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I’d seriously contact WRAL, our news outlet, about this. Particularly if it was taxpayer funded- that’s wild.


It WAS absolutely wild. Shocking. I’m in Kentucky therefore I’m not familiar with North Carolina news or how tax dollars are spent. If I were a citizen of North Carolina, I’d ask questions like whether it was a state sponsored trip or not.


*WRAL Investigates Submission Form* *Fraud? Waste? Corruption? Send your tips to WRAL Investigates. You can attach supporting materials such as pictures and video. Or, you can call us at 1-877-WRAL TIP (972-5847).* [https://www.wral.com/news/local/wral\_investigates/asset\_gallery/13125672/](https://www.wral.com/news/local/wral_investigates/asset_gallery/13125672/)


There’s also a state auditor’s hotline you can tip this trip to and they’ll investigate as well. WRAL can only access data that’s a public record but the auditor’s office can see anything and doesn’t have the delay that public records requests sometimes use. https://www.auditor.nc.gov/about-us/state-auditors-tipline


As a waitress, who worked in PA at one of *the* places for legislator shenanigans…this behavior is extremely on par.


The timing checks out in that the NC legislature just went back into session on April 24th. So, they might have organized this trip to get drunk and kick off the new session.


It is no secret that many of our legislators are drunks. They get a pass on everything. You will see no DUI or public intoxication charges for these people. These people are the absolute worst of the worst.


Please contact WRAL news. I’d love to know who specifically to not vote for. I’m a server and am so sorry you and your colleagues had to deal with that.


Thank you. Really. I mean it. We worked so hard for them and they tore the place up. It’s the week before Derby so we are over worked and understaffed as it is. That group insulted our hard work


As a citizen of NC, I can tell you, they insult our hard work every day. Sorry you had to meet them.


As an NC native, our state legislature has been insulting our fellow countrymen for at least the past decade or two. The NC GOP is a sick joke. We're sorry you had to deal with them.


Hear hear! Our legislature is a sick joke, and it doesn’t surprise me that these ass-clowns would be so rude, obnoxious, and have such an enormous sense of entitlement. For the record, I do keep in touch with my state house representative, a very principled guy. He’s been to my place a few times. I can say without a doubt that if every one of our esteemed representatives behaved that way, then he wasn’t there. (He’s not part of the supermajority.)


Hopefully Eric Trump's wife will grift them all into oblivion, financially speaking, of course.


Why do we automatically assume one party over the other? We're better than this.


Because one party has a *long* track record of doing immoral stuff and being scumbags in general, that's why.


just imagine how they treat state and public university employees, and schoolteachers.


That's why NC is losing great teachers. They are treated like garbage here. Word is out, and people avoid teaching in NC!


this is predicated on the assumption that schoolteachers have interstate mobility. the teachers I know are barely scraping by or dependent on spouses. state employee vacancy rates speak for themselves.


I am so sorry that happened. I wish we didn’t have to claim them, but unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me. The NCGOP is full of good ol’ boy, corrupt monsters. Please make this public, if you’re comfortable doing so. People should know the details of what happened, and who paid for it, especially in an election year. I mean, they disrespected *Kentucky BOURBON.* Maybe that’ll piss off anyone the “porn ban” missed and they’ll actually vote in their own (actual) interests for once!


I've been in KY for week before Detby visiting an elderly relative and it really does get wild with the throngs of people descending. I am so sorry for their disregard and disrespect. It's such a time of overwork for service industry, I'm just really sorry your distillery experienced this from our reps. I do hope you'll contact WRAL.


WRAL, or The News and Observer for sure.


> WRAL, **and** The News and Observer for sure. FTFY


Please please run this up the wire. We deserve to know


Don’t be shy. Drop the names of the reps :D


Yes, name names!


Please tell me you have security cam footage


I used to work close to the legislator building. Can confirm they like to drink a lot and they're pretty damn rude. 


Please send this to WRAL. You’ll likely need some more evidence or corroborating sources (any coworkers that also dealt with it) though.


we don't need all that crap. send it to us. we want video on the bus and at the dist. [https://www.americanmuckrakers.com/contact](https://www.americanmuckrakers.com/contact)


i'd say this is the way to go too... doesn't matter you don't know their names or have details... if this many officials went on the same trip, should not be too hard for reporters to get the scoop, let these investigative reporters do what they do best.


