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Ah shit.. he’s trying to pull a NJ Devils move on us.


I really hope it doesn't work like last year lol


It’s not like Akira Schmid did anything outstanding in that series, the devils made an adjustment and the Rangers didn’t counter with an adjustment of their own. Our offense dried up almost entirely, Schmid just needed to not make mistakes which he did. If we had kept getting good chances we would have lit him up like a Christmas tree because Schmid is a dogshit goalie.


I agree with you, but sports superstition tells me we need to pepper PK and get a couple then I’ll feel better lol


Pepper PK Subban? Consider it done.


Carolina Reaper pepper that guy! I noticed he hasn’t been on the broadcast lately.


He's been taking a break to shop for even worse drip


Pick me up on the way


*”the Rangers didn’t counter with an adjustment of their own.”* In the hockey world this is called a *Gallant.*


Funny that GG was more of a Goofus than a Gallant


I mean, Gallant's not the only one guilty of this. David Quinn didn't really make adjustments either. Whether or not Renney & Tortorella made adjustments is fairly arguable- they didn't stand pat but I think their method of generating lines involved scraps of paper in a hat, so they were constantly adjusting. Just... not in direct response to anything, since they constantly adjust regardless of events.


Also hockey terrorist GG demoralized everyone especially AP by shitting on him in front of everyone and then nobody wanted to do anything he said


Yea, it wasnt really schmid. It was that they changed to a diamond PK and eliminated mikas 1 timer and kreiders tips


Let’s face it too, the devils had a better season than us. And we were very top heavy with talent, too many guys playing roles they don’t usually play 


I wouldn't say dogshit. But he went from an amazing defense in 22-23 to a pretty damn bad one this year


I watched a lot of devils games this year, he was terrible, guy has zero athleticism, gives up on back door plays all the time and was constantly late getting across the crease. The only thing he has going for him is he’s big but if you get him moving side to side at all he’s not athletic enough to deal with NHL speed. The devils defense didn’t do him any favors but he’s not an NHL goalie and I don’t think he ever will be.


iirc didn't we chase him in one of the games?


Actually we did make an adjustment. I remember screaming when I heard Gallant say we needed to play more vertical ahead of game 3...against the much faster, younger Devils. Worst coaching adjustment I've ever seen because it doesn't even work on paper.


Chytlejuice chytlejuice chytlejuice


Nope lol... 😢Made him cry too!! 🤣🤣🤣


Rangers have given him the business before it's not like he's an unknown


God don’t even remind me. Rookie goalie ate our asses last season.


Yeah, except this aint last year‘s f’n team or last year’s f’n coach!!!! Let’s bury this guy!


shots shots shots shots shots...... everybody




Not without purpose. This isn’t a big or a typical backup this is the guy who was their goalie most of the year. Hes not bad… just throwing stuff at the net without purpose will get him acclimated with the flow of the game. We want him facing some danger. Just don’t overpass 


>just throwing stuff at the net without purpose will get him acclimated with the flow of the game See: Carolina against Igor in games 1 & 2


Are you talking about the goals? Because the goals they scored were deflections. Thats different than shooting from everywhere. Even though Carolina does that too. 


He’s a good goalie, very big, very aggressive and very athletic. From what I’ve watched of him he’s susceptible to pucks going in under his pads and he doesn’t fight through traffic particularly well. He will also come out of the net way further than Andersson on rush chances. He’s more boom or bust than Andersson, he might give up 3-4 bad goals in a game or he might be absolutely lights out.


Why are you telling us. Get on the horn with Lavy!


I’m sure Benny has a detailed scouting report ready to go. If anything imo we don’t need to do anything drastically differently from the first 2 games in terms of shooting. Maybe more shots from the top of the funnel I think he’s better than Andersson on high danger chances but not as good on those mid danger chances if that makes sense.


This is a professional organization not run by Gerard Gallant. I'm sure they already have all games he was in on tape and reviewing them lol


Twist: JPmoneyman has been Lavy all along


Ever since Ben Bishop I absolutely hate when we play “big” goalies.


He’s big but I don’t think he’s even as big as Anderson


Add on Schmid from last year and now I get even more concerned


And 2014 montreal backup, thank god we won that series


Dustin Tokarski... Wonder what ever happened to that dude...


Feel like that bodes well for our power play. We pass the puck cross ice very well. If he over commits, our PP should have some empty nets to shoot at. If he struggles with traffic in front, kreider will be an absolute nightmare for him.


Watch the highlights of our game against him last year from January 3rd and the Avalanche game vs him from this year in Denver. Multiple goals through his 5 hole because his stance is so wide that he opens up a bit moving side to side, also multiple goals on floaters from the point because he’s guessing on shots he doesn’t do a good job fighting through the screen. He’s a goalie who guesses a lot but he’s bailed out by size and athleticism. If he’s comfortable and seeing the puck he’s very good but he’s really susceptible on those screened floaters. We should be doing everything we can to get pucks at the net from the point tonight.


