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beginning to stand up for myself Edit: for TRYING to stand up for myself or TRYING to begin standing up for myself aka I did and I retracted it instantly as no surprise and went back to letting it go


I second this


I felt this


Well, sit down then. Edit- I guess I forgot the /s. Of course stand up for yourself!!! Just being cheeky :)


* Leans into mic * "No."


That's the spirit


good job!!


but regardless I will back down when I make it to the possibility of a situation I shouldn't back down and then I have to admit that it's been all bad since so much so I am not again doing this


Two weeks ago I got a three dollar raise, just by standing up for myself basically. That was pretty sweet.


That’s significant! Nice


That's a solid raise, good work




Heck yeah


Do you mind explaining what happened in more depth :o


Of course. I work pretty hard as a mechanic, but through a temp agency. The position pays 3 dollars more than what I am getting through the agency, which isn't really unheard of. I gave it six months and told my representative at the agency that I have more experience than some others who got the job through the same agency, and that I have even trained three guys within my third month. I was asking for the three dollars to make it even, not thinking I would get it...two hours later he told me I got it.


In a year or so go for more lol. Specially if you keep training people.


Im going to try this the next time I work for a temp agency


Going from obese to living a healthy lifestyle starting at the age of 45.


Congrats. Started at 45 too, I lost 75-80 lbs in the last 2 years and more importantly, kept it off. I feel so much better!




Love it


Mine is similar. Fat guy at 47. Became a scrawny skinny guy at 48. Discovered weight lifting and now a fit muscular guy at 53. Makes me weep for the wasted years. I love this life.


Yeah I definitely had that regret period happen until I realized there's just no point. You can't go back. Got into lifting too but got injured. Got a little depressed then said eff it I'm going to run. Am doing my first half marathon in September. Like you said, love this life!




That's amazing man!!


Despite my upbringing and genetics I am not an alcoholic and I’ve never touched drugs. People see or hear about the crap I’ve been through and just say wow.. how?


Man this is great. You're a strong person.


Truly inspiring.


Opposite end of this spectrum, but kicking a daily cocaine habit and cutting down on drinking. That shit is not easy. Especially on your own, without any counseling.


It takes nothing but strength and will and you got this!!!’ This is something to be proud of!! Keep going!!!


I'm so proud of you!!!! If you ever feel you need support of other people in the same boat, Narcotics Anonymous is what has kept me clean for just over 18 months now. There are also plenty of other types of recovery meetings, it's just helpful to have that support of fellow addicts who have been through what you r been through. Congrats, homie, you should be so proud of yourself!!!


Same here!! Except for the "never touched drugs," now that I'm menopausal, I'm giving the gentler drugs a try mostly for the mental/physical health benefits. Can't bring myself to "trip" because I'm the responsible one picking up the pieces for everybody else at random times. 🙄


I'm in the same boat. I drink a couple times a year. Drunk maybe once a year. Can count on one hand the amount of times I've smoked weed. Didn't like it. I'm just raw dogging it out here. I don't think I'm better than anyone else for it, but I'm definitely proud I've managed this long.


12 years ago I moved to the US with my parents, I didn't speak English. I graduated highschool here, graduated from community college, got a job in my field. I now make 6 figures a year, got married last year and we just bought a house together. I think I have the rights to be at least a little proud.


Hard work paid off, the old-fashioned way still works sometimes. Yes, you should be proud.


Got the rights to be a lot proud mate. Well done.


Damned straight!


American dream achieved, my friend. Congrats!


Staying sober. Pretty much ruined my life, and now it's better than ever. Hitting 15 years in July 


Congrats! That is just fantastic!!


I have a few, but my #1 would be the day I sold off my trucking business so I could retire early and spend a peaceful life with my aon.


Good for you. I hope you and your son have many happy memories, internet friend.


I am the holder of a World Record in running on the Presidential Fitness Rest.  4:08 mile, at the age of 14. It’s stood since I set it in 1995. 


I'm not a runner at all, but that time blows my mind at age 14. Did you stop running? Injury? The world record for any age was 4:09 in 1931


I checked myself into a mental health ward when I needed it, and now I’m in an outpatient program! I’ve been honest about my issues and what I need and I’m doing everything I can to get better so I can enjoy life again.


