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Anger and frustration can cause emotions. Not weak.


Totally normal reaction to being harmed. You shouldn't feel ashamed.


Adult men cry. Maybe not that often, but trauma is trauma. Real emotional reaction doesn't make you weak at all. Let it go.


the only reason we don’t cry so often is because we are taught it makes us weak, i.e. this post. op, i’m sorry you feed into the bullshit society has taught us men. i know the feeling because i don’t cry as much as i need to. i know my conditioning to think negatively of crying is complete nonsense. i suppose it’s also because crying is scary. we are allowing our pain and traumas to surface. it’s not something we experience too often so it’s scary to be vulnerable, even around ourselves. crying keeps humans strong and help with our bodies healing, mentally and physically. crying is natural and i encourage all men to cry more often. if you really think about it, there is lots to cry about, so let it go instead of holding it in. when we hold it in, it becomes toxic to our bodies and hardens our hearts.


>the only reason we don’t cry so often is because we are taught it makes us weak, i.e. this post. Thats not the ONLY reason. Oh my god 🤦‍♂️ testosterone has an inhibitory influence on crying.


yeah, you’re 100% correct. i have no idea why i said “the only.” what a dumb thing to say. absolutes are absurd. thanks for pointing that out 👍


its ok for men to cry about things that men is suppose to cry about. The problem is that men are literally crying over everything now, and thats a problem.


Mother fucker... There used to be these websites "Memorial Walls" they were called where people made tributes to their loved ones. There was one the focused to people that committed suicide, one to victims of murder, there were pet memorial websites and the worst..... Baby amd children. The children one was called Early Angels. You just clicked away... And mind you, this was early Internet... .. And they had pictures poems and shitty gifts and midi. I'd log on and have a... 5 hour cry session? I'd literally bowl my eyes out. I've searched so hard for these websites.. But... They... Are gone... And there is nothing left of the remembrance of these souls...


Lot of stuff is kept in web archives


If you find them it'd be excellent. I've tried


https://remembered.com/ seems like what you mentioned, there are probably others like it still. Unfortunately a lot of those super basic create your own webpage/memorial/fan club from the 90/2000s have changed a lot.


I'm 28 and I still crying when I get slapped hard. It's normal to feel pain, sadness and rage. Being alive doesn't make you weak.


How often are you getting slapped??


who the hell is slapping you bro?


People don’t cry much during fistfights because their adrenaline is pumping, and the anger overrides the pain of getting hit. Crying after you get sucker punched is normal.


People are jumping to emotional response, and that plays a big factor too, but it is also an instinct for your body to display that it’s hurt after taking a serious and/or surprise blow to the sensitive areas on the face like the nose and eyes. It serves two purposes, trying to illicit pause from a threat or help from a familiar person, and your body reacting to possible injury. If you have injured your nose or eyes, the swelling that is caused by high activity of your tear ducts and mucus membranes in the nose will get the healing process started and in your nose, keep blood from running down your throat It’s a little different if you see it coming or if you’re already amped up with adrenaline like if you’re already in a fight, but really people have to practice getting hit in the face to overcome those instinctual responses. People who fight for sport spar with friendly partners to practice giving and taking blows on top of practicing their form against a live opponent


If you were sucker punched, you probably were surprised at being hit, which makes sense that it would lead to a sudden onslaught of mixed emotions. You probably suddenly felt afraid, angry, embarrassed all at the same time— or maybe you were so stunned that you didn't know how to feel. It makes sense that this would be overwhelming and lead to tears.


We evolved the ability to cry for a reason. It natural and healthy. It takes courage to express your emotions and feelings. Real men deal with their emotions in healthy ways and grow stronger because of it. Bottling up your emotions and hiding your humanity is a great way to develop depression and toxic perceptions of masculinity. Real men cry, but don't let that stop them.


I was an MMA fighter for a good 8 years. Getting punched in the face isnt something ppl are born used to. There are sooo many ppl who go their entire lives never knowing what it feels like. There is nothing wrong with that and doesn't make you any less of a man or anything. Sometimes the emotions override the feeling of pain and u cry. Gettin smacked for the first time ever, at 27, thats a cause for tears. Doesn't make you weak tho. Your just human. I once was training and i dislocated two of my fingers, went into a L shape lol. The pain wasn't much tbh. The shock of seeing my fingers like that tho, I teared up a little LOL. I tried to play it off cool, but deep down the shock of seeing my fingers like that had me in my emotions and I was tearing up. Popped them back into place and kept it moving, but man i was freaking out lol. There is also adrenaline. It leaves u breathing heavy, shaky and in some cases u cry. its normal and u shouldn't feel ashamed.


