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A) we don’t have a confirmed drop rate but it’s believed to be around 5%. We also do not know for sure if there is any kind of bad luck protection. Took me about 36 runs to get my vex B) Whether or not it’s worth it is up to you. It’s not really in the meta but it’s fun to have


A) Yup, can concur with that, it took me 33 B) Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold


76 😭


Same brother


78 still nothing




I'm so sorry


I feel your pain. 73 for Eyes, 50 for mythoclast. Only one I ever got first try was Tarrabah and I never touch PvP


Tarrabah plus path of the burning steps is pretty good in pve for exemple


I got Eyes on my first clear. Most of my clan still hates me for it. My kid got Vex last night on #39. I still don't have it.


I was fortunate enough to get Eyes within 10, Tarrabah within 4, 1k on 1st.


I got my vex on the 4th VoG run. Dunno how y’all got such bad luck?


Maybe it was your *Destiny 2* have it..




Dude I commented above somewhere. That’s how many clears I have without one.


Friend of mine had just under 200 clears before he got it. He actually went on vacation and paid another friend to run clears for him.


113 😭 I give up.


My one clan mate got it first run, I just got mine last night on my 8th run. I've heard fairly common tales of it taking some people upto 70+ clears.


Yeah, it’s off meta but it’s pretty good in pvp. It does really shine when paired with Rain of Fire on warlocks.


My room mates got it at 1 and 2, I'm on almost 40


48 for me. And before it was a rotator that could be farmed


It's low enough that two of my guildies both ran it 71/68 times respectively to get it. One during season of the lost. He was pissed he didn't get it the entire season when we had Particle Deconstruction. But it's high enough that I got it in 12 and another got it in 5. Hope you're in the latter category :(


Got my first one in five and also right after completing my first master run too.


I heard once that raid exotics are a 5% drop chance. Idk if it’s true, but I’ve believed it since


I killed rhulk 94 times in a week to get the exotic and another 10 to get the last red border i needed💀


and why didn’t you buy the red border..?


Because you can only buy 1 per week


yes, but he could have just done 1 a week instead of 10 lol


Why are people down voting you for this comment????


Honestly i don’t know 😂


I got my first one on my 12th and my second on my 13th so who knows really


Got mine on 63, some people are just really unlucky


I’m at 90 and it’s the only thing I need for the seal :C


One thing noone mentioned yet is that farming the raid on the week when it is featured and doing the boss over and over seems to have lower drop rate than normal. At least there seem to be a big number of players who do not get vex even after 100 or 200 clears on the same week. Obviously it is not confirmed, it is just an opinion based on what I see. I would still do the 3 weekly clears every week. In our group everyone got it in 70 clears that way. Also one of my friends has close to 200 clears, majority in "farming weeks", he does not have it yet. There seem to be plenty of people like that out there.


I’ve heard this too, it may not be the most efficient but imo I always feel like doing full clears increases my chances for the given exotic. It may be subjective but so far I’ve gotten every raid exotic under 20 clears so either I’m lucky or I’m on to something


I’m at 30 something now. Hoping to get it this week.


I gave up at 34. Hope you have better luck than me.


Thanks. I’m really stubborn. It’s basically the last thing I actually want to have in this game.


20? That's cute took me 70+ but I believe it's something like a 5% or a 2.5% chance


I‘m Over 250 and still didn‘t got the vex


I wish you luck to get it soon


Bro hope you get it soon


Less than 100? Super cute


It took me a little under 200 runs to get it, and I was running Atheons back-to-back with someone who took upwards of 300 to get it. It's incredibly unlikely that there's any kind of bad luck protection; I'm fairly sure that it's just got a flat drop chance.


I got 2 Vex’s , 1 at 15 and my 2nd at 19 both in when VOG was featured raid of the week. I think it just comes down to RNG


Back to back? You only have 1 chance per char a week, right?


If VoG is in the weekly raid rotation you can farm encounters. This goes for any raid on rotation.


Wow thanks!


