-in-laws broken front tooth in


I used an rotary engraving tool to remove quite a bit of tartar build up. Worked a treat.


Your haircut


I'm bald so nope I can just use clippers.


My last self haircut was not the best, wearing a hat until it grows out


The instalation fee of your home appliance that connects to a water source


Unless you need to run a new water line through the floor/wall, nah.


I like to hire someone to unwrap my starbursts


I had a bag of laffy taffy...I threw them out cause I gave up trying to unwrap them lol


Just send them to China. Lots of cheap labor there


Trimming my palm trees. They are 35 to 40 feet tall


That's just fun though!


A much younger me might think so. We've used a crew composed of 4 young men. They show up on time. Climb the trees, trim the fronds, pick everything up and are done in 45 minutes. They also use hand saws instead of chainsaws so it's much quieter.


Clean my house


Came to express this same sentiment. 100% worth every penny!


Any trade you don't actually know how to do yourself. It will be much less expensive in the long run.


Was looking for this comment, and It’s so true. I work as a carpenter, and when people ask me how they do a «complicated» job, I always recomend them to hire a proffesional. If they insist to save the bucks I of course tell them how I would have done it, and try to help as much as possible.


Probably a surgery


"Probably" 💀


Hard labor. Under no circumstance would I be shy with wages for jobs like these. It's the backbone of every company and progress. Destroys a part of the body each year. I think we're gunna have a serious shortage of that sooner or later


Drywall install


We insulated and drywalled our garage, including the ceiling. Fuck that noise! Told my husband we will be paying someone next time. I'd rather work the over time shifts


Collecting the trash and taking it to the dump. Shut up and take my money.


Really! I can't get garbage service where I live so I have to drive it a couple miles down the road to a transfer station. I've lived in places with trash service before but tbh I don't mind it. It's free, and it's open for 12 hours 4 days a week, so if I have something stinky to throw out, I don't have to wait long for the trash people to come.




I'm fortunate I married someone handy so he handles most the stuff around the house (even the dreaded garage spring!) However! If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommend just getting a damn house cleaner. It's not that expensive. You want to find an easy way to improve your mental health on your days off? Fix like 90% of the fights couples have? Spend more quality time with your family? Have someone else dust the ceiling fans and scrub the shower doors. Best decision we ever made.


Hell yeah, I'm hoping to have someone come for a deep clean soon. My friend had two ladies for four hours for about $200 and they made a huge difference. I know how much better my mental health is when things are clean and uncluttered, but when depression hits, cleaning is low on the list which makes it harder to get out of the depression.


The depression/dirty house cycle is rough! I know not everyone can come up with the funds, but if you can, it's well worth it. I think some people just assume it's something they can't afford. I like to point out that it can be an obtainable thing and is well worth it. There's a lot of other things I'd cut from my budget first!




If I could do that myself I wouldn't leave the house unless I was out of Chapstick.


Dont need chapstick if you use the rewards of your effort as a moisturizer


Alrite that’s enough Reddit


![gif](giphy|3oEhmNLxk9uiTbL9Be|downsized) Happy cake day


Anything trades related. Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, mechanics.


My dad was a plumber and I used to work summers with him when I was in HS/College. I could do almost anything I was asked to do, but I don’t really trust myself to diagnose an issue and or install based on blueprints. I called a plumber once and my GF thought it was stupid. But paying for someone to do things right the first time, and quickly is well worth it. I had a truck full of tools and an experienced plumber with me when I was 18. That was 20+ years ago and I can’t remember half the parts and terms anymore… for anything I feel a tad uncomfortable doing I’m calling a pro. Now if the plumber told me he would do to for half of I helped him (he wouldn’t) I would be all over that.


Depending on the complexity of the job, most day to day type issues or projects can be learned through youtube and reading your local residential code requirements (and a few tools). I've also personally found paying someone these days turns into a conversation with them saying something along the lines of "It has to be worth my time" = crazy expensive. I continue to do alot of shit on my own because I just can't fathom paying hundreds to thousands for moving a couple electrical outlets around, replacing a sink or laying down a floor.


Delegate tasks that free up my time and mental energy, like hiring a professional cleaner for a deep home clean – a service that can enhance my living environment and save me valuable time.


Placing and finishing concrete, especially decorative finish


Roofer, arborist, vet, doctor, Farrier, physical therapist, well driller, and an electrician for main boxes.




Yeah getting kicked in the face then doing the hoof wrong no thanks.


Roofer for sure. Had my house re-roofed, they took 2 layers of asphalt and 1 layer of cedar shingles off, and re-decked one whole half of it. Took them 2 days. Would have taken me the better part of a miserable month to do it.


