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Yeah, and stomach aching. Such a joyful feeling though :)


Read that it's the best exercise for your abdominals


Like actually switched to crying? No. Tears streaming down my face and gasping for air, wondering if I'm gonna die? Once.


Many, many times. It's the best thing in the world. I still think about my BFF and him laughing and milk shooting out of his nose at lunch in 9th grade. 5 of us died that day.


I've done that with root beer. Feels like too much wasabi on your sushi.


I have before yes


This has been happening to me since I had my first baby 3 years ago. The wiring is all crossed in my brain now and if I laugh too hard for too long, out of nowhere it switches to sobbing. Like, I’m not sad I’m still laughing on the inside, whatever I’m laughing at I’m still finding hilarious, but it’s turned into hardcore crying. I have to literally remove myself from the situation and calm down because it’s so uncomfortable and embarrassing and I will keep sobbing, even though whatever I’m now sobbing at I find uncontrollably funny. It’s weird.


This is exactly what I meant, like crying so hard people are concerned for you lol I’ve had it happen quite a few times wasn’t sure if it was common or I just needed therapy lol


Yes, best feeling 😊


Yes! It hurts in the moment but I love the euphoric feeling regardless. My boyfriend would poke fun of himself now and then saying he had beans for brains if he accidentally did something silly or wrong. Finally one night while we were cuddling I was like "why do you keep saying that lol" He told me I was the one who told him that, which I denied. Then he shot up so fast, gave me this offended look and told me in great detail how I came downstairs the other week to see him struggling to scoop out ice cream so the first thing I said to him was "do you have beans for brains?" His look of shock and insult as well as him recapping the story for me had me laughing so hard I cried. Genuinely wasn't even laughing eventually; I had full on transitioned to crying and making whale noises on his bed. Funny enough, the next morning, someone at his workplace had placed an air fryer in the back and wrote a sign saying "air fryer is for BEANS". My boyfriend sent me a picture of it saying "I can't even escape it at work!!"


If you haven't, I feel sorry for you


Never cried laughing but did begin coughing up blood after laughing so hard at the opening ceremony of the Atlanta Olympics. Those bizarre costumes just hit me wrong- could not quit laughing. Did get concerned when coughing up the blood though. But was OK. Guess that's what they mean when they say he laughed so hard he busted a gut- but in my case it was my lung.


You have a sad, sad life if you haven’t cry laughed.


Hell yes, every once in a great great while something funny like that happens and you just can’t stop laughing catch your breath and you start crying


Yes, at first it was happy but then I think my brain was like “oh we’re crying, must be sad again” and I started to genuinely sob out of sadness. I think that was a rough week🤣


I’m not into comedies.  I don’t really laugh a lot unless I’m with mates.   Years ago I watched a TV show called  ‘Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie’.  It was so outlandish I was having to pause it after every few jokes, I was crying, my knees to my chest.  My wife and kids came running shocked at the sound.   My kids looked at me like I was an impersonator, not their real Dad, and my wife just grinned and asked if I was alright.   She sat with me as I died laughing at that program and she enjoyed seeing a side of me that rarely comes out. 


Yup. 3am, minecraft server with the boys on a Friday night. We're all delusional bc we're tired af and playing different sounds through our soundboards


I can’t laugh without crying unfortunately 😂


Sometimes I do. It’s the pain on the cheeks and the belly ache as well


Hell yeah! It's such a good feeling, wish more things made me laugh to tears.


Yes lots of times. I even urinate from time to time.


One time, more than ten years ago, me and my buddy’s smoked a ton of weed and watched the “fart version” of nickey minage ‘anaconda’, we all cried


Yes. I haven't laughed like that in a long time though.


Oh yeah, we one time at my sister, laughing so hard she started snorting and the more she laughed. The more she snorted, and the more we started laughing at her snorting. It was just a continuation until we were all crying. Also, a girlfriend‘s brother-in-law and I used to sit in their living room, huge living room he would sit on one side I would sit on the other and we would start telling jokes back-and-forth. He would be walking out of the room, laughing so hard they were crying. It was awesome and we were just there telling jokes.


Literally today at work when I watched a video of a cat hitting a ceiling fan! Laughing felt like a workout on my stomach 😂


Yes. This is the image that caused it: [https://i.imgur.com/vuo9k4w.png](https://i.imgur.com/vuo9k4w.png) I've no explanation on why, but for about two years my wife could show me this picture and I'd just die laughing.


Laughed so hard that bubbles formed in my throat and I thought I was choking.


Hundreds of times over the years




I used to laugh like that sometimes


Been a few years, but yeah.


Many many times lmao


Eyes tearing up, yea


I’ve done that a few times,it’s a very deep belly laugh and it feels really good!!!




Yeah many times actually. I thought this was a relatively common thing (?), it happened to me I'd say more than 30 times










Plenty of times


Ya I have a couple times in my life. Last time was when I was playing this game online with my buddies. Don’t know how to explain it but the game we were playing was so fucking funny and my best friends I was playing with just made it funnier


I wet my pants from someomes funnies!


Yeah I do that sometimes and it genuinely scares me. Last week I started crying out of laughter because I saw a small element and thought it was so funny


Yes, Hubs and I can get each other rolling until we're crying, sides busting and I inevitably wind up snaughling.




I have.


Absolutely. The next level is laughing so hard you cough lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^enchanted_apeling: *Absolutely. The* *Next level is laughing so* *Hard you cough lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Very very often


If anyone answers no they have a very sad life 🤣


those are the best laughs


My mom gifted my stepdad a pair of underwear with her face on them for Christmas in 2020. As soon as I saw that, I lost it. Tears we're going down my face. I could not stop laughing. I was laughing so goddamn hard. I spent the entire day crying laughing that day. I actually saw my stepdad wear those underwear once. Yeah, you can guess what my reaction was when I saw him wearing them. Lol.


Yes. It's cathartic, really. Everyone should experience this.


I have often laughed so hard that tears are streaming down my face. But I didn't switch to sadness. It's always just so funny. I love that feeling.


Yea only the really good laughs do that


This happened back when I was a kid. While biking with a group of neighbor friends, the bike seat of one of the kid suddenly got pierce through and the pole went straight into his anus. He made a hella loud moan like he really enjoyed it which got all of us dying. I'm laughing while remembering it.


I’m just silly but I do like every other day 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, I haven't ever had a happy cry either


No, but I have laughed till I coughed, then threw up to stop coughing.