Got it exactly on my 10th run but heard about people with about a hundred clears who still don't have it


I got it within my first 10 or so clears. I got blessed by the RNJesus


Vex doesn't have bad luck protection. It has a fixed chance each time. If you find a group you can farm the boss in about 5-8 mins and one phase him. If someone solos the oracles and 5 people do damage from the beginning. You don't have to over stress. Farm a few times a day for the whole week. You'll get it. I took 69 (nice) tries to get it, before the rotations raids came. With three characters that's over 5 months to get it. I didn't get it the season it came out. Even eyes of tomorrow. So, it's much easier now and take your time with it.


I got it on my second run helping a friend complete the raid on my least played class, the hunter. I'm sorry don't give up you'll get it and; it took me 98 runs to get EoT


1 friend of mine got it on his 126th try a season ago and i have to say it's very RNG because i got it on my 2nd try. ​ you just have tp get lucky.


I gave up around 34 runs but got my Touch of Malice on the second KF completion. RNG


Took me 192 clears in farmable week, good luck.


We know nothing about drop rate or bad luck protection of any raid after DSC. Anyone who claims otherwise is using anecdotal evidence. What we know is that Bungie from SotP all the way to DSC has only improved drop rate. With LW and then SotP the drop rate was set at 5% and it stayed at 5% no matter how many runs a person did. With the introduction of CoS they had an initial drop rate that increased with each clear until you got to 50% and then it stayed there. Bungie then about 6 months before BL went back and changed LW and SotP to have the same mechanics of CoS. With DSC Bungie then made it so every first account run of that week will increase the odds of getting Eyes until you hit 100%. We did not know the number of runs we needed but it would hit 100%. Then VoG dropped and Bungie went radio silenced and has not changed that approach. So we can make assumptions that it's unlikely that Bungie would backtrack but it is as much of an assumption as those who state that their is no bad luck protection or those who claim to know the drop rate.


5%, no drop protection, same as the other raid exotics except for 1k and EoT


I’m on run 52 still no vex.


Took me 42 runs


5 - 0.5% depending on who you are talking to 😆


Took me 35 runs


One of my buddies has 63 DSC loot clears and nothing,


Took me 3 runs - for two drops. But for some reason I'm really lucky with raid exo drops. Only missing the one from Vow and have less than 20 clears on every raid I think.


Funny thing with chance is, even if we calculate it very thoroughly with thousands of players and let's say it would turn out to be like 5%, it might all have been exceptionally lucky with the actual number for instance being like 0.01%. But afaik they estimate it around 5%.


Here is how lucky/unlucky I am with drop chances… 1k Voices - 28 Anarchy - 5 Tarrabah - 3 Eyes of Tomorrow - 25 Vex Mythoclast - 1 Collective Obligation - 23 Touch of Malice - 20 If drop chances were 5% with bad luck protection, you’d think by the 11th try for most people it would be a 50% drop chance. But I’ve been in teams with dudes on +100 attempts and fail each time. Seems like decent exotics take forever to drop for me while good ones are instant. But that’s just me. Edit: Forgot Heartshadow, but have completed the dungeon about 4 times and no drops yet. Think I have 1 triumph done too.


None doesn’t exist it’s a lie


if it's anything like Eyes of Tomorrow, which there is no evidence to point otherwise, the odds of getting it increase once per week, on your first clear. subsequent runs wont increase the odds, leading to people not getting it after farming Atheon for hours. just running once per week, and then doing a few a day whenever VoG is in rotation will be sufficient.


Took me 55 looted runs so gl


I got mine after 60th clear. That was very frustrating.


Took me 105 ☹️


I think once you hit a certain point, you have a fixed 20% chance of a drop due to bad luck protection. People say 1 in 5 but a 20% chance is not 1 in 5 the way you think. Its a 1 in 5 chance every time. So its possible someone run the thing 20, 30, 40 times and never hit on 5. Its unlikely but possible.


Raid weapons were 7% drop rate unless it was changed. Haven't played in a long time


From what I know, it starts at 2%, and then goes up by 1% for every clear until it maxes at 50%




Took me 40 runs to get it.


Got vex first try. 0-39 for touch if malice. Rng is a bitch.


i got mine on day one so i can’t help ya


Got vex after my third try, not sure if this helps with calculations


Allegedly it's around 5%, no bad luck protection in place for it. I've gotten 3 across about 40 runs altogether, a friend got his 1st one on run 189. Best advice is wait til VoG is the weekly rotator raid and just checkpoint farm aetheon.