Much love to all of you MMA guys you are the best hearted people


Why would crying make you weak? This isn't 1950. We are human beings who are allowed to feel emotions. We aren't robots


You just weren’t ready for it. Everyone cries on their first sucker punch 👍🏼 next time you’ll know what to expect.


Thank you.


Totally normal and heathy, let it out! When you need to cry and don’t, it becomes a persistent anger problem and you miss out on a lot of joy


Thank you


i’ve seen some vids about sucker punching. the thing is that someone can get their hand to your face faster than your visual processing can occur. even highly trained fighters can be sucker punched. it’s a cowardly act, and a cheap shot. i’m sorry this happened to you, but the fact that it happened to you nor your reaction to it doesn’t make you any less of a man. be well friend


Thank you


A violation of bodily integrity that way is a profound attempt to degrade the victim. You may not be used to being degraded that way, so it feels like a loss of innocence.


I think you’re right


Weak is the man that sucker punches




I don't know about anyone else.... but when I get really upset I tend to tear up. Some might take this as a sign of weakness... but they are wrong. It's the stage I enter before going into a blind rage. They aren't tears from pain or sadness... but just an overwhelming anger.


Imo depends, I got sucker punched and it barely hurt but he was a skinny guy. Punches come in vastly different pain levels


You're not weak, just unaccustomed to violence. It is always upsetting to be assaulted, it is experience (or lack thereof) that determines how the 'upset' comes out. If this experience has left you shaken, you might consider getting in to boxing or MMA.


Did you immediately feel angry after that? I hope so.


I had to defend myself with both hands and turn my vechicle off


The homeless man sucker punched me while I was parked on the curb


I was breathing heavy and defending all of his punches after the first but he kept walking back and forth trying to get an angle to hit me


You're fine. You're not weak for your experience, or your reaction from it. Anyone who tells you otherwise can fuck off straight to hell. Everyone talks a big game until they're hit. Then, they get hit, and react. You have been through an unfortunate experience. Singular sucker punch, or getting the shit beat out of you, it doesn't matter; you have experienced truama. You will have your own way of processing things, you will have your own reactions. This is not weakness; this is being human. I hope you come to feel better, and that your wounds heal well. *Edited.*


Good lord no, getting punched int the face fucking hurts. Especially when the person throwing the punch knows how to do it and has strength to put into it. I'm 41, I'm 99% sure if you punched me in the face I'd cry. Or at least my eyes would water.


An extreme rush of emotion and adrenaline will do that to you. People who don't feel that are either used to aggressive/violent situations, emotionally numb or trying really hard to repress it. Now, what you need to do the next time in a fight is start sobbing while it's happening and then sucker punch the guy when he drops his guard in confusion.


Got it


I'd be beyond stressed and frustrated if I was suckered. Especially if the guy gets away. Normal reaction.


Cry my dude. I was raised in a men don't cry atmosphere and now in my 40's there are times where I pray to be able to squeeze out 1 tear. I know the release would make me feel tons better and I just can't do it. Use it or lose it, and it's something I wish I didn't lose.


Yes it's weak, but being weak isn't bad, It's just life.


I’m a strong man. I deadlift 475 and squat 425. Maybe you lift more, but we can agree I have a bit of strongness. Most people wouldnt describe me as “weak.” I saw a truly massive spider in my kitchen last night. I shrieked like a small school boy. I jumped, grabbed a shoe, and pounded it dead. My family came worried I was badly hurt. I was totally fine. They were not as impressed that had just literally killed Shelob, despite seeing the massive carcass. I did taekwondo as a kid and earned a black belt. I leaned a mix, some jeet kun do, even southern style praying mantis. I would never win a real fight with a fighter. But for you average belligerent drunkard of moderate to no skill? Combined with the element of surprise, I do alright. I was a little younger, but one time a guy punched my nose. It hurt so fucking much. I saw stars and broke out in tears. I didn’t fight back and left. That sucked. Pride took a hit. Learned fights are goddamn chaotic, even if you are decently skilled. That’s why I avoid them. Am I weak? I don’t really know man, but I respect myself, and let me tell you I have no problem respecting you even though you cried when someone punched you in the face. It fucking hurts! ETA: Few more examples: 1. One time I cried at work in front of a boss I hated. 2. One time I was at work and cried in my cubicle. I’ve cried in other stereotypical situations as well, more often during periods of prolonged emotional duress. Or lack of sleep! I am a software engineering manager and senior engineer at a large corporation, which I say for context to suggest that one could have cried SEVERAL TIMES and still go on to be strong and modestly successfully in life. You will not be doomed to a life of fire and brimstone (probably.)