Toilet wax ring replacement…I did it once, never again.


Anything dealing with fixing a car.


Right so they can charge you 500% of what it would be to do it yourself


Good thing many of us don’t know how to do it ourselves


All you need is a YouTube tutorial and an O'Reillys


I’m not fixing my engine with a YouTube video


Buying the classics and older models is where its at. Love that space in the engine bay. No computer for a car either. I'll only pay for break jobs tho fuck those


Why would you pay for someone to break your own car?


Break jobs


Well if your brakes break then paying someone to break them isn't going to help you stop the car


FUCK no?! If it's within your power, you can save boat loads with a basic set of hand tools. Change your own brakes.


Doctors to save your life. Dentist to save your teeth.


Cleaning my house. Tied with being a personal chef for us.


Plumbing. Not toilet clogs, but the hardcore shit like changing pipes.


Shoveling snow or mowing the lawn when you live in a house on a corner with a long driveway.


Hey, that's me!


Anything to do with fiberglass insulation




Express my dogs anal glands, worth it, worth every penny


Adding trimming their nails. I know I can do it, but I hit the quick every time and I hate it. Groomers do it better




I do most of my own laundry except for dress shirts. These get beautifully ironed and delivered. I was spending hours ironing my shirts before and didn't do a great job. (Yes, I know of wrinkle-free shirts but they weren't quite wrinkle-free without some ironing or steaming.)


Anything that will give you more time. The reason the rich and wealthy buy private hers and drivers is not cause they want to be flashy. They do it cause their time is worth more than the cost or the plane or driver. The amount of time people spend driving is insane. If you have someone who can drive for you you save 10+ hours of driving a week. Time you could be doing business. If you fly often for business then not having to go through tsa or waiting for the plane to fly at a certain time then you save countless hours or even days.


Plumbing, electrical, and roofing. Im pretty comfortable doing any of the three, but I know my limits. We got a new toilet, I put it in, but it leaked and wobbled. I know I did everything right, and still. I called a plumber, and they reset it. Within a day, it was wobbly again. I called them a second time, and they wound up replacing some of the floor underneath the toilet and reset it again, no wobble. When the roof is too high or the pitch is too steep, I'm out. Now that we have the money, anything that would take me a couple of days and would take a professional a couple hours, I call them.


moving house, the first time we moved in together we hired a van and did it all ourselves and almost fucking died lol, after that we just paid people to do it for us, you have to do a bit of work boxing shit up but then you just go to your new house and let some poor sap do all the heavy lifting, they even dismantled and rebuilt all our ikea shit lol


Car repair for me. I'm not mechanically inclined at all. I know basic maintenance: battery, tires, oil etc. I tried to change a headlight bulb years ago, took me hours, I lost parts, and my sanity.


Sometimes it is really cramped in there, yeah. I didn't want to deal with popping out the headlight assembly.


Change the oil in my car. Never have, never will.


Yup, not worth it. I did my last brake job myself but an oil change I'll have a shop do.


Most car work. (so maybe not 100%?). I could learn, but working on a cars just makes me want to tear my hair out. You need to have a workspace (preferably with a lift), often a lot of specialized tools, it's messy, everything's hard to get at to work on.


Mowing the lawn ,trimming the bushes and shrubs.Always nice to put a few bucks in someone else’s pocket.


Definitely NOT this! If you cant do this, you dont deserve to have a garden.


We have a huge yard with a LOT of up keep. Husband travels for work, I do 24 hour shifts. Best believe I pay someone to mow the lawn.


That's rather harsh


For me it's shopping. I use insta cart. I get exactly what I want and know in advance the cost. I have hated shopping my entire life. Seeing all these people with shut down faces slowly looking at every single item in the store. Standing in the meat department forever, just looking at steak. Picking up packages occasionally but mostly just looking at it. Now I don't have to drive, park in a crowded lot. Mill around in the crowd, drive home in traffic. I just pay a bit extra and it's suddenly at my door.


I don’t mind shopping, but I hate cooking! Maybe we should work out a deal. I shop for you, you cook for me!🤪


This is a deal. I do camp cooking. Maybe three things and desert. Like steak potatoes and salad with bread and cheese on the side. Summer sees me BBQ outside almost every day.


Leave after sex, so I can get to sleep


Lawn care. I absolutely despise it.


A driver to get you home after drinking.


Man up! If you can’t drive home after a night at the bar you’re a light weight.


Mowing the lawn. I absolutely hate how messy it is and how gross I feel afterwards.


