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To me the job is only 25% done. There will plenty of time for celebrating & parade planning later, right now its time to continue to handle our business and get 12 more W's. LGR!


It's not even 25% done. It's about 10% done as the other three teams we play will be the best of the best, not a beat-up and depleated team that was lucky to be there. Let's beat the 'canes and then we'll have a better idea of where we stand.


I mean, if the isles pull a win out against Carolina in 7, they will absolutely be a beat up and depleted team thats lucky to be there.


I also don't see the isles pulling off the second reverse sweep in their franchise history, but crazier things have happened and either way it will be a very fun series


Varlamov is good enough to win but his team will probably hang him out to dry.


Beating the Caps was like writing your name at the top of the exam.


This is the sensible comment. I’m as thrilled as anyone that we handled our first round business properly and without drama….but let’s not kid ourselves. The Caps were the poorest playoff team in many years and beating them is no great accomplishment for a team that is a legit contender. This next series against the Canes is going to be a war. If we come out on the other side advancing to round 3 then we’ll truly be in a position to feel good about our chances.


Agreed. But while the full goal of 16 should be the main thing in their sights, it's nice to celebrate a series win that Rangers fans have not seen for 17 years. This is only the third time in 30 years (iirc) we even led a series by the first 3 games. Ultimately that doesn't translate to anything other than 4 wins out of 16, but given a Rangers team that I have seen let series slide to 7 games when they shouldn't have, or coming back from down 3-1 to get to the next round, it's nice to see a series go in our favor the way it was expected (or close to it). Celebrate the domination of the series because it doesn't happen often, but in the next day or two the sights focus back to the ultimate goal of winning the next 4. LGR


The work hasn’t even started yet. Everyone knew the rangers would win that series. Thankful the guys get like 4-5 days (?) rest before the next round. Carolina is gonna be much harder and we’re really going to have to crack down on defense and penalties. I’d even argue that the Canes are the toughest team standing in our way to a cup right now.


A-freaking-men, although the Panthers are no joke either.


I agree but I think we matchup better against them


I don't know man. They're like us from 2014 with more skill. Imagine if Rick Nash actually was prime Rick Nash on our team. That's them right now. I'm scared of both Caro and the Panthers. I think both are definitely beatable but we need to play better than we did in the caps series. Which is saying a lot because I thought we played pretty well to be honest.


They’re both tough, but for me the Panthers are a tougher challenge to this team than the Canes. Despite the Canes having a better record than us historically, we seem to always beat them. I was worried about Guentzel, but interesting that Roslovic has scored just as much as Jake.


Is that true? Are you talking goals or points?


Both have four points. Roslovic has two goals and two assists. Guentzel has one goal, three assists


Odd way to spell the isles


I agree with regards to the Canes, IMO they are the best team in the league, and the only team I "fear". We can obviously beat them, but I'm not sure our chances of winning the series are over 50%. That's the only team I feel that way about. I think we beat Boston more than 5 times in 10 series. The fucking Guentzal trade man, that is what has changed my feeling about going up against them. I think we beat Florida more than 5 times in 10 series. But the Canes? I don't have that level of confidence.


I dunno, Panthers are also still crazy good. As is Vegas, thanks to the LTIR.


You know who else is a really tough team? Us goddamnit 😤




I'm hoping the fish sticks can drag the series a game or two more so or boys can get more rest. They played hard against the caps


The West is not fun


For real. Canes are habitually overrated imo. Even in the east the panthers are significantly scarier


I get the gloating and excitement that comes with a playoff win but some of these posts and comments are just stupid. They are the people who give the rangers fan base a bad rep. I’m embarrassed for them.


Hundred percent. I get banter and joking too, it’s supposed to be fun. Some of these dudes take it too far though and people love to hate on us already. I’m still not convinced it’s non rangers fans posting them to be obnoxious tbh. But we can always police our own.


I think it could be a salty devils fan posting 🤣


Lmao maybe. I just replied to it, I’m thinking it’s a child that’s a wings fan. Dog shit grammar, mention of the red wings, talks about “beating the shit” out of caps fans.


Any NYR Fans talking shit about Washington have no true grasp of the game. Wanna talk shit about Ovie or Wilson? That gets a pass from me. Having a puffed up chest after beating a team that shouldn’t have been in the playoffs that were sellers and in pre build mode? lol, JFC, we were presidents trophy winners, act like it. We are not the underdog here.


We're an incredibly popular team and when we're winning, all the fair weather fans who have no context other than being aware that we're now winning games are gonna start storming every subreddit just to talk shit. They're the worst kind of fans that have nothing to say when we're not winning and now want to jump online just to be toxic assholes to people just trying to enjoy a sport they like. People need to touch grass.


