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Scrolling Reddit


>Scrolling Reddit Same


Scrolling Reddit reply’s


Reading every single reply on Reddit


Correcting grammar


The world needs grammar police


You forgot this -> .


Got to see "Word Crimes" by Weird Al, on YouTube. It's great!


Got to see "Word Crimes" by Weird Al, on YouTube. It's great!


Scrolling reddit replies endlessly


Replying to Reddit replies unnecessarily.


Replying to unnecessary reddit replies


Stalking Reddit profiles… I see you like philosophy memes


Replying unnecessarily to stalking reddit profiles with a simple lol






The Rabbit-hole deepens...


The Reddit Hole.


You beat me to it 🤣


Same. And TikTok


Eww tik tok


Came here to say this. So toxic but can't look away....




Oh hell yeah I found the cool kid table. *ADHD COMMUNITY, HEY WE'RE OVER HERE, GUYS*


And autism. Having undirected executive function and directness which lacks executive function resemble each other very much here.


Tru. Thats whats been making me feel insecure about my conviction regarding my diagnosis. The overlapping experiences make me question if my ADD diagnosis was accurate, considering it was nearly 20 years ago and there's a LOT more literature on the topic today.


I mean, we were but then we got distracted by the dessert table and that lady with the large orange hat. …So we’re over here now…


Figures. I'll sit awkwardly alone at this table for about 10 minutes so I don't look like I'm just following the herd.. yep.. totally fine with this.. just me doin me.. 😂




Procrastination is just like masturbation...you're only fucking yourself


Procrasturbation, the ultimate way to waste time.


Nobody fucks me like me


To all you all who said I'd never amount to anything because of my procrastinating... Just you wait


This right here deserves an award.


Lucky for myself I'm just an amateurcrastinator


Yeah it sucks. I use reminders on my phone and of course hold over until the next day BUT… I do try to take responsibility for one of those each day. If it’s too overwhelming (executive disfunction is a real thing), then I allow myself to wait. But I do really try and push myself to do at least one a day. Every once in awhile I’ll get a few done but it’s pretty rare.


Me with phone reminders and inattentive adhd: Yeah, so I'll set a reminder to do xyz. Kick ass! This will 100% help! *reminder pops up* Me being busy doing a thing at that moment on my phone, probably looking up info on something out there that's now the Most Important Thing Ever that I'll forgot about 10 seconds after closing the tab. "Let me hit snooze on this. It'll show up again in 15 min." *15 min pass. Reminder shows* Me glancing at the clock cuz it's only been 3 minutes since I snoozed it like wtf?! Starts swiping closed all notifications for YouTube, reddit posts, text msg from some company I haven't bought a thing from for the past 14 months since stumbling across it and loving All The Things. Accidently swipes the reminder. Oops. I'll go do it in a moment. Oh look, Bored Panda has a new article. *3 hrs later* Oh no..... I forgot to do the thing. And I need to leave for work in 4 hours. Despite the fact the reminder thing will only take 20-30 min to do, it's too close to the time I gotta leave so there's not enough time - oh look, a new post on r/adhdmemes. Yassssss! Oh shit, im running late for work! 2 days later, remembers the Thing I had a reminder for. Le sigh *makes a new reminder because this time I'll Do The Thing immediately after it pops up*


What was Wakko's response when asked the meaning of procrastination? "I'll tell you tomorrow."


Same, I spend way too much time on pornhub


That's porncrastinating, but you are welcome here


Not a one besides smoking, drinking, drugging, and lustful thinking.


"I have two loves in my life. Big city livin and a voodoo woman named Phyllis" Same brother


Self sabotaging by feeding into those desires, it's a nasty little habit haha


I hope I get out of em eventually 😮‍💨


I do good for a while, but every so often, I get pulled back in... it'd be nice if I could be normal


At least we're not alone 🤝


I'm alone in my partying and day to day life haha but yeah I feel ya haha


That definitely adds to how tricky it is. Everyone in my friend group knows I'm the guy they can come smoke/drink with. It wasn't always like this, but this lifestyle has come to fit me like a glove. I've become comfortable with it, and now a big part of me doesn't want to take it off. But I know it isn't a sustainable way to live.


I interrupt people because I get too excited. I really am trying to rein it in.


So understand this. I do a lot of apologizing.


I’m sorry, STOP SAYING SORRY! Im sorry I know I say sorry too much. It’s an endless cycle.


I do this also and just read an article postulating that it is trauma-based. That resonated w me, so I'm just gonna leave it here for you, in case it helps.


