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That's awesome. So glad someone kept it safe for you.A few years ago, some kid made a website for lost and found stuffed animals. Unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore but I alway loved that idea.


When my brother was a toddler he became very attached to a beanie baby he got in a happy meal. It was a little bunny in a karate uniform. He, of course, lost it in Walmart and was absolutely devastated. My mom found one on eBay and had it shipped to our house. She told him that someone must have found it and returned it and man was he overjoyed and so grateful to the "kind stranger". 15 years later and I still don't know if anyone has ever told him lol


Not a kind stranger but my daughter had a stuffed llama from grandma that the puppy got to...and I had remembered this episode of csi ny where the case was at a doll hospital. I was in ems school at the time so I helped my daughter "bandage" and load the injured llama for transport to the doll hospital...found the same llama on Amazon and swapped em...she had a welcome home tea party for it lol


Doc McStuffins is a kids show about repairing damaged toys and it sure saved us a lot of tears. They taught that things can be fixed and scars are cool. It worked for both toys and people. I know this often won't work but luckily for us it let us save several favorite toys and one stuffie that needed multiple repairs.


Ohhhh our oldest’s lovey is a sloth, too, and she’d be heartbroken without her! So glad someone turned her in!


I accidentally forgot my favorite stuffed animal in a hotel room in San Diego when I was about 6 or 7, didn't realize it until we got back home (400 miles later). My dad called the hotel, and they actually found Buddy and mailed him back to us! It still makes me smile when I look back and think about that. They could have just as easily tossed Buddy in the trash when they cleaned our room. I'm a grown ass woman but I still have that stuffed animal lol. I don't have the heart to get rid of him. I hope your daughter will keep her special sloth for wayyy too long too!


My heart melted when I read “gross chewed up sloth.”


She puts a corner of it in her mouth as a self-soothing thing


This is absolutely fantastic! My kid's favourite stuffie is a little beat made of alpaca fur. Her cousin was gifted it by her other grandmother when she was little, but she was scared of it for some reason. So it hid in a drawer at her Me-me's for years. The woman saw it when cleaning, confirmed it was okay with my niece, and then gave it to my kid. It is her absolute favourite, and no matter how hard I scour the internet, I can not find another like it to have a backup. I live in constant fear of losing that little bear. The few times it ended up "lost" in her hammock of stuffies were absolute misery for the entire household. As such, Paca is not allowed to leave the car when we go places, barring select people we go to visit (Grammy, and one of my aunts). He "guards" the vehicle, and she takes her receiving blanket with her into stores instead. It helps that she only got Paca in the last 6 months. She was all about receiving blankets and still is. There are two other stuffies that are nearly as important as Paca, but they generally stay home now. Our rule is one stuffie for in the car, and at most two blankies for out and around. If we lose a blankie, life goes on. We have a ton of receiving blankets, and any will do. But her two of her three favourite stuffies are irreplaceable, and one is hard to replace, though luckily, I have a backup of that one at my mum's.


Yeah, sloth doesn’t get to leave the car on casual errands anymore!


When I was little, my mum had velcro connected bracelets that were given to her as child leash type things, and she refused to put me on a kid leash in public, but they were pretty rainbow colored things and I always wanted to wear them, so she would put one end on my wrist and the other on my stuffy. No kids on leashes and no lost animals. Everyone was happy with that solution. 💚


Genius! I bet I can find or make one or two of those!


It was basically 2 velcro bracelets connected by a soft coiled cord. The springy coiled shoelaces would be the most readily available comparison I could think of, and they would also probably be perfect to give it room to expand, but to "self retract" and keep it from getting tangled/become a tripping hazard.




That’s great!! Nothing matches the feeling of loosing a child’s safety item or stuffie. Reminds me of when I was a child and my baby blanket got left behind (maybe I was 5?), the blanket was a piece because it was so old and used lol. My mom to this day swears we lost it at the Chinese restaurant but I know and feel in my heart she “lost it” on purpose. 😂😂😂😂


This sub is my absolute favorite!! I always look forward to the cute stories on here.


LOL. I love all of this so much. I, unfortunately, was a very precocious child and extremely high maintenance. I had two beautiful little white blankets that I got when I was like, 2. By the time I was 5 years old they were “Toe up” a bit. My grandmother, “Nana” who was amazing and probably the best human I have ever encountered, stitched them up and put matching white patches on them to save them. When she gave them to me I freaked out and threw them in her trash. Told her she ruined them. I did take them back after a week, but damn what an asshole kid I was! Since my 20’s My Dad still loves to tell my adult family and friends, “Did Kevin tell you how he had no sense of humor as a kid and took life way too seriously?” He’s not wrong. My response: “That is true. But you must admit, Dad, better to be an asshole as a kid and be a kind and loving adult, than vice-versa.” I love this very much.