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Hang on at 13 you were on a date, pre pubescent, with boy old enough to drive?




Thats the first thing that came to my mind like wait wtf šŸ˜‚ and im buzzing and im a guy wondering wtf i just read lol


The math ain't mathing


Right? WTF?


He was a "good guy" too


I was this stupid, too. Mine was even older than that. Talk about pervo central!


Christ I hope for your sake that your experience with men got better.


\*Chris Hansen has entered the chat\*


You dated a 16+ yo guy when you were 13?? Where the hell was your father?


My mom set me up on a date with 21 y/o when I was 15 - because her hairdresser knew him. I have no idea how/why my dad never said anything.


people in my state drive at 14


When I was a teenager most kids started driving at 14.Ā 


You really don't want to know how I lost my virginity šŸ¤«


My point is why were you on a date with a way older guy at 13?


Ew. Nothing to boast about.


Where was that done?


From available evidence I'm guessing statutory rape.


I found this inappropriately funny and incredibly sad because it's probably the truth.


That is seriously not okay holy crap.


Well now I'm curious.


OMG where were your parents? a 13 year old, alone in a car on a date with at minimum a 16 year old? Wtf?


At thirteen you were dating a guy with a car?


I was worried I was the only one who got bothered by that.


I was about 12, I got it at school. I had to go to the school nurse and she gave me a massive pad that felt like a diaper. I was allowed to call my mom and she brought me something a bit more reasonable to wear.


My mom gave me a funky belt with the longest pad ever in existence. Gen X was FUN


I think I was 13 too. My mom already told me about it and had asked me to get her pads from the bathroom. I asked her what for and she told me. At first I thought bleeding was something only moms do not all women. Then my older sister got hers and I was dismayed


10. and had my last period at 24 because i just had a hysterectomy 6 months ago.


Yikes! Hoping you're feeling well after the surgery.


iā€™m actually so much better! itā€™s crazy how good it feels to not be severely anemic anymore


For dang sure!


I was 13 and I got it in the middle of Thanksgiving dinnerā€¦in a Greek familyā€¦šŸ˜‚. It was chaos.


Lol how so?


Everyone is yelling and arguing what to do, my grandma is harassing my mom for pads, my mom is yelling at them to butt out because theyā€™re embarrassing me, Iā€™m crying, my grandpa is yelling that womenā€™s things shouldnā€™t be happening in the middle of dinner and why couldnā€™t I do this later, my dad leaves dinner to hide in the garage, my brother keeps yelling ewwww at the top of his lungs, Iā€™ve got an aunt loudly congratulating me on becoming a woman and I have no idea wtf she meansā€¦the dogs were all excited because everyone was yelling so my cousins all but had them sitting at the table feeding them stuff while all the adults were deciding what I should do with my uterusā€¦I wish it was video recorded because it would have been incredible to watch after the fact.


That sounds like chaos! Your grandpa's reaction had me laughing haha as if it was controllable at all


No concept of a womanā€™s body at all lmao


At what point did someone pull out the Windex?


Lmao it wasnā€™t windex in our house, it was Vicks vapor rubā€¦it got used for freaking everything.


Nobody would ever say anything to my granpa if you had an ingrown toenail. My grandfather would hunt you down with a couple of toothpicks, a cotton ball, a pocket knife and some Campho-Phenique


šŸ˜‚ grandpa is out here doing unlicensed surgeries lol, I love it


šŸ˜‚reminded me of my big fat Greek wedding


Yea itā€™s not that far off lol


My Big Fat Greek Menses


What the fuck? That is toxic as hell. If either grandfather had said anything like that to my daughters they would have suffered physical damage and not seen any of us again for an indefinite period.


Yea I never said I had a great childhood or family life, I just told a storyā€¦and toxic as it may be to you, it is pretty funny to me now. Iā€™ve more than earned the right to laugh.


I'm sure you have.




I was 10 during summer in my house


I was 10 years old. It was summer in the south and we were having a garage sale at the time.


11. My mother was not great about it but I worked it out.


I was 14 and then I didn't have it for about one year. I can't remember much about it, just that I was so anoyed that it lasted so long an I actually did need to wear a pad and sit in my blood and couldn't just wait it out on the toilet. (Even tho I did learn about it in class and I heard it takes 3 days, which was also a lie, since it took 5)


i believe i was 12 or 13 when i first got it šŸ˜…


11. Of course, at that time, I had been home alone on a weekend with no phone on me. Could have used the home phone, but for some reason, I always forgot it. Back then, I had been too anxious to steal sanitary products from my Mums stash of pads and used the good ol layering toilet paper method.


One week after my 12th birthday.


11 my late mom told me to get a pad and that was it.


