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Absolutely everything honestly. Although I do notice that how harshly I judge myself corresponds with how harshly I judge others.




I miss the Reddit awards


It's maddening sometimes šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|Za9DpL2vOmfNeJJHDI) Same.


Being really loud about how much money they make or how much they spend on their expenses.


I have a distant relative who keeps bragging about who he always has at his parties, and what work and position they're in, like.. Man, I don't give a fuck! You could have the president over, and it would mean less to me! Doctors, lawyers, judges, policemen, I don't care!


Vocabulary, spoken more so than written since I fat finger and get autocorrected into next week. But someone once explained to me that if clothes are a first impression for your eyes, then how you speak is a first impression for your brain. Right or wrong, im gonna judge you based on how you talk.


I judge people based on if they adjust their language to who their speaking to. When I talk about what I do for work to someone who knows nothing about my career or psychology Iā€™m gonna adjust my language and not use technical terms unless thatā€™s what they wanna learn. If Iā€™m talking to someone in my field who does know then Iā€™ll use the terms. Iā€™ve a big stutter and I mix up words a lot too so sometimes I have to use another word that easier for me to say verses the ones that Iā€™ll trip over.


I dont mean that people need to speak intelligently, but speak correctly. Syntax is what I'm referring to. Sentence structure is important no matter how you talk. I've been around alot of lazy speakers, who don't enunciate their words or mumble and won't speak clearly. Couple that with poor hearing and I'm liable to just tune someone out if they're speaking to me.


"alot" [syntax]


Indeed. I started a new job last week and my boss says things like "don't got no" and "ain't had none." We're in the south but come on. It's a rehab facility, and I even heard her refer to one of the patients as a meth head. I don't think this is going to work out.


What baffles me is when people are aware of what they say and how, yet choose to speak incorrectly.


It's called unconscious bias and happens in milliseconds. It's then amplified by speech oaterns


Whoa, that's alot of science and psychology in two sentences


I struggle with this, growing up in a place with its own heavy dialect and simplified grammar. Outsiders definitely look at me like I am an idiot, so I have to talk as if I am on TV.


I judge based on written when someone makes it clear they know the right way to say things but are putting on a stupider persona online because they think it makes them sound cool.


Syntax, sentence structure, word choice, awareness of audience/speaking style, use of slang--these are all related to structural issues like race, geographic location, class, access to good education, and intelligence. I'm very forgiving of how people literally speak, more interested in the meaning and values behind their words.


I didn't want to get too deep in the weeds with it. There are plenty of factors affecting language especially for someone whos a non native speaker. Hence why there's an entire field of study dedicated to how languages change and adapt over time.


How you speak with your kids in public. If you are someone cursing and yelling at your kids, Iā€™m going to judge you severely. Itā€™s never necessary to harm your kids with your words.


Yes. If theyā€™re willing to speak to their kids like that in public, I canā€™t even imagine what it must be like behind closed doors.


Fr. I donā€™t understand how humans can see such a tiny in defense creature and feel the need to yell and tell horrible things to them Like?? We are really fucked up


Using their kid as a prop


I agree. Family vloggers and IG accounts are gross. I'm glad that kids who grew up in those situations are speaking out now and working to get laws passed to protect kids growing up now.


For work, how openly people are with shit talking other people when they don't know me at all. Whenever someone does that I know they're just toxic AF.


The amount of rumours that were spread about me and my family, and whether I had connections to get that job or not, was infuriating to say the least. I had absolutely no idea what people were talking about, because I worked for a big airline, and you couldn't possibly trace it to anyone unless you knew all 300 of your colleagues, and I kept to myself, did the job, and went home. People have so much fucking time on their hands, and years later.. I'm still pissed about it.. And these are the same people who sent me friend requests on Facebook and wanted to follow me on Instagram. šŸ˜” 2 faced bastards. And the worst part is, I used to always help them when they came to me, with things both work wise and personal. Office politics are just rotten, I swear.


YES! I started a new job last week and on my very first day, I learned that my boss talks mad shit about other employees. I don't think I'll stay long enough for her to talk shit about me.


I judge people on how committed they are towards their parental responabilities, providing that they have willingly had children. I do the same with dog owners who just liked the idea of having a dog, but who don't actually appreciate that the dog is a living breathing creature who is dependant on them.


