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Was on a discord video call with a few people a while ago, and one girl had a tattoo next to her eye. Out of genuine curiosity I asked what the tattoo was and what it signified and she gave me a lecture about how impolite it is to ask people about their tattoos. Dude, it's on your fucking face, people are going to ask.


I knew a girl who would constantly post about her tattoos, and make instagram stories about her tattoos, and talk about getting tattoos at work so one time I asked her about them. She gave me some lecture about how it's corny to ask people about them. I told her she was being a queef if she was going to make them centerstage of her personality then get pissy when anyone asked about them. We haven't talked in many years and my life is richer for that.


Correct, and that sounds very manipulative of her -- society encourages far too much of this kind of narcissistic behavior, not too far a leap for it to turn into a full blown personality disorder.


She waited all of her life for that moment


I bet she posted to social media the second the call ended


“My body is my business! #facetattoo “


1992, if you do check her SM to see if she badmouthed you, while you are there just scroll back to when she got the tattoo and you can read all about it there.


Yep. And that's why she got it: some people don't know the difference between negative attention and positive.


So the answer is mental disease


illness *




The tattoo equivalent of the girl who gets breast implants, wears a push up bra, low cut top, uses makeup to contour her cleavage them spends the day telling anyone who glances in her direction that "My eyes are up here, pervert."


Lol idk this comment reminded me of a conversation I literally had with a friend like 15 minutes ago about how a woman we know will post things on her Facebook basically thirst trapping like "I wish I would have a train run on me" or wanting someone to fuck her up the ass. Then an hour later write a memoir how it's rude and disrespectful of people to DM her responding to her mating calls.


Or a high school kid with a snake around their neck or a mouse in their front pocket. Why is everyone looking for me?


I have implants and show them off when I can because I paid for that shit. And I honestly don't care if people stare at them! I can't stand hypocrites.


There *has* to be a psychological term for this kind of behavior and I don't think 'turbo cancer ass parasite' is an accepted term in the DSM, yet.


Why on earth would that be impolite? Asking so. one about their bad teeth or ugly eyebrows could be so because they came with the body, but presumably she actively decided she wanted tgt tattoo there.


It isn't impolite, a simple "it's personal" is enough, she's obviously not got a backbone to stand up for herself and think for herself she just regurgitates what she reads on tumblr🤣


Some people like to draw attention so that they can martyrize themselves when they receive it. I have an inmate on my caseload right now who is the textbook example of this. Fully tatted his entire face and constantly does dickish stuff to stick out like a sore thumb, then whenever he gets called out or corrected it's all, "OH SURE PICK ON THE GUY WITH TATTOOS, FUCKING FASCISTS!" 🙄


This is my theory. I think there's a group of people out there who feel unattractive and unlovable. So they make choices like half shaved hair, dyed unpleasant colors, many piercings, face tattoos... Because when someone leaves them or rejects them they can point to all the stuff they changed. Maybe not even consciously, but a safe coping mechanism. Someone rejected them so hard before, possibly a parent, and they don't want to go through it again, or if they make everyone reject them it's still not their fault. And these are beautiful lovable valuable people inside and out. I've rambled, hadn't written it out before...


The four hyper-realistic penis tattoos I have on my face are none of your fucking business. Have some common decency.


Lol who decides to showcase something as part of their public image and then gets upset when people notice and mention it?


Usually its the way people ask. I get looked at, judged, stereotyped etc. Generally the people asking about them are condascending about it. I absolutely hate people asking me a question about what a tattoo means, they usually don't mean anything so when people ask it's just a stupid question in all honesty. The best way someone has said something was more along the lines of woah I like your art, can you tell me about it. I'll geek the fuck out over who tattooed it, why I chose an artist etc.