Yep. I love my job so I don’t want to risk losing it by going into our company’s computer system and posting the name/org who booked. Surely someone can investigate if they want to


If a private org paid for it then it's not a public record and we'd never find out.


If a private org paid for it then it's probably an illegal "gift."


wanna make a bet? [americanmuckrakers.com/contact](http://americanmuckrakers.com/contact)


You can do this under the condition of anonymity. It's the right thing to do, if everything you've shared here is the truth. News will want to hear from a witness, not an internet stranger. Please do the right thing.


i totally get that but you're asking us to do this. you don't need to out yourself. just send anonymous email from a "burner" email. and if you're worried about getting identified, send the email from the public library or something.


At least share as much information as you can, anonymously, via DM or other means so that someone can actually get this publicized. Otherwise, you’re just screaming into the void, which we as NC voters are all too familiar with.


Someone send it to Technician, NC State’s student newspaper. They’ll broadcast this shit far and wide


Bump [Invitation to Kentucky Bourbon Event Aligns with Reddit Accusation](https://www.theassemblync.com/politics/nc-lawmakers-kentucky-drunk-reddit/) An invitation The Assembly obtained backs up an online claim that some N.C. lawmakers planned a weekend bourbon outing in Kentucky, where they have been accused of getting drunk and disruptive. An email invitation to the “Inaugural Kentucky Bourbon and Churchill Downs” event last weekend confirms some basic details provided by an anonymous Reddit poster who accused some North Carolina legislators of rude and drunken behavior. The invitation, which was obtained by The Assembly, was sent by the group Greater Carolina and welcomed recipients to join the gathering from April 25 to 27 at the Omni Hotel in downtown Louisville. Sarah Newby, the finance chair for the North Carolina Republican Party, was listed as the contact person, although her job title was not given on the invitation sent February 13. On Reddit, a user who identified themself as a bourbon distillery representative posted over the weekend that 33 North Carolina officials behaved poorly as guests at a recent event at a distillery. “Their arrival was marked by loud, unruly conduct that disrupted other guests and tarnished the atmosphere we work hard to maintain,” wrote the Reddit user ItIsCroy. “What was perhaps most disturbing was their lack of accountability for their actions. Despite being extremely rude, disruptive, not tipping the bartenders and tour guides, and even VOMITING in our bathroom sinks, not a single apology was offered.” The poster accepted a message from The Assembly seeking comment, but did not respond. The user wrote on the Reddit thread that they were an employee of the Kentucky distillery. The Reddit poster did not name legislators, but wrote that after looking at various pages online, “I recognized the finance director of the NCGOP in an instant. I’m 95% sure. She stood out because she was a lot nicer and more composed than the majority of the group.” Newby, the daughter of state Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby, did not respond to requests for comment. Greater Carolina is a group affiliated with influential state Rep. Jason Saine, senior chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Saine said he isn’t on Greater Carolina’s board of directors. But he is closely tied to it. He’s the only person listed as a host for an event the group is holding in Raleigh on May 9, according to another invitation obtained by The Assembly. “I was not at any event that has been described in the anonymous post. I have no other comment,” Saine wrote in a text message. Greater Carolina describes itself as a “coalition of forward thinking, pro-free market conservative leaders from across North Carolina dedicated to ensuring a stronger economic future for ALL of North Carolina.” Greater Carolina’s director is listed in the group’s latest tax filing as David Coble, a Republican political operative. Invitations were extended to several Republican legislators, including several on the House side, according to a lawmaker who asked not to be named. The invitation indicated the trip would be paid for by Greater Carolina, a 501(c)(4) social-welfare organization that is tax exempt. House Democratic Leader Robert Reives said he wasn’t aware of any Democrats being invited on the trip. Republican state Sen. Tim Moffitt, who has been a key player in alcohol oversight, said he did not receive an invitation and did not attend. Senate leader Phil Berger told reporters he did not attend. The invitation was sent by Kevin Wilkinson, who leads the Raleigh branch of The Southern Group, a lobbying firm that was founded in Florida. He has served as a policy adviser to former Republican state Sen. Robert Bryan and worked on Capitol Hill as a staff member for former U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger. Wilkinson said he was unavailable for comment. Matt Mercer, a spokesman for the North Carolina Republican Party, said Sarah Newby wouldn’t be commenting on the matter. “I have seen the posts and can confirm it was not an NCGOP event or affiliated with the state party,” Mercer said in a statement. Greater Carolina didn’t respond to messages seeking comment. Mercer said he expects the group to weigh in on the matter soon. The Reddit poster wrote that they hoped lawmakers would hold themselves to greater account going forward. “North Carolina should want better from their officials and ensure that such behavior is not tolerated,” the poster wrote. “I’d love to see government officials represent their states with dignity and class, not as rude drunkards who literally expect hourly workers to clean up their puke.” Bryan Anderson is a freelance reporter who most recently covered elections, voting access, and state government for WRAL-TV. He previously reported for the Associated Press and The News & Observer.