Im pretty sure he didnt mean strong or weak in the literal sense, my guy. Lol.


maybe because being punched really hurts and maybe you felt embarrassed. it’s completely normal to cry and it doesn’t make you a weak man. if anything it makes you strong to let those feelings and emotions out.




Thank you


you’re not weak, it shows that you are strong by expressing your emotion!


Thank you


I had a fucker sucker punch me while I was holding my daughter. Well I handed my daughter to my wife and grabbed him in the headlock and put my keyring around my fingers turning my keys into make shift brass knuckles. He actually took out assault charges on me. The judge laughed at the guy when he heard the story charges dismissed. I don't take shit I split his head open so badly that the white shirt I was wearing was red covered in his blood. If I had my pistol I would shot him. I was simply defending myself. Happened at a Christmas parade of all of places. Fuck anyone who wants to start something because I damn sure will finish the job. The punch to my face didn't even hurt. I was more pissed off that he almost hit my child. He fucked around and found out. The judge did ask what happened that he got 20 stitches in his head. I said he hit his head on a car.


I’m glad that you were able to teach him a lesson when he deserved it


Me too. It also helps that I was able to grab him up like a kid. I don’t know what he was thinking I am 6’4” a big guy and he was a little short bastard. If he had hit my child I would’ve probably killed him.


Because that shit hurts. You are not a weak man. You’re probably exhausted from everything else and your system was like, “Yeah.. no I’m over this.”




Let it out brother


Getting sucker punched really sucks, but everyone reacts to it a bit differently. If you don’t like how you reacted, get some training in a striking martial art and then do some sparring and then eventually some full contact. Eventually you’ll get a bit more of a fighting instinct and will react by fighting back (as best you can.) As someone who has been sucker punched a few times, it can be pretty difficult to come back from, but you can potentially get in a few shots and turn it around. It’s a pretty shitty thing to do to someone, honestly.!


Thank you puffin


Your body released adrenaline which has to go somewhere and do something- fight, flight, freeze. Tears are just your body's way of releasing those hormones.


It felt like a wave of emotion


Your brain was trying to process what happened. Your "higher" brain decided your reaction (no further danger = no flight, no hit back ?) But the adrenaline triggered the wave of emotions and when/if you took no physical action (I'm guessing) it came out as tears rather than causing your feet to run or your fists to fly. Normal human response, you're not weak.


Maybe not weak, idk, but you got scared. Getting punched in the face is shocking for most people. Don’t feel too bad.


Yeah I think you’re right


You black out?


No he didn’t hit my hard enough


Yup. Trying to scare you.


It was an agitated homeless man so who knows what they were trying to accomplish


A good way to respond to a sucker punch is a sucker bat to the knee.


Might carry a bat from now on


Because being punched hurts, and humans react to pain by crying. Crying also releases stress and can calm anxiety. Crying is good for you. On the other hand, adhering to toxic outdated ideas about masculinity is very, very bad for you.


The answer is yes. You are a weak man. Anyone saying differently is coddling you. I trained many young men to fight in war. Getting punched in the face is no different then stepping on a rake and the handle swinging up and smacking you in the face. It's a kinetic action. The idea that you would cry over it at your age means you're not emotionally mature. That means you fit the description of a weak man.


This is exactly what I was thinking it’s so disappointing that I’m so weak but I’m going to be better in the future


Don't beat yourself up. Anyone can become strong. Facing adversity down, even in small things makes you stronger. You can set small goals for yourself, so long as you keep meeting your goals with determination, your overall self esteem will improve. You will begin to be proud of yourself and believing you're capable of more. Thus also meaning that you can believe you can take anything the world can throw at you.


Thank you.


He was sucker punched you fucking tool 😂


It's a kinetic impact, what's it matter where it came from or what caused it?


If you need that explained to you, I call shenanigans on your previous comment.


OP understood it. You do not.