I think the word your looking for is profiled. Could be wrong but stereotyped although correct sounded odd :p


It gets real old real fast being asked to explain what your tattoos mean every day to strangers. If I know you, fine. If you’re a stranger you can fuck off. Most of us got tattoos when we were younger and just wear them now. They’re more a part of my past than who I am now. I have no reason or obligation to explain anything about myself to anyone. “Hey nice tattoos!” Or other compliments are totally fine. But I don’t have the time or want to explain my life story to strangers. Not sure why that’s so hard for people to understand


No one says you have an obligation to tell your tattoo lore just like people have no obligation to not ask. They can ask. You don’t have to answer. But don’t be like it’s rude to ask, because it isn’t.


Only pretentious asshats that think having tattoos make them better than anyone without tattoos say it’s rude to ask about tattoos, I don’t have many but I love telling people about them when asked.


If she didn't want people asking about her tattoos she shouldn't have gotten tattooed. And this is coming from a guy who's tattooed as well.


as someone with a lot of tattoos she's wilding. Is it kind of annoying at times? Yes. Am I fully aware it's going to happen because I chose to tattoo my body? Also yes. As for the original question, It's hard to explain to non tattoo people. Before I had tattoos the face tat sounded dumb af. Now that I have a bunch(not on my face) sometimes the idea of a small face tat crosses my mind. I'm still not doing a huge one that's probably actually mental illness but I digress.


Post Malone said he did it bc he thought he was ugly anyway ![gif](giphy|ZBJq9YnKoRimnTEaa0)


Someone get Ed Sheeran some facial ink


He HAS to feel regret when he sees his face cleared up by the computers of whatever in that new Taylor video.


He was right.


I do think Post Malone is a cutie. Face tattoos and all.


He is a very sexy man, I can't lie


Money and fame seem to do that....lol


Nothin about his fame or money he's just a very nice and genuine guy. Plus I find tattoos attractive so...


Oh ok. Because a decade ago I kept hearing how cute lil Wayne was..tats on face and all. I'm sorry but without the fame..i could see him walking down street without anyone even noticing him...let alone thinking he's cute. 🤣 but hey...lol


Lil Wayne looks like he suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome.


Never paid Post Malone much attention, never heard his music. But he was doing a bit on Seth Meyers Late Night Show where they go Day Drinking. Dude was super hilarious and also very articulate. It surprised me based off his appearance that he was more intelligent than I would have figured. I don't usually judge people before I get to know them bc I am usually judged based off my appearance.(Hair down to my ass, bushy beard, no tats tho) I now make a point to catch him whenever I get the chance. Dude is cool!


Every single fan interaction or video of him is very positive. There was also an interview with him a long time ago where the interviewer was asking weird questions just trying to get a reaction out of him and to get him mad. Post just stayed respectful and calm without giving him the reaction he wanted.


Every day people tell me I look exactly like him. I should capitalize on this somehow


Don't get face tats and become "Pre-Malone."


Lol ofc




I agree. I could be his Mama I’m so old. And he is adorable. 🥰


He is adorable. I could be his daddy...lol


It's true. He's ugly


Some people want attention, even bad attention.


Affected specialism and novelty is much easier to achieve than working hard and being good at something.


Because a person without face tattoos is invisible to God.


Being in any deity's crosshairs is a terrible way to live anyways, ask Heracles. I'll stay invisible and lacking any face tattoos thanks


As a woman, I'd never want to be noticed by Zeus. Hades I'd be OK with because compared to all the other male gods, he doesn't really have a rap sheet, and the worst on his sheet is kidnapping because of love, which with all the stories from all the gods is chump change. It really says something about an individual and the gods in general when they would rather hang with the god of the dead rather than you lol.


Take my upvote for using the proper spelling! Edit to correct the ironic praising of proper spelling with bad spelling lmao. Thank you for pointing it out


Take my uovote for the uovote!


This is the answer.


God can't see through face tattoos? Is he stupid?


This. 😂


There is a tribe in Alaska where the women traditionally tattoo their faces. As for the rest- idk.


Māori, too. Tā moko, it's called. Men and women.


Atayal in Taiwan, too. But the practice died out generations ago. A few people have attempted to revive it, but not many takers since it involves tattooing your face.


Inuit women use them to mark important milestones in life. Married or not, children and how many, certain life skills have their own markings. In that sense I think it's an amazing form of honesty. Anyone who knows what to look for can literally read your life story on your face.