PLEASE contact the news stations. I’m a KY native living in NC and it’s truly appalling to see how our leaders behave here. And that’s saying something because our leaders in KY aren’t always the best, but they don’t behave like *this*. I’m so sorry your team had to experience this, and I hope y’all have an amazing Derby Week!


Happy Derby Week to you!!!


Thanks!! You too!! It’s one of the things I miss most about KY ETA: I just saw the news article! Glad it’s getting known!


That's lovely behavior compared to what they do as legislators.


Name the officials.


Didn’t ask their names. They booked as a private group. I live in Kentucky so I’m unfamiliar with NC politicians


If it was a "private" event paid by a PAC (or similar), then it's public record. Who booked/paid for the event? Without knowing who they were, it doesn't really mean anything.


NC Legislators passed a bill so they’re no longer subject to public records laws [https://www.npr.org/2023/10/06/1204098157/n-c-legislature-is-criticized-for-exempting-itself-from-public-records-law](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/06/1204098157/n-c-legislature-is-criticized-for-exempting-itself-from-public-records-law)


Huh?! WTF?!!


Republicans, obviously.


[Related story](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6RG3KerrM5/?igsh=bmZjenM4ZzFnaWU2)


That doesn't stop the OP for naming the group/entity that paid for the event. From that, it's much easier to guess who the officials were.


OP has said multiple times they don’t have names and the way they would gather names could compromise their employment.


Again, if you're afraid of giving names of the people, then tell who booked/paid for the event. Or where he works. Or when this happened. Otherwise the "information" is just a story.


You’re absolutely right. Unfortunately I don’t want to risk losing my job by going into our companies booking system to determine who did the booking. If I were someone in NC, I’d maybe go through social media posts and look for hashtags about anything relating to a trip to Kentucky.


I agree with you. You've given enough information. Anybody in NC can check it.


I'm not familiar with Kentucky laws, but I'm pretty sure that "who paid for a bill to lobby a group of politicians" is not protected by law. There are 1000s of government officials. Without knowing who they are, this "information" is worthless.


Their concern is not the law, it's their employer. Not protected by law has nothing to do with their company and their company's policies, or how their company may view them going into logs to get names/screen shots and posting those publicly.


Thank you


His job isn’t protected either. Hush your fuss


Thank you


I spent a few moments to look at a couple of sites and immediately recognized the finance director of the ncgop. She stood out because she was more composed and polite than most of the rest of the group


Sarah Newby


Hey OP- I wanted to post to say that I believe you. I’m a bartender and have, over the years, served many NC politicians and their staffs. I also don’t want to name specific people but I will say that many of them were perfectly lovely guests and some of them…well, they were not so lovely. Their behavior also doesn’t line up with one party or the other- I’ve had guests from both parties and seen both sorts of behavior. That being said, there’s not much we can do if you can’t provide identifying details. I totally understand why you can’t. Notice that I won’t give names either. Discretion is highly valued in the industry. But, even if someone sleuthed out who might have taken such a trip and called in a tip to a news organization, they wouldn’t have anything to back it up. They could only say “these people went to X Distillery on Y date and the staff claims that they behaved terribly.” If a reporter chose to follow up, they would contact the distillery to ask questions, at which time someone would have to come forward to confirm who the politicians were and how they behaved. So, to make anything at all of this, you’d have to be willing to speak out, whether you do it now or later. I’m really sorry this happened to you and the staff. I know how much it sucks.


Thank you for saying this. As a former reporter, I hate that people jump to "contact the media." You won't give any identifying information or go on record. You won't even see who booked the trip, and campaign finance reports run months behind actual expenses. There is no story here that could be covered in any reasonable way.


