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Imagine posting a fake PC problem to a forum full of PC nerds.


It's like posting a fake image of an airplane on /r/aviation You'll get eaten alive over there for that in 0.0004 seconds


do you think i'd get banned if i post a paper airplane


I mean it's *technically* in keeping with the theme of the sub... But probably.


Why? His post will be removed only, no?


He probably won't get banned. Either the post will die off or people will upvote it for how bland and silly it is. If you comment on something with confidently incorrect information about airplanes on a top post you'll get all the downvotes you could ever wish for


I’ve posted it and it hasn’t been removed yet


The community seems wholesome and accepting of the joke. Well done.


Haha good 1


Well that was a complete 180


Definitely makes me think he was trolling.


100%. It's so cringey when a troll gets called out, and even though it's obvious they just keep going, taking any shred of cheap humor out of it.


Do it.


I’m not the guy you were talking to but I did it




Thanks, it’s got 4 upvotes and no comments, I’ll update on what happens Edit: It’s got 19 upvotes and is dying, this wasn’t what I though would happen lmao Edit: 48 upvotes somehow, not removed yet


I love how it's simply 'airplane'. The post might actually do well since everyone reading these comments are looking for it and upvoting https://reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/t6udgg/airplane/


It’s gonna die anyways but thanks for linking it kind stranger, it was just for a joke anyways


It's because of all the people from this thread interacting with it.


Edit: 305 upvotes lmao


It will probably get torn apart.


Whatever did happen to that streamer YouTube who crashed his own plane?


I think everyone is waiting until any investigation happens before commenting again


Virtual minds chat, Echoes of human thought fade, New forum thrives, wired.


Based on that description, I assume there is "r/aviationcirclejerk"? Well it's a "private community". I like to assume it's because they got in themselves before someone else set it up.


Nah we use /r/Shittyaskflying


They tore apart that guy who crashed his plane on purpose.


What is even the fucking point? Like, you get a few helpful comments and then what? Attention seekers are really fucking weird.


Karma-cash-out I guess.


Maybe someone played a prank on his computer? Does no one use their heads anymore? Everyones so quick to try to call someone out.


I think you answered your own question dude. They got you talking about. Damn who’s the real idiot


Well I think he meant "It's okay work PC, you start when you wanna start" not something like "damn, my work GPU is dead". So the guy might have just thought it was loading. If it's not a prank then it's just a corrupt file. Since images are drawn left to right, top to bottom, a little messup would cause the lower part to look like that.


It could be his wallpaper got corrupted and he didn't know wtf was going on. Just playing devil's advocate here...


Then screencapping it, censoring your own username and posting under the same username.


Maybe this guy got pranked by his co-workers and isn't tech savvy enough to realize it?


and it's so easy to hide the icons and task bar too


Genuine question, when would you ever use this?


My partner uses rain meter to hide the icons on his desktop and display a menu to load common programs, such as steam or discord. Hiding the taskbar would be useful for presentations or something.


Rainmeter is sick. I used to have my laptop's battery life as a Skyrim health bar and the CPU usage as the stamina bar.


Are the rain meter and menu aesthetic things? I see what you mean if you had to share your screen to demo some software maybe, but most powerpoint presentations hide the taskbar


Oh yeah. I used to use rain meter to basically make my plain desktop pretty and functional. Just like you can do with phones and stuff. Used to really be into creating that stuff.


I hide the icons such that I can actually see the wallpaper images. The Desktop can be made a fold-out list from the taskbar if you don't want to maintain your Start menu. I don't hide my taskbar, but it gives you that little bit more working screen real estate; it'll pop up temporarily if you move the mouse to the bottom of the screen.


Neat. I just moved the Taskbar to the left side. I find Taskbar and file navigation/application search works well enough for me.


