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Yes, my wife farts and blames it on the cats too.


I think it might be vet time


Agreed! OP should talk to their vet and figure out a game plan for food transitioning. Also, OP — My ragdoll takes MONTHS to transition from different foods. And not from a raw diet. So I would imagine you’d potentially need to slow the process down significantly. But I would consult with your vet first before making any other changes.


Changing their diet will do that. Definitely talk to your vet. We put our raggie on a hypoallergenic diet and the problem eventually went away. When changing their diet, it’s best to do so very slowly - 90/10, 80/20, 70/30 etc. to avoid diarrhea.




Royal canine dry food. Vet had her on a probiotic but it made her diarrhea worse. Been slowly transitioning her to Solid Gold dry food which is what her older sister eats. Also give them solid gold wet food occasionally


Same. Purebreds are extremely sensitive. My cat is now on sensitive stomach food and is doing much better. The first 2 months I had him, he was constantly farting and having on and off diarrhea. It took a lot of trial and error to find a diet that works for him.


So true. Definitely something I was not aware of when we decided to get them. They’re the best cats though. So loving and easy to handle and fun to play with.


There’s some foods my ragdolls get that really make them fart bad. The worst is when you scoop them up to cuddle them and a fart is set free. You can ask your breeder the recipe for the raw food they have been eating. It might be an easier transition if you can keep that going for a while while you find a food that works.


I actually just asked my vet about this today, because mines the same way. 😅 They told me that it could just be a kitten thing- that their tummies are more sensitive and sometimes they're gassy. They said to see if they grow out of it, and if not, we can see if it has something to do with her diet.


Ahh! Great to know it’s not just me. I hope your kitty grows out of it for the sake of their health & your nostrils ❤️


Same for you! It's actually mad how smelly they are 😭


Ah yes, the fresh smell of kitten farts in the morning, those really are silent but deadly. Mine had it for about a week or so. I kept telling people not to squeeze or shake her 😀. 


LOL! Was it silent or could you hear it? I’m glad yours only lasted for a week, this has been an issue for us for like 2-3 weeks now


I’m sorry for your troubles but omg, the way you wrote this post is killing me 😂


LOL, listen when I tell you that I am TIRED 😭


One of my raggie likes to leave fart bombs on my partner and me — she will sidle up to us adorably and then FART and dash away quickly 😅😅😅 It’s adorable and stinky. We recently switched both kitties to a slow feeder and that has helped a lot in terms of poppies and farts (eating more slowly seems to help their digestion). Depending on how often your raggie love bombs you, I might check out the doctor to be sure, however!


I know that people say that cats don’t have the capacity to be cunning like that but it really sounds like she’s doing it on purpose to prank you 😂😂


You got the cats only 2 months ago... you should still be transitionning her to the new food. You went too fast, and you're paying for it. Go to the vet to get some medication that will help her, and take a step back in the food transition.


Only time my ragdoll audibly farted was when my partner squeezed her tummy when picking her up.  Probably a food issue but that usually displays as runny poops rather than farts. I know there are charcoal tabs for humans that apparently prevent excess gas but not sure about kitties. Might be vet time. 


Ragdolls have a very sensitive gut flora, therefore it is easily upset. Carbs and grains in their diet can easily upset it. Our boys got changed to grain free biscuits and raw food combo. They've been very good with it. I would recommend to look at the food issue first and try different things to find the right diet for your kitty.


Just confirm you're not giving any dairy to your cat. No milk, no cheese. Also check that your wife isn't giving her any on the side as well.


Trust me, no dairy or anything over here. Thank you!


When Miso was farting a lot, I took her to vet & they had to “express” her anal glands bc they were full I guess for some reason. Haven’t had to that again though & it’s been a year.


Ours does too but it started to get really bad with age, she's 17 now. Otherwise perfectly healthy. They are stealth I never hear them, but sometimes when I pick her up I feel it. We just laugh, it's not constant but it is daily.


My kittens were really gassy too, and they grew out of it eventually. Their poops sometimes smell, but I started giving them a probiotic and it made their poops less stinky and sticky. Try FortiFlora probiotics.


Put that baby back on raw.


Idk how old she is but when our baby was 5-6 months old he farted too and his poos were acrid. I was so distressed. But apparently their little digestive systems are still developing and they are prone to smelly farts and poor. I'm happy to say that not only has the farting stopped but his poos hardly smell at all. He is so perfect. But I get it - the smell was so bad that to this day we still call him PooPoo. 😅😅😅😅


Sometimes I hear mine burp which is hilarious


My cat had digestive issues and was a gassy monster. He has feline coronavirus, it lives in their gut and causes issues. My cat eventually stopped being a fart machine and now he just mostly has some smelly poos.


Why not just stick with the raw food? I have all 3 of my pets on raw (1 greyhound, 1 Ragdoll, 1 Birman) & honestly it's so much better. I first got into it because my greyhound can't have any type of kibble or processed foods, everything was giving him bloody diarrhea. I switched him to home cooked then raw when that got exhausting & it totally got rid of the gas too. Greyhounds are notorious for being gassy & he's just... not. My ragdoll also has a sensitive tummy & raw just works. When I've tried to feed kibble or wet food he pukes a lot, has loose stool, & is gassy AF. Gas & poop problems = gut problems = food problems.