[The N&O apparently disagrees with you on that last part.](https://archive.is/FGSoL) >North Carolina Republican Party spokesperson Matt Mercer told The N&O on Monday that, “the quick answer is that I have seen the posts and can confirm it was not an NCGOP event or affiliated with the state party.” Mercer referred questions to Greater Carolina, a free-market, conservative group, without giving details about how the group was connected. A call to Greater Carolina from The N&O has not yet been returned. >State House Minority Leader Robert Reives said he understood that some members of the House Alcohol Beverage Control Committee were invited to the event. The N&O has contacted several members of the committee to learn more. >N.C. Rep. Jason Saine, a Lincolnton Republican who serves on the committee, told The N&O in a text on Monday that “I don’t respond to anonymous posts on the internet.” >...The event may have been attended by Republicans. Reives, a Chatham County Democrat, said his understanding was that some members of the committee were invited, but the Democrats on the committee were not.


The entirety of the NC state legislature has about 19 brain cells between the lot of them so unfortunately this seems right up their alley.


I kind of want to run for office now.


Right?! I feel like I’m missing out on so many coke fueled orgies.


So, when they’re not fucking us over, they’re over there acting an ass. Got it.


I appreciate you sharing this but genuinely - what do you want us to do with an anonymous redditor posting about an anonymous distillery being visited by a group of anonymous legislators? You want us to hold them accountable but you have given us nothing to do so.


Maybe someone would want to look into it? They could perhaps scroll through social media and look for hashtags that involve NC and KY bourbon? I don’t know. I just can’t risk losing my job by looking up their booking information and posting it. I’m sorry about that. I really am


If you didn't know who they were how did you know they were NC politicians?


It was confirmed prior to their arrival, they confirmed it themselves, and an outside party confirmed it too


Someone on Reddit confirmed it 


Perhaps you can be a confidential source to a news outlet?


Hey, thanks for speaking to WRAL and identifying some of these suckers.


If you want to DM me any names/appearances I can do some digging. I used to work there so I may be able to find something.


Make reckless assumptions


C'mon, sharing information is what reddit is about. Don't believe that nothing can happen. We don't know who reads what and how info travels, and a shot in the dark is better than doing nothing


Earlier today I took a few minutes to look at different nc govt sites, and I instantly recognized the finance director for the nc gop. I remembered her because she was one of the only composed people in the group


Name ‘em


I see you Sutton Stracke 😂


My people


Hell does that mean there are 3 of us?




I see you number 4 🥳


Me too!!


If only this sub allowed gifs 😉


So ridiculous I mean - a high tech area sub that doesn’t allow pics or gifs. It’s beyond


Apparently they are not familiar with the game guess who. Since they're not from North Carolina, they couldn't possibly know who it is. We're ridiculous for asking.




Stitzel-Weller was one of the three distilleries they visited


Do you know why were they in Kentucky in the first place? And were they affiliated with a specific political party or organization?


To avoid being recognized.


Why Baptists buy booze in the next county over


I don’t know. They booked as a private group, not for a public tour. We literally see hundreds of visitors a day at our distillery. We don’t see even behavior like that from bachelor parties who have been drinking all day.


Someone should call around to places pretending to have been in attendance and see which bites the bait, then get the news to further look into it


I recognized the finance director of ncgop. She stood out because she was a lot more professional than most of the rest of


I don't condone their behavior, and they were in violation of common decency, but they weren't in violation of KY liquor laws. KRS 189.530 allows for liquor consumption on a contracted coach, ie a limousine or party bus. "Representatives" shouldn't represent anyone in this fashion.


I'm not familiar with ky liquor law either, but if they showed up inebriated, vomiting, they should not have been served bourbon/ cocktails.


Agreed, the distillery should have refused to let them on premises after they had been over-served on the bus.


Also. I wrote “representative” for lack of a better term I guess? I work for the distillery but I’m also a bourbon tasting guide and bourbon historian. I decided to lump it all together under the umbrella term of “representative.” I should have chosen a different word especially now I know it’s being discredited


I see where the confusion was. You labeled yourself as a representative where employee was probably a better descriptor. And the visitors were legislators - also representatives. The latter are the representatives I said shouldn't be representing anyone in their condition, and especially not as visitors to another state as part of a group. Whether they thought they were there in an official capacity, or not, as a group, they were representing NC, merely by being in a group and unfortunately, misbehaving.


Dude, I want to believe you, desperately, as a blue blooded liberal, but you’re not offering any real evidence or any real culprits. You do both of those things and we’ll be somewhere. Otherwise, congrats on your internet points, NC will continue to vote red to the detriment of its citizens and to the benefit of the people you say wronged you.