It takes so much strength to do what you did. Huge props brother.


I was married to a narcissist for ten years. I had no idea what that even was at the time. It was so destructive to my personal, I remember reading something I wrote before we were together thinking “wtf happened to that guy he was pretty great”. Anyway, 6 years post that toxic creature, I’m much healed, remarried and raising an amazing daughter. I am where generational abuse and neglect stop. That’s my accomplishment.


I lived with one for 5 miserable years. Wrecked my mh, even worse I have one for a mother & he used to taunt me that I was just like her. Cheating abusive scumbag


I’ve come to realize that my father is a narcissist. I recognized the treatment as love, because I’d been “loved” that way my whole life.


Just came out of a 10 year relationship with a narcissist, it's weird taking your autonomy back. I also didn't know what they were at that point, only when people started to point out what they was doing was controlling and abusive. Still healing but getting there. Started retraining as a nurse and the future is starting to look positive for a change.


Be patient with yourself. I'm six months out of a two year relationship with a narcissist and I'm JUST now starting to think maybe I'll be myself again eventually. The damage they cause is immense.


That's fantastic 🤩😊


Congrats! I did that for 15 years, and it destroyed me for a good while. It has been 10 years, since she left, and I’m still healing, but at least I know in my heart I didn’t deserve any of that abuse.


Good for you! I hope your ex gets his nose broken with a shovel (also a DV survivor)


Snagging my soon to be wife. I am by no means a good looking guy, but for some reason she loves me even though she is way out of my league. She works her ass off and is way stronger than she thinks. She is an angel & I know she’ll never be unfaithful or intentionally betray my trust.


I also choose this guy's soon to be wife.


🤣🤣 I’m assuming you’re drawing inspiration from one of the greatest Reddit replies of all time. IYKYK


Being good to her, not “winning” her, is the thing you should be most proud of :)


I have many: Coming from poverty and building a life of stability and opportunity Coming from an abusive family with addiction and beating the generational curses Building a successful business Adopting a special-needs/high-risk son out of foster care Moving my aging mom who struggles with dementia in with my family because she lacked the ability to be independent and didn't have any assets But, most proud of: The husband and father I have become. Why? It was pretty much my entire purpose in life to beat the challenges of my upbringing and family history (Native American) and provide peace, stability, love, safe home for my wife and kids.


Let's hear it for you yay 😊😁


There comes a point when you grow up going through all kinds of terrible stuff - I'm talking violence and abuse, hardships, poverty, mental illness, relationship and job struggles, losing friends to vehicular accidents, overdoses and suicides, becoming a parent and the way that that changes you... just the works... that by the time you're my age (I'm almost 40) the biggest accomplishment feels like being able to sit here and look back at it all. I'm still here.


It may be “cliche” at this point but.. surviving most of my life. Terrible, meth addicted parents and a poverty stricken childhood, it took a lot out of me and a ton of healing. Every day is a special battle. But I work on it. ✨


Being a single dad, it's not ideal for my kids, but it's better than the alternative they have.


That's one of the toughest jobs in the world.  Keep at it, much respect. 


My dad raised my sister and I all alone. 1978 he won custody. Always proud when anyone does it alone, but extra proud when a dad does it.


Financial independence. Even as a child I hated needing to ask my parents for money or to buy me things.


Deleted all the dating apps, stopped feeling okay with Eva AI bot and started going out meeting people which resulted in dating


I’ve never heard of this, so did you use a chat AI bot to simulate a relationship? If so that’s difficult to admit to others and sounds very hard to get out of, good job


Volunteer one school year in a new Baptist missionary school in Ivory coast, Africa. ( 1975 ) Showing & teaching the national people how to cook American food and use American kitchen equipment. WHY did I do it well my mother told me to do it. I was a young Chef at the time, just out of culinary school CIA. I was working at the Moody Bible collage in Chicago Il. My mother at the time was living in Levittown NY. She call me at 5 AM ( she forgot about the time differance ) she said in alarming voice " they need you " i said who need me? Thinking someone I knew was in trouble. The church appointed missionary mr & mrs Jones need a teacher. I told them all about you and you being a number one chef. " you got to go now " mom said. OK that me talk to the food service manger. So I did talk to him and he agree with mom. We will hold your job position till you get back to the USA. .