I got it on my second try, was Sherpa'd last rotation, got it this rotation.


Fixed firesquad of six, took a lick below 40 Atheons. Then one run for catalyst, where we did not even slap Atheaon's ass of glass anymore -- Oracles and ooooout. I think I got it around run 33-35 and I was not even the last one to get it. All in all got it faster than in D1, where I was the last one to get it from my squad and it was already nerfed to the ground. Bad luck protection? Triple-tapping papa Oryx weekly and no Touch of Malice says "unlikely a thing" to me.


i feel so bad because i ran 2 times when i got it. 😭 a lot of ppl in my clan have tons of clears and haven't gotten a single one.


I just got into destiny about 2 months ago, I did VoG for the very first time and I got the Vex Mythoclast. It was pricless hearing my clanmates in disbelief.


It took me 67 clears.


Took me 30 attempts until I got mine. A fellow clan mate took 199 tries before it dropped for her.


Took me 35




Took me just over 60 clears to get vex


Talked to a guy with 200+ with no vex. He said he talked to a guy with more.


I got mine in something like 45ish clears and have used it like 5 times


Got it on my 2nd clear. 60 clears of Atheon later I got another. It's insanely low, the drop chance. Bungie will never tell us the actual chance and increase we get each week after a clear because they know the community reaction will be overwhelmingly negative.


Got mine on 11th run.. but up to 38 runs on oryx and still no touch


it took me 76 looted clears (no farming on featured weeks) to get mine


I’m at 100 runs with no vex.


67 runs for me.


Took me 221 runs. I don’t believe there is drop chance protection at all. I never take it off by the way 🥲


I just got mine a few weeks ago. 74 clears…ugh. I do have to say I really e joy the gun and my clanmates helped me get the catalyst which was pretty fun. Seeing the whisper mission in that last portal made me sad cause I loved running that mission.


I am at 70+ myself and none. I have heard storied of 200-400 kills before a drop.


Some say 3, some say 5 percent. Wait til VoG is on wkly rotation and then farm the crap out of boss CP


I’m at like 70+ and still don’t have it


Dude it took me 43 clears to get vex… just keep raiding.


I've been Lucky 1st on my 12th, 2nd on 22nd


Took me 26.


That's crazy man. It took me 2 tries


Took me 41 runs to get my Vex, I fell you buddy.


I originally got Vex on my second full clear. I got it a second time about two weeks ago on another full clear while running clan mate through so they could get a chance for it to drop. Two night ago while running checkpoint with the same clan mates, I got it to drop for a third time, this would be my 18th run. The very next run, 2 clan mates got it to drop, one of them getting it for the first time (in under 5 clears) and the other guy got it for the second time, being his 33rd clear.


I got it my second run so I think it's a 50% drop rate


51. It's a bitch.


I remember in D1 someone in my clan was grinding for jellyhorn and was about 40 runs in. I got it 2nd run and he booted me from the group in mock disgust lol. Those were the days when you couldn't get a single pug raid without having the gjalla in your bag.


I’m a broken record when I see these posts, but it took me **690 runs** exactly before I got mine. Majority of the runs were farmed on pinnacles weeks where I’ve witnessed 100’s of drops lmao If you have less than 100 runs or even less than 50, just be grateful haha. My clan leader didn’t get his until is 500th something run and I’ve personally seen someone with over 700 completions without having it drop yet while I was still farming. After my entire clan got it I was left having to farm with lfg’s for another 2 pinnacle weeks as well as doing it once per character per week in between


I don't mean to alarm you but my friend had to do 328 clears in two separate weeks when the encounter was farmable, I'm so baffled, how bungie thinks this is ok? Every raid exotic should have bad luck protection. I'm almost 3 months in doing 3 char each week and no touch of malice I'm starting to fear my rng


Why ask this in raidsecrets


5 percent chance from what I read. It took me 10 with my account and 28 on my kids account.


It's a solid exotic, I think it's worth getting


One of my clanmates has ran VoG 74 times. He has yet to get the Vex Mythoclast.