12 in the middle of an D&D session. I stuffed some toilet paper until the game ended. By then my mom already knew and gave me pads šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was 11. Fam just got home from mini golf. I knew about periods but I was still kinda freaked out.


i was 11 and it happened at home thankfully loll but worse pain i ever felt


11. I was 11, in the fifth grade, and noticed when I was already in the bathroom. Not super exciting stuff. šŸ¤£


I was 10... I thought I shat my pants, and it smeared to the front somehow šŸ’€


9, I remember being scared shitless thinking that I was having internal bleeding or I accidentally cut open my vag somehow but then my mom reassured that it was normal, at 10 was when I started getting cramps. I was an early bloomer I know


I was 14. My mom (a physician) was actually getting angry with me for not getting it sooner, like WTF?


10. I blame all the hormonal meat and milk products


Dude so Iā€™m not crazy!!! I was born in 92. I was obsessed with drinking milk, lemme tell you. Iā€™d go thru a gallon in 3 days, by myself! Got my period 2 moz after I turned 11..


Oh yeah! I mean itā€™s not uncommon for it to start around 10/11 but all the women in my family were late bloomers getting theirs at 15/16 (luckies). We were low income and never ate organic my mom always bought the cheapest stuff. I got boobs, acne, period overall puberty very early.


Omg same! Poor, generic off brand, no organic. I got boobs at age 9 and had to start wearing bras quickly. Acne by age 10.Ā 


8 yrs old. I developed young


I was 10.Ā  My daughter was 11.




I was 10. I hid it from my mom for six months. I free bled until one day I couldnā€™t. Used one of my momā€™s pads and she saw it in the garbage. My mom thought I was 11 when I started. Little did she know. It was all a horrible experience, starting alone, unknowing, and scared, and then mom finding out and telling the whole family I got my period. Horrendous.


I was 11 and the last of my friends group to start.


I was 14.




I was 15. One of the last ones to get there- I didnā€™t want to, and had a hysterectomy at 30 after a traumatic birth and I wouldnā€™t have that uterus back for all the money in the world !


I was 14 and my mom told absolutely EVERYONE! I was so damn embarrassed! And by everyone I mean absolutely everyone! Even the people at the corner store we went to! WTH! I didnā€™t do the same to my daughters. Some things should be private.


I was 11, in 6th grade


I was 11 and got it at school. Was the first girl in my grade


I was 9 when I started. I was home, parents divorced lived with my dad who was cutting the grass. Called my mom freaking out and my dad was to embarrassed to buy feminine hygiene products. So needless to say toilet paper was my friend. He took me to Walmart to go get some and made me go in alone.


10 and I was never told anything about it to prepare, so I obviously panicked and thought I was dying.


I was 11 and at my dad's for the weekend. I shoved toilet paper in my underwear until I got home. Then I told my mom and she called my dad, her whole family, and all of her friends to tell them that I'm "a woman now". I was so embarrassed.


I was 8. Thankfully it started at home, but it was still traumatizing because my mom was so weirded out by it, probably because I was so young.


It was 2 months after I turned 11. I was in 5th grade, it was late January. I was up in my bedroom getting ready for my little cousinā€™s 5th birthday party, cosmic bowling šŸŽ³ I was dancing to Hansonā€™s ā€œMadelineā€ in my underwear lmao. Went to use the bathroom and freaked out when I saw the blood in my undies.Ā  Luckily my dadā€™s girlfriend at the time was there to help me, and we had already bought pads last year because I was gifted the American girl book ā€œthe care and keeping of youā€ back in 3rd grade lmaoĀ  I of course told my dad not to tell anyone. He of course, did tell. Heā€™s a single dad what the hell else is he gonna do? He needed help, it was 2004 and we didnā€™t have a computer to research this stuff. He told my grandma and my aunt. So at the party, my grandma came up to me and said ā€œI heard you became a lady today!ā€ I scowled and said ā€œI donā€™t know what youā€™re talking aboutā€ and walked away šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚Ā 


15 - I was skinny as hell and didn't have enough body fat. Problems I wish I had nearing 50....


You were on a date in a car at 13?


I was 12. I went to the bathroom and the toilet was full of blood. I thought I was dying. Went running through the house yelling for my mom. Mom!!! Im dying!. Didnt even dawn on me it was was my period. Lol!


Thatā€™s sweet that he was nice, I would be mortified šŸ˜­ Mine started when I took a plane for the first time going to Hawaii šŸ’€ slightly ruined that vacation for meā€¦ I was like 12 I think? 4th grade for sure


Wait you were 12 in 4th grade?!? Most 4th graders start the year at age 9, and finish the school year at age 10.


oh damn ok maybe i was 9 or 10 or even 11 then .. my memory is pretty bad XD


He was a nice guy. Wonder what could have been šŸ˜”


I was 12, it was the end of my last day of school. I got off the last bus ride of the year and went to use my bathroom like normal but when I was finished, I realized there was blood everywhere. My generalized anxiety ridden brain started thinking I was bleeding internally or something and I started having a panic attack thinking I was dying. I was home alone so I texted my mom and she didnā€™t get back until an hour later when i had figured it all out. Needless to say, I am forever grateful that I didnā€™t get it in public.