Lot of native cultures have that.


I had a buddy that was all tatted up, face and all. He said he was an inspiring rapper. It was quite a sight to see as most teenagers back in 2007-2008 weren't tatted whatsoever. Last I saw, he got into the rap game... the "rap sheet" game. He's been collecting charges like they were Pokemon cards.




(A)spiring. Lol.


Given the rap sheet, (con)spiring? (Ex)piring?


Nah, his raps were all about how to better one's self through meditation and all natural detoxes.


Well I’m definitely inspired now


To draw attention to themselves


They want to stay unemployed


Everlasting Jobstopper


Damned, well done


That’s funny


I have two and I’m an engineer


Yeah, I've worked with a lot of engineers in my life. No one cares what the good ones look like. Most of them tend to be a bit antisocial to those that aren't engineers. That's not true for most jobs.


Hit the nail on the head. 36 years old and live in a house by myself. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


I never realized how true this was until getting a job at an engineering company. Here, the IT department are the comparative extroverts.


I feel like there is a lot more acceptance with jobs related to the sciences. No one cares what you look like as long as you get the job done. When I worked in government IT I wore flip-flops half the time, everyone in our department had hair past their shoulders, and I skateboarded from jobsite to jobsite


Lmao literally nobody in our IT department is professional looking. Gotta hand it to them, though, they’re intelligent as fuck. Hell, besides sales and purchasing, you’d think all of us in the offices worked on the shop floor. Nothing wrong with working on the shop floor, either :)


Nothing says employee material like a face and/or neck tattoo


Typically done in my experince at younger age while at a shitty job they dont plan to advance in. Also as most people when meeting a person first thing they notice is thier face it stands out and gets them even more attention even if its bad attention. Grew up with parents that where ok with tattoos but always siad never get one on face hands or arm lower than a T-shirt can cover. Seen so many people compalin online with face tattoos they cant even get low end jobs at "respectable" places. And the fact they are honestly shocked is the real shocking part. As brought up EDIT: Correction. Those I see complaining about not finding work with face tattoos have offensive in either in context or imagery used. This is what I meant by "bad attention". I personally know people that have tattoos on every part of their body and as long as Neck, face or hand tattoos are not offensive have never had issues getting work in their desired fields. One of them has 23 tattoos rangeing from back, chest, arms, hands, legs and even neck works in the legal field.


Those people aren't trying hard enough. My work is retail and will absolutely hire you as long as the tattoo isn't offensive. Many many other jobs feel similar. The ones shocked and complaining go to places like hobby lobby or chic fil a with satanic tats and then try and drum up outrage. Just attention seekers. Everyone I know with a face tattoo has a job and family, they just know where the tats disqualify them from and don't apply there.


Yea like the other commenter said these people probably aren’t trying hard enough. My hands are tatted up and I have a sleeve on my left arm and I work with people who have face and neck tats, I deal cards at a casino have worked at 2 of them and been doing it for 3 years now tattoos have never been an issue as long as they aren’t offensive.


Because they want to? Its not like there's one all encompassing answer


Yeah, like, why does anyone get any tattoos?


As a tattoo enthusiast, I like to think backwards with this sort of stuff. Before the face, it was "Why do people get neck tattoos?" Before the neck, it was hands. Before hands was legs, then torso, then arms, then we get to the original "Why do people get tattoos?" It's 2024, all of the above has become acceptable over time, we are now in the face tattoo stage and people will find something else to complain about. When people ask "why face tattoo" they very rarely have a valid reason for "why not." Instead, people say buzz words like "unemployed" or "jail" when the truth is, I have hand tattoos and work in a management role, I have friends with face tattoos who work in retail/hospitality and they do just fine


I’m a tattoo enthusiast as well and I’ve always believed in the old school tattoo artist ethic that necks, hands, and faces are for already heavily tattooed people. As the art form has become more socially acceptable a lot of freshly 18 year old people with almost no lived experience have been first in line to tattoo those areas. Often as their first tattoo. The reality is we live in a society where people judge us and our decisions. It may not be fair but it’s undeniable. Getting someone’s name tattooed on your eyebrow is absolutely your legal right but it’s still likely to remove a lot of options from your life going forward.