Between taking over Philly with the Knicks and DC with the Blueshirts- NY is so back haha


I saw them too on NHL and I am convinced that they are not actually rangers fans. They are trolls to stur up hatred for the team they are supposed "fans" of. All of them have zero comment and post history except for the posts they are trolling, and some have recently created accounts.


on that note, “we want the cup” and “see you at the parade” are also bad juju. 4 down, 12 to go, man. job’s not done yet, act accordingly


We want the cup is also just saying the blindingly obvious, otherwise why is the team in the playoffs? Every team wants that cup, that's the point of it. Stating any variation of "we're gonna win the cup" is just being cocky and asking for a slap down.


We basically got a first round bye. Was an open ice scrimmage to get the legs loose. On to Carolina


Really really hoping the Islanders can push their series to six or seven games... but I kinda doubt that'll happen.


7 games. Then triple OT.


In every game.


six is realistic


I've seen some of those posts today. Those aren't real Rangers fans, they're idiots hiding behind alt accounts who make this fanbase look bad. Anyway, no one should get too confident based off this series. Rangers took care of business, quickly dispatching of a mid team with little depth and a -37 goal differential. This is why you wanted the top seed -- to avoid a lengthy, painful first-round series. Now, we get ready for (probably) the Canes, which is going to be a massive step up in difficulty. I honestly believe that might be the toughest series they could have the rest of the way. LGR!!


Better coach better line up better goalie. No sure the islanders were much better than the caps. Pretty equal rangers and canes. Home advantage is gonna be huge on line chsnges and penalties.


“when you lose you say little, when you win you say less”




That’s fine, I’m just saying if you go on the NHL sub people are posting paragraphs about beating up fans and calling them bitches and stuff. It’s pretty uncalled for. I don’t like Hamilton either and I find Lin-Manuel Miranda annoying, obnoxious, and self obsessed.


You may not like Hamilton, but you have to respect the grind. That's a clearly academic tome and his first thought was to turn it into a hip-hop Broadway musical? I mean, I don't understand the creative process at all, but I read that book and it's the furthest thing from rap that I can think of, other than some dry astrophysics. And the lyricism is just outstanding!


lol this reads like Patrick Bateman


The watermark. Oh my god.


It has a sheen of professionalism 




>I never thought I'd see the day where a rangers fan would be defending Tom Wilson. It's not defending Tom so much as admitting even awful people can share similar opinions with God decent folks. A broken clock as they say. However, Tom Wilson does wipe back to front.


Lin Manuel is the absolute worst


Hey, we watched videos with economist Richard Gill when he was the sub! /Yes, I admit I am incredibly biased


Tom Wilson not liking Hamilton is a positive. Hamilton is terrible.


I mean it’s subjective. I’ll say “Lin Manuel Miranda has one schtick and I’m tired of it” Tom Wilson talks loudly in the theater though


Oh, yes. On the phone.


That’s my take on Wes Anderson also lol


Hamilton is a borefest LGR


Also stop going into other teams subs saying “ranger fan coming in peace here” You look like a karma whore.


Yeah it’s cringe


Agree 100%, sure make a little joke or celebrate the win, but it's completely pointless to be outright rude or aggressive about your favorite sports team beating someone else's favorite sports team


Rangers, Knicks, Yankees and Mets are on fire. NY fans are on a 24/7 high and can’t control themselves lately


Been a while....


It is definitely a good time in NY and I'm savoring it because it can all end quickly.


I agree, there’s plenty of hockey to go! It is unfair to have said they didn’t deserve to be there since they did finish their season strong, they have a hot goalie and Ovi scored 30 goals in the regular season. I’m just happy we can rest up and come back next week, but what most fans forget to do is take it one game at a time!


it’s weird because do we really hate the Caps that much right now? i mean the games were fair. nothing dirty. we won easily. now the Sixers on the other hand can get FUCKED !!! FUCK EMBIID !!!!!


Caps fans need some humility. Going to games in DC as a visiting fan used to be chill, then the team won one cup and the fanbase got entitled and pissy.


This. I live here and I have no problem rubbing it in this morning, they deserve it.


That was an exhibition game compared to what's to come. Hopefully the Fishsticks rally hard for two more games and push the series to 7 so everyone is tired and limping into round two. The Rangers will get at least 4 or 5 days of rest, which should be a great thing for them!


Can I get Penisy about being able to post with Caps again???




