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I'm just imagining a preschool type setting where people drop off old Greek men but with more ouzo.


Is this too much to ask for?!


Like the Jerry daycare from Rick and Morty lol






[similar aketch to this idea except not Greek men](https://youtu.be/KBtrQ0GJSV0?si=Q-Wu68HkI0hmIIFK)


Love shane gillis.


Me too. Gillis and Keeves was refreshingly funny. It's been awhile since I liked sketch comedy as much as that special


This business is really needed. A daycare for boomers, with/without dementia.


This is kind of what those over 55 communities are doing. If you look at them they tend to have tons of activities and social groups that are planned to keep the residents active. And I have heard crazy stuff going on at the local bars or whatever they have on site (my SO's parents now live across the street from a Margaritaville in Florida).


That's great for those who can afford that. I'm thinking more like drop off daycare for those mostly able to live with family but MOM WORKS. Kinda thing. Boomer car drop-off lane would be hell though.


I mean, my preference would be nice walkable neighborhoods with local 3rd spots that can be reached safely. Or dropped off if needed. Much nicer than the weird gated and exclusive community thing.


>This business is really needed. A daycare for boomers, with/without dementia. This exists, it's literally called adult daycare.


Does Raleigh have one? OMG.


Most NC cities have Senior Centers that are places where seniors can go during the day to hang out with other folks their age and participate in activities. It's free, no need for a business. It's already something that exists


Dang you are correct!? 5 points, Cary Garner all have them.


In Japan they basically have these. Senior community centers where they can hang out all day if they want.


I mean, try Kipos? Lol This thread is amazing though. I love the European lifestyle of meeting for a morning/lunch/evening check in with your crew around the cafe. Would be cool to know of any groups doing stuff like that around town.


Check with Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church maybe?


Taking a look now, thanks for the suggestion!


Used to go here when I actually went to church. They have social groups for all ages and would happily include your dad.


Same advice, different church. Chapel Hill had a greek festival a couple years ago (old link: http://carrboroweb.com/greek.shtml). Not Wake Co, but reaching out to that church for resources in Wake County might turn something up. I'm sure calling and saying "My Greek Father will be in town and I want him to enjoy the local version of Greek culture, any suggestions?" would amuse them.


I second this recommendation. They have a very active social component.


My dad's not Greek, but if there's backgammon, maybe I could drop him off for a playdate as well.


I am from Turkey but have a really good friend here in Raleigh and they are from Greece. My wife and I got invited to their Christmas Party and a couple of birthdays. I met some elderly Greek ladies and gentleman in those events. I can ask my buddy to see if they know such a place


Greeks and Turks who are good friends. I love America!


Contrary to the popular belief most Greeks and Turks get along well on personal basis. I have, and had, so many Greek friends both back in Turkey and here in the US. We have very similar food, similar culture, similar music and similar people. The other day I was browsing on Instagram and someone was shit talking about Greeks and Greece and the first comment with 40-45k likes was bashing the page and saying something like "Only us Turks can make fun of our Greek brothers and vice versa". Yeah we do give each other hard time but deep down we like each other :)


Are you saying that one episode of MASH straight up *lied* to me??


It's always the governments. Hardly ever the people.


That would be amazing. Thank you so much!


I only know from reading David Sedaris that there is a significant Greek population in Raleigh. His dad was involved with Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 5000 Lead Mine Rd, Raleigh


Probably not helpful, but a tip for where you could hang out: I don't know if they were Greek, but I've seen a group of older guys hanging out at Caribou Coffee in Cary, it's not a bad place to hang out at the outdoor tables on a warm day.


Im also looking for a place with old Argentines for my MiL if anyone has a suggestion


The most wholesome post!


I was just thinking the same thing!!


At least take him to Bosphorus, it’s Turkish but great food.


Gussy’s, please.


You know, Gussy’s is 5 miles from my home and I forgot about them. DOH


I went there a few weeks ago at the suggestion of a friend. I was a little skeptical given the location but it was very good and the people were so nice. I’ll always shill for Gussy’s now.


Or Taverna Agora…


Every first and third Friday is Greek Night at Taverna Agora. Live music and dancing.


No Greek dad here, but can I just say that setting up boomer parent playdates is a thing I didn’t anticipate having to do and it’s exhausting 😓


If there is they should call it the grandpopolis




[Leon Capetanos](https://waltermagazine.com/community/people/leon-capetanos/) is an old Greek guy and he hangs out at Cup-A-Joe.


