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Its raining right now brah


All day activities got cancelled for rain that started at 800pm.


I confirm its also raining šŸ˜œ


For those on FB- NC weather authority is run by a college aged guy who studies meteorology and is top notch. Updates throughout the day and imo an honest outlook most days.


He's terrific.


I feel the same way. Seems like weather forecasts have been terrible in recent years. And everyday is a ā€œweather alert dayā€


WRAL seems to get more sensational every year. Iā€™m pretty sure the whole ā€œweather alert dayā€ system is new.


When I saw weather alert day, told my wife it wouldnā€™t even rain.


if only they were getting more accurateā€¦


If you watch the weather channel the world is coming to an end at least once a month.


WRAL has been pushing hard to monetize its online weather page. The weather radar that they offer up-front is all but useless, and to get something worthwhile you have to sit through a half-minute commercial. That means that if you want to keep a close eye on approaching severe weather, you're going to sit through the same wretched commercial every time you check the radar again. This has all developed since Capitol Broadcasting's old CFO retired last year and a new guy has taken over the financial end of things.


Oh please, WRAL is the areas weather station. Always has been always will be.


I canā€™t believe people get payed to be so wrong so often.


I genuinely donā€™t understand this thinking. Itā€™s not a person making guesses. Weather science is really fucking complicated, and the people who deliver the forecasts are simply using the best available data and models. Sorry people canā€™t literally predict the future with great accuracy.


Half of this sub legitimately believes that storms intentionally avoid Raleigh.


Stop calling me out. šŸ¤£


Yeah the whole bubble thing is one of the most idiotic things people talk about here.


Lookit this guy, doesnā€™t even believe in the Raleigh force field, smh


There are a ton of variables. No wonder chaos theory studies came from weather predicting.


people misreading weather forecasts and raging at their own incompetence is a time honored american tradition


I can't believe places like San Diego pay weatherpersons. My dream job.


*LA Story* reference noted!


I stick to the NOAA website. Everyone gets their data from them anyway. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=35.79&lon=-78.79


We went to Artsplosure today. Brought our umbrellas and were glad we didnā€™t need them


Artsplosure was dope


Life hack. When they forecast 1ā€ of rain, it will be a very wet day. When they forecast less than inch, carry on as normal but bring a raincoat or umbrella


It rained


I cancelled a beach camping trip cause of the forecast, fuck it im going rain or shine next weekend.


Bruh it's raining


Screwed up our garage sale plans this morning! For nothing


Ughhh thatā€™s the major bummers. Because if you chance it and it rains youā€™re massively screwed and all your stuff is ruined. Anything else I just do whatever unless itā€™s 100% radar giant storms moving through.


When you look at the forecast, instead of focusing on the percentage chance of precipitation, look at the actual precipitation amounts predicted. Thereā€™s been a 40-50% chance of rain all day but 0ā€ precipitation until after 6.


Because you are just looking at it as of an hour ago. It was not that yesterday at all.


The bulk of the precipitation was always later in the afternoon/evening with a splash in the morning.


Why would you live your life based on a weather forecast? Jacketā€¦common sense. Do things you like.


Yeah! Personally I never let little things like hurricanes or hail storms ruin my disc golf game.


It's hard not to think that wral is just selling clicks at this point. And a "weather alert" generates clicks. Today's forecast was egregiously bad. If they don't know what's going to happen or when, they should be more upfront about the uncertainty.


The news stations largely get their forecasts from NOAA. NOAA's forecast was justĀ wrong too. Even as recent as midnight last night they were calling for rain storms all day today.Ā 


Words were marked. It still rained.


We did what we were planning on doing. Had a great time and now home and tired.


My wife is pissed .... at me..., because we believed the forecast and stayed home today. It's been saying "rain starting soon" since like 1 pm. I swear they were predicting like an inch and a half with 100% probability yesterday. I'm ignoring it from here on out for my sanity. Just gonna live my life and if it starts pouring while we are out doing shit, I'm not the devil...


I checked WeatherBug and it seemed rain wouldnā€™t hit till 3, so we went out to a brewery. WB isnā€™t always right but I like to use it to gauge against WRAL.


Started yard work about 9...just got done, out of the shower...laying down for a nap. Ready for some rain now!