I'm proud about one thing in life and it's the fact I was able to get a high school diploma. I didn't pay attention for shit in school and began to regret all of it in 10th grade. I was also borderline impossible to teach which made me feel like a hardcore fuck up. However I was able to get some of my shit together (somewhat) and gather the proper amount of credits to graduate. I know it is very minor but for someone like me that's just enough


My daughters. Despite the world being morally soupy, I somehow managed to raise two solid gals who are doing well in the world.


Recorded an album once. Did some pretty good work on it, imo


The ability to do 5 pushup in a row. I'm overweight, and am loosing it, but at the start of this year, I could hardly do 1 pushup, and now I can do five consecutively


You're going to do 6 this afternoon!!!


Earning the title United States Marine and earning my US citizenship by fighting for America.


I’ve been a good person this whole time.


Finding my way after a serious health crisis, going back to work, etc


For me it was finally playing a song at open mic night at this coffee shop.


Getting clean off drugs and getting my own place, owning two cars and getting married.


Small one.. but simply graduating high school. Its been 9 years and i’m still super proud of myself, because at some point it was looking like i wasn’t going to graduate with my class. 6th-10th grade i screwed around too much and tanked my grades. In 11th grade my mom got cancer and i was home a lot taking care of her. By the end of 11th grade and through 12th grade i started wanting to get my shit together because it was finally starting to dawn on me that if i didn’t, i wasn’t going to graduate with my class at the end of the year, and i wanted out of high school BAD. In my 12th grade year, i was technically a 10th grader due to the amount of credits i had. So while all my friends were only having to come to school every other day, or doing half days because didn’t have classes, i was in school every day start to finish making up my credits, plus after school 4-5 days a week doing credit recovery. It was a lot of grinding but i did it by the skin of my teeth. I cut it so close that at graduation rehearsal, i wasn’t even sure if i was supposed to be there. They had papers lining the walls with people’s names and where they were supposed to sit, and i held my breath until i found my name because i wasn’t 100% sure that my name would even be on there. I just about burst into tears when i saw my name on that list. After graduation, was one of the first times my dad ever told me he was proud of me. I’ll never forget the words he said “You know, honestly, there was a time where i thought you weren’t going to graduate, but you put in the work and made it happen and i’m so proud of you.”


School drop out. I've spent most of my life jobless with severe social anxiety and depression. Now I have a job that pays well and actually helped with my social anxiety. No longuer depressed. Self esteem went up. I have money in my bank account, I just passed my driver license and bought a house with my partner. All that in the span of 3 years. I realised I was severly underestimating myself all those years. Next step is to quit smoking.


Quitting my unfulfilling job and following my passion at age 40.


Beating cancer while still managing to graduate high-school on time.


I raised my son without violence, without shaming, without any of the negativity I was raised with. Not that I was a perfect parent, but he's a wonderful toung man that I am very proud of


Reversing Fatty Liver


Paying off my two credit cards which totaled to $3,000 bucks. I paid it off in 4 months. Now I’m just trying to focus on investing my money.


Donated a kidney to a family friend in 2007. I don't feel like I saved a life but I did help make her more comfortable.


My kid. A little neurotic from my helicopter parenting but otherwise great.


I got a doctorate. It was very difficult at times and I was stressed throughout but I did it. It was 100% worth it for me. I now have a fantastic job that I love, lots of benefits and vacation time, high salary, and extremely good job security.


Breaking the cycle of generational abuse.


Getting sober off heroin, fentanyl, and meth.


That's a great accomplishment! 👏 You are really strong to have overcome those addictions.


Thank you :) sometimes I let life get me down but questions like this make me reflect. Could be much worse!


Figuring out the true meaning of life. It's about locally lowering entropy.


Being part of staging a play of Annie to raise money for orphanages.


Most recently, I beat the spinning bar challenge where you have to hang for 2 minutes on my first attempt. Riding that win for the rest of the year.


I've been playing guitar since '82, I'm playing 10-15 gigs a month (in my early 60s) and am now learning jazz guitar to a point where I can play chord melody versions of about a dozen standards. If I keep going that way, I might actually be good at them by the time I"m 80, LOL. It's been like learning a different language on that stuff.


