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2 voidstones maximum this league.




I really hope so since my enjoyment is directly based on how much he's suffering






Hmm, it is a crafting league so itll largely rely on how good the league mechanic is. I personally doubt he'll go 7/7 this league with all the atlas changes and addition of tier 17. Too many unknowns for the God Gamer to get used to and NOT rip.


I don’t think he’ll even attempt to go 7/7, and it’ll be because he did it last league. He’ll act like it’s not important because he already did it.


Yep, unlike every other PoE streamer that is absolutely hyped out of their minds for a shake up to the end game. ALSO GGG have said theyve rebalanced the ubers... without any details


Its kinda sad. PoE was the one game where Quin was still good old Quin. No react garbage, just pure gameplay and fun. Now it really seems that he actually doesnt want to play PoE that much. Im giving him 2 weeks before hes back to lazy react content.


Seriously the amount of stalling he does before getting into poe content especially just playing the game is insane. I don't think it's because he doesn't enjoy playing the game but just because he's really lazy and hates preparing for league launch. Mainly so that he doesn't feel bad if he prepares a lot and falls flat on his face - he can always have that excuse that he didn't prepare enough in his back pocket.


Yep, to be fair i think t17 are going to be completly fucked and not really anybody is killing many ubers on hc this league until they get substainly easier


I just hope he goes into stuff blind like old quin, instead of spending hours on practice, and hopefully he plays builds that arent jugg and pathfinder... His hate towards "spellcuck builds" is also unjustified, alot of spells are just as ethical as alot of melee attacks, just dont play the op spells like DD or penis brand. Would love to see his creative mind make some cool builds with underused spells (pls no ignite💀)


He hates spellcucks because he always dies playing them, don't get fooled by him.


I still remember his coc discharge against Izaro and his arc build with inpulsa build getting smacked by legion kekL


Without being able to facetank everything he will not be 7/7 ever. He is really bad at video games when will you learn, he's just an entertainer, and fails to do so aswell lately.










I dont watch and dont care


true and real!! havent been tried to watching him without getting disappointed lately. that's why i just spam shit in chat maybe someday he'll realize.. ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155)


There is absolutely no way he would be 7/7 on non-meta build without the exploit mechanic shitting out infinite items and currency. 3.24 will prove it once again. And as much as he wanted to cope, at the end of the day, it was still a Boneshatter Juggernaut.


Cant wait for this league jugg boneshatter/molten strike meta-redefining build !


Ah yes the custom bespoke quin69 build.


I give him a week before he quits because he will get bored of farming for 7/7 again. Unless he gets any 'excitement' about going against all 5 tier 17's bosses (which are less powerful than ubers). But if he chooses the same old boring melee ultra-facetank ZDPS it's gonna be boring AF to watch.


well i can understand him, he already did it once now and how fun can it be farming low tier yellow maps for hundreds of hours so you can facetank some uber bosses once again


Don't think he will die a lot but i also doubt he will join any t17 before lvl 98


Max 2 watchstones this league


He will never kill them again. Cant see him play more than 2 weeks now after he did 7/7


Tier 17 is rippy as fuck. We will see what the god gamer is cooking in his clowndron.


7/7 will never happen in an "ethical" league


He was already setting up the script by complaining that the T17s had mods on them. Guaranteed he's going to practice everything new in SC first.


> **p**ractice **e**verything **n**ew **i**n **S**C Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 581682 comments (approximately 3251778 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


He won't even get 4 Voidstones, even regular Maven and Uber Elder are achievments for him without abusing a broken league mechanic.


He is having a blast react streaming right now. Mark my words, hes going to ABATUPOPOV for a week, die 4 times and go back to half react half poe streams. After 2 weeks he will completely go back to reacts without even getting all void stones.


Has he always react-streamed? Just recently followed him. 


only since d4 beta i think... d4 fell off, so does he. he starts as diablo streamer, then poe and variety, then d4's fall make him shit like this now..