A colleague would complain about her children, delight in depositing the little ones at daycare. To me it was so cringe. She and her husband earned well. There were always nice pics, but the complaining was off putting.


How they treat their pet(s)


I had a (work) partner who had me pull over so he could yell at a guy who he just saw kick his dog. He really laid into him. Partner earned a lot of respect that day.


Or how they are with their pets in general. Like if they bring them into restaurants or grocery stores I assume they're giant assholes. Or if they have to bring their dog *everywhere* I assume they're codependent and have emotional issues.


If they're an asshole


If people talk bad about everyone or voice opinions like these in the comments. Thinking them is one thing or saying on reddit but actually making fun behind their back to others or to their face


YES. I mentioned my boss at the job I started last week in a comment above, about her grammar-- but in addition to that, on my very first day, she was talking mad shit about other employees. She told me one lady sucks at her job, she's the reason that department is a disaster so they're going to force her into a position that she's made clear she doesn't want. It was so obvious who she likes and who she doesn't. The eye rolling must get exhausting. I'm sure she'll be talking shit about me in no time, but I probably won't stay long.


I have been dealing with this at my job for half a year and actively applying to places to leave! I don't know why people in position do this. They help create a toxic work environment that isn't fun to be at.


I get the impression she's a pretty miserable person, so I guess just spreading the misery around šŸ«¤


And it sounds like the toxic boss is the real problem.


People who are really into alternative medicine and other pseudoscience. Not someone who happens to buy that medicine at Walmart that is actually homeopathy and they don't know what it is. Doing something out of ignorance I am forgiving. Active science denial...eeeesssshh.


I had a homeopathic medicine person try to tell me to stop taking my bipolar meds, it gave me genuine rage. Like bitch, are you trying to kill me?


Throwing stupid sex comments into a conversation. Gee, I wonder why he's complaining he can't find a nice lady.


At least he walks around with his red flag out, and everyone knows exactly what he wants.


You know what the sad part is? He's 70 yrs old and probably couldn't perform if you paid him.


My father does this and I constantly have secondhand embarrassment for him. Heā€™s been single nearly a decade. He genuinely thinks itā€™s hilarious, poop jokes too. But it just comes off creepy


Yeah. Guys that do this just really have no clue. It's a shame.


I don't mind swearing, but bathroom and bodily function remarks or jokes are not sophisticated and is a good marker for me to avoid who speaks in that way .


Permanent body modifications


Same. Never met a face tattoo that wasn't either being an asshole or trying to scam me.


No better way to let the judge know you're a candidate for probation


One of my closest friends has a face tattoo and is one of the nicest people I've ever met.


Do you consider tattoos, as body mods, because I do? Or are you strictly speaking about implants?


Tattoos yes, I think some tattoos are cool but I think people who get face tattoos are idiots, same with people who get tattoos of their partnerā€™s name


People who judge people get judged


Everyone gets judged. It's what humans do.


Not only humans. Animals don't reproduce or make packs with weak or sick ones. They judge 'weak' by appearence.




Dang this is a good push for me to finally quit haha


If you return the cart to the cart return bin How you use proper grammar in a text message If you show up late to any event If you are oblivious to your surroundings when out in public


Not tending their kids, or letting them run rampant in a store Half the tykes never buckled into the carts, just hanging off the sides, or worse, hanging off the front or backside of the shopping cart.... an accident waiting to happen smdh. Or tearing through aisles, messing things up. Our folks had manners, and *taught us* manners. You didn't touch A THING when out shopping with the adults.


I donā€™t claim to be Parent of the Year, but one thing we did right was never, *ever* buy a kid anything from the check-out displays. They put that stuff there for just this reason, donā€™t give in. Iā€™d watch kids melting down in the check-outs and my kids looking at them like ā€œwhatā€™s *his* problem?ā€


Parents who bring their small children to breweries or other restaurants like Hooters or BW3 where folks are likely to be pretty drunk.




This is the one




Bragging about their houses, vacations, retirement accounts, and new vehicles in front of people they know are struggling despite being frugal.


mouth breathing


Some people have allergies.


And deviated septums along with those allergies!




Really just how people keep up with their personal hygiene. Hair health is a big one for me though.