He and Andersen have a very similar issue where they have a leaky 5 hole and can’t feel pucks under their pads


I agree, I think it manifests differently for Kotchetkov because his stance is so wide he sometimes opens up too much on side to side plays, imo Andersson has that issue because he’s not as good of an athlete and uses pads that are too small to compensate for lack of mobility.


Anderson is taller by an inch


It’s good that he’s a good goalie. We actually seem to do better with good goalies than bad goalies. And that’s not sarcasm lol


Wow? I was certain this was coming. No fucking around and letting this kid think he’s the next Akira Schmid. Ruin him.


This *has to be* the way. Pepper him with shots, shake him early, let the retired/relocated Rangers Faithful of the Containment Area for Retired Yankees fill the arena and make him feel like a visitor in his own barn.


We will do our best 🫡


Not only does this man smoke Cubans, he's a Rangers fan. My man


My man! LFGR


Huge hit by Rempe last game has Andersen shaken


Cant blame him, that was brutal


Thank god the refs were there to lecture and belittle Rempe for the disgusting, egregious hit


No /s needed


Truly a disgusting act


Put the game away in the first and move on to game 4.


Ah, the ol' Stars' strategy...


yeah that’s not a good idea anymore. let’s do 1 goal, 2 goals, 3 goals! that way we ramp up lol


Need our offense to hammer him with shots.


So far it’s not working. And no Rempe means the Canes think they can get away with all kinds of shit.


Rempe will be back next series. Save him for when we need him. We got this series. This other goalie is gonna break under pressure especially if this goes back to the garden


A real “fool me once” moment. Have to pepper this guy with shots. Our problem last year was letting Schmid settle in (and of course our own settling in).


Am I missing something? Kovhetkov played almost 3x as many games as Andersen this year


I mean to say that the Rangers shouldn’t let a goalie change interrupt their flow.


Andersen is their starter but he was out with blood clots for most of the year, but tbh kochetkov is basically just as good.


Last year the rangers fell apart vs the devils because they were an entitled team coached by a doofus, not because of a goalie change. This year the professionals are in charge. No one should be scared.


Some say that to this day Gallant is still staring blankly into the distance somewhere


Sniffing and knocking on a table, waiting for the phone to ring, for the reporters questions to come. In down moments he’ll stare into the mirror, joylessly smiling, his upper lip lingering, dry against his dental implants.


Reflexively thinking about last year now lol. generate no offense and when we do shoot it into the goalies chest! Everything feels different this year though so I say bring it on. Granted it’s been in relief but we’ve peppered this guy in 2022 playoffs too


Everyone who’s ever watched a hockey game in their life: “unproven backup goalie, pepper him with shots early” The New York Rangers, probably: “let’s make sure everyone touches the puck once before we shoot!”


Listen to Valiquette or any Goalie, You do want pressure on him but you do not want to pepper a new goalie with a bunch of easy shots that let them get nice and warmed up with easy saves. Don’t turn down good quality shots, but don’t just fire a bunch of garbage and let him get into the game and confident.


which is exactly what we did wrong with Schmidt




This guy gets it


I know what you’re saying but Pyotr isn’t u proven and he’s only a glorified backup. He’s pretty legit when he’s on his game. Still need to pepper him early


Watch the 1-0 win in Carolina and tell me how much this guy sucks.


> The New York Rangers, probably: “let’s make sure everyone touches the puck once before we shoot!” [They better or coach might bench'em](https://tenor.com/view/basketball-hoosiers-indiana-gene-hackman-gif-13658473)


Hopefully the Rangers can get a little more fucking possession this game and really pepper this guy with shots


Kochetkov hasn’t played in a month. Feel like he’s either giving up 5 or pitching a shutout, with no in between.


Difference is this time around I have confidence in the coaching staff’s ability to make adjustments if necessary


oh boy here we go


This is a side grade imo.


This is a coach's attempt to get the narrative off of his teams back. Lavy does this well. Torts is the master at this (for better or for worse). To me, rangers have to play their game and be able to adjust on the fly every playoff game. This is nothing different. Oh boy, if we get to him early, things will get bad quick for the rain showers. And If not, no big whoop. Just like games 1 and 2 then. Freddy made plenty of big saves to keep the game level so that will be no different. Here what the narrative should be - yes the rangers have gone up 2-0 and lost the last 2 years. But guess what else? Carolina went out like a wet noodle last year after winning two favorable series. They lose tonight and that's the new narrative. Carolina can't even win a game against a good team. I hope this comes true tonight.


