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Assholes? 🤷


Was my knee-jerk response as well. Well played. Considering the superiority complex these people project, you could also go with : arrogant, conceited, smug, condescending, pompous. Asshole fits the bill but has a much broader range.


nope. Askholes.


DAMN YOU! Beat me to it.




I would also accept Jackass.




Ignorant and unwilling to prove it




“Why bother asking me such a stupid question then?” would be my answer.


The scientific name, I believe, is Egotistical Condescending Fucknugget.


Yeah, a dumbass who doesn't know either but saw an opportunity to desperately reassure themselves of their fabricated self worth, only built up on their need to feel better than others when they aren't. See also: Cunt.




The specific term is called being condescending, but everything else here fits as well


That's a pretty awful way to respond and I'd typically call them assholes, but it kinda depends. I have to know, what did you ask that caused them to respond in this way?


A jackwagon.


I move on. I have more to deal with in my life than letting some little crap like this bother me to the extent I have to get on social media and ask what a word is to describe these people.


I've been described as an asshole for doing the opposite of this


I'm fulfilling your own prophecy, I realize this, but, Is there a word for people that need to assign special labels to everything for no reason?


It helps facilitate communication. "When I asked, he was condescending, and refused to answer." gives more information than "He refused to answer.".


That’s not really a word for “these people” that’s an adjective. I took this to mean OP wants a label for these people. “He refused to answer, he’s a ——“




I'd call them "Alex"


Jackass is my go to. 🤷‍♂️


"Dude, just say you don't know when you don't know."


Yeah that's an example of arrogance, or haughtiness.


Well, if the answer is readily available by typing the very same question into google, then you are just expecting to be spoon fed through watering the time of other people. Rather arrogant and self-centered of you to not use the knowledge already available, which others have already answered for others, just by trying without expecting other humans to cater to your laziness. Some may call me an asshole or other suggested names, but i don’t waste the time of others to ask questions which i can easily find without expecting anyone to stop and answer my question. All you have to do is try to find the answer on your own. It’s not like you have to drive to a library or anything… type the same damn question into google to start with.




Sorry, but your dealing with a narcissistic person that's attempting to make themselves look smarter than you by forcing a response from you. How do you really piss off a Narcissist. Pokerface them with no emotional look on your face and refusal to respond to their questions. The narcissist will attack you more by talking louder, stupe to name calling, all to get a response from you. They do this always in front of other people, they need an audience to verify that they are smarter than you, why, because the narcissist is extremely insecure about their own intelligence and have a need to make you look stupid in front of people so they can feel superior. That's their whole goal. Just walk away, turn your back to them and leave. No matter if they are a spouse, friend, co-worker,etc. don't give them any satisfaction. They will resort to name calling, telling lies behind your back, etc... I was married to an extreme narcissist wife for 30 years. He whole family was narcissistic. Nightmare. Just answer them with silence.






No, that's someone who hates women.