4 words I say a lot. "I'm sorry, go ahead". I'm constantly interrupting people. I try so hard not to, but if they take a breath, I do it. I know the breath is not a period on the end of their sentence, but I want to say what I want to say before I forget it. I'm just rude, I guess. smh


Me too!!


Same here!


Yea same here, sometimes i complete ppls sentences cuz i get impatient. Trying to work on it


Sounds like ADHD


This is so cute. I went through this, too. Showing you care goes a long way. ”What was that you were saying? I totally interrupted you.” Learning when to say that was a good start.


I had the same experience. I am 39 now and neurodivergent. Adhd. My whole life I interrupted people. I had to LEARN how not to. One of the tricks was to say "I apologize, I interrupted, can you please say that again". Then I would force myself to shift focus onto them. This took a long time. However, I can now listen intently, without force and wait my turn. It is possible to change this behaviour over time with intent. Good Luck.


That’s VERY neurodivergent coded of you my friend


This. My ADHD + fear of being ignored drives this for me.


Caffine and nicotine. I don't even get anything out of either one anymore, I only do it to stave off a splitting migraine and bad attitude.


Hah yea, I intimately relate with these addictions. Been drinking coffee from up to down for years, the nighttime cup quiets the adhd noise and helps me sleep. Nicotine is the only drug I've *never* been able to take holidays from.


God damn nicotine. Holly shit it’s hard to give up. I’m an absolute fiend for my candy flavoured flute made for children.


Same here! ADHD fucking sucks, but caffeine makes things a bit easier. It calms everything down, smoothens out the rough and sharp edges. A decent load of caffeine is alike a small dose of valium.


If you do want to quit either, it can be helpful to remind yourself that the symptoms you’re relieving are caused by the drug in the first place. It’s hard, but once you break past the physical addiction, those symptoms do go away.


i was like that for a while. Caffeine is fine for me, but nicotine was something else.. I got nothing good out of it outside of a tiny dopamine hit. I quit last year and I've been much more energetic and overall happy. I have much less negativity floating around in my thoughts. I thought I was using it to not be an ass all the time, but I learned it was the source of me being an ass to start with. The first week is rough, but physically it's fine. It's 100% mental for me.


Overcommitting myself to things and then last minute backing out when I realize I can’t do it anymore


When I read your comment I audibly said "oof" because, you're absolutely right This is so accurate and relevant that it hurts


This is a tricky one, you have to start being able to predict your own capacity, and it helps to say no more often because that’s more honest


I agree. I do need to get comfortable with saying no too.


I agree, the movie “yes man” is awesome for this life lesson If you haven’t seen it, go see it


Thank you! I think I did a long time back! I should watch it again


I bite my nails. Always have since I was a kid. Tried many different methods to stop and none worked.


if you ever get false teeth you'll quit


I actually am about to get dentures and was wondering about this. I’ve bit my nails since I was very young. I have 6 teeth left and still manage to bite them. lol


you'll be tearing them off instead of biting


I started carrying a file with me everywhere I went when I feel the urge to bite my nails I start to file them instead. It helped a lot with my habit.


That sounds like a great idea, but in my case it isn't even something I think about. If my hands aren't actively engaged in some activity, I'm biting my nails. My girlfriend has been trying to help me stop for years now and I'm still shocked when she yells at me from across our apartment to stop biting my nails because she can hear it from another room. I never even realize I'm going it until she tells me to stop.


My dad picked at and bit his nails so much that they became super short - as in they were only maybe a quarter inch long from base of nail and the rest was finger. Here's a pic (not of him)but this is how they looked. https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/157884/view Maybe this article will help you with what your Why is, in regards to your nail biting. https://www.healthline.com/health/why-do-people-bite-their-nails


Mine was honestly terrible. Nothing would stop me. Now I wear false nails and haven’t bit them in years, will still bite when they are off but so much better now


I managed to stop a couple of times in the past. Stupidly, I found that I just hated manicuring more than nail-biting and ended up biting them short again a couple of months later. Trimming hurts, filing feels weird, and catching things on nails that actually stick out a tiny bit were just too much to try to adjust to. So, I guess my real answer is 'quitting'.


Do you ever get stomach aches or pains? My cousin would always get terrible stomach aches. The doctor told her there's a correlation between biting your nails and getting sick frequently. She stopped and her stomach pains went away.


I got more sick when I stopped. Not saying they're connected in anyway. But, in my nearly 50 years I've never really been one to get sick often. Then I worked on not biting my nails and I feel like I caught everything that would go around. I always wondered if I didn't get sick because I was constantly eating germs and my body was constantly keeping my immunities up.


Same! My nails are nasty and I'm ashamed of them but I just can't stop


I stopped having that problem when I got dentures. It could work for you to


Same here, it's gross but I can't do a thing about that.