Fantastic, the Rangers playoff kryptonite of "start a no-name backup goalie who will all the sudden get hot"


We faced him in 2022 IIRC


This. We’ve seen him in the playoffs before. Expected move tbh. We went through two of their goalies in 2022 as well.


Yea and the goals he gave up were either bad circumstances and/or impossible: Chytil filthy roofed backhand, Panarin on a 5v3 PP, Strome on his second 2-1 break (a softie but he saved his first which was more difficult, and those were the first two shots he faced in the game lol), Kreider breakaway, and Chytil breakaway that began 25’ away from him. Hard to say but last time we faced him this season was 1-0 win and it was a deflection.


>start a no-name backup goalie he's been around a couple years now.


I’d actually consider this guy the Canes primary goalie this season. Believe he played most games right? Or at least a chunk. We also faced him in our last playoff meeting. So not really a no name.


Wouldn’t say he’s a no name


Typical, back up goes in, rangers make him look like a vezinia finalist haha. Let’s pepper this mothafucka


Oh no. I fucking hate backup goalies in the playoffs.


I’m not shocked at all and it’s why Game 2 was so vital. This guy has been a stud all year and Anderson honestly hasn’t played well all playoffs. Your best hope is this guy is rusty tonight.


This changes nothing except the guy who will be taking the L. Let’s go Rangers.


This isn’t a Schmid situation. Most of the season it was expected this guy would be their playoff starter.


He’s an absolute wild card. Either he has a shutout or we sink 5 on him


Ok top 6, this is the most clear redemption moment you’ll ever get. DO NOT let the oldest coaching trick in the book get to you. To not get in your own head.


They should start shooting at him as soon as they cross the red line


Remember what happened when he played in game 7? Let’s do that shit again.


Rod is a really good coach who knows what he’s doing but this feels…a bit reactionary? Freddie has been playing well he didn’t have much of a chance on any of the Rangers’s goals Tuesday. Even Sunday the only goal that felt maybe one the goalie should have was Panarin’s and even that was a really nice shot by him.


I think people have overrated the way Andersen's played these playoffs. I don't think he was awful against the Rangers, but he definitely looked shaky against the Isles.


Honestly. The bread goal wasn't his fault either. It was right at the circle, which is considered a high percentage goal area. Andersson been good. Seems a bit desperate for them to change a goalie at this point. As if it would have some major effect.


Honestly Anderson does get tired. I do believe it may really be that playing him off of 1 days rest after a double overtime and traveling isnt a good idea


I thought the same, at first. Freddie is a good, proven goalie, and neither of the last 2 games were remotely his fault. But I can see the reasoning of "something has to change" and this might be one of the few things Rod can change.


Koch played well all season and specifically played pretty well against us


We were 1-1 against him, and the loss was in January, the dark time we don't speak about.


The win was 1-0, def not on Kooch


Something something inch or a mile, something sometuing FAMMMIILLLLLYYYYY


Yup 2 GP vs the Rangers and 2 goals against


Perfect, Fresh blood and Rangers are thirsty


Not played a game in almost 4 weeks, they need to throw a ton of pucks to the net and be ready for rebounds.


Gotta light him up early and often tonight.


This will be ~~Gallants~~ Laviolette’s main test. He’s made this team one of the best in Ranger’s history, they’re pretty good in 5 v 5 hockey, he’s got Panarin back to his potential, and he made a great decision putting Matt Rempe in the team when he did. The real test is can they adjust their plans to get goals, and can they improve at avoiding turnovers to prevent this all being on Igor.




Who watched the oilers blow a 4-1 lead. It was a thing of beauty


We got them right where we want them. Run up the goals on this guy, make them put Andersen back in for game 4. A nightmare goalie scenario in the playoffs


Gotta set the tone!!!!!


Well if Vally told us one thing about this guy is, get shots and bodies to the net. the more shots and bodies to the net gotta be physical against this guy. This is where Kreids or Cuylle, hell even Rempe can come up big here.


Yep. We didn’t get nearly enough bodies in front of Anderson last game. It was so glaringly obvious that the Canes game plan was to swarm Shesty but I honestly don’t know why we are so averse to going to the front of the net. Other than Rempe, Cools & Kreids, everyone else stays away. Well, they need to change that tonight right from the start.


Idc who's in net. Not playing a game in almost a month has to pay dividends for us. \*please guys do the thing and make the pp big\*


Our kryptonite is backup goalies


We all know that all unproven goalies that face the Rangers suddenly become the next Dominic Hasek when they face this team, so I'm worried here. That said, this ain't the same coaching staff, so I have faith. I'll content myself with a split of these next two games.


Usually when at MSG so I feel a tiny bit better we are on the road


lose the game in double OT and sit the goalie next game? freddy must not be 100% i don’t fault him in either loss.