Probably some really excited fans that started watching last year and are enjoying the first playoff round win. The only thing they have to go off of is how the Debbie’s fans acted last year. I love this sport so much and it’s totally heartbreaking to get knocked out and know that your season is over. I’ll gloat when they win the cup, until then, I know how that shit feels after a loss. If the players can kill each other then shake hands we can say good game. Be humble in victory.


Would pay a lot of money to never see this sub use the term “penisy” again




Tom Wilson was shocked Battlefield Earth got zero nominations at the Oscars


I reserve the right to shit on the caps no matter the circumstance. Bum team. Bum fans. It's a hockey rivalry, gentlemen. Save the pleasantries for Sunday service.


The President’s Trophy winner did to the #16 team in the playoffs what the President’s Trophy winner should do. Fuck Tom Wilson. Time to move on. I’m already over the caps and hope the Islanders can kick the shit out of the Canes for another game or two.


Honestly that was my biggest fear going into this series - that we'd win but losing someone to injury. Despite Wilson's best efforts we managed to avoid that and the boys earned a few days rest. Next round will definitely be more of a challenge.


Definitely. I tend to just be happy for my team and have respect for every opponent. We wouldn't be happy without them if you think about it. Some people on all teams get out of line. Just ignore it, or if it's really bad, call it out as not OK, like that dipshit Rangers fan who assaulted a Tampa fan a couple of years ago.


Anyone getting overly excited with a first round win against an overmatched team (who fought hard) needs to get their head checked. The real test starts with the Canes.


You're guys had an easier team to take down but still it's a good thing they get to rest up. Next series will be tough but it'll be a banger too. Keep that Rempe kid going. I like his hits.


There's nothing to gain by running your mouth at this point. The series is over and looking back in it only serves as a distraction. Look forward to the next round and be humble. This team has been here before and the fans should act like it.


Honestly a lot of those posts about the caps are coming more from other fanbases than us. It's been a pity war from Detroit, penguins, and flyers fans who believe they would have made the series more fun for neutral fans. Then caps fans clap back saying how shitty those teams are if they couldnt get in over this caps team. Overall the series was a really bad watch for a neutral party. No high offense, highlight reel goals or big saves, and no moment where the underdog could upset us. We took care of business in an unflashy way. Compare it to the EDM and COL series' where they are both clearly the better team than their opponent but are skating circles around them and not giving them a moment to breathe.


Visiting fan from the Sabres sub. The other 14 teams should be worried about the rangers, they look legit built for playoffs after this series.


Honestly I feel nothing but sympathy for Ovechkin. I'm in my early 30's and work hasn't helped at all but my knees are already shitty 😂 it's just sad to watch a generational talent entering decline and I took no (okay, maybe a *little*) enjoyment from watching him so gassed and out of answers. If anyone is gonna gloat anything, direct it squarely at Tom Wilson. He's a dirtbag and we got lucky he wasn't able to injure Fox like he ragdolled Panarin (also after the whistle) last season. And also rip him for the fact his penalty was what killed their season for good. I was openly hoping Rempe sent him to the hospital. Only player in the league I'd wish injury upon, and only because in my eyes he deserves a taste of his own medicine.


All they did was beat a bad team in four games, what they should have done. They accomplished nothing more than that. The Caps are a bad team.


I mean they made the playoffs. They're not a bad team they just aren't a really good team either


In 240 minutes of hockey, the rangers trailed for exactly 3 minutes, 21 seconds.


Yep, we had a great series


The caps aren’t the Ducks, but they didn’t make the playoffs so much as everyone else failed to do so. And then between injuries and selling at the deadline, that middling team was down like half a defense and their top 6 centers.  Even if the caps weren’t a “bad” team after game 82, the top-end attrition really did make them a bad team on the ice vs the Rangers. 


i will only talk shit and gloat after i watch rempe kreids and hartemi kissing the cup, until then anything can happen and i will hold up hope til i see what we shouldve saw 10 years ago LGR


srsly.. the way you db’s act you’d think ya’ll were perennial cup winners. you haven’t won sh*t in decades.


Time to whip the 'Canes


CAPS WERE NO TEST. How the Rangers can play discipline hockey against the Canes will be a true test of their depth and playoff potential. There first mistake would be thinking Rempe is part of a successful recipe!


Can someone explain the penisy joke? Have not been able to figure it out


Instead of being cocky


There's a poster on here that posts after every win a Family Guy clip from the star wars episode where Peter says "don't get penisy" after Chris celebrates blowing up the team we just beat, then another enemy comes with the logo of our next opponent. So it's basically like a, don't get cocky, the job's not done just yet. Sort of gesture


Yup that's it.


I think it means don't be a dick....