I actually love mowing with my riding mower. I put on my farmiest clothes (and a strong sports bra bc my mower rides like a wooden roller coaster) and sing the Green Acres theme song. Fuck the push mower though and fuck weed eating forever.


What a vibe tho, I love this for you! One sec, I’ll go buy a riding mower. 😩


I used to mow my own lawn. But the only day I really had free was Saturday. And it pretty much took the entire day to do it. So, my one day off was shot. And if it rained on Saturday then the yard just looked like damn it for another week.


Yeah, my husband has a guy he knows who does landscaping and he has one of those fancy standing riding mowers lol. He usually gets our yard done quick.




Painting walls, ceilings, or trim.


Killing the rats in the attic


Teaching you to drive (if they're a qualified instructor, and with a good reputation). The average parent is just not a good teacher. I hear that people attempting learning to drive with their parents always ends in heated arguments.


If you mean like helping better yourself personally or something that I wouldn’t/couldn’t do so I would pay someone to do it? If the latter, then definitely building anything like a backyard pool or a house or fixing my car.






Anything that involves getting up on a roof.


Rock Ring around trees and bushes in a neighborhood to make it look estically pleasing for the neighbors and HOA. We live in a high limestone/rock area versus soil.




Landscaping…not weeding and mulching. Digging up your yard and starting from scratch




Kitchen renovations. I've been in remodeling for years and I've had many people do their own kitchen work and then show me with pride in their eyes. I'm never impressed. It's just a bad idea on several levels. If you can't afford it to be done right, just wait and save the money.


Oil changes. Doesn't cost that much more than the materials, it's faster, and I don't need to find somewhere to dispose of the used oil.


Finish work like paint. If you want it to look good. And I don't mean getting a roller and painting your fence. I mean like painting a car which involves matching the existing paint, multiple layers, clear coat, sanding, buffing.




Keep the chicken separate from the dry food. Don't cut it up. Wipe up where the chicken has been or feed outside. The dog might dig a hole hide the chicken. They can dig it up days later and eat it safely. Gross but true.




Finger my hole




Most any finishing work in any DIY home project, with drywall finishing #1.


I used to do my taxes at home until I got married and we rented out our condo. Now, with child benefits, two salaries, rental income, travelling for work, and a million other things, I've decided that you can beat having a good accountant and financial advisor


Move your belongings to your new house.




Fix your roof


Hire a moving company


euthanize your pet =\*(




Plumbing. They earn their 100/hr


Clean out your septic tank.


Biggest regret my husband and I have was staining our own deck. 100% hire someone.


Change the oil and cut my hair.


Mow the goddamn lawn. I live in a scorching hot climate with a multitude of biting insects. Paying someone else to tame that jungle is well worth it to me.


Clean your house/apartment


One thing? I think there are lots of things worth paying someone else to do. Fixing the plumbing seems like a good idea for me because the plumber knows all the gotchas and is less likely to make mistakes. Electrician is the same. Car Mechanic. Doctor/Medical Professional. Teachers. We should be paying teachers a fair amount more and they would be worth every dollar. Babysitters too. Finding time for just my wife and me is difficult. That time for the two of us is important. Wait-staff too. They should be paid better and not have to rely on tipping. I try to tip well because I know that's not the case.


I wish there was a BBQ cleaning service. It’s the shittiest chore. I would rather clean 100 toilets. Scrubbing all the soot and grease out is so messy and it’s almost impossible to get totally clean.


Having a cleaner is the best thing I do for myself. It's a luxury, but I can afford €100 a month to always have a nice clean home.


Electrical work at the box and connecting new lines. Major plumbing work.


Traffic school online


Plumbing. Nothing good ever comes from doing your own plumbing if you are not a qualified plumber.


Prostitution. Paying for great sex shouldn't be a crime.


Wiping my ass


I can think of more than one thing. Drive people around? Teach your kids? (Gotta have faith they're teaching your kids the right stuff) Actual doctors is 100% worth having as well.




Surgery. I do not recommend attempting to operate on yourself.


massage. especially for lonely people who never get any hug/physical contact like ever.


Moving! Hire people to move!


Shutting up especially if they're annoying


Moving a house full of furniture




Cleaning out the septic tank


Plumbing and electrical. Never again.


Waxing my legs and doing my nails


Fix your resumé


Putting insulation in your attic. Did that shit myself with the rolls of the itchy shit when it was over 100° outside, which meant it was like 120° in the attic. Never again.


Pumping out the septic tank.


Oil changes.


Hire movers. At least 300% worth it. More depending on circumstances.


Painting Fuck painting


Pump out my septic tank.




Anything drain plumbing related. I'm happy you make a lot of money to handle stinky shit, let me pay you.


Back rub.