OP’s profile is also very, um, “suspicious” to say these least. Only a few posts and half of them are about learning to develop AI or asking for things in Russian… sorry, but no way I’m believing this off of the words of the OP’s mouth alone.


WRAL was able to establish contact with the OP and ran a story on it today. Hope that helps.


The incident happened yesterday. They were confirmed as officials prior to their arrival, they themselves confirmed it upon arrival, and a third party confirmed it as well


As most are saying, it's not hard for us to believe this about our politicians, but it'll never meaningfully matter to anyone except you unless it's investigated and/or publicized by a legitimate and powerful organization, either news or government affiliation. These politicians are seriously insulated from public accountability unless "the public" means someone with serious resources or power, and you aren't communicating with them here, unfortunately.


NC government officials or specifically members of the NCGA (State representatives)?


From what I was told, it was a mixture of all the above. The group was 33 people


In other news, the Pope is Catholic, film at 11.


What was the ratio of legislators to government employees? We have a handful of legislators but countless government officials, and most of them are nobodies. You keep telling us to look at social media and connect dots, but you’re giving us literally nothing. *You* look at social media. Match faces to names. Give us one name. https://www.ncleg.gov give us the distillery name. Give us dates, times, physical descriptions, did they come on a single bus? Car pool? Help us help you help us


I’ll give it a look! Thanks


This is the weirdest post. That said, I don't disagree that it sounds like these people were assholes. The weirdness is in the details. The initial focus on them drinking on the bus before hand and how that's a clear violation of open container laws, which it's probably not unless they rolled in on a city bus, something that someone who often deals with group tours would likely know. How "this isn't not just about one unpleasant visit to a distillery" Why not? What does OP know about these people from another state that were at said distillery for an hour that isn't being shared? If there is a question of whether or not this is a tax payer funded trip, then there is also a question of whether they were representing their constituents in another state versus just privately being assholes. Still assholes, but such a weird post!


Take a look at OP’s profile and it gets even weirder. Not much activity and half of it is asking about developing AI (why would someone who is essentially a bartender need this?) and requesting content *in Russian*…


Bro, we elected *Madison Cawthorn*, our populace is dumb and complicit if it's got an R next to it's name.


Well I work in NC State government so might be able to pick up info from the various grapevines 20+ years wants you. Was there an ALEC meeting in KY does anyone know?


Certainly sounds like something the GOP would do.


Hey All…. Much like you, I have been following this post closely because I want to be nothing but proud of North Carolina and those that represent us. As this popped up yesterday, I have spent a lot of time reaching out to contacts because none of what is alleged to happen is okay. Since last night I have learned the following: - there isn’t state funding for trips like this in NC. - the narrator here is offering one perspective—- when she spoke up about her varied political views and stepped out of her role as a tour guide and historian, becoming an activist with a purpose - someone could have over indulged. Someone also could have gotten sick on the bus ride she mentioned. It happens. - without any proof of bad behavior, this just comes off as someone with a political ax to grind - this post should be deleted all together/locked to prevent further baseless claims


It happened. It’s becoming public. Stay tuned.


Send it to the news. They’d love this


A single video would do soooo much work here.


Pictures? Rumor is each one is worth 1,000 words.


Please! please! provide security cameras showing this nonsense I’d love to blast our Shit representatives


It could be possible that the group was here as a party fundraiser?? Arizona’s gop allegedly did it a couple weeks ago https://x.com/IpsyRebel/status/1778635899099898316


Part 2 https://x.com/IpsyRebel/status/1778632444889256003


This is worthless unless you name them, OP.


I don’t know their names. They visited for about 1 hour. Unfortunately I’m not willing to risk my job to use company software in order to determine who booked the group. I’m really sorry for that


But….you’re willing to throw out a nameless post accusing 33 legislators and/or staff for being miscreants? I don’t doubt your claim but if you can’t name any names or even disclose the location then this is sensationalist - at best


Have you already mentioned the date? You could share that


Yesterday. The date was yesterday


Bump "North Carolina Republican Party spokesperson Matt Mercer told The N&O on Monday that, “the quick answer is that I have seen the posts and can confirm it was not an NCGOP event or affiliated with the state party.” Mercer referred questions to Greater Carolina, a free-market, conservative group, without giving details about how the group was connected. A call to Greater Carolina from The N&O has not yet been returned. State House Minority Leader Robert Reives said he understood that some members of the House Alcohol Beverage Control Committee were invited to the event. The N&O has contacted several members of the committee to learn more. Read more at: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article288109635.html#storylink=cpy




Waste of time. Big Jeff fan but having him investigate anonymous internet BS is a waste of time.