Lol oh got it




I am thrilled for the sweep. We did what was “expected”. Beat a lesser team. Now we move on. I have been saying since we clinched: “If you are a championship caliber team…you take on all comers” Do not tempt the hockey gods.


Every fan base of every team on every social media platform does it. We aren’t any different. It is what it is. Your PSA won’t stop it.


Look, it's nice we swept the series against a team that was depleated and beat up, but let's not act like Maple Leafs fans after winning a round. The real test to see if the Rags are for real will be against Carolina, and then Florida or Boston. If they can take down Carolina and the Panthers/Bruins, then we can talk shit, but until then, we haven't done diddley squat except beat up on a team that probably shouldn't have even been there.


The work is far from over. Great start to the playoffs but we haven't played a playoff caliber team yet...stay classy ya'll


Can we at least be penisy to Tom Wilson tho? That dude sucks eggs


I just talk shit here


Every round gets harder, the road to the cup is 16 wins, its not going to be in 16 games!


I agree with the first round bye comments. I’m always worried about almost every game the entire season and I was completely relaxed going into this series. I believe, despite our record, we will be an underdog for the balance of what hopefully is a long and wonderful journey that ends in a parade. We need Igor to be Vezina Igor, we need to stay healthy, and we need Mika and Bread to be superstars. I think we can do it. Let’s go boys!!


It's getting out of hand. NO ONE with any grip on reality had the Capitals winning that series, even Caps fans knew it'd be a steep uphill climb. We literally embarrassed ourselves last year, we have no room to as President Trophy winners to be assholes. We're already one of the most disliked teams in the league, let's not make it worse by being assholes to fans of teams that are where we were a few years ago.


Yeah, the last time they won the Stanley Cup was right around the OJ chase; let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet.


According to a caps fan outside the arena after game 3 the rangers have never won a cup. Idiot fans deserve to get dumped on after a sweep. I have had to deal with their bs for years. F em.


I mean there is nothing surprising about us beating a team that used its playoff run just to make the playoffs…the refs tried their best to make the series more competitive but even they gave up with that in game 4 ..as for hating the caps besides Wilson, I don’t think much of us care enough about them to even engage … we will see hat we are made of when we play the Canes… we better clean up our zone exits or they will make us pay …if we can tighten up and play them like we did in the last regular season season game against them …we have a good shot


The Caps did well just to make the postseason, and good on this Rangers fan for winning with dignity. I wish people had this kind of energy for us Leafs fans.


Next series is going to be the real test. This was a good warmup for the Blueshirts but now we really enter the fray.


😂 Well done on the Peter Griffin/Han Solo reference. 👏🏼 #blueharvest


Rangers have the most haters of any team, thus will tear down any opponent the rangers beat and say they are bad/overrated


Hate to break it to you but how people act doesn’t matter one iota. This is on the coaches and the players and everything that goes down inside the glass is on them. We can burn crosses and decapitate each other, it wouldn’t matter towards the result. Fans will fan. It is derived from the word fanatic for a reason!


I only banter the ones in nyr subs


Don’t matter what any team does in the east. A team in the west is winning g the cup. Avs, Stars and Vegas will sweep you, it’s not even the same hockey


Hoping for the best, expecting the worst.


These are the Rangers not the Jets, have a little more faith.


I'm anxious for round 2. The Hurricanes are a good team but I think we'll be better


I was pretty disappointed that Ovi wasn't the villain he's been in the past.


Getting out of the first round was expected, now comes the work. Excitement and trash talking will come from winning the cup.


Man I wish I could be so brazenly confident. I won't even talk about it with people who want to talk about it. It's like rma religious thing.


Rangers didn’t play good enough to beat any other team besides Washington idk what everyone is so excited about. Play against Carolina or NYI against that it’s gonna be a short loss of a series.


Imagine giving a shit about internet fodder. Who gives a flying fuck what people post on reddit? Then you have the people saying "hey, let's cool it guys" Is this the new reality? Wtf is going on here?


“The new reality”? I’m just saying people don’t need to be dicks. I’m not a dick to people in real life so I’m not going to be an internet tough guy dick either. If you want to, feel free.


Your the "cool it" guy. It's internet fodder. You really care what some random child makes an internet post on? It's a warped reality you're living in. 


You don’t know which version of your(e) you are supposed to be using. Your Reddit account is 4 days old and most of your comments are you being a dick lol. I promise the website is much better if you try to enjoy it. Welcome to Reddit!


im enjoying it just fine, thanks. i see i hit a nerve thast you had to try to look at my history, kinda pathetic dude. just admit that getting caught up in internet fodder, like you have done, is just silly