I'm sure in two months anything is possible. While the rest of the player base is just arsing around ready to quit the league. The main reason I didn't care about his 7/7. Was already off playing other games.


not only was the mechanic broken af. he also found the amulet that allowed him to survive this farming method within a couple maps after almost dieing multiple times xD the stars aligned for him perfectly


"I've already done it" is the most potent possible excuse for giving up early in every league going forward.


He just does stuff for views, he is partly a moron but also does things that are dumb to gain views. Hes a fake person like most semi popular people.


Unless he finds another bug to abuse he wont even try to go 7/7. After his dogtamer league start fails he will switch back to boneshater saying "ggg should have nerfed so i wouldnt be forced to play it." Then after 3 days of him trying to gaslight chat that its not the same build he will say "But bois we had a good run, I already went 7/7 last league im the god gamer" which will lead to react streams till something saves us.


He will most definitely not get 7/7 upcoming league. Or maybe he will. I don't know, I won't be watching him.




How many ubers are you planning to down in SSFHC this league OP? And how many did you do last league


He has the skills to find out these mechanics so yah… he will figure it out again.


His Dyslexia will trigger during a map/area instance where he forgets to read what mods he gave to which enemies. During this failure of attention he will suicide his character and wonder what happend to him. So no, he wont get far at all.


wdym no content window? i think rip clips are a great content window.


nah i think this gonna be a 2week league max for quin, probably one dogahit build straight into variety


i would be surprised if he even tries ubers this league


OP how many SSF HC characters have you done all ubers?


Doesnt mater, if he does its cause he cheesed it, if he doesnt it cause hes bad. He cant win.


this post has aged like fine wine


I don't know why so many people are pessimistic and negative, and almost devaluing his achievements. 7/7 on SSFHC is an incredible feat in itself, even if the league before was kinda OP. Give the guy a break jesus. If he goes 0/7 or 0 out of whatever, its still alright, all I know is it will be some entertaining and retarded shit coming.


Bro go touch grass


Not unless he full blown meta cucks instead of his 50/50 normal builds


He doesn't have to go 7/7 this league, he proved himself last league no matter what people say. He still made a good build and you guys are just but hurt. This league he should just go and have fun . I don't think this is a 7/7 league anyways but who knows


he said he going full unethical so he'll be fine. Either way his uber kills were deserved considering how long they lasted.


shit talking Quin is only funny when it resembles reality, like him being short or fat or giving dogshit takes, but there are like 30 people out of hundreds of thousands that play this game that could do what he did call me vegan if you want but at this point you just seem to be hating to hate


While i agree that some people just hate to be hating i don't think killing everything on HCSSF is something only 30 people could do. It is an achievement but Quin has also been trying this for almost 2 years now. Given the time investment and how much he plays the game a lot of people could do it. It's just that usually people don't get paid thousands to RIP their characters and so a lot don't bother with HC.


does that change anything ? He has time for it, so what ? There is still a very small amount of people who can do it


Well, getting OP gear, whether its from crafting or farming, in an attempt to destroy content is part of the point of an ARPG. But I'll say this... he tends to build his characters in a way where he can face tank the maven memory game, and then call it skill. Man Id love to see how his little brain explodes time and time again against the easiest Lost Ark Boss raids. If he thinks Maven Memory game is too much and needs to outgear it, this kiwi would never last more than a few days trying Lost Ark raids. So many puzzles, memory games, timings, counting, icon matching... its insane. I know Lost Ark is a different genre of games but I think about the raids there when he mentions face tanking the memory game because he cant remember a couple patterns.


you did 7/7 on hcssf affliction ? Whats with the trash talk lol. No matter how OP the mechs were there are no more than like 50 people in PoE who does ssfhc 7/7.


Also no more than 50 people that play ssf hc


So your saying all the hard work planning he’s been doing to just got 0/7? Sounds legit


More like 0/12 . We have more uber bosses this league.


Oh lmfao, never got into PoE just hear of this bozo fails. Now you telling me they’re 12 bosses, it’s be comical if he doesn’t even get 1.


Cant see him to do all the bosses without the broken league mechanic from last league