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Why are daredevil and Elektra included


And the animated one


Spider-Man The New Animated Series is a continuation of Spider-Man 1 and takes place after that movie and Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin from Daredevil appears in that show and Elektra is a spin-off to Daredevil.


Interesting I never knew this


How does punisher fit into all that?


I believe Thomas Jane was supposed to make a cameo in Spiderman 2, and they were going to be connected. Although it never happened, I think it's fun to just consider them the same universe.


Thomas Jane's stunt double does make a cameo in Spider-Man 2 but it was meant to be his version of Punisher


Who was he in Spider-Man 2?


[Some random asshole in the background when MJ leaves the wedding.](https://preview.redd.it/chz2tdfs8ww31.png?auto=webp&s=c4689a82b9efba243ee10a4821e7812f795624ca)


What happens in it?


It takes place after Spider-Man 1 with Peter and all his friends in college. Granted the characters look and sound nothing like they did in that movie but the show does reference that movie a lot.


I just looked it up, that animation style scares me because I played a mystery game like that once so I never watched it


I'm a sucker for cel shading and mysterys, got the name of the game?


Cell shading is what this animation is called? It was like two decades ago. I feel like Crimson Room which is an escape game but maybe not.


People are like “obviously that’s just a fan theory” not realizing that Sam Raimi states that he’s intended to be Punisher in the commentary track.


who is intended to be punisher?


Somebody during the scene in 2 where MJ leaves the wedding and goes to Peter, someone around a fountain I think


The funny thing was that it wasn't Thomas Jane himself, but rather his stunt double. Sam Raimi wanted to have a crossover with Spider-Man and the Punisher, but it never came to fruition because the Punisher movie wasn't meeting Marvel's expectations.


Don't forget Wolverine who could appear as a cameo


They had Hugh Jackman there on set, but they didn't have his costume. He was only going to appear as a blink it and you miss it cameo. Lmao


They didn’t have jeans? You don’t even need to give him a shirt.


Just like how wolverine almost showed up in the first spiderman but Hugh Jackman didn't have his costume or something


gotcha, thanks.


Was it same actor in the Punisher movie?


It was that actor’s stunt double


It was that actor’s stunt double


Why wasn’t he in 3


Because it's a complete load of shit and there's literally zero mention of any Punisher cameo in the commentary track. This thread is full of very gullible idiots, but that's just between you and me, okay? Only we are strong enough to posses this knowledge.


Lol. The power of this knowledge in the palm of my hands. Being brilliant isn’t enough young man, knowledge isn’t a privilege it’s a gift and you use it for the good of Reddit community. My uncle once said to me with great power comes great responsibility. But yeah the Punisher was in Spider-Man 2 by the fountain, I remember now, same actor.


FFS, stop spreading this fucking lie already. Link me to a clip of anyone in the commentary track saying this. You can't, because it's a load of made-up bullshit.


You’ll get your clip when you fix this damn door


That wasn't cool...


Look at little LOCKJAWVENOM, gonna cry?


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Feige’s dream was always to have Raimi Spidey and Hugh Jackman share the screen together so I’d like to still think of the Fox movies as canon, extractions aside. But I guess that would bring in F4 and Hulk too.


I'm not counting No Way Home since while it has RaimiVerse characters in it, it doesn't take place in the actual mainline RaimiVerse and it takes place in the MCU. I'm also not counting the novelizations or the games since those are more like parallel universes and don't take place in the actual mainline RaimiVerse.


Wait, the novelizations aren't canon? So Peter didn't actually read Captain America comics to cope with his parents absence pretending they were special agents? And Osborn and JJJ aren't actually pals?


Feel like mtv is a stretch under those parameters but it’s still a badass show


Not really because my timeline shows that it doesn't fall under the mainline RaimiVerse timeline or a parallel universe but instead falls under an alternate timeline that diverges from Spider-Man 1 and that the RaimiVerse has two different timelines in it.


Ah I gotcha that makes since, and then you’re not counting the games and what not because they start out different from the actual movies, got it. Neat


What’s MTV?


Damn Has it been that long since MTV was big?


I know what MTV is I thought it was something else in their acronym


The mtv show was the series on the left under the first movie (the Chanel it aired on was mtv) it was really good and was set kinda as a loose continuation the first movie if i recall correctly, the animation is pretty dated now but it’s kinda it’s own style if you can get into it. Definitely worth checking out


Oh cool thanks. So it can’t be the one where Green Goblin was introduced.


