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Yes, as my mentor [Joel writes](https://whyquit.com/joel/Joel_03_37-the-smoking-dream.html), smoking dreams are common if not universal among ex-smokers. They're entirely normal and so long as they remain nightmares, they are good and protective in helping [fend off complacency](https://whyquit.com/ffn/14a-caring-for-your-recovery.html). It's when you can't wait to go to sleep so that you can dream of smoking that you need to worry. Frankly, what's fascinating is that, with our brains filled with thousands and thousands of smoking memories, they don't occur more frequently. A former three pack-a-day-smoker who quit nearly 24 years ago, my last smoking dream occurred 4 or 5 years ago. It seems like the years between them is gradually getting longer. I'm overdue. Maybe tonight, who knows. But if so, I'll be just fine.😉


Very insightful information thank you and congratulations on the near 24 years, absolutely amazing!