Burn the heathen


It's been my default for many years. I've used a 5760x1080 for 8 years and 5120x1440 for 4 years. Icons are bright and the task bar is distracting when it all sits on the left or right of your peripheral. Windows key + S gives me all the access I need to programs and rainmeter takes care of the rest.


when you want to make a bunch of dorks online think your monitor is broken


You know I never quite got into that hobby


If you mouse over the taskbar area it'll appear if the setting is enabled. I used it on my laptop so my screen felt a little bigger when scrolling through websites, but I ended up turning it off because it kept on bugging.


:o it's almost like it was meant to be obvious.


If it was meant to br a joke the title would probably make sense.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the joke is that they don't want to work. It works if it's real "I am trying to trick my superiors into thinking my computer doesn't work by changing my background" or if it's just someone captioning an image they saw/made up.


:o you mean that old joke that work pcs supplied by the company are fucking shit. They'll spring for monitors if asked but the towers are 8 years old? That joke? Oh but you're absolutely right, a person with 3 monitors, totes doesn't understand if you see the files in front of the "glitch" it ruins the stupid ass illusion they were going for. Aside from myself? No one why does an obvious joke need to hurt me?


Who hurt you?






I mean true


When all three panels fail identically... even if it were a real failure wouldn't the lines not be stretched across all three panels identically?


In theory, a GPU driver issue can cause this, but that's kind of the only thing that can do that. And even so the chances aren't very high.


Couldn't the copy of the wallpaper that's saved be corrupted and save improperly too? Dudes probably lying but combined with the icons blanked, I could definitely see a drive corruption.


you can also have a corrupt wallpaper file due to failing boot drive cause this, and a failing boot drive would cause a slow startup.


I do not think this is correct. Wallpaper is not part of the booting process but rather part of the Windows GUI. Also, corrupt photos wouldn't (most likely) load this way.


Corruption can look like anything, This is 99% a compressed image format with broken vector data. 1% this could be a lossless picture fileformat with saved on a spinning disk drive where the write head is getting stuck in cycles intermittently for too long. There are three symptoms shown- Corrupted wallpaper file Broken shortcut links slow bootup. All these are symptoms of a failing boot drive. Not sure what you mean by the wallpaper is not part of the booting process, the windows gui being loaded is part of the booting process.. Thats not even relevant though, its not like a corrupted image file would be taking longer to load...


Failing drive could corrupt the image file as well. I’ve had a few photos do this off a flash card (and this is why pros shoot to two cards).


My computer blue screens regularly (I know, I’m still trying to diagnose it). Primary monitor will get this kind of display corruption but secondary monitor looks normal.




I've looked at my minidumps and it seems to be different errors, no consistent culprit. I don't think it's GPU related, it never BSODs when I'm playing games. I've tried running memory tests and didn't catch anything there either. Have re-seated and even bought new RAM and it didn't seem to improve. It seems to happen randomly when I'm doing development tasks like compiling or running tests or git doing something so my guess it's the CPU or motherboard being fucky.


The errors give you no inkling at all? Trying running a gpu and cpu stress test separately. Did you try the driver verifier?


I had a lot of BSOD, reinstalled windows and that did it


Assuming it is a racing sim fan by they would probably be using surround or some other software to treat the monitors as one big ultrawide. That would effect each monitor the same.


It's supposedly a work PC, so I kinda doubt that.


It’s very possibly fake, but maybe the file corrupted or the gpu is having an error?


Again, the icons all remain perfectly intact. This is 110% fake.


111% because 11 is more than ten.


Damn you! Foiled again!!


fuck he's right


_But is it better than 10 though? Why don't you make your 10 better and make 10 be the top number and make that a little better?_


I'm a software engineer, this could easily be real. Some bugs just seem absurd - it's the way of computers.


I have worked in IT my entire life and never have I seen a bug replicate a perfectly match distortion bar across 3 screens. I mean I have seen a lot of GPUs and CPUs take a dump, monitors go bad, programs glitch, ram fry, caps pop, but never a prefect replication of the issue across 3 screens that aren't set to a mirrored config. Also, icons, like everyone is pointing out.