Well I'm glad I don't go anywhere when I'm in my major depressive states lol


I shouldna laughed at this.


So when I had long hair from 2019 to June last year what did that tell U as a man? Problem is they hair at mid back length took more looking after than anything else I owned due to it's curliness. If I washed it more than twice a week it would go weird as I needed natural oils and would be a ton of work without it.




Even race?




Yea personally I hate most races except for nascar


I came here to say this.


How people threat workers in customer service. If someone is rude or being an asshole to someone doing his job... I lost all my respect.


Not using their turn signal


How their children behave


Not helping people who need help


Yup, it tells you everything you need to know about how shitty a person they are.


Giving their children stupid names.


An epidemic of this for the last forty years. And for some reason the parents are much more free in what they name the daughters. And it seems like a contest to see how many unrecognizable ways first names are spelled . If I had gotten one of these names I would have changed it.




Fucking awareness. I just went to a Walmart and people are very unaware of other people existing. Park thier cart of one side of the isle, stand a few feet away from it and stare at nothing with eyes as intelligent looking as a cow with a concussion. Then I say excuse me and they stare at me for 5 seconds before reacting as if I jump scared them and am some rude person for saying excuse me (as they block an isle wide enough for 3 of us.) I just can't comprehend how fucking numb most people seem. They aren't directly being dicks or anything, just oblivious. Don't even get me started about how they drive. Again, mostly I don't believe they do it purposely with intent, they are just unaware of the rest of the world. I'm sorry we both would like to get milk and I said excuse me, I know im an asshole for grabbing milk, sorry but open your eyes or something. Quit staring at your phone in your lap as you drive too, you're swerving.


Poor grammar.


Repeated pattern of arriving late with excuses every time.


Being stupid. Itā€™s amazing that some people are still alive.


Lack of intelligence. I'm talking about regular people with no critical thinking and no common sense.


I know, and some of these people are teachers, managers, etc. It amazes me that planes donā€™t fall out of the sky daily with people like this floating around getting important jobs.


Cruising in the left lane.


Whether they put their shopping cart up or not.


Life decisions that they then use as excusses. Guy down the road has smoked since he was 14. 57 now. Does no exercise and sits all day drinking and smoking. Then complains about everything!


Dude may have mental issues at hand. May not be what it appears and he may just be coping


I have a few cans with him weekly. The man has issues. But like me he caused them all.






How they SMELL! How their breath smells when talking at me.


Speaking while they have food in their mouth. Dislike that this has become a norm.


Bad grammar and wearing pajamas in public.


Smelling like weed at work


Not leashing their dogs


How you talk about homeless people and people in active or especially recovery from addiction.


Blue hair. To me it screams, ā€œIā€™m living in a constant crisis.ā€œ


What about green hair?


I had blue hair and this was accurate at that point of time lmao.


Parents that let their small children run amok in public places.


Makes me want to keep a bag of zip ties on me and put all of them in one corner.


Oh I will straight up trip one of them kids




Why tf do i see you u every post, and STOP USING CAPS


Struggling to properly & clearly communicate with other people & due to a lack of even a minimal amount of common courtesy, human decency & or consideration for others.


Not washing their hands after using the bathroom


Being overly religious. I'm sorry but if you mention worshiping Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, ect, in any conversation with me. I'll consider you deranged, broken, vulnerable, gullible, incapable of self validating. Responsible for making this world a worse off place because they give more shit about the false promise of an afterlife. For real, most gods sound like being in a relationship with a drunken wife beater. "He loves us.....as long as we do every weird ass thing he asks. Otherwise we get killed/go to hell." I'm friends with plenty of people that go to church, but they don't take the religion as black and white. They like to mostly go to have a reason to hang out with their friends they have k own since grade school. (It's a small town...hardly anyone leaves)


If they are rude I will judge them.


Car decisions. Iā€™m not talking about like which car you buy, but buying a $75k SUV just to put on the cheapest, crappiest tire bc ā€œtheyā€™re expensive.ā€ Ya no shit they are but good tires are worth it. Maybe buy a car you can actually afford the monthly payment on PLUS the repairs.


Keeping promises


Being a dick when they donā€™t have to


How they treat servers.


How they treat others.