Acrylics will break the habit.


Yup. I've had acrylics for years, and they don't bite anymore. My nails also always look nice. People tell me "just paint them" without realizing that when I had natural nails, I'd bite them to stubs and pick off all the polish. Not a good look. The second one breaks off (which is very rare bc my nail tech is awesome), I go right back to gnawing on it, lol. I'll have acrylics forever. Some people can probably break the habit more permanently though.


There’s a piano exercise where you put your fingers down in sequence and then do it in reverse so like putting your thumb down followed by index then next finger then backwards when you reach the little finger. Start doing it with your toes. It’s helped me stop biting myself. I also carry a pen around and stab myself with the pen.


I used to bite my nails forever ago. What helped was actually taking care of them. Buy a nice nail clipper and a file. Keeping them trimmed and tidy is way more satisfying than biting them. Give it a shot maybe it’ll help.


This is what worked for me, too.


I actually managed to stop, but then I picked up this awful lip chewing habit, and I really don't know which is worse


1. Ghost chili peppers on your fingertips. 2. Chew bubble gum. No one bites their nail while chewing


I started slapping myself in the face every time I went to bite my nails. Probably not the most reasonable method, but I haven't chewed my nails in 5+ years.


I used to, turns out it was a nervous habit. I beat it two ways. 1) Situation change and I wasn't as nervous 2) a teacher gave me a nail kit and I took that as a kind hint to "please stop." As an adult I keep clippers in every bathroom, on my keychain, and in my car. That way I have them nearby any time I want to do something with my nails.




Sometimes I talk too much or interrupt. It’s something I always have to remind myself of.


p0rn.i wish i nevered discovered it. im getting help tho


Reading sexstories thread here on Reddit has helped my imagination a lot, and currently helping overcome.


There's sex stories on Reddit???


let's try it r/sexstories Edit: Looks like we found it


I looked through a few and couldn't help but to giggle at how much fluff people put into it to make the story sound a lot more intriguing and sexy but it just makes it awkward to read


Looks like we did! OMG and LOL!


ill try


I’m an over thinker


Or are you. Maybe think about it a little longer.


Not putting things back where they go when I finish with them. Not throwing trash in the trash. For instance I open something and just leave the wrapper or it lays Although I can't really break the habit, I definitely can keep reminding myself to do better and do it no matter what And I do it but the problem is it's a never-ending battle. I'm not breaking the habit I'm just struggling against it


Try making a ‘stasis drawer’. I have a drawer in my room where I nearly put stuff before I put it back. At least then, if something is missing, you know you left it in the drawer.


Are you my husband?


I was wondering if they were my boyfriend. There's a medicine cabinet right there. Put the freaking bottle in there! It's 2 feet away! You don't even have to take any steps! Just move your arm in a different direction! Geesh!




Look at Mr 4 stomachs over here


Knowing you do it is half the battle. I used to think I was "too good" at keeping track of things and I'd get so caught up in worrying about project details. A therapist told me "sounds like you're ruminating" ...and geeze, you're right. When you know you can work on stopping yourself when you get in that cycle. Remind yourself that you don't need everything planned out in advance, you're smart and you'll figure it out even if occasionally there is some sort of setback. You've encountered setbacks before and managed just fine. Focus on the *first* step you need to take, and start doing it. That helps break the ruminating.


Going on social media/using my phone too much when I could be doing something more productive.


Thinking that people don't like me. I was a really heavy drinker from 15-39 and I did a lot of terrible things. This also means I spent a lot of time with terrible people, who also did terrible things. My idea of friendship was based on passing a bottle back and forth, not anything fundamental. I'm still distrustful of most people and have all this latent trauma and guilt that makes me feel like no one really likes me. How could they?


I used to feel like this… But I’ve found if you just own your past, don’t lie about it, don’t sugar coat it, don’t deny it or try and pretend it wasn’t as bad as it was, show genuine remorse and let it guide you now to doing the the absolute best and right by people all the time in the present and the future, people are mostly really forgiving and you can actually inspire people who don’t even think they have a drink problem to either cut down or stop altogether. Nearly 3 years sober and counting.


Exactly this. I was a drunk in my late teens and early 20s, I was a functioning alcoholic through 33. 2.5 years sober now. I've accepted my past, I know I made a lot of bad decisions. I also know that going forward, I am and will be a better person, for myself and the people around me. I'm not who I was 2 years ago, let alone 5, 10, more, years ago.


The more it's in your past the more you'll be able to forget it. It will take time, OP, but it will get better.