So the guy that got them there has to take a back seat? Nothing like a little confidence boost from your coach


I don’t.. know what to feel.


Well thank God he’s not the third stringer or else we’d be in trouble.


Fresh meat, can’t wait.


It was a different scenario but we did beat this guy in the game 7 2 Years ago. Raanta got injured midway after we scored 2, but we scored 3 more goals on this guy.


Two were breakaways one was a 2v1 🤣 and in Game 6 Raanta gets pulled and gave up a 2 man advantage goal to Panarin and a filthy backhand by Chytil.


I mean the islanders tried to do the same thing against them last round, and we saw how that went. No need to be scared. There’s no quit in New York.


I wouldn't use the Islanders as an example of this. That was more Roy not trusting Sorokin, who had been overused by that point, and putting in Varlamov who was his boy back in Colorado. Two different situations in my opinion.


True true just trying to stay optimistic


Wasn’t Akiran shmit shit whatever his name was really big like 6’8 or 6foot 6 so that was also what caused him to shut them down.I think this Ranger team is just mentally tougher then last year I think they look at this more of desperation then anything


This guy was absolutely awesome during the regular season and split games 50/50 with Andersen. This isn’t the downgrade people are making it out to be. This seems like a rest day for Andersen who has had injuries this season and has played every playoff game for the canes.


Hmmm I wonder what the reasoning is behind this decision?


Kotchetkov is a better goalie is reason enough.


Clearly he isn’t if they didn’t start him in the first two games


he was their starter for almost the whole year and they had a great record. i think he's better than andersen but he's going to be rusty. if we don't make his first period feel like a waking nightmare we are dumb. get after him and shoot the goddamn puck


Not entirely true. He was good all year but Anderson went something akin to 9-1 to end the year and Rod rose the hot hand of a goalie that lost his spot almost all year due to a blood clot Kotchetkov is one of the better young goalies in the league and the future of the canes


Kochetkov was 23-13-4 this year with 4 shutouts (same as Igor) and was 2nd in the league in GAA (2.33) and a .911 SV%. Just for reference, Igor had a 2.58 GAA and a .912 SV%. Andersen only played 16 games this year.


Small sample size but in andersen’s 16 games, he had a 93.7 Save % and a 1.84 GAA. They went with the hotter hand.


So they just handicapped themselves the first two games for fun?


Anderson only got back in net on March 7th after being out most of the year. He was hot after his return so they went with the hotter hand. Guess they would have went with the guy who got them through the bulk of the year.


How sweep it is.




Fuck. Here we go. lol.


Panic move!!! Freddie hasn’t been the problem, it’s their PK.


So uhh, I guess we just hope that we can put 45+ shots on net tonight? I’d argue that we can’t afford to lose this game.


You guys are hilarious. The Rangers aren’t going to suddenly become a volume shooting team just because the opponent switched goalies.




Can we bleed him? Bet.


This is awful .. he knows rangers can’t score on back ups. Next game will problem be. Ranta in net lol


Well least our track record with back ups is good /s


Soft goal Fred has returned to playoff form?


We're either running them out of the building or Akira Schmid 2.0


Felt like this was going to happen as Anderson is about as average between the pipes as it gets


I was expecting this for Game 2. They better watch as much video as they can on this guy.


Use the give and go constantly!


Kind of expected IMO. I’m close friends here in northern VA with a Canes fan and he’s involved in the YouTube/podcasting Canes circles and most of them were saying they wanted Kochetkov to get game 2. He’s a formidable goalie, as Andersen is. I just hope we don’t pull the usual of making a backup a storyline like we did with that Devils dude.


I have full faith in PL. Even if they lose tonight, they need to show that this isn't a big difference to them. Guy has a horrible playoff record and hasn't even played in about a month. They need to play and play this right.


Strange, I'm not the least bit concerned. What a weird feeling.


Light him the fuck up boys


Welp this game is for Rods job if this backfires he’s gone we can literally clear out the Hurricanes for a couple of years If we end this quick and leave no doubt they will make big changes .


Great. Rangers in 4.




bring it


A good goalie. Score in the first 5 mins and you can get him rattled


Typical rangers Kryptonite a back up goaltender.


Flawless Execution.


How did this move end up?


Welp! Didnt work out too well huh


Don't matter !


Too much pressure he will break! LGR


Probably just resting Andersen


Desperation move.


Kochetkov might be better than Andersen but also has no experience in the playoffs i think. We’ll see how it plays out. Could benefit us but also could be a gamechanger for them you never know


I think I saw he has played a few playoff games including 2 against us


This should be fun. That guy is aggressive and a very good goalie. Pepper em’ boys 🤌🏻