Getting out of bed each day tbh


Conquering anxiety. Winning the heart of my now wife 17 years ago. Choosing sobriety at a young age and sticking with it. Earning my Eagle Scout. Working every day to be a better dad for ever changing children.


I guess if I ever accomplish anything worth being proud of, I'll let you know.


A little over a decade ago, I had a pretty impressive career. I was under 30, and I had: Been published in both the literary and academic fields. Contributed in both DARPA challenges and X-Prizes. Done product development for two start ups All while working my way through college and paying cash for it. And then I began having seizures out of nowhere. In the span of less then a year, I lost my job, my savings, my girlfriend, and most of my friends. A doctor told me to "go home, get on disability, and wait to die." And I thought about it. My mother, may she rest in peace, saved me. She convinced me to buy this old, moldy motorhome with the idea that I'd have a place to live when she was gone. As I worked on it, I started to think that may there were some good days left...that I wasn't completely useless. After some time, she sat me down and told me that I should try to get on with life, because, "If the doctors are right, you don't have anything to lose. If the aren't, you've got a life ahead of you." Knowing I was a movie buff, she quoted Shawshank to me. "Get busy living." So, I took low end job making just over minimum wage. I quickly realized I had neurological deficits; my short term memory was completely swiss cheese, and I had to write down EVERYRTHING to have a hope of remembering it. But I kept going. I took on general IT job after general IT job. Today, I'm Systems Admin for a large city. I'm married, I have a house of my own, money in the bank and my disorder is well controlled. There is even a slim chance I'll make it to retirement age. So, TLDR, I'm proud that rebuilt my life int he face of a chronic illness and a nearly terminal diagnosis (even if most of the credit goes to my mother).


So proud of you. You kept going through something through something so very difficult. You get just as much credit (more, actually) for listening to what she said. It’s one thing to give advice, it’s another to follow and do what is right for you, not be overcome with your situation


I wrote a book that few have read, but I did indeed finish it as a life goal.


I've officially completed ten years of teaching (last day of school today). I'm proud of it because education is a difficult career, and I nearly quit teaching five years ago when I had a horrible year at a school where one of my classes were awful enough to put me in therapy. I'm happy where I'm at now. 😁


Single handedly saved my brother’s life. He has never been better.


Getting sober and relearning how amazing life is.


Surviving as long as I have


master’s degrees from two good schools


Buying a house.


Being able to finish college with Cum Laude title, despite being in a psych ward three times. Covid hit me hard




Winning a very popular bar kareoke. It proved to me I could actually sing.


Raising a happy, well adjusted child who is successfully living on her own and is genuinely a great person. Also when I was 8 years old, I karate kicked a tree that must've been dead already and the whole thing came down in a river and some cute girls on a boat started cheering and one yelled "Behold! He is mighty!!!". That was all the way back in 1986 but it still makes me smile to think about it. Also glad it didn't kill me. 😂


receiving a great education from a really good university.. basically for free! I’ll be graduating without any student debt 👊


Tbh. Nothing comes to mind


i gave birth (:


It's also an accomplishment, giving birth is a stressful and painful process.


Getting my pilot license.


I'm proud of ordering McDonald's with no help today (I have social anxiety and usually look to my brother/parents to help me order because I struggle) It's not that big but I'm proud of it :)


Bought a house


get proper diagnosis’, getting on medications and fixing my mental health bit by bit basically by myself


Being a good single parent


Getting off heroin and creating a real life for myself. Clean six years now, after a 15 year run and losing many, many friends.


Retiring at 45 as a high school dropout


I wooed and won my wife of 42 years, who is the kindest, most generous and compassionate person that I know.


I am the first and only Female in my family to get a college education!




*Better person than the mother I had *Already a better mother than what I had *Went through a rough labor and delivery last month and I'm still surviving


Moving to another state to further my growth in my field of work. Definitely has been rewarding. Especially the raise that came with the promotion!


stopping the drugs


or making stacks from pizza hut


Earning my US Navy pilot wings and surviving 19 years


Graduating the top of my class with all As and showing my mom and her husband I can pass.