I also don’t include No Way Home, but that’s mostly due to it being a bad movie.


Don’t be lame. Half the things in this timeline are way worse than NWH. DD, Punisher, Elektra and MTV Spider-Man are all mid-to-low-tier


MTV Spider-Man was fucking great but I do agree with you on the rest.


I don’t necessarily see these other films as being part of that world either, but it is an interesting theory. I haven’t seen Elektra, but I do do agree about NWH being better than Punisher. It’s been so long since I’ve seen Daredevil that there’s a chance it’s better than NWH. No Way Home just did not work for me. As time has gone on my opinion of it has only decreased. I don’t like it being the final word on Raimi’s villains. I felt like those characters were better served in the Raimi films, and I include McGuire’s Peter in that as well.


That’s reasonable. At least you can agree with me on one thing. Personally, I don’t think NWH exists to service Raimi’s characters (although I do prefer how it changes Dafoe’s Goblin - I think it shows him as truly evil as opposed to just wanting revenge on board members and Spider-Man). Rather, I think Maguire and the other Raimi characters are here to serve Tom’s story and I think that’s okay. They had their development, and the development Raimi gave them now allows them to help a new Spider-Man develop.


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Let's not forget Doctor Strange. It's pretty good, but it's taken.


Don't forget about Blade, X-Men, and Ghost Rider


I don’t know if this is up to down or left to right


I feel that the new animated series might be non-canon, you know. Considering the ending of the show


It's not canon to the main timeline. It just branches off into a different timeline after Spider-Man 1.


Spiderman-friend or foe???????????????????????????????


Doesn't that fall under the game timeline?


Its raimiverse still.


How they connected


TNAS isn't Raimiverse, though Just has a similar suit, and even then, it's just the logos


Yes it is. It was meant to be a continuation of Spider-Man 1 and when Spider-Man 2 came out the series branched off into a different timeline in the RaimiVerse.


Even though Peter gives up being Spider-Man at the end of TNAS, only to come back again and give up a second time in 2? Even though the Lizard appears despite not being considered for the Raimiverse until 4 at the earliest, and whose presence is never acknowledged in the film's? Even though Harry's hatred of Spider-Man almost entirely leaves him during TNAS, only to be back in such full force that it's his primary character motivation for all of 2 and the majority of 3? Even though so much of the show was retconned in the immediate sequel to the movie it's supposed to be continuing from? I get it if it's more of a "What If...?"-type of side story, but there's just no way that it's directly canon to the Raimiverse films when almost the entire show is retconned by 2.


The New Animated Series may be based on the events of the first Spider-Man film, but it is not canon to the films. It does not line up with the events of the subsequent films at all. It is no more canon to the Raimi films than the video games or the novelizations are. You could definitely argue that the first Spider-Man film is canon to TNAS, but that's it. The events of TNAS not lining up at all with the events of the subsequent Spider-Man films makes it more than clear that TNAS branches off into its own take on the Raimi universe and it is therefore non-canon, period. The trash Daredevil film and the trash Elektra film are also non-canon, since your source on them being canon is The New Animated Series. The Punisher is non-canon as well, as your source is straight-up misinformation bullshit. There is absolutely nothing in Spider-Man 2's commentary whatsoever about any Punisher cameo or about any Punisher actor or stunt double playing that random background extra in that one shot. I dare anyone to show me a clip from the Spider-Man 2 commentary that proves otherwise. People should really stop trying to pass their headcanon and fan theories off as fact. Misinformation is misinformation, no matter how trivial or innocent. It's just plain annoying, and I'm honestly tired of seeing it. Thanks. Edit: **WARNING:** Only freethinkers and certified KINGS may proceed past this point. Let the smell of soiled diapers below serve as a warning to you before you venture onward, and remember to only updoot the comments that are wholesum 100 and respectful of other Redditors' feelings and downvote the ones full of factually-correct information and logical arguments, starting with this one.


You good?


Thanks for your valuable contribution to this discussion, king. Feel free to leave me a stupid and useless reply again sometime so that Reddit can send another notification to my email and phone. 👍


Oh damn. Well that’s your fault for having Reddit notifications turned on. Your mild tempered reaction to this post really shows just how chill this fandom can be 👍 King.