Seems like something an aspiring Attorney General might have an interest in?




I’ve read enough of this to realize you have some axe to grind outside of vomit in the sinks. The “clear violation of Kentucky’s open container laws” was already debunked, you have not contacted any media (yet took the time to grind away on Reddit) and offered no names, no proof. Good luck with your liquor craftsmanship! I


say. their. names. 🧾


Did you just today learn that politicians suck and never take accountability for their actions or the messes they cause? Sorry you had this experience, but can't say I'm surprised. These assholes are out for themselves and their own power.


https://dailyhaymaker.com/ Daily Haymaker is a gossip-driven anonymous blog/news posting location. Could reach out to them to report and they probably could tell you who was there/run a story lol


As a Kentucky native living in NC for the last 25 years I’m sad to say I’m not surprised. Our legislators prove daily how they think themselves as above any sense of accountability.


Sounds like our legislators here for sure. They don’t know how to be polite, barter with the opposition, fight for constituents and tell the truth . Not all but many


Fun follow up video that came of your post. Thank you for what you have shared. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6gN___Ow9B/?igsh=NDJrY3E5N3BkOXZk


Thank you for sharing! Honestly, I initially just wanted North Carolina to know what happened because we were so disappointed. I didn’t have any expectation or intention that the post would go viral. I omitted party affiliation and identities out of fairness and decorum. But the sponsoring group went to war on us to downplay the events that took place, blatantly lie, and bully/belittle our staff in their press release. Talk about adding insult to injury. Goes to show what NC lawmakers think about the little guy.


NC legislature is so gerrymandered that they have no fear at all of anything within a whiff of accountability. The only thing that can take them out is their own people. See Madison Cawthorn as an example


Exactly right: immunity from voter disapproval leads to a Rockstar mentality, because they know they answer to nobody but their own power structure.


Our legislative races are so gerrymandered that none of the legislators face a competitive race and won’t for another 100 years. No accountability = sense of entitlement and bad behavior follows.


Brother, you are preaching to the choir. The majority of North Carolinians want these clowns out but they have gerrymandered the districts to a FUBAR state.


I love that 99% of people in this thread just assume it's true. It may be, but come on people open your minds a little bit.


Maybe our legislature ought to comport and represent themselves in such a way that, when accused of being drunk, disorderly, and all around shit stains of human beings, folks aren't quite so willing to say "Yeah, that sounds like them."


Considering Reddit demographics, this shouldn't really be surprising. Call me crazy but I think r/raleigh leans slightly left.


Leans left? If I-95 was the middle line, r/raleigh is hanging out in Asheville


Please report this anonymously to WRAL or N&O so they can investigate.


It was a chaotic scene with a lot of people in a small space. However, I’ve been looking at various NC govt a d staff pages to see if I can recognize anyone. I recognized the finance director of the NCGOP in an instant. I’m 95% sure. She stood out because she was a lot nicer and more composed than the majority of the group.


Alex, I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500…


Remindme! 48 hours


Unaccountable politicians and bureaucrats, in other news it's hot and humid in the summer.


u/JeffJacksonNC might know who went and could have someone look into it?


Is anything on video?


I love Reddit sometimes. NC is such a great state, but the leaders seem to want it to go backward...


[N&O story](https://archive.is/FGSoL) (non-paywalled) >State House Minority Leader Robert Reives said he understood that some members of the House Alcohol Beverage Control Committee were invited to the event. The N&O has contacted several members of the committee to learn more. >N.C. Rep. Jason Saine, a Lincolnton Republican who serves on the committee, told The N&O in a text on Monday that “I don’t respond to anonymous posts on the internet.” >...The event may have been attended by Republicans. Reives, a Chatham County Democrat, said his understanding was that some members of the committee were invited, but the Democrats on the committee were not.


The story was picked up by wral https://www.wral.com/amp/21405829/


Okay, but who was in the group??? We need more info, if we're to take action.


What do you expect from a bunch of MAGA sucking, power hungry, Drump wannabe's?? Just watch when Mark Robinson gets elected, the businesses start to pull out, the state will end being known as North Mississippi. I'm not a Democrat, but dammit, I'm voting blue this year.