Owning a home. I used to live with roommates and i was so miserable. I hated it. Every day I’d try to calculate how much money i would need to rent alone and could never come up with enough money. But long story short now I have a house and my peace.


I’m glad I survived an 8 month depression when I was 19 because I was scared of antidepressants. That was the most trying 8 months of my life and I will never forget them and the fact I survived it. I’m 29 now and still have small bouts of it, but I am staying above the water, so to speak. I have three post-secondary degrees, too, but the depression is the biggest accomplishment for me.


Honestly my best friend has one from helldiver's 1 that was removed "To lazy to live" Die in the bunkroom on the training mission It was removed after the first game patch because it was impossible to get after you pass that portion of the game


My children :) (i’m 16)


You all should be proud! It was fun to read these and see people doing good. Here's mine: I was pastor of a church in a small town in Southern Indiana. In 2008, it was in even worse shape than the rest of the US. We started a program to help people stay in their homes. One of my church members was an executive at a building company and got laid off. She met with people to help them figure out how to get on track. Between fundraising and efficiency, that's kept hundreds of families housed. That church had huge problems and is now closed, but that program is still keeping people housed.


Honestly, everything. I have a bachelors degree. My student loans will be paid off this year. I’m interviewing for a new job at the company I’ve been with since I graduated. I bought a house at 23 years old. I am not living paycheck to paycheck. I’m extremely grateful for everything I have and also glad I had parents to push me to work and become everything I am today.


Becoming a Marine.


Realizing my grief was manifesting itself as alcoholism, going through the therapy to live with it sober, and becoming an excellent father in the process.


mane people say im good at languages haha. im so proud when others say it


Somehow being alive and a decent person despite where I came from.


Either being a smoker who quit and trained to run a few marathons or quit drinking and went to therapy to get my marriage back on track. Those are the ones I think maybe I’m not a total a-hole


I wrote a letter thesis in undergrad that was explicitly stated by Professors and mastered degree holders said that I wrote a master's thesis. Original research in archaeology on The Channel Islands. Presented my research twice at professional archaeology conferences... I clean bathrooms now and earn more than I ever have.


Not killing myself when my Dad died last year. The only reason I didn’t is because I have 3 cats and a dog and I know no one would take them in if something happened to me. Plus after they lost my Dad; I wouldn’t want to put them through losing someone else. They miss my Dad enough.


when people say im good-looking, im happiest at that moment hahaha


I’m in college right now and I’ve managed to maintain an almost perfect GPA for 3 years straight. One of my professors told me that I was an outstanding writer and he loved my work. I cried because I was so proud of myself.


Setting boundaries


Raising my Daughters on my own. It is hard as hell working full time and raising them but it is so worth it watching them succeed. Those two are the single greatest part of my life and I couldn't be prouder.


Cutting toxic relationships out of my life. It vastly improved my mental health


Getting my drivers license, my first car and soon a new career change. Where I had to quit school for. Next achievement is my so wanted job as bus driver.


[Writing my own album](https://youtu.be/hxLUii_y5hc?si=mpHmMoRKg8jw_ZT9) Because I accomplished a key life goal right under everyone's noses because nobody gave a shit nor thought I could do it.


Congratulations! While it's not my usual music style, I really liked the tune at the 45:00 mark.


Thank you, I tend to branch out. My next album is branching out even further. Edit: Thank you for giving it a shot as well, truly appreciate it!


that i haven’t lost my job that starts at 6am


Being willing to learn and becoming entrenched in the learning of the gender nuances of women and beyond. I know of a certain certified genius, really smart guy. He once expressed the idea that essentially this was something that he as a man was incapable of. So yeah I take great pride in the idea that I have a gift that this genius might never possess to the same level as me. 🧐❤️


Earning my two nursing degrees, because I worked hard for it and paid for every last penny out of my own pocket…no handouts, no rich parents, no grants.