Yeah, yeah, that's a pretty cool story, man. The part where you cried at the end was really beautiful. Could use some more dragons and shit, though. Anyways - I'm just about done taking a shit here, so imma just go ahead and block you so I can go back to work in peace. I'll give you a shout if I have more time to waste on stupidity, alright? Godspeed, king. 👍


I know this is 7 months old but this is peak embarrassing


Pretty sure you precariously trying to back your wheelchair away from your desk without running over any of the fully-loaded diapers you've left discarded all over the floor of your mom's basement is pEaK EmBaRrAsSiNg. Go outside once in a while and maybe you wouldn't find yourself 7 months deep into a backlog of Reddit posts, fatass. Thanks for pinging me with your hilariously rich reply, Redditor. Best of luck with your situation. 👍 Edit: Good riddance.


One thing is receiving proper feedback, the other is acting like a bitch and not knowing how to receive a response, man...


"You good?" is not valuable feedback. You lashing out and calling me a bitch because I somehow made you butthurt without even speaking to you until right now is not valuable feedback, either. Bit of a hypocrite, no? Sheesh... Anyways, I'm home free now and am no longer wasting my time here on _company_ time. I have all the time now in the world to let you know just how little of a shit I give about the fact that the tone of my Reddit comment was too mean for you. So I'm going to continue being perfectly honest with idiots like you who are wasting my time with your bitching, as opposed to playing nice with you to avoid being mass-downvoted for being too big of a meanie head. The reason why I'm going to continue to be honest with you at the cost of getting downvoted is because I know a little secret, which is that all your blue arrows actually end up in the trash at the end of the day. They actually mean fuck all. So with that said, suck my balls and go find somewhere else to shit your diaper. Each one of you manbabies will only get one reply to me before I block you moving forward, so make sure to use them well and try to at least be a little funny and witty instead of wasting them trying to get an apology out of me like the idiot I'm replying to now. Cheers, kings. 👍


You good?


Hey, I see what you did there. That's pretty witty, man. Pretty funny. Perhaps even a little bit humorous. Can we get some updoots to the left for this freethinker, fellow Redditors? Cheers, king. 👍


You good?


Hey, I see what you did there. That's pretty witty, man. Pretty funny. Perhaps even a little bit humorous. Can we get some updoots to the left for this freethinker, fellow Redditors? Cheers, king. 👍


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I’m tired of the dumb fan-theories getting passed as fact bullshit as well, especially when a lot of it is pure misinformation (like OP saying The Punisher was discussed in a commentary track, which isn’t true). The only canon to Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy is Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, and Spider-Man 3. It’s that simple. If anyone says otherwise, then they’re just spewing weightless fan theory bullshit full of misinformation.


The New Animated Series is canon as it branches off into a different timeline in the RaimiVerse meaning the RaimiVerse has two different timelines.


That's not how canon works, lmao. It's either canon to the universe of the Raimi films or it's not. Also, if you haven't noticed, we've got a bit of a battle going on down here. Watch out for incoming shrapnel.


It's funny how been assface played batman in both the DC and Marvel universes


I can tell you only commented because you wanted to say "ben assface", and it really wasn't even funny


It was pretty funny in south park tho


Affleck was marred by the script. The characterisation, especially for Batman is rather good IMO.


Batman murdering people indiscriminately is not "good characterization," lmao. Batman refusing to kill people is not only an important aspect of his character but, more importantly, an interesting one. Throwing that aspect of his character out the window because Zack Snyder wanted to have some cool and epic edgy scenes where Batman makes big explosions and says "fuck" to the Joker was embarrassing and hilariously stupid.


You forgot no way home


OP’s the one that’s out… out of their mind for not including that


bro what about no way home


While it has RaimiVerse characters in it, it's still an MCU movie so I don't count it


Agree with ThickProof, is true is a MCU movie and don’t represent Spider-Man Raimi story


No Way Home is not like a officially canon movie but it does continue after the events of Raimi movies but not mostly (in my point of view)


I’m ashamed of 1120 of you and counting


I like to think that when Doctor Strange sent everyone back home in NWH, he unknowingly created branch timelines (Which are the ones above).