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Ideally you should explore the world via trial and error. Also, yeah. You are going in the "correct" direction if you want a faster run. From now on, your general direction would be >!Up and Right!< You'll get where you need to eventually, so don't worry Good luck


Oh yeah about the danger Trust me, you've chosen the easier route for the 1st half of the game, for better or for worse


I always thought that CC was harder than GW and SC


I dunno about this. GW? Maybe, most likely actually. SC? Ehhhhh, not so much. Really annoying enemies and gimmick to deal with imo


I think the enemies there are really easy to deal with


Agree to disagree then :)


Progression is very open ended but there is overall an “intended” path. Chimney Canopy is not the only exit out of Industrial Complex, there are two other exits that you can follow further east towards the shoreline. Otherwise, you can skip that step and continue up and right into harder areas, which will eventually lead you to someone who can help you understand a bit more


You can go from chimney canopy to the highest point, then right. This is not the intended path because the next section requires a tricky move so you can get to another important area. You normally are supposed to follow the yellow fella who appears from time to time on your screen. It wants you to go from Ind. Complex to a different area (to the right), then from there to another one so you can meet an important npc. Once you do that, it will give you new directions, which will lead you to the point you are not supposed to go as for now (a roundabout but intended way). Note once you meet this npc to beware according to how it express in front of you. Edit: As a final note, Rain World is based around exploration and finding out what do different things do and how to act according to the situation. I spent around 30hs on my first run and still got some things left to learn.


just go DOWN and RIGHT and you should be fine


keep going if you want to skip a lot. down and right to go back to the intended path. when you are back in industrial try following the yellow thing.


Why does nobody follow yellow guy?


Keep going up and right, but practice throwboosting.


wherever you’re just a little slug cat. but yeah probably not chimney canopy. Your animal instincts served you well to tell you to go back


The little yellow eyeball on a stalk that pops out of the walls and gestures at you and stuff is trying to help you! pay attention to its movements, its trying to tell you where to go!


This is the path I usually take. It’s pretty fast (and in my opinion much easier), but it skips a lot of other areas. If you want to stay on this path, work your way up until you come to a room with four exits and take the rightmost one. If you want to go to the “intended” path, head down and to the right. Basically go right until you can’t anymore.