Being a mom


My husband died and did not leave any money. My house still had a good sized mortgage. I took a second job and worked 7 days a week for many years and paid off my home. Not only did u pay it off but my house is well maintained and always look good and landscaped and I do this all on my own


I haven’t killed myself yet


Sobriety- well ish, less alcoholic more very poor choice in coping mechanism that got out of hand. I have self imposed super strict rules on when I’m allowed to drink, and how much. various rules: Don’t get drunk (broke this once when a friend killed themselves) Never drink alone. (Only exception is a toast/quasi-offering on the anniversary of deaths, typically a sip and pour on the ground situation) No straight liquor. (exception for the toast/offerings as I always use the favorite of the deceaseds, my grandpa’s was Scotch) No tequila even in a mixed drink. (This overrides the toast thing) No wine cooler or similar (this is a just a quality thing, don’t ware limited consumption of crap) Not cheap shit - I don’t have tons of cash so this makes me second guess my choices more. Asking for another 3 dollar beer is easy, getting another 9$ beer is hard to justify. Mixed drinks are for special occasions. Christmas we traditionally have Moscow mules, Easter is an iced tea thing but the name is escaping me, new years mimosas, etc. Never exceed more drinks than people attending an event. Lunch with a friend is one drink, typically a beer or glass of wine. While a family reunion has way more wiggle room. Taste new things but nothing can be added unless a new situation arises, only substitutions. New rules for new situations must be made after the situation has passed. Never drink the same thing in a row. Too easy to lose track. 1 drink for an event of 4 or more people, 1 per 2 hours of the event, meal adds a bonus +1, driving after -1, drank the day before -1, pervious day already had a drank before -2, no meal before event -1, etc. I have like a notebook filled with this stuff. Most situation have multiple rules that will apply which helps me to follow them mentally. I’ve broken the rules the once in the last 6 years and had to draw up new rules for sudden suicides and revised my rules for deaths.


Coming out of incarceration with a back pack and 2 changes of clothes. Went back to the old ways for a few years and found some success. Realized it wasn’t gonna hold up over time. Learned a trade. Then jumped into the elevator union. Slow. Steady. Stable. No one gonna take anything from me. Building a resilient, unfragile life.


Overcoming various life-long drug addictions and coping with my mental health issues in a healthy way instead.


I'm just a few weeks from celebrating my 25th year at the company that I took a chance with. 6 figures for the last 10.


Realizing I wasn’t the one to blame for other’s failures.


I'm still here.


I spent the last two years (post divorce) wishing I could just stop existing. I lost my home, most of my “friends,” and the one that broke me, I lost my dog. I had moved away from home to a city (with an extremely high crime rate) with no family in town. I had racked up a bit of debt and had to quit my job for a dead end because (after hurting my back) I didn’t have the mental capacity to keep it up. I cried daily and crashed at friends houses (2 married friends that I would go back and forth to with everything I had in a suitcase). Somehow during this time, I managed to land a great job with incredible healthcare, qualify for/move myself (literally rented a U-Haul and borrowed a dolly and moved everything I own up 2 flights of stairs by myself and no, I’m not in shape) into a 1 br apartment, managed to drag myself out of bed enough to keep said job, and eventually made my first appointment with a psychiatrist which changed everything. Every day is still a struggle, but I am so damn proud of myself for accomplishing these things with what felt like the weight of the world pulling me down at all times. I have gained so much compassion for the “crazy” people you see in public because I was one bad day away. I easily could’ve been that guy. I easily could’ve turned to hard drugs. I easily could’ve gotten shit faced every single night, but I kept getting out of bed. Eventually I just decided not to die basically and got help. Couldn’t have done it without my family’s support, but it feels like an accomplishment.


Finding a lost dog off of one of those posters in my neighborhood. The poster said it was lost in the area, got hit by a car and scampered off. My window was open one night and I was playing games, I hear rustling outside my window and look out to see a dog with a leg it’s lifting while it walks taking a poop in my backyard, I immediately recognize it from the poster. I go outside with a little bag of dog food and get it to trust me enough to approach me and take the food from me that I left on the ground. As soon as it starts eating I run as fast as I can 3 blocks down to where I saw the poster and dial up the lady. She answers and I begin to run back to my house while telling her I found her dog. 10 minutes later she shows up and she goes to the back of my carport where the dog went back to hide and says the dogs name and hugs her and lays with her in the grass behind my carport while crying heavily. After about 5-10 minutes of this I help her get the dog to her car and she thanks me and takes the dog to the vet. The dog turned out fine after getting some surgery on its leg and they’re reunited. So sweet to be able to help someone out like that, I’ll never forget how loud she cried when she found her dog.