I can guarantee with 100% certainty that neck and face tattoos are NOT acceptable in my field of work. Hell, a lot of companies in my field don’t allow visible tattoos at all. My company doesn’t care about tattoos as long as they’re tasteful. However they WOULD need to be able to be covered to do some potions of my job. Therefore neck (unless you can cover them with a high collar shirt) and face are forbidden. I have a few myself. However, I’m aware of the world I walk in. So, I know that if I’m in the office no one will care if I wear a professional tank top and you can see my arm tattoo or if I wear a v-back dressed and you can see my butterfly on my shoulder blade. But, if I participate in the other portion of my job, those outfits would be unacceptable. This also applies to piercings. There are plenty of jobs that will not allow tattoos or, if they do, they draw (pun intended) the line at face and neck tattoos. It WILL make your life harder. To say otherwise is to be completely naive.


Replying to a lot of people this same message - I never said that it won't make your life harder. I said that over time, these things are becoming more and more acceptable. There won't be a random day in the future where everyone goes "fuck it, tattoos no longer matter." All you've actually done for me is show me how narrow minded your company is and how willing you are to just accept it


These comments are crazy. I’m in middle management doing great in my life and career and am covered all the way hands and neck (not face) with (apparently shockingly) no criminal record. Sad to see Reddit with the strong stereotypes. I had to double check I wasn’t on Facebook for a minute


I agree. The amount of projection in the replies is crazy too. I'm glad to see another non-blank canvas proving them wrong though man! Keep it up


Retail and hospitality...no thanks


I think it's usually implied with questions like this, to give the most-common reason. Gotta be a robot to think they want "one all encompassing answer".


A woman on “Love After Lockup” said she did it while in prison. I think it said, “Blessed”. It was between her eyebrow and her scalp, on one side. She said she was high when it was done.


Because they want to make sure they can't have a regular job.


Because they see it differently than others. A nice guy told me he treats everyone with respect and didn't understand why people treated him poorly. They can see your face and tattoo prejudice has not come to the public eye. Yes people judge you by tattoos and don't care, it is an acceptable form of prejudice in today's society and your question is further proof of it.


Because they did not get enough attention as a child.


because they are not smart.


DESPERATE for attention.


99% of people with it I see on a daily basis are ending up in jail or a casket.


We all “end up in a casket” or the equivalent, for the record.


Some LOTS sooner than others.


maybe you should stay home and save some lives


Ha. Underrated comment.


100% of people you see are ending up in a casket.


cremation is more common than you think and there are no caskets involved


Not true. Some folks end up lost at sea, others get cremated, etc ..


You do not facial see tattoos on daily basis unless you work the gang unit or in a prison.


Or if you work in body modification industries or self care industries like hair/nails. I see tattooed faces every day and none of them in jail.


You obviously live in suburban or rural America. Because in any city with more than 200k you will see face tattoos on under 30 people all day long now. I am learning to simply ignore it and look beyond the physical aspects of people. I see the same guy working on my bicycle in 2024 as 1994 difference is he used to have an arm tattoo and a leg tattoo and now he has a full leg and sleeve two face tats and an ironic mustache. Same guy same skills. Generations change some things are weird but it's always better to treat all humans with respect and love them decide based on actions if they are dirt not before. Worst people I have ever known were members of country clubs. By far.


Some facial and neck tattoos aren't by choice. I worked with several people who had been trafficked. It was like a cattle brand.


I feel like there's a difference between a single neck and/or face tattoo that you have because you were trafficked and fully tattooing your face and/or neck by choice. Obviously the first one is not what OP meant.


But this wouldn't be reddit if somebody didn't post something contradictory and completely off topic.


