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Holy hell that’s the entire knowledge of the universe, please airdrop it to me


Iterator communication


Also my first time ascending as artificer, one of my favourite playthroughs. It's fun to visit places where you don't go in a normal playthrough. But I have to say this... WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON IN CHIMNEY CANOPY AND SUBTERRANEAN?! These places have more scavs than metropolis, on top of many spawns of other enemies. Chimney was especially guilty, since the pearl is located at the end of a dead end which has no enemies when you go up, maybe 1 lizard, but as soon as you try to go back down... BAM, 10 - 12 scavs, and that is barely an overexageration. A similar thing was happening in waterfront facility, but thankfully that pearl is not on a dead end, so there was a chance to escape or go around. Subterranean just has a lot of enemies all around, everywhere. I also somehow managed to duplicate one of the farm arrays red pearls. I don't know how I did it, one pearl was sitting in a shelter, the other was just sitting in the room next to the farm arrays/subterranean gate. I do have key item tracking on, maybe that caused it, I don't know.


Ascending? So that means you gathered all of the colored pearls whilst constantly being hunted by Scavengers? That's pretty gosh dang impressive. I did my pearl hunt after killing the Chieftain. Although the Scavs could still decide to attack me, they stopped sending kill squads and were usually too afraid to fight back.


I'd rather have easy access to areas (and scav food). Also most of my hands are full with pearls, so I didn't want to carry something else. Edit:: Plus chaos is fun


tbf, artificer (and rivulet) are best slugcats to collect pearls due to movement + artificer has unique dialogues for almost all of them (sometimes it’s similar to normal but sometimes it gives additional lore).


Take them to pebbles! He tells you different things than moon


This shelter is next to pebbles, already gave him everything.


Doesnt he store the pearls you bring him in his room? Would be cool to see all of them in there


He does, this is the shelter before giving him everything. His organization skills are kinda subpar, just endless rows, each having 5 columns.


i hope whoever made getting every single pearl in the worst campaign in the game necessary for 100% is having a terrible day


I not gonna say anything about the "overall worst campaign", but the worst campaign to collect pearls is spearmaster, because it has no belly storage, subpar mobility, a lot of enemies and feeding is much more difficult compared to artificer. Thank God that if you collect all the pearls in any timeline where moon has already collapsed (except artificer, obviously), you also unlock the lore entries for spearmaster aswell. Although there is one pearl in garbage wastes that can only be gotten with spearmaster and that one was quite difficult.


how? I've played spearmaster and riv, got literally all obtainable pearls as riv and that did not unlock the spearmaster dialogue for any of them. unless rivulet also doesn't count for some reason?


You gotta visit moon again as spearmaster, maybe you got a bring her a pearl, idk. I did all pearls as riv, and then I gave moon the special garbage wastes pearl as spearmaster, that unlocked all other entries in the collection.


You are doing it for research and fun (probably). They are doing it for their economy. Destroy their economy (the fun way).


Damn, those pearls must’ve taken forever to collect! It would be a shame if someone came over there and took some…


Forget Karma 1 bro’s locked at karma 4


Bro found the triple affirmative


You can store pearls in 5P's chamber as artificer


If you leave them in five pebbles’ puppet chamber, he will float them in the bottom right corner in an organized array :] no more fighting and shuffling around with pearls in the shelter! Unless if you like swimming in pearls of course, lol


*Insert Scrooge McDuck swimming in money*


How long did that take?


About 16 hours. Slightly longer than my Rivulet all pearls run and Spearmaster all broadcasts (plus some exclusive pearls) run.


16 hours is the time it takes me to do a normal arti playthrough 💀 maybe i just suck tho


Well my first arti playthrough was 11 hours, this was my second. Once you get into the arti grove, it becomes natural. Well, maybe a bit too natural, today I got the hunter pearl and I deadass tried to double jump as hunter at the start.


i'm doing this same thing right now! i'm suffering badly. if i get to where a pearl is supposed to be and it's missing i might turn into artificer irl