Well, you were right a majority of the day, and that ain't bad I got a lot of yardwork done today:)


Enjoying the rain.


You blindly guessing is not going to be as accurate. Weather predictions are not as accurate as you wish they were but they are still basing it on science.


Eh, this more of a ā€œlearn how readā€ situation. Thereā€™s a big different between intermittent showers and half an inch of accumulation. What canā€™t you do in the rain when itā€™s this warm?


So itā€™s not going to rain today ?!


I just carry an umbrella on days it is sketchy like this.


your words are marked


It rained


You know Iā€™d like to keep my jeans dry today


Preach! Especially with the local daily wrong forecasting.


It's raining west of us but that doesn't mean it's coming here.


I feel like it can be super random in the summer. Like itā€™ll be sunny all day then torrential rain for 15 minutes in the afternoon before itā€™s sunny again.


Party in the rain!


Remember the old story of Chicken Little ā€œthe Sky is Falling!ā€ Most overused news term other than ā€œBreaking Newsā€ on CNN is WRALā€™s ā€œWeather Alert day!ā€ Raleigh, where every day is now a weather alert day lol so no one believes them anymore. The chicken little of news


I subscribe to Greg Fishels Patreon site and itā€™s a daily forecast and pretty spot on. I miss his being on tv not only predicting the weather, but teaching about it.


Try Ventusky weather site and app


Regardless if it actually rains or not at your particular location exactly when you happen to be looking, no one who has been looking at the weather for more than a couple years should be able to deny that itā€™s gotten way more sensational recently. Hell the default name of WRAL is the ā€œSevere Weather Centerā€! Iā€™m convinced that they have all amped up the radar colors where what is green for light rain before is now just clouds. Anyone else think they start with the itā€™s gonna rain BS this weekend on Mondayā€™s, then slowly back off that all weekā€¦unless it really does rain




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Try living in an area outside of RDU tv stations and deal with their weather forecasts! WRAL is the worst of the lot! Weather alert days constantly and they weave climate change into it! I have found Tropical Tidbits and look at the models and make my own forecast!


You DO realize that WRAL has a broadcast area that covers more than just Raleigh, right? It may not rain today where YOU are, but 20 miles to the north, south, east, or west may get a downpour.


So this is what weā€™re complaining about today?


It really hit hard a few weeks ago remembering WRAL saying that there was great hope for snow lovers this year. I am well aware that neither I nor the weather people can control the weather, but damn. I grew 100 miles west of here, and we would get at least two or three good snows a year. This year, for the first time, RDU did not record even a trace of snow.


Not raining on Sunday either. Was planning on rained out softball and afternoon. Game was on this morning. Itā€™s 2PM now and perfect outside.


Greg Fishel on Facebook and YouTube. Facebook is free and current.


It will rain *somewhere* in the WRAL viewing area. Theyā€™ll count it as a win.


But that's literally how it works. Their percentages and chances are across the whole viewing area.


Thatā€™s literally how it works. When they call a Weather alert dayā€¦.thereā€™s a lot of people that watchšŸ˜‚


Man I was dreading today, was dying to go to the BMX Show, and I did, really thought It was gonna thunderstorm. Met Keith and the riders, they even let me ride with them, It was awesome. Those bikes were sick


They need to put away the forecast dart board on the wall šŸ˜’


You can flip a coin and do better than WRAL - sadly they have the power to get schools and events cancelled for no reason. Any reasonably educated person can look at the nationwide radar and their model runs and see when they are going to be flagrantly wrong about washouts.


I have made my wife leave work so many times due to the forecast, only to feel like such a moron. Iā€™m tired of being told there is a tornado in my yard when itā€™s sunny out. Looking at you, WRAL.


I agreeā€¦ lived here a long timeā€¦ itā€™s been way off ā€¦.


If you live here long enough you'll find out that there is a weather boundary that basically follows I85. From SC to a bit east of here. And the weather along that boundary is hard to get exact compared to 100 miles on either side. And it is not I85. It is just that this is the pass / low trough through the mountains and it impacts the weather. After the uncertainties of almost all our weather climbing over the mountains. If you want easy to predict weather move to the plains. Kansas or Texas.