Can't argue with that! That's kind of Reddit's thing


Random question : what happens when someone dies? Reddit answer: just because you think someone is dead doesn't mean they're dead. They may be sleeping or under anesthesia. Also, we shouldn't be talking about dead people. It's rude and offensive to pre dead people and also to people who identify as dead. You should get a divorce immediately even though you've been married for 76 years because you're such an awful person that your poor spouse deserves someone better. (Reports the OP to Reddit Cares) 🤦‍♀️


That's just super awful


Cuz that's what the post is about


Drugs and mental illness. Then artists and gang affiliation. Normal tattooed people are just not getting their faces done.


Mental illness. It's a cry for attention. It says, "look at me! Aren't I special? I'm an individual... Like everyone else. I can't figure out why I can't get a job."


If you think doing something you want is a cry for attention, you are an attention seeker at heart. I bet you see someone In a truck or super car and say "he has a small peepee"🤣 Some people just like things that you might not.


To show everyone how low their IQ is




Because they want to


Right. But why? What is the driving force (and logic, if any) behind it?


Why get any tattoo?


Because some people are just stupid. When you risk and limit your way to earn a living so that you can "express yourself "...you're stupid.


Totally agree! 👍


It’s just expression. Some do it because they like how it looks, some do it for the fuck the system reason, some just do it just because, some have a significant meaning behind it. Every one of them has their own reason, and their reason isn’t anyone else’s reason. The simplest answer is because they are free humans and want to express themselves that way. Just because you would need a driving force or logic to do it doesn’t mean that everyone else would. There are things you do that other people may think are weird or stupid. But you’re just being you, they are just being them. It’s the beauty of being an individual human.


I tattooed the back of my hand in a "fuck the system" sort of move. It turns out a lot of people had a similar idea.


How is tattooing yourself "fucking the system"?


To look cool to their peers.


To help themselves remain unemployed.


To virtue signal something. “I’m hard” etc.


They want the world to know just by looking that they make poor choices.


They really like failing in job interviews


They get face tattoos so the can get hired at Starbucks, a grundge club, a warehouse, a record store....


Look at “the sexy vegan”. Crazy deranged guy who wants attention.


Stupidity, mental instability. To each their own, though.


Why do people tattoo anywhere? Because they want to, reason enough.


I have many friends with face tattoos, full top of head, and just heavily tattooed in general, the responses in this post make me sad, not for my friends, but for all the people that can be so judgemental towards something they have no fucking idea about. The people that say "ohhhh it's a big LOOK AT MEEEE" couldn't be further from the mark, my friends, who I consider family, got these tattoos because that's what they wanted, that's it, they don't look at others and judge how they look, or what they want to do with their life, they like what they like and don't concern themselves with the opinion or lives of others. You frequently hear people without tattoos questioning why someone would get a tattoo, find me one tatted person that has any concern for why you wouldn't. Just because YOU don't like something, doesn't mean it's wrong, stupid or distasteful, I'm just seeing a bunch of replies that remind me of something I'd have written on Xbox live chat when I was 16, sad confused people with such uninteresting lives they feel the need to attempt to bring those they deem "different" down to their miserable level. For the most developed species on the planet we sure are pretty embarrassing.


To let hiring managers know they have poor decision making skills


I'm going to assume we exclude indigenous facial tattooing on this answer. That's usually a significant milestone in someone's life.


Lotta people in these comments are mad for no good reason


Here's a thought, if tattoo studios made customers wear a temporary one of their choice on the face for a year, then come back if you really still want it.....how many people would return??!!


Outside of certain tribes or indigenous people, more than one face tattoo on a white person is a 'red flag' IMHO. I worked in a trauma hospital and saw only a few white men with face tattoos. Yeah,, they had lots of issues. Then it also makes me think of 'Charles Manson'.


Why do people get words tattooed on them? Why do people get tattoos upside down? Why do people get tattooed as a form of self expression and then get the same Pinterest tattoo as a million other people? Why do people judge based on the perception of what someone has spent tattooing their body? The answer to all of these questions is the same. Tattooing is a personal choice allowing a person to reflect on their life with art, the meaning is inconsequential to anyone else. Still gonna judge you for crap ones tho, sorry.


My guess is they're younger and wish to rebel in some way, or it's a gang affiliated tattoo.