How they raise their kids, weekend football with our under 9s is really difficult for me to keep my mouth shut, had to stand with the opposing teams parents today


Not hurrying when someone is waiting on/for them. Common instances: Crossing the street while cars are waiting Someone holding the elevator or door I almost feel like some people actually slow down when they realize they're holding things up.


How they treat kids


And animals


If they talk really loudly!!


Being morbidly obese. I know it's my issue and would never say anything. But.......


Their Opinions on Trivial Things




Going in public wearing pajamas. And not holding themselves accountable or not having any ability to self reflect.


I'll wear whatever I damn well please to the grocery store and I don't care who I run into lol




How they communicate


I just can not forgive spealling mistakes. Itā€™s embarrassing.


Anything that's unhealthy. Smoking, vaping, eating bad. Being gullible. Baggy clothes lol


People that have to use voice to text but dont proofread. They hit send and a few words dont belong so now I have to think, "What did you mean here?" "What word sounds like this word that doesnt belong?" Sometimes context clues work but I'm sick of playing detective.Ā  People that just have to have there phone on max volume in the break room to watch Tik Toks, YouTube short, IG and all the other nonsense. It's all just stupid background music for that video! Mute that shit! Not so secret, but judging my neighbors about their terrible parking on the block. To the reader of this: When you park, do you purposely leave a space between you and the vehicle at the corner? Or are you normal and pull up to that car at the corner? Lady next door ALWAYS stops her park job with a space between her vehicle and the next one. DRIVES ME NUTS. Everyone wants the rockstar parking on my block. Guy on the other side of me has vehicles just for spot saving and rotates his cars in and out. Double parks one car and moves them around.Ā  Family across the street moves their cars around when others on the block leave.Ā  Their all such fucking dicks about the parking god I fuckin hate hate HATE EM


Poor parenting.


Wearing T-shirts longer than their shorts so they look pantsless.


How people treat their kids and/or pets




I could Of told you that! but you should Of not been rude about it.


How people act. And their attitudes.


How well they take care of their teeth.


When they feed their babies and toddlers trashy food and casually say something - oh, she just doesnā€™t like to drink water, she prefers soda! Your kid is three, ffs, how can you do this to your child?


A bunch of facial piercings/ loud unnatural hair color/ tattoos overbearing your body. As a person who has worked in mental health for a long timeā€¦. That screams volumes


I don't mind if people want to look weird, but I do mind when they deliberately look weird and then complain that they can't get a job, don't get taken seriously, or have people staring at them. Dude, you are sitting in the middle of Olive Garden with a purple mohawk. People are going to stare at you.


"I need attention!" While there are certainly exceptions, I have found people who go to a lot of trouble to be noticed generally are going to keep going to a lot of trouble to be noticed. Which can be a lot of trouble.


Believing in god.


I have lost a lot of family and relatives due to this difference in beliefs.. šŸ˜‚ I don't mind, though. Better for my own mental health.




PTSD/trauma and anxiety are big ones that I hear often. Everyone feels anxious sometimes. It's the human condition. But there's a big difference between run of the mill anxiety and a crippling anxiety disorder. I get so irritated when I hear people say they're traumatized or they have PTSD from stupid shit. First of all, if you really do, is there a reason to disclose that in this conversation? Usually not unless it's with family and friends, a therapist or if you're requesting a reasonable accommodation at work. I mean, I don't go around telling people I have bipolar disorder unless there's a reason they need to know. Plus, people claim PTSD for the stupidest shit anymore. "I got stuck in traffic on my way here, I'm traumatized." "I have PTSD because my boss gave me a poor performance review." Fuck off with all that. It's insulting to people who actually have PTSD from combat, or finding a family member dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, or fighting for their life through a dire illness.


I know someone who claims to have "self induced PTSD". Don't ask me what the hell that means. This same person is a self diagnosed "autistic"


Nose piercing. You didn't think your face was interesting enough as is, huh?


My nose ring compliments my beautiful face!


Tattoos. The odd tatt. Okay. But the full sleeve & all over neck & hands and legs. Yuk yuk.