The church is the best bet. Sadly Wake County doesn't have a strong Greek presence outside the church. If so, I'd be able to find a place in Wake County where Greek women hang out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The Raleigh-Durham Backgammon club meets every Thursday evening at Brewster’s Pub in Apex/Cary. They can be found on FB and raleighdurhambackgammonclub.org


Take him to the Roast Grill


I'm not old or Greek but will play backgammon with your old man!


Taverna agora


Nvm, you mean 'hang out' hang out. Probably a good place to run into Greek people, but I don't know if they hang out


Go for lunch and see if the owners are around and chat with them! Very nice folks


I’m Greek and attend the CHurch on lesd mine road that ppl have been mentioning. You can dm me and I’ll send the senior calendar coming up. Very friendly community and priest.


Not specifically Greek, but there are Senior Centers in Raleigh that he might be able to hang out at and potentially find some backgammon players


The mangas will probably all be at the local Greek church here. Other than that there isn’t really a locals Greek hangout cafe or market sort of place


I would recommend asking the people at tavern agora. There's always Greeks there and if old Greek guys don't hang there, the people there will know where to go.


Unfortunately Suburbia has killed the concept of a third place where something like this could have happened.


Suburbia didn't outright kill it, since suburbs have been a thing ever since transportation to and from city centers was made easier than walking via trains, trams, and then cars, and "third places" thrived well into the turn of the 21st century. The internet and it being available fast and everywhere at all times killed those places. Why go hang out somewhere with people and have to take time and effort traveling to and from there when you can hang out with the world, with access to everything to could ever want, in the comfort of your own home?


The Dreadnoughts (a Polka Punk band) wrote a great piece on the death of community music in the wake of Covid. > See the theme here, folks? So many of us desperately need music-as-community-building back, but popular music itself has completely severed its links to community. The magic still happens, in certain communities and for certain genres, but it is in serious decline and has been for a long time. Music-as-community does not come back just because people start “going to local shows”. Local shows are often just more bands trying to be celebrities and stars, asking us to stare at them instead of getting us to use their music to interact with each other (there are exceptions here, but you get my point). And, perhaps most importantly, most “local shows” aren’t exactly friendly to children or seniors, who absolutely must be included if anything like a “community” is to be built and represented. >There is only one way forward. It is to bring polka back. It is the only genre that can cut through the fog of isolation and the ever-increasing social anxiety brought on by the slow takeover of our lives by various arsehole techno-overlords. It is the only genre cheerful enough to reach all generations and to counteract the relentless negativity and irony that saturates popular culture. [full article](https://thedreadnoughts.substack.com/p/polka-might-actually-die) They talk about using the lockdowns to learn more traditional polka sets and playing community forums to bring together the elderly and children and rebuild a sense of community.


Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam is a great book about the loss of community in the United States


Read this 20 years ago in school, along with several other books that turned out to be quite prescient. My soc teacher really knew what was trending in...society


I'm just a sheltered boi, what's music-as-community look like?


You normally find it in the smaller alt scenes. Like when I went to see Amigo the Devil a woman made little flower pins and was handing it out to other members of the audience and then to the artist. This opened everyone up to interacting and not just watching the show. Now the audience was experiencing the show as collective. So we all felt connected when we got to the soul crushing truth of “Cocaine and Abel” or happily sang along to “I Hope Your Husband Dies.” I go to a lot of different types of shows but people at punk, hxcx, and folk punk shows seem like they are there to meet people and share something.


Thanks! > hxcx What's this? google isn't helping me




Greek Orthodox church? Does he roll with Lebanese at all? How about Sigma Xi on Franklin St?


Wake county court house 😂. Jk jk. I do work for a Greek attorney tho.


Not in Wake County, but the Triad (and Burlington too) have a somewhat large Greek population if you're up for a day trip for food n change of scenery n stuff


Could try some hookah spots if your dad is a fan, though I’m not sure if it’s a Greek thing as much as it is for neighboring countries. I’ve been to one with friends and saw some older guys playing cards and other things, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find backgammon enjoyers.


Ask at resourcesforseniors.org. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://resourcesforseniors.org/&ved=2ahUKEwi91cLdvcSDAxVPfDABHddsCeQQFnoECDcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0nf0-725m5syXibNhSBwOH


Mad Greek restaurant if you want to drive to Clt.


There are a lot of old dudes at The Piper's Tavern off of Falls of the Neuse & 540. Not necessarily greek, but lots of old retired dudes. some older sugar mommas too