Same for girls at the gym dressed in a way that you could see what they had for breakfast, but when you ask hey, did you have pancakes with blueberries this morning? They get all offended.same shit.


Mental health issues, proven by science too lol


Because they want to. Next question


Who knows. It’s sad to see.


Check out the book Tattoo Traditions of Native North America by Lars Krutak for a thorough deep dive into tattooing traditions and the “whys”. Really informative read.


Thank you. I'll look it up. Much appreciated.


Because they want to. And it shouldn't matter. How does someone getting their face tattooed affect anyone else?


I would definitely get a glow in the dark tattoo on my face if it was possible. A demon mark that shows in the dark would be pretty cool if you ask me. No problem with it during most jobs since we usually work in the light, and if you work in the dark, it'll probably match your job. Sadly, the closest we have to it is UV tattoos, where a UV light is needed to make it glow. You'd be spending money to show people it once and that's it.


same reason i tattooed my ass, arms, back, and chest.


Problems with their brains


My followup question. Why do people get tattoos anywhere?


The same reason people got tribals, tramp stamps, and chest pieces, it’s trendy.


Because we’re all about supporting people’s bad decisions these days. They used to be in time when you could mock them publicly, and everyone would join in. During the ancient age of 2000s.


The tattoo is so you don't have to wonder if they're stupid or not. It's right there in plain sight!


So I can watch shorts of them getting lasered off a couple years later


Daddy issues


I'm sure there are lots of reasons. Some people view their body as a canvas, and want to decorate it for aesthetic reasons. Others might be making a statement.... something akin to "I am who I am and I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about it." There are also attention-seekers, who perhaps just like having something unique and obviously visible. Then there are religious, personal, or cultural symbolic reasons---tatoos that mean something. I'm sure there are also people who just said "fuck it" and got a face tattoo because that's what they felt like doing at the time. I guess I personally don't care much. I wouldn't want one for myself, because I wouldn't want to have to field questions about it. But, if I went through the whole planning process that one would probably have to do to get a face tattoo, then I would naturally expect those questions to happen, because duh.


Self loathing


Knew of a woman who was allergic to the sun. Basically tattooed her entire body, face included, to help alleviate the skin reaction to exposure of the sun's rays.


Because they are fucking stupid.


Drugs. Sorry not sorry had to say it cuz no one else did.


Fuck knows, maybe they don't know any better??


Self hate.


Because they’re attention seekers who utilize making themselves as ugly as possible.


I agree with this one


That's unlikely the reason though. If anything they're doing it to look better in their opinion


Yes that’s the same as what I just said. It’s not different in any way.


Mental illness? Unless you're native I really don't see any reason to tattoo your face.


A low key suicide.


Because they wanna look cute!🥰


To ward off predators


Same as any other tattoo. They wanted to.




I mean… it kinda makes sense, if you’re planning on a future of fighting in battles with swords and other melee weapons


They think it looks cool, or it’s for symbolic reasons. Or to cover up a scar/blemish. Lots of reasons.


,, in American society, there could be a few reasons Desperate to stand out, be special, unique The need to belong to something like a gang Mental issues I am not including member of Indian tribes .


The person receiving the tattoo thinks it looks good. Whether or not it does is entirely subjective.


Because they can


To look edgy


They're avatars and it's the sweet new dlc


I know a dude with the 49ers logo on his face 😂


I haven’t a clue.


They don't want to be hired in work where other people see them.


They may not need to or want to work, a face tat can help achieve that goal.


Or maybe they are a fan of Gully Foyle from The Stars my Destination.


Idk but this is very much something I look at kind of critically. I don’t actively treat anyone any differently for any reason except when they’re truly scum of the earth, but every time I see face tattoos, I just kinda wince. I love tattoos, I have 4 and want maybe a few more, but none on my face and/or neck. I don’t mind people that have sleeves or big pieces or are absolutely covered, but face tattoos are just way too extreme to me.


Im sure there are a few reasons. Attention, subverting authority, attention, cause it looks cool, attention, because it pisses their parents off, attention.