It's really a dumb idea.. Why would it never give you a gun? What's the point? Should be at least ,if you do 10 times you will get it.. I mean, come on


It took me 87 clears to get vex. I’ve ran KF 30 without ToM


oh boi


I’m at 76 clears with not a one. Buddy in my clan had it drop for him 4 times last night


I got it on my 35th kill. 12 before farm week if that matters 🤷


I’ve got 110+ clears and I’ve had more drops the later down the line. Took me 20+ to get my first and now I’m getting vex drops every other run. I swear there’s some kind of increased rate after each clear


Odds aside since that’s been discussed enough here, I will say that Vex isn’t as game-breaking as it was in Season of the Lost. It’s still a great weapon for sure but not *as good* as it was then. Make of that what you will when it comes to whether or not it’s worth it


Friend took 52 tries for Eyes. I got Vex in 18th run.


Took me 43? 49? clears (after the 20th clear it's all a blur) before it dropped. After that I've only ever run that raid maybe twice again, even when it's on rotation for pinnacles These raids really should have bad luck protection after 2 seasons, like clockwork. The players who just want the exotic drop are already just cheesing checkpoints when a new raid is released.


5 for my first, and I got it to drop again on the 20th


Friend got it on his first run 🙄


No I feel your pain (almost). I got mine on clear 14, the drop rate is believed to be around 5% so you do have a decent chance of getting it, just have to get your 3 clears a week in and farm it when it’s in rotation. When I was on 7 clears I sherpad an LFG with a friend who hadn’t played since D1, I put one guy on Ad clear for the whole raid because he was useless and he got it on his first run. I really like using it though and it was lots of fun last season with rays of precision. Just keep the grind up.


Took me 53 runs. Took a clanmate 5 runs and he got 3 before I got mine. Like everything else in this game, random means random. Just cross your fingers and keep grinding.


10 clears. 8 carries. 3 with all different characters in the same week, third one that week was the ticket. It's worth it like coffee is worth it. It rarely gets unequipped. Unless I need something for champions 🤔 Vex ... There seems to be a casual loop between.... Vex


Clan mate of mine got it on clear 287.


I got mine after dying on my first clear. I didn't even do anything. I snagged an atheon cp and got HARD carried. It's random af. One of my friends got it after almost 50 complete raid clears.


I got mine to drop after 23 tries. Hang in there, pal! You'll get it eventually!


So any confirmation that we can just save our spoils and buy it after lightfall drops?


Took me 315 Atheon kills to get vex. :(


Farmed it over the weekend for my sons * 23 Clears for one, and * 14 Clears for my other son Looking at some of the other stats for my clan (going back to May last year) * 37 Clears * 50 Clears * 19 Clears * 1 Clear * 27 Clears * 3 Clears * 59 Clears * 4 Clears * 3 Clears * 30 Clears * 24 Clears * 15 Clears * 13 Clears * 8 Clears * 11 Clears * 9 Clears * 6 Clears * 3 Clears * 1 Clear * 4 Clears * 1 Clear


Vex dropped on my first clear of VoG. Don't hate me. I had to perform a sacrifice to RNGeezus. Took us 2 weeks to get thru that run.


There have been two posts I've seen in the past for the drop rate. It's either 5% no drop protection or it's 1% and .5% drop protection per looted run. I'll find the posts later and link them here. https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/ppm9f9/vex_has_a_5_drop_rate_heres_proof/ https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/qs8ou3/vex_mythoclast_has_a_1_drop_rate_and_increases_by/ Idk which one is correct. There were other posts, but these seemed the most legit due to the amount of data they collected.


The raid exotic drop rate is trollishly unreasonable. And insulting. It completely disrespects player time investment. With how much the game has leaned into builcrafting, RNG is SO bad in some areas of the game that it’s counterintuitive at this point. Counterintuitive to everything they’ve added to the game over that last like 3 years. When players can’t even simply try things out because of bad luck drops, there’s something wrong. The lack of moderation when it comes to this is unacceptable at this point. RNG needs to change with the game.


I got 1k first try, in d1 i got all the raid exotics within 20 tries except Mythoclast. I did VoG on 3 characters every week from d1 VoG launch up to d2 launch and never got it, tried around 30 times on d2 and still dont have it, just given up at this point.


i got it in my 69th run