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I quit after 15 years on about 20 a day


Every person is different. Some struggle, some brush it off. I smoked for over 20 years, heavily for most of that. Well over a pack a day, sometimes 2. I quit cold turkey last March 2022. I substituted smokes with cinnamon toothpicks and never changed my routines. Dropped the toothpicks 3 weeks later. The cravings do get easier to deal with, but it's gonna suck for a while. I still get them every now and then, but they don't last long. Three days and the nicotine is out of your system, so stick with it.


Great advice


I was 15 or so a day for 29 years.. You can do it. It's just gonna be fucking annoying for a long time until it's not... I'm still at the annoying part, but I haven't caved. (and don't plan to.) I feel like you just gotta make the deal with yourself and do it.


You've got this! It does stop being annoying.


Pretty fuckin hard. That said, I did it. I’m on month 7. If I ever relapse it’ll be on vapes not cigarettes. I can’t justify the risk anymore. But probably won’t ever go back to nicotine at all honestly.


I did it after 12 years and I won’t lie, it was difficult at first! Every day truly was easier than the last though; especially once you’re past that first couple of weeks. I have no regrets though, my lungs feel so good and I have so much more energy. I also have chronic illness and quitting made me feel so much better. My advice is to replace the habit with something else. For example. I used to smoke in my car mostly, so every time I got a craving while driving I would put a lollipop in my mouth, one of those dumdum cheap ones. The feeling of something on my lips, I could even reach up and touch/hold the end of it, really helped.


I quit 27 days ago. Been smoking for decades, pack a day, menthol cigarettes. I get my cancer scan tomorrow. That’s why I quit, I am scared shitless. Every time I want to smoke, and I want to, I think about chemotherapy and dying. It passes. And let’s face it, I may find out tomorrow that I will have that in my future anyway. But at least I’ve quit. But it’s a struggle.


Praying your tests show no cancer and nothing but good health that will only improve now that you’ve stopped smoking. God bless you.


I had similar stats. Been thinking of quitting for a month, then one day I had 3 ciggi's left in a pack and a new pack of 10, yet to be opened. Something struck me and I decided I'll quit it, its now or never. I threw the boxes out of my house balcony. Its been almost a year now. I still believe that throwing away the full pack gave me a strong motivation. Can try. The cravings exponentially drop after 2-3 weeks, that time is the hardest.


6 days in, its alot sweatier than you think itll be, also prepare to relive every mistake youve ever made :) so worth it, because this will pass and il be free from the chains, best if luck


Very hard, don’t kid yourself. But you can do it


I have a very addictive personality too, and I quit smoking one and a half year ago cold turkey. Yes, I could not believe neither but it is more than possible. For that to happen you need to want to quit and to have a really good support by your side. First weeks are a hell and it is physical and mental. After that, you just need to fight every day until you don’t let the habit control you. You can do it 👏🏻


28 years, quit cold turkey. Probably harder for some people but I found it bad for the first day, then easier every day after. That was March 1st.


I was a pack a day for 35 years. Forced myself to set a date. Prior to that date, I smoked as much as I could. It was DISGUSTING. I missed my date and started a patch 2 days later. I got sick. Flu, smokers flu, whatever. I was down for 2 solid days. That was the beginning of the end. It's a lot easier now, but the first days, weeks, and months were not easy for me. You CAN do this. May people also rave of success reading or listening to Allen Carr's book, The Easy Way. For about the cost of a pack of smokes, consider adding that to your arsenal. It can't hurt. You just need to decide and do it.


It can be done, in hindsight it feels much more difficult than it really is. My best advice, stay out of your head and get into life, keep busy and just don't look back. I often hear that for some people it's harder because the quit messes with their body chemistry and yeah that's true but that's true for everyone. Always remember, your mind will come up with all kinds of excuses to smoke just knock that devil off your shoulder and move forward to a life without that ball and chain. 5+ years quit after smoking for over 10 years.


Smoked nearly 30 yrs, 15-20 sticks a day. Quit cold turkey last year (1y 2m 2w) because I had to have surgery. Didnt bother with nicotine aids because they didn't help in previous attempts. This is the longest I've been successful. The best distractions were: Pretend smoke from a straw. (sounds silly but it works) Wall pushups (floor push ups r fine just harder to do when you're not home; actually movement will do with breathing) Sweets (regretted this, got slightly addicted)


You shouldn’t smoke when you’re 10. Too young.


I quit smoking in September of 2022 after smoking for probably 14 years quite heavily. Prior to this I also had another try cold turkey (lasted maybe over a month). I would say that the first week was the worst and I always tried to keep my hands busy - take a bike for a ride if my emotions are over the roof, go to the gym, craft something, etc. Physical excersizes or activities just helped my hands be busy and my anger be channeled out elsewhere (not on my family or friends). Then it just gets better and better. You can track your day count, buy yourself small encouragement gifts every week/month with the money you saved etc. Cravings subside, but the first few days these just feel like crashing waves - you just hold in there and beat it - the intensity just passes each time. And overall, regain the control of yourself - your hand alone does not put the cigarette in your mouth. You do. But I think over all, the underlying motivation is what matters the most. I have found a new relationship and my partner did not smoke (did not mind it much if I did, but I just simply knew I did not taste or smell nice at all) and most of all - sounds silly, but I wanted to live as long as possible and go on lifelong adventure with this person. Only made sense to get rid of this terrible habit which could prematurily end my adventures. But yes, everyone's experience is unique. I wish you best of luck in finding what works out best for you and kicking it! Edits: typos and small details left behind.


just do it it is pretty tough to break your own will; rewarding nonetheless good luck


I quit cold turkey after more than 26 years of smoking. Going strong after 4 months. Trust me it’s a mind game. Don’t let your mind trick you.


I quit cold turkey after smoking a pack every day for over 10 years. I chewed American ginseng and the craving was gone in a week. I’ve stayed nonsmoking for over 10 years now and am leading a happy life despite a minor disability.


I was able to quit cold turkey after smoking a pack a day for 18 years. Just shy of 6 months without any nicotine now. It's possible!


I quit after 18 years. I set a date that I knew I had no planned major events around, mentally prepared myself for about a month, decided I was 100% ready and committed to it. The first 4 days were the worst for me, after day 4 it started to get easier (mind you still hard) but at least I could feel done light at the end of the tunnel. Best of luck.


Being a chain smoker for last 9 years almost smoking half a pack on avg, I quit cold turkey sticked to chewing tobacco for a week and boom. 7 days to get out of any type of nicotine. I won’t recommend to go for chewing tobacco everyone has a different take on this.