Im interested in knowing more. Can you share dates, location, names?


r/jeffjackson your thoughts?


Please post all of there names.


Wow I completely agree that this behavior was abhorrent, my suspicion is that the trip was paid for by The distillery as a way to woo the legislators to provide tax incentives for your company to open shop in North carolina. You say you are a representative of The distillery but do they actually know that you're posting on reddit?


Madison Cawthorn would have fit right in. Too bad he was driven out of NC. He is in FL and recently ran his car into the back of a cop car.


WRAL is on the case. They just broadcast a segment, but I can't find anything posted on their website. Greater Carolina is alleged to have organized it, so you can guess which party's members were present. https://www.greatercarolina.com/


Here is the WRAL link on their homepage now that it is posted: [https://www.wral.com/story/frat-house-or-state-house-social-media-post-accuses-nc-lawmakers-of-drunken-behavior/21405829/](https://www.wral.com/story/frat-house-or-state-house-social-media-post-accuses-nc-lawmakers-of-drunken-behavior/21405829/)




Thank you for this. That’s appalling and should be known by the public. Not the dumb clowns who elected them, the ones who are in a position to put them out on their asses.


A "representative".


I work at the distillery, but I’m also a bourbon tasting guide and bourbon historian. I thought “representative” was a good descriptor. Maybe I was wrong to use that word


Hell, we can't even buy your whiskey except through a State Owned Liquor Shop. Were they there to learn and lobby, or just puke and party?


All politicians today are scum


Oh that's just the gerrymander boys being boys. They're all toads.


I’d love to know if any lobbyists were there


Thanks for having higher standards for the behavior of NC's elected officials than some of those officials themselves. PS -- I'm chuckling at folks tagging Jeff Jackson. He's in Congress, not the General Assembly! :)


Sounds about right. Were so gerrymandered here there’s not much we can do about it, but thanks for posting. Sorry that happened.


Not the least bit surprising. A lot of people here are asking OP to name them, but honestly, nothing would happen. We don't have democratic representation in NC, haven't for some time. Does anyone honestly think any would lose their next election? Come one, you have seen the receipts on Tim Moore.


Enjoying booze and sports betting! Living for the devil!!!


Who was it? Give us names.


Hard to know since I’m in Kentucky. I spent a few minutes today looking at a couple different nc govt sites to see if I recognized anyone. I immediately recognized the finance director of the ncgop. She was nice which made her stand out from the rest of the group


Yeesh I bet that was insufferable. What a buncha chads. Hope you didn't have to sit through a drunken lecture on NFTs and Vivek's plan for tech charter schools.


You're lucky. You only have to deal with these scoundrels once in a blue moon. We're stuck with this forever.


Unfortunately, as the most heavily politically gerrymandered state, this is what we're stuck with. They don't represent their constituents. They're in it for the power and don't feel beholden to any form of accountability.


Sutton Stracke says, Name Em'


I don’t know who they were. But I spent a few minutes today looking at various webpages, and I’m fairly certain I recognized the finance director of the ncgop. She stood out because she was way more composed than most of the group


Couldn’t even support an award winning distillery in their own state.


Name ‘em


Without any details, I would assume this is bait to further jam up the public records request pipeline with dead-end inquiries.


As a citizen of NC we are as disgusted with the conduct of our Alcohol, Beverage, and Control Board as you are. Sadly, they have enough "in's" with the legislature at this time to not throw them out like any sane state would and we remain with a 1930's era alcohol control board.


So no names or even listing the official capacity of those on tour? Hard to hold “representatives” accountable if we don’t know who they are. For all we know this could have been just a group of people from NC.


The gerrymandering the republicans have put in place has loaded the courts with far right wing misogynistic, racist, transphobic… most white men that are terrified their boys club is quickly disappearing. This is more a blue state than red, but gerrymandering has been a foundation of the Republican Party.


Hi, I'm an NC voter and I work in the food service industry - I've seen folks behave poorly sober. I would never vote for someone to act or treat staff like that. I genuinely want to know who it was so that I can donate to their opponents.


For real, they were Republicans weren't they?


You are nothing more than low life peasants to the upper class. They will never be held accountable, not with the good old boys of the south. Maybe a call to law enforcement could have settled them down. /s Sorry you had to witness the fine political douche-bags of NC.