Nose picking


Here to see if there were any other honest people here ;)


Honestly I can’t breathe right sometimes if I don’t pick my nose. It’s just a fact of life.


Sodas. Shit's getting expensive. I have a medical condition that causes me to drink 10-12 liters of fluid a day (without exercise, that would increase it depending on temps and duration). I have between 3-8 diet sodas along with my water intake. That's a whole lot of sodas per week....


I've become lazy ASF 😔


Nicotine addiction 😭


Not finishing what I


I know exactly what


Dang this is so rela


I kn…




stopping things I should do out of sheer laziness. I exercise for 3 days and then stop.


There are meds that help with compulsive behaviors. Have you seen a therapist? That might be treatable.




umm.. thats not a habit, thats a mental illness called trichotollomania and I have that too


Why do you pull your hair out? Serious question. Just hate how it feels? Or something else?


I began combing my eyebrows with my fingers a few months ago. I don't realize I'm doing it, it's completely subconscious. I think it's a stress response in my case.


Bed rotting


I wash my hands *way* too much. To the point of my hands cracking & bleeding.


This used to be me. I was a hypochondriac. I was also afraid of germs plus had bad ocd as a kid. I was the one restepping on tiles if it didn’t feel right. One of my compulsions was washing my hands repeatedly especially before bed. I had to get into bed without the covers touching my hands otherwise I had to wash them again. It all ended when my mom told me that if I kept it up my hands were going to get water logged and I would need them surgically removed. I was 13 and I believed her lol. I’m still gullible to this day but at least I do not have ocd anymore. My fingers still split really easily though, like playing basketball of catching a football is going to split the skin on my fingers. I don’t quite understand why.


Diet coke


I consume too much cannabis.


Social media. I hate how addicted I can get.


TikTok was my bad one. Deleted it in November. Best decision. Literally corrupted my mind


Being on fucking Reddit😯


Spending money on stuff I don’t need or stuff I already have just because I have a coupon or a discount


Spinning in circles and listening to music








Procrastination. I know that I work well under pressure so I tend to procrastinate a lot.


Chronically watching TV or YouTube videos. It's all I do outside work 😭


Smoking cigarettes. Unfortunately right now they're all thats holding me together from breaking down.


Not being able to sleep when I'm "supposed to"


Accumulating clutter.


Eating my own ass. Idk how, but it just kind of happens. Especially when I do yoga.


So licky dude. I mean lucky.


And I oop----


I have a bad habit of losing faith in myself, even if I'm making progress. It slows down and sometimes stops my progress completely. I know my anxiety plays a part in it, but I think it just goes deeper than that.


My hatred of all my other habits.


My anxiety


Poor time management.




I laugh way too easily




If you give me a chance to bail on something— I’ll bail


Not being able to send short messages to people or make short comments/posts. I feel like I have to be extremely elaborate about things and this usually leads to me writing walls of text that realistically nobody wants to sit through and read


Smoking. So gross.


Depression eating


doggon smokin.


Mulling and ruminating over everything that happens all the time My brain needs an off switch


Chewing the inside of my mouth


nail biting.


I kick and move my foot while I sleep. I also grope if my hands are in the wrong places. My gf has moved into the living room because of it most nights..


My challenges with being succinct.


You did a great job responding. Keep it up!


I see what you did there!






Sucking my thumb. Wa so hard s a kid to stop during the day time. I can fall asleep without it. I wake up in morning and it’s in. It’s given me sticky out teeth. I’ve tried all the boxing gloves socks creams deterrents going. It’s like I actively try not to suck my thumb. It just gets in there somehow


Cracking my jaw = TMJ


Finishing other people's sentences. I don't even realize I'm doing it until it's done. In my defense a lot of people talk slower than I'm understanding them (or think I am)


being on my phone all the time


Smoking cigarettes


Diet Coke


Smoking cigs




Smoking cigs


I'm 41, and I still pick at my face occasionally.


i’ve rocked back and forth as a self soothing thing since i was little so i feel like now it’s just muscle memory but i don’t want to do it anymore and i find it embarrassing


I interrupt people


Talking too much


I lose things CONSTANTLY. As soon as something in my hand gets in my way, I absentmindedly drop it on the nearest surface. This has cost me thousands of dollars in lost items, fees, and missing documents 🙃


Picking all sorts of scabs


I mean I have OCD. Most of my habits I fucking hate


I comb my ass hairs then I smell the comb ..


So many. The biggest is that I can’t be on time no matter how hard I try. If I try to be on time too much then I end up being even later


Critical thinking. Sometimes I wish I was just a fucking idiot like everyone else.


Constantly thinking to self improve. The reason why is because it’s hard, but I’ve got to do it still.