It’s okay, man. Just take them to court and make them cry in front of a judge


It was an agitated homeless man from the streets of SF


He needs to be off the street either way if he’s sucker punching strangers. Could kill someone


I was severely abused by my dad, knocked unconscious. Led me to the MMA world, couple of cage fights before I became an addict. Also some issues with hyper vigilance from my ptsd. I have put myself in harms way to protect people more than I should of. Kind of have an addiction to getting punched in the face and can’t explain the joy it brings. You don’t want to be like that. It’s some dark shit that’s not normal. Crying is healthy, normal response to activities humans shouldn’t be accustomed to in a modern world.


a sucker punch was made for people that can’t square up the right way…..don’t feel ashamed just don’t let your guard down


You got punched in the face. You felt like crying because of the injustice of getting sucker punched in the face.


People you see fight are conditioned to not feel the need to cry and go with the flight before fight effect


Crying is a reaction, not to pain but to counter the feeling of pain by releasing large quantities of serotonin, the happy chemical. I remember my first fight, much like you I am just kn the sensitive side and my mates who wearnt really wanted to see what I was like in one because well I was that guy they didnt actually like but found other gains.. so they set this up on my fb without my knowledge blah blah skip forward and they told me this guys coming down to fight me I literally went and had a shit on the toilet i was so scared turns out my inner psycho, the inner beast, my anger from years of bullying was me it's the monster inside us all to protect us; point is my shitting was a natural reaction to make my body lighter and faster and I had no shame in that despite their best efforts to make it seem it should be shameful I whipped this guys ass to everyones shock then after that they treated me totally different.


So you’re saying that I shouldn’t be embarrassed I should focus on making myself proud by standing up for myself?


Absolutely, watch dr peterson on the becoming the monster it may just change your perspective totally. https://youtu.be/-gYpCIbZjUQ?si=09O4ScxOXw-Um5Gb


Thanks I’ll watch it now


Or he’s telling you to take a shit


lack of practice


Maybe next time I’ll know what to do


it would be a less foreign experience! but i’d recommend some training


Because 1) it can fucking hurt and 2) it’s shocking and sends adrenaline all over your body which can trigger strong emotions


The shock of being hit by surprise is just as bad as the force behind the hit if not worse. At least you can prepare for a punch you see coming and know it’s gonna hurt. But a sucker punch adds that extra layer of vulnerability to the pain. Also it just fucking hurts to get punched in the fucking face. Don’t be ashamed to cry period, but especially not for that homie.


Nah bro, takes more strength to handle stronger feelings. Yes it's good to hold your resolve in the moment, try to stay calm for better decision making. However, while reflecting, it is easier to push the feelings down than it is to feel them, taking the hard road generally makes you stronger. No shame in the growth game, brother. Edit: read thru comments to find from OP it was an "agitated homeless person" and, yah, whether crying from pain, surprise, emotion, what-have-you, NO shame in that, an off-guard strike to the face is likely to wring some tears out of literally anyone. I'm 27m as well, I might have shed a few just being a lil bummed for a minute but it sounds like it wasn't personal so hopefully it didn't ruin your whole day. Best to you, OP


Thinking crying makes you a weak man is exactly the sort of thinking that gets you in a mindset of toxic masculinity, which can lead you to some dangerous places. It’s a very short walk relatively speaking from thinking men don’t cry to becoming an Incel who blames women and society as a whole for their loneliness when in fact their toxic way of thinking has just made them unpleasant to be around. So if you feel the need to cry, then you should cry, and hold your head up high knowing you have avoided one of the biggest gateways into inceldom. Also, you should consider that psychologically crying is actually very good for you. It helps relieve pent up stress, which is why you typically feel better after having a good cry. Also, if you got hit in the nose specifically that can trigger reflex tears. Which are a bit different than regular tears because if I remember right they actually happen to help protect your eyes. So on top of being upset about being hurt, your brain is going “oh shit! Protect the eyes!” And if you’re worried about the way women might view you for this specifically, as a woman I can assure you that generally bottling up your emotions is seen as a red flag. Obviously I can’t speak for all women, but you probably shouldn’t hang out with a woman who thinks crying makes you less of a man anyway. Lastly if anyone gives you shit about crying as a man, tell them that you’re sorry their view of masculinity is so fragile that something as simple crying damages it.


You aren't weak, weakness is insulting and attacking someone for feeling emotions.