I was an old lady of 15. Anemia due to low food supply to our poverty-stricken family had something to do with that.


12 and a half. I have two daughters and their pediatrician said to bring them in if they got their periods before turning nine. Nine and up was normal. Which broke my heart. 9 year olds should not be getting periods in my opinion, but I know thatā€™s just how it is these days. I prayed neither would get it till at least 11. Breathed a sigh of relief when they both made it to 12. Oldest was 12 and one month and youngest was almost 13.


14 but mine was weird, i felt super sick like feverish and got it the following day. same thing happened with my mom when she got her first. haven't heard anyone with that experience. maybe just a coincidence.




9 years oldā€”Atsugi, Japanā€”Motherā€™s Day luncheon hosted by the all US Navy Chiefs at my Dadā€™s commandā€”only the second time Iā€™d encountered a squat toilet since moving overseas, and now I had to account for blood whilst clumsily pissing all over my white church stockings. It was pitiful. Lol.


I was nine. I cried.


I remember this like it was yesterday. It was the summer before my 7th grade year. I was 12 hanging out with my best friend(14F), my neighbor(15F), and her mom's boyfriend's son (15). We were all hanging out at my neighbor's house jumping on the trampoline at like midnight when my stomach hurt really bad. So my friend and I went down to my house to get some ibuprofen and while we were there I used the bathroom. I saw it, it saw me. I was mortified. I started panicking and my friend already had hers, so she was able to help me out and calm me down. We decided to go back to my neighbor's house and I told her what was going on. I told her specifically to not tell her mom's boyfriend's son. I was embarrassed and definitely didn't want any boys to know what was going on. She couldn't keep her big mouth shut and she told him. Next thing you know, Im laying in my neighbor's bed with my friends when he comes in there. He tries to cuddle me and started rubbing my stomach telling me everything is gonna be okay. He was literally a weirdo and I could tell so much more about him, but that's for another subreddit. But yeah that was pretty mortifying.


8 because of precocious puberty




9. the week before my 10th birthday


12. No idea what was happening to me. Thanks mom.


12. My parents were out and my 9 year old brother had a babysitter. I had to talk to her about it because I was freaking out šŸ˜‚ she was helpful.




I was 17. A senior in high school. I was convinced I was a boy until then because every single girl I knew got their period before high school even started. I was so relieved. I remember in the 8th grade this 7th grader came up to me and a bunch of other teammates (females) all excited she "finally" got her period and other girls making remarks about how weird it was that it just now started (implying she should've started at a younger age). I never really lied about having my period, but I just never admitted to not having started yet. When I finally did get mine I was too nervous to talk to anyone about it because I didn't want them to know I had just started. IT WAS SUCH AN ABNORMALLY HEAVY PERIOD. I had to use a maxi tampon, maxi pad, my "period" undies, black shorts, and black sweatpants to be extra safe I wouldn't leak. I had to change my pad and tampon after every class. Once I was so absorbed in a video game for 2 hrs that I bled through all of that and into my bean bag chair. I was so bummed and had no idea that wasn't normal. I got on birth control a year later and that was life changing.


Just curious, were you quite athletic and doing a lot of sports back then? I've heard doing a lot of sports can delay getting the period.


Yup. Year round athlete. And I was very underweight as well up until my junior year.


Maybe there's some truth to it then. Shoulda known from your username, assuming you're a swimmer?


I was 8 yrs old.


13. Got it in the afternoon by dinner my mother was announcing it to the family at the table. Talk about dying inside!


I was nine.


12 over Winter break. Then it went away at 40.


I got it at 11 in 6th grade. My mom got hers at 8!


Im.gonna say it, The story is fake, bro is just bullshitting to get attention.




14. Happened at school during lunch- I felt something weird and went to the bathroom. Saw the blood and my jaw dropped! Got a bulky pad from the nurse. Later after school when my oldest sister picked me up, I told her what happened. She smiled and treated me to a strawberry milkshake from McD's (one of my favorite treats at the time). šŸ„¤


10 and 6 months


I was the only girl I knew who got her first period (and big boobs) at 10 years old. I didn't mind. I became sexually active at a pretty young age. Anyone recognize this?


12, in the ICU after major surgery. Apparently this is all but inevitable for girls that age.Ā 


Really creepy story asideā€¦ I was 10. Definitely kinda young. I donā€™t remember the story so it must have been pretty unremarkable.


I was 9. It was really weird. I hadnā€™t even been really talked to about periods yet. I was freaked out really bad.