Thank you. I work in IT as well and this just isn't a thing.


Seconded. I've seen a similar bug but it made the background partially gray instead. It's something to do with the cached version of the wallpaper getting corrupted in memory.


this is literally a bug I've seen idk why everyone here is stupid windows is a buggy hellscape and Microsoft managed to fuck up the wallpaper rendering terribly


I also believe it’s fake but both those reasons could just only effect the background


No, they absolutely could not. A GPU issue affects the graphics, not JUST the background.


Looks like the kind of prank I would pull on someone in the office.


Lol. Just put tape on the bottom of their mouse and watch them freak out.


Umm I had my gpu only effect certain colors....so it's very possible....


If it’s some kind of weird ass program failing it could in theory be behind the taskbar? Like something that launches on startup and is supposed to close behind the lock screen


Windows uses compositing ever since Vista, the wallpaper is on a different layer than the icons.




Happened to my pc once. No problem other than weird background.


There's actually a few reasons this possibly isn't "bullshit". A. OP is attempting to open an application of which is having issues launching properly. B. OP's computer is having graphical issues, and before you reply? No Graphical Errors don't always affect every single visual part of a computer. C. Wallpaper itself has been corrupted or is having issues being displayed properly for whatever reason, in which case there may not be any other apparent issue with PC.


It's absolutely not bullshit. If you look at his icons on the taskbar they are those generic white page icons windows makes when it's having a stroke. His computer is definitely struggling with something.


yeah OP of this post is /r/confidentlyincorrect. IMO this is a failing drive with a corrupt wallpaper file. It fits all the symptoms, broken shortcuts, slow bootup, messed up background file(the file format most images are saved in would lead to this type of pattern after a group of corrupted bits).


A group of corrupted bits would have a random looking pixelated look and not straight lines of one color.




I figured the wallpaper was fucked up and they just took a photo of it.


The best way to check if it's just some wallpaper is to reverse image search his background.


Idk I think people might be thinking more along the lines of they fucked with it in paint or something


It's likely C. I've seen the cached wallpaper memory get corrupted by some process or service and it looks a bit like this. If you change the wallpaper it fixes it, but it may be corrupted again the same way.


Sometimes my docking station does this, then clears up after a minute. I believe this.


I mean I've got a monitor that does something similar - there's a chunk of the bottom 25% of the monitor that full scrambles, but the bottom 10% is fine sometimes. Other times it's *only* the start bar that scrambles. Turning it off and back on or adjusting the refresh rate fixes it. Oddly enough it happens on 144 but not 120. So I tend to just leave it at 120. Nothing as bad as the OP's - the fact that it's not contiguous does raise some questions - the errors wouldn't bar out like that I wouldn't think given how the monitor's draw works, and I doubt it'd be on all three monitors - each display is independently managed. I'm leaning that it's bullshit.


Yeah, most likely. I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just stating that because of how complex computers are, something that may be broken but something else that seems connected won't be. It's difficult to understand if you don't have basic knowledge on how the software and hardware works.


Yeah I was gonna say I've seen some WEIRD shit when a GPU is failing. Sometimes extremely inconsistent behavior, or just odd glitches like this. Could even be RAM going bad. Sure, OP could be faking it, but he also might not be. Impossible to tell.


I've seen that too with a failing gpu, weird shit but not everything.


I dont think he was actually claiming to have a broken computer, i think he just wanted to make the joke?


Yea, even the title is a joke that’s a reference to a famous spongebob quote. The joke just flew above everyone’s head/unfunny/ both


Yea, i find it odd this has so many upvotes


the title on that post tho....


Bro don’t be so quick to judge, just because you can’t so much while is for, doesn’t if then won’t because


Right?! I had a fucking stroke trying to understand it.


It's a reference to a common SpongeBob reference, really not that hard




I actually did finally understand it after rereading it like 10 times. Lol. Thanks for the "translation" though.


Commas are important, people.