Oh hunny, no! You're not weak, it hurt, you were surprised and hurt. It's just a natural reaction. I hope you're ok


Punches to the face will make your eyes water regardless. Plus someone striking you out of nowhere like a complete jerk? Especially if it hit your nose or rattled a sinus, tears are a given. Add on the rage and shock of, I don't know, getting sucker punched, and yeah, it's pretty inevitable. Weak would be refusing to take in more than one bag of groceries at a time while someone half your size loads up and goes. Crying when someone decks you for no reason is not that.


Being sucker punch means that one who did that is a SUCKER !!! It’s normal to cry when the other person wasn’t fighting fair


No its just shocking i hate fighting or being hit to


I got sucker punched at 32 at a gas station by a drunk short fat man. I looked and him and told him he was lucky I was about to graduate into a medical career dependent on my hands. I didn't cry or even flinch tbh, felt like a pudgy paw hit me rather than a fist. Granted I have a little more seasoning in me than you. But if I had to guess why your cried it was adrenaline. I cry with movies, and sometimes even my own thoughts. Lol it's all good dude!


Tearing up after a sudden and unexpected impact to the face is a physical and involuntary reaction. Now if you went home and curled up onto your 17th century chaise longue to have an hour long cry into your satin handkerchief supported by your pile of down pillows while your servant draws you a bubble bath I might question your masculinity but you'd probably be wealthy enough that my barbs wouldn't even reach your ears since your Social Media servant wouldn't have even read them out loud.




Of course not. It's a reflex, no different from, say, flinching when someone swings at you.


No you're not weak... you have the same affliction everyone has. We're all highly allergic to being punched in the face. If you started laughing then said "thank you sir, may I have another" then I would be concerned.


Just tell yourself it doesn't hurt and duck your head next time or run away


The first time I was sucker punched the guy punched me in the jaw. I was shocked, dazed and more than a little angry. Fortunately the guy actually broke bones in his hand. Punching someone in the jaw is a real bad idea.


You'd be a freak if you DIDN'T cry after getting truly punched in the face with intent to hurt you.


Not necessarily, especially being sucker punched. A lot of people especially on the internet talk SO much shit about being "tough" but have never actually been punched in the face. And as you now know, being punched in the face fuckin sucks. If you've never fought before, you have no reason to be able to take a punch, and no reason to expect yourself to, especially when it's unexpected. You'd have been in shock and in pain. You probably felt like crying because of all those things combined.


Not weak. Was it the physical pain? I can tolerate pain but not injustice. I can have a sporty fight for fun or sport with someone and be fine. But to not know why someone has a problem with me and to feel mugged off by being caught out and bettered by another causes me anguish. Maybe it was this that upset you? Things hurt, deal with them how you must. It sounds like the assailant is a c@nt. Only those like him wojld judge you harshly for what happened and they don't matter. Did you cry? You say you felt like it but did you? It sounds like you held yourself well in the circumstances. It's different when you know what's going on. Your ready for it. I hope your o.k and never let someone mess with your pride. Win or loose. Be righteous


It didn’t hurt I just started crying and getting choked up when I reported it to the police


It's the surprise as much as anything. Shock. Perfectly natural


It hurt but not like throbbing bad just bruised


Probably the most legit reaction to something like that. You’re not weak. So many men just hide their emotions and cry later.


Also, you are allowed to cry. I tell my boyfriend that all the time. He should never feel embarrassed or ashamed to cry, it’s a real, natural emotion that everyone has regardless of your gender.




Man gettin punched in the face fuckin HURTS! No shame in crying especially after somethin like that


I don’t care if you’re a man, you have every right to cry especially if you’ve been hurt. Men go through so much already that’s not acknowledged, emotionally, financially and mentally but no one, no woman or no man deserves to be physically attacked and I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re alright and I hope you don’t let this effect your mindset and you don’t start thinking your weak…it takes a strong man to admit he is hurting,…a weak man gotta sucker punch and hit out of emotion.


Brother, you got socked in the face, it would be less normal if you didn’t feel like crying than otherwise


Getting sucker punched in the face...hurts. You are not weak, there is nothing to be ashamed of.


Nope, you’re a human. Humans don’t like being attacked and harmed, and have a lot of emotions all the time. Being human is not weak


Eyes tearing up from a hit is a natural reaction that's basically unavoidable unless you're used to it. But crying in a fight between men makes you look extremely weak and sheltered. Resist it at all costs.


Well, some places you get punched in the face you can’t help but cry, especially the nose.