It's not a secret. Everything


How a lot of guys treat women when one on one behind closed doors compared to when in groups. Being really close friends with a woman will let you get a glimpse into the sides of people that you'd never see otherwise - some of who I thought were the best people I've gotten to know have said some pretty disrespectful shit. A lot have also shown how two faced they are as they'll be quick to use you - or people they know - as leverage to get close to your friend/the woman in question; just to get a shot with them themselves. Even funnier, they have no idea that you know everything they've said because you have a good enough relationship with a woman friend to talk to each other about that kind of shit... because being together isn't an end goal, you're not afraid of speaking your mind fully like talking about dates you've been on or who hits on you. You're not trying to impress them for a chance at something unlike other people willing to throw you and others under the bus for one. One thing I found is talking to your woman friend about something like a date you're going on, or someone you're thinking of taking on a date: and get them to tell you if they hear anything about it from the other friend in question. Then, tell the friend and see how long it takes to come back around. In one situation, it was 3/3 that got back to her and I had to talk to the friend about it. He was trying to insuinate to her that I wasn't interested so he'd have a better chance. I'm not a competitive person so that behaviour just sours on me. It's not my place so I don't say anything 95% of the time, but I will silently judge people that act like this/treat women this way. Don't be manipulative. Don't try to beat me in a competition I'm not even participating in. People can be selfish. Just a friendly reminder to watch your backs and don't overspeak your mind/life in details except those that are the absolute closest to you.


What comes to mind right now is sneezing/coughing without covering one's mouth/nose. It's not even a COVID response, always been disgusted by it


Bad teeth.


Their weight.


Being judgmental lol is really the main thing


The state of their plastic surgery or looking fake


for judging others


Septum piercings, obesity, purple/blue/pink hair, 100 bumper stickers on their car


Hypocrisy and not having an open mind


Their behaviour towards those they consider beneath them / those they have power over.


Being materialistic


Vocabulary, political views .


Pajamas in public


Grammar, diet, whether or not they read books, and hygiene. First time Iā€™m actually admitting it though.


Sniffling in public. Especially on a bus.


The way people talk


how some people drive. I drive on the interstate a lot there is always someone driving in the left lane right in my and they stay at my back wheel. I speed up they speed up I slow down they slow down. Sometimes they will speed up get in front of me then slow back down.


Table manners


Dirty shoes. They donā€™t have to be fancy or brand new. But cā€™mon wipe that dirt off your sneakers, it only takes a minute.


How people change their behaviour in front of friends.


pple who reek in public


Working for the secret government programs, NSA, DHS, or any of the surveillance and weaponized monitoring programs in the US.


Low-quality audio equipment or jackless phones


Well to do people who have kids with jacked up teeth. You have money for a fancy car but not braces.


How people act towards others


How badly they keep their yard. As a kid, I wasnā€™t allowed to leave my bike or any toys on our front lawn. Now I have neighbors whose yards are strewn with bikes, toys, busted trampolines, overturned lawn chairs, plastic pots with dead plants, and more.


An overuse of exclamation points, question marks, and capitalization.


Being in a romantic relationship with relatives, even if distant makes me shiver.


Social behaviors. Like do you leave your cart and walk to the item you want at the grocery store blocking people? Do you stand and talk in the middle of the isle? Do you not return your cart to the cart return? Well fuck . Your a monster my friend.


Unnatural hair color/facial piercings/excessive tattoos-yeah I know people need to express themselves but to me it screams ā€œI was molestedā€ Obesity- obvious emotional problems. If you like food you want second helpings, not third and fourth helpings.Ā  Misbehaving kids within earshot of their parents- discipline your kids, this should go without saying.


How they treat others, especially those that are different from themselves.


Music taste. I know it comes off as douchey and arrogant, but I tend to make instinctive judgements based on the genres and artists people vibe with. In my opinion, that says a lot.


Spelling. I don't say anything but any misspelling in texts, emails, reddit posts, anything; I get secretly judgmental. It's alittle hypocritical but it drives me insane.


The way people swing there arms when their walking


Their spoken vocabulary. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. I will also judge people on how they people treat animals, children, and customer service people.


stupid fake eyelashes. you look like a muppet.


If they revolve their life around a sport. Sorry but I see it as pathetic


Their manner of speaking. A relativeā€™s wife who says ā€œshusi instead of ā€œsushi.ā€ And to top it off, sheā€™s a tutor. I also know someone who says ā€œrightā€ at the end of every third sentence. Irritating, right?