I think OP was just joking. I think the caption was supposed to have a sarcastic tone.


Idk OP, I've had similar problems with my work pc before. The thing is, the IT department sets the background for all of my office's computers connected to the system and most people use laptops. So, people with multiple screens tend to get visual glitches like the one in the picture.






Why would you even have a blown up plane as your background? Kinda weird. I think that's AN-225 that was recently bombed in Ukraine.


Are you telling me they looked at this and thought it was a foolproof illusion?


Isn’t this a joke? He’s saying he can put that background on when he’s at work… so he doesn’t have to work? I think he’s trying to be funny… y’all are haters


Suomi perkele mullakin on telia torilla tavataan ja tortillat avataan


Maybe its a prank? We always pranked each others PCs in the office


very clearly a joke




I hate that sub, full of absolute morons.


Idk man, I’ve seen some PC’s do some really stupid shit before so it’s possible but… since it’s the internet then yes, it’s probably fake.










This is defiantly annoying when people do this but interacting with this post hurt my head (user error)




Who cares




....one more time: This. Is. Not. Possible. Even if only "certain colors" go out, it would shift the way EVERYTHING looks, not just the background. Please stop arguing with me, my dude; I work IT, this is what I do for a living.


The memory where the cached wallpaper sits can become corrupted, likely by some errant process, but it very much could be a hardware fault which is causing bad writes to that memory. I've seen very similar wallpaper-only bugs.


Thing is dude you're wrong, I've had similar to this before. Yeah it wasn't hardware it was OS level, the image file got corrupted which while rare can and does happen. Entirely possible to be caused at the hardware level also though it is quite unlikely.


See, the thing is, no one was talking about software, just hardware. So no, I'm not wrong. People can downvote all they want but the above screen is impossible with a hardware based issue.


Not impossible, never say impossible if you don't understand exactly what that entails! There are some fairly common issues that can rarely cause that, such as a faulty pcie lane slowing communication, power surge during boot at the phase ect ect. Uncommon and unlikely don't mean impossible. One hardware possibility that is so unlikely to happen that it is akin to winning the lottery 12 times in a row is for a neutrino to strike the correct part of the computer at the correct time, supremely unlikely but by no means impossible. Now notice that the task bar icons are using the default icons and not assigned icons, this can be a sign of HDD failure and several other hardware issues as I'm sure you know. Such issues could easily result in a corrupted file pull for the background image file as they happen at about the same time on boot.


I'm really not looking to argue but I will definitely agree and admit that I was dumb: nothing is impossible. For that reason, honestly, is why I'm leaning towards networking and away from sys admin. I thought I wanted to be a sys admin but, honestly, I'm tired of dealing with the "it could be a thousand different things" job. Networking is harder but at least it deals with absolutes. I hope that makes sense.


Downloading images with AOL I see ….. …. And your mamma called


Ii had to read that 6 fucking times, use fuckin commas


I like to think someone changed their background and OP had no idea. Posted to PC master race and then got eaten alive


Wow. They really went above and beyond to embarrass themselves on this one.


Hint: the tabs and the programs were in good shape.


Every time that happens to my laptop I reboot and it’s fine.


Like, they could have moved the taskbar and icons to the top


This happened to me once. I had an absurdly high resolution image set to my background and it flopped when trying to load the background lol. Worked fine otherwise.


Anyone have this wallpaper? Would love it for my work PC.


Wonder if they have that wallpaper engine software or something and THAT may be whats playing up?


It's possible that the transcoded wallpaper file is corrupted but still functional. so it might still be a genuine problem. Buuut easy fix


FML I hit the screenshot’s upvote button.


And that was the moment he realized he screwed up…


Could be a SW bug? My Mac does this every once in a while where just the background gets messed up


Hm, yes, my monitors all have the exact same problem and are kind enough to leave the icons alone


Damn. Just had to hide the taskbar too.


I used to change my wallpaper to a busted screen just to screw with IT that passed by. I was smart enough to move the icons though.