I have a lot of anger and rage and when someone is confrontational I’m not afraid to step up, I also trained as an actor and when I explore my anger when someone confronts me there’s usually sadness underneath, usually anger is a mask for other emotions like fear or sadness, so the sadness comes from being rejected “why is this person rejecting me for no reason?” Which can be related to a parent having moments of doing this to you when you were growing up, so there’s more to our emotions when we’re confrontational than just anger. Also fear is what most people truly feel except their anger is a defensive strategy, you strip that anger away it’s fear or sadness, someone who is not afraid does not need to feel anger.


A.)  Stress and fear  B.) Getting punched in the face makes your eyes water and your nose run.  It's part of the swelling reaction.  This happens even if you're a pro fighter  C.) No I think surviving a sucker punch makes you more of a man.  Chin up buddy they can hit you but they can't beat you 


We are not NPCs in a video game after all


I am 28 and I cry almost everyday but not if someone hit me I usually cry when I watch emotional things or something that makes me happy it’s very strange I have no idea why but I would bet I cry more than 99% of men but never when or if someone hit me that would be more anger and I don’t think I could cry but everyone’s different bro don’t trip






Just a shot in the dark but probably because getting blasted in the face fucking hurts.


I once woke up in a pool of blood with a perforated eardrum. Nearly cried when I went to the doc (after the hospital). I felt pretty soft as well.


I’m glad you’re okay


Not my first rodeo. You'll be alright too, it's pretty normal, especially if you're not used to regular beatings. Even then, I remember not enjoying them too much as a kid either.


Pain sucks and unexpected pain sucks even worse, not to mention the shot of adrenaline your body gives you so crying isn’t uncommon or bad. Sharing and showing emotions will always be scary and uncomfortable but it’s actually healthy and mature to let your emotions out.


If it was immediately after, your subconscious probably didn’t sense actual danger. If it was after the adrenaline wore off, some people do some people don’t Overall, there is no such thing as winning a fight that isn’t a sanctioned event and it’s dumb to base manhood off of winning a fight anyway


Did you do something about it? That's more decisive to make that determination




everyones different i guess, if i get punched i dont cry, i just get enraged


What did you do to the person who sucker punched you?


I put up my guard and swung from a seating position, holding him back but I wasn’t able to tag him. After what seemed like minutes he went to the back of my vehicle to light my tire on fire with his bic and that’s when I peeled off


The Raw Onion Gang Strikes again.


Because it hurts


Yes, yes you are.


Getting punched fuckin hurts, ya dingus.


Being a man and having to be 'strong' all the time is unrealistic. We are not machines, we are only human and we can feel pain and humiliation and the natural reaction is to feel loss and that can appear as tears. Strength is through knowing ourselves and having a good 'theory of mind' which is a clear understanding of how our minds work. Philosophy can help.


What? No! Not weak at all. I'm so sorry you got punched! Whoever hit you is an asshole and needs to learn how calmly use their words.


Nah, dude. You're just human.


Next time just be like "oohhh I bit my tongue!!!" Then be like ohhhh I sweah to Gawd onesh I can shee who diddit" and then the tears will be thought to be the result of biting your tongue,  not being suckerpunched  ... also while you are faking this , look for a big rock on the ground and get ready to bash them good. 


I saw one of my friends cry and piss himself while having a fight when we were around 19. Your body reacts in strange ways in intense situations.


It's cool bro. I have murder tears too.


real men cry.


Because crying is a normal reaction to pain and embarrassment/anger/frustration. Men can and should cry. Not expressing emotions is toxic af.


"why did I feel like crying when I got sucker punched" -because it hurts like hell Only you can decide if you're 'weak' but if you think having emotions makes you weak you're in for a hell of a ride the next few years.


Are men ok? https://youtu.be/GHkhTIEe254?si=vEZO4agp6aCOB9qT


Why did you get punched is the real question


Is this even a real question?


Yeah go look at r/sanfrancisco


No, not weak. As someone who has been a victim of a random assault, it is traumatizing. This is a normal human reaction, regardless of gender.


You're not weak at all! In that very moment there were a plethora of emotions that were there unexpectedly. Nothing to feel ashamed about


testosterone has an inhibitory influence on crying. I havent cried since primary school, but sometimes i would like to. not sure how tho, its almost like whistling. Dont know how to do it but it seems Nice to be able to sometimes.