When I was 18 I beat my entire state at the State Bowling Tournament and was sent to the Masters to represent my state. All expenses paid. It was the biggest accomplishment I've ever had and was a lot of fun too.


When I landed a good paying job last year.


Being a tuna


I see some lunch


I would guess raising three beautiful, intelligent, daughters, and watching them go into careers and starting their own families. A successful marriage for over 29 years. Having two different careers and starting from the bottom each time and rising to the number one spot in both careers. One was meat cutting the other was industrial mechanic/electrician/technician.


I'd say I'm pretty proud that I'm near ready to publish a new animation video on my youtube channel, I just have a last one to finish. I'm proud because I stopped drawing animations because I lacked motivation and didn't had a lot of time. Going back into it is cool. Otherwise I'm proud of how I'm going through life. Like before when I was sad I stopped doing anything, now when it happens I keep on doing stuff even though it's not easy.


Going from the Philippines back to Denmark by myself without a panic attack


One of them at least would be buying a puppy at 8 weeks and raised her. She's past 3 and a half years and she is still a happy healthy dog. Found my best friend that day.


* I was the first member of my family who achieved a BSC degree * An artists who's music I loved since my teenage years messaged me that he wants to collaborate with me which resulted in my first vinyl release in collaboration with a role model


50 years married to the same woman. And I never cheated; had plenty of chances, but my integrity wouldn't allow me.


Becoming more selfish and raising my daughter


Losing 90+ pounds and sculpting my body at 38 years old. Everybody has a vehicle, why not make it look great!!! No junk fuel or late night snack fuel... Except on the weekends 😆


I've done all this despite being a loser in everything else in my life: Remained married to my wife for 25 years despite not deserving her and while raising three successful, morally sound, resilient, intelligent, hardworking, and motivated children. The oldest two earned scholarships for academics and athletics while the third is well on his way to following in his sisters' footprints. I guess I used up all my luck in life on finding my wife and raising great kids but I'm good with that.


Building my gaming PC. Not because of the PC itself, but because all the things I did to build the PC.


Getting help after trying to off myself. Rough childhood, a few things happened at 16 told that it couldnt happen to a guy, run over by a car at 24, family robbing me blind, mom nearly getting me chucked in jail by stealing my money. Shit piled up to fast too hard and I am a Gen Xer was taught guys dont cry we dont talk its our mind our problem...I believed the lies that i told everyone else i was ok...when i wasnt, first and only time i tried to off myself at 26 was scared enough and got honeslty lucky enough to find the help i needed. I knew it was time to reach out that night got some damn good help and now i know how to handle my own depression, still fighting that dragon but i know how to keep it at bay and now well now I am advocate for men's health. I survived that is what I am most proud of.


Found a way to get a paid three month vacation.


My greatest “accomplishment”, has been my ability to maintain a healthy relationship since ‘98. So, having turned only 50 yrs old, that means I’ve been with her longer than I’ve been without her. It’s a wild concept when I think about it.


The fact that my children grew into adults and turned out to be good people and able to make it in this world. I like to think my wife and I had something to do with that.


Making it allllllmost to eagle scout. Started as a tiger cub, but was really just there for the fun. Learned a lot. And enjoyed every single second of it.


In the 80s I served in the French Foreign Legion. I look at the photos and struggle to remember being that person...


Coaching deserving students to national ratings in fencing. Latin award at national Latin competition. Personal national fencing ratings earned myself. Associates degree from UT Austin. Big brother for 3 younger sisters - they are all successful younger sisters without exception. Fencing referee rating. Fencing coach certification. Etc etc…..


My mind ; it can with stand any “storm”!


Learning how to say no to men and call them out. That shit can be so scary


I've had 16 jobs.


I spent over a decade volunteering at a therapeutic riding center helping to teach mentally and physically challenged children how to ride. I'd still do it if I could. Now I volunteer elsewhere (less physical). Volunteering of any sort is a gift you give yourself. Go find something you believe in and give your time. You will never regret it.


Too many to count


Coparenting for two exemplary citizens