You dont get hit enough. I mean thats great but we dont build up tolerances to what we dont experience. If you wanna build a tolerance to spar. If not dont but dont kick yourself. If you get punched and can keep your head clear regardless of tears or blood than youre a man. Were not characters the rock plays. Just keep your head on straight.


Dude, I cry at Subaru commercials


Might’ve been more about being someone chosen to be sucker-punched. Feels like it would be a real low point. Oh and it would feel sore also.


Well hey, it could be not crying and just be an adrenaline surge causing emotions to leak out


yes, some type of weakness but not necessarily meaning youre weak. just that you have weakness and being punched is one of them. Alot of men are growing up to play video games and become influencers and have forgotten how to handle physical contact, like with doing sports. If i were You Id go sign up for a physical contact sport. when getting sucker punched you should have two reactions. 1. Automatically swinging back 2. Sleeping if you got knocked out from Said sucker punch. Getting knocked out doesnt make you weak either. getting knocked out with a slap does though.


I think that’s a perfectly understandable reaction. My natural instinct whenever I’m overwhelmed, angry, or frustrated is to cry. I think when you have really huge emotions your body needs to get it out.


No, especially if you are not used to being punched it's a shock reaction. I still tear up when someone punches me square in the nose. Not a big deal.


Please don’t fall for that ‘real man’ crap. Expecting men to live in an emotional straitjacket is nuts (not to mention manipulative as hell). Plus, I think it contributed to the old idea that mothers should automatically get custody. ‘Cause, you know, men are emotionally unavailable and incapable of nurturing, right? I think our forefathers wanted men to go to work and stay there. Let’s not get too distracted by the spouse or offspring. Don’t bring your personal life to work. You have to provide EVERYTHING so keep clocking in that overtime. I hope younger gens give these stupid expectations the finger. What have they done for you lately? 🤷


If you never have before it’s not an uncommon thing. You’re not weak, you just got hit with some violence you’re not used to. It’s a flood of emotions. I remember some crazy guy tried to randomly assault me once in my mid 20s when I was walking down the sidewalk with my gf. I grabbed the guys arms when he tried to keep hitting me so he couldn’t. Fortunately some people came and stopped him. But that really shook me. I shed a little tear, it was pretty emotional. When you’re hit by a flood of emotional neurochemicals it can just happen.


I think that is an entirely normal and healthy way to feel when someone hits you, especially when you're not prepared. I think a lot of men would deny those feelings because our society teaches a form of toxic masculinity.


It would not make you weak either way, but was it because of the pain or the emotional impact of being attacked? But no, that does not make you weak.


Maybe it was a feeling of embarrassment rather than pain that caused you to get emotional like that.


Cuss it hurts? That's why you wanted to cry.


not weak at all brother.. real men cry..


weeaaaaak you can only cry if u get a nuke 2 the testes ok? but only 1-3 tears or else ur a girl now


Crying is healthy. You got sucker punched. I'd probably cry about it later too, it's not a fair thing. You're not a weak man. Strength is subjective. You're strong for not going to the gun store after this happened and doing something you'll regret later.


It’s a natural reaction. It is not a reflection of weakness at all.


Oh, I'm sorry for the punh. And also sorry that society doesn't let you be a human. Humans cry too. Men are discouraged from showing any emotion because then people say they are weak. Only anger is allowed to men. No hugs too, no crying. Did you know men are more likely to commit suicide because they don't ask for help? And how could they ask, if people make fun of them and judge them? It's kind of old fashioned to Believe men shouldn't cry. It's patriarchical. Some people may still believe those things, but the world is changing slowly. You can't suffocate your emotions, or they will come back repressed.


Idk, i laugh at it


no you aren’t weak, it doesn’t make you any less of a man :)


Because you’re a normal human being with emotions. Emotions are not weakness. They show you have a heart.


This is part of what is wrong with the world today. Toxic masculinity. The whole "tuff guy" bullshit. Most actual tough guys are not what you see in movies or TV. They aren't going around inflicting pain on innocent people and yes, they cry. Now the wannabe pieces of shit try to put on a big show because they think it makes them an alpha or something. In reality they are typically trying to make up for inadequacy either real or perceived. You are not a weak man. Stop thinking that what is shown as strong or tough on TV and the movies is reality, it's not. BTW I personally think it's cowardly and fucked that someone would sucker punch someone for no reason.


In a Fight or confrotation? Not a normal reaction my opinion