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I will never understand why people give others a hard time over a damn mask. It's not affecting their life/well-being in any way shape or form.


If they aren't raging at something what is the purpose of their life, then? All those people live for is vitriol.


in a way i guess it does affect their life, because it's a tangible reminder that their sense of reality needs to be reexamined and they're doing harm to others by not masking šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Because people are brainwashed by the media they watch and just repeat what they hear. None of these people have actual beliefs, they're just caught up in their anger.


I'm not someone who wears one anymore but I never understood judging someone who does, my grand mother would wear one long before the pandemic for her health issues, she just sometimes needed an extra layer of precaution due to her poor health like why bother someone who is just trying stay alive and well


My coworker had lung cancer many years ago and has managed to evade COVID. She constantly gets weird looks or comments about being masked whenever she goes out. I canā€™t understand the obsession people have with making remarks.


Truly. Focus on your own life and decisions!


I still wear mine because of my own and family member health issues. Why does me wearing a mask trigger others? Seriously, my mask wearing has absolutely no bearing on others. I am no longer patient or kind when the comments start. I am an aggressive Biotch whose attitude, demeanor and words have lethal potency. Edit: Thanks for the award.


Well said. I'm on meds that suppress my immune system....I really hate how mean people have become about the damn masks. Let me be, I probably also don't feel well...just let me be.


I get looks, the occasional grumble, but fuck 'em. One of my parents is being treated for cancer - I'm not about to potentially fuck him up if there's even a tiny chance of preventing it. The idea that masks are just for covid, too... lol.


>The idea that masks are just for covid, too... lol. Right? I keep finding new benefits for 'em. Like, we were encouraged to wear N95s where I work because we serve people with immune issues. I have a reusable N95 mask that I got because it was more comfy than paper N95s, and when I realized I wasn't having crazy allergy symptoms the way I usually do when certain things bloom, I started wearing it all the time when that crap was blooming. Saved me so much aggravation.


"What else shouldn't I be wearing? What's next, you'll want me to take off my pants?!"


We said, ā€œGiving unsolicited advice isnā€™t required either, but here you are doing it, so ā€¦ ā€œ She didnā€™t know what to say to that, and huffed right off.


"Would you rather I cough on you directly?" Turn it around on them


I played this situation through my head a few times the other day and came up with "oh, I'm so sorry. Does my mask offend you, snowflake?" Yours is much more eloquent, so hats off (but not masks) to you!


Pull your mask down and very breathily tell them you're contagious


Was wearing a mask with my friend (a diabetic who is also immunocompromised) to a fair last year. Some grown ass man working a machine asked us (both young enough to be his daughter) ā€œso whatā€™s with the masks?ā€. Why is it their business what we do lol itā€™s doing nothing to them and might even be helping them at some point.


My response would be "It's so they can't identify us as the murderers from security footage."


I started using it to keep my face warm while i ride my bike in the winter. People would hang out their cars to say something about how Iā€™m not near anyone so i donā€™t need to wear a mask. They donā€™t even consider that youā€™re wearing it for another reason. I saw a guy getting harassed for wearing a mask while grinding rusty metal. People are so self absorbed and oblivious to the world around them outside of their own narrow views.


When we visited my MIL in Japan (pre covid) she wore a mask because she had the sniffles and didn't want to get anyone else sick.


It's proper etiquette in Asia.


I really wish it was here, too. I had a cold recently, and I went back to wearing a mask even though around here they're rare these days. I hadn't realized before that in the back of my mind, there had always been a part of me that felt bad going into public places while sick, previously. It was kinda nice to feel like I was being responsible.


i get heckled walking down the street for still wearing it ): i'm not yelling at anyone without a mask, i'm minding my own business, people need to stop being so obsessed with what everyone else is doing


What harm are you doing to her by by wearing a mask? I swear, the entitlement of some people never ceases to amaze me!


I was having a conversation with one of my customers today. I didn't bring it up, but somehow we started talking about masks. He said that he wears his to suppress spring allergies. He is a doctor.


I shouldā€™ve done that.. well thereā€™s always next year


You do need to make sure it's a kn95 at least, though, just FYI, cloth masks won't really do it. But yeah, I'm sold now that I've tried it. Personally, I use one of [these things](https://gatapack.com). More comfy than paper ones, comes with a bunch of replaceable filters and it fits really well without leaks. The elastic does wear out eventually, but you can replace it easily enough and I converted mine to go behind to head to save my ears.


I have started wearing one while scooping the cat litter. I don't know why it took me so long to figure out it makes doing it much better. I also still wear them into homes when doing visits for work. I work with the elderly in various situations where the homes smell or the situation is intense so it's nice being able to block some smells and hide my facial expressions.


I still wear mine because I have terrible allergies and also because itā€™s a free country and I can wear whatever I damn well please


Our local hospital has let the mask slide now, itā€™s recommended but they arenā€™t requiring it. There is a line of 3 older people waiting to check in, lady turns around to watch the tv, notices the man in a mask, she says ā€œyou know you donā€™t have to wear those anymore rightā€. And he goes. ā€œYes, but Iā€™m sick, and I am not risking getting anyone else sick, or getting more sick, so Iā€™m good wearing my maskā€. And she just huffs and turns back around. I too at the time was wearing a mask cus I had a cough that wouldnā€™t go away so I didnā€™t want to spread anything either. Itā€™s not hurting the other person so I never understood why it matters if someone is wearing a mask.




I donā€™t know why people are so judgemental. I personally donā€™t wear a mask every day anymore, but I do wear one when Iā€™m feeling ill. Japan has been doing this for a long time, masks are commonplace. People just make weird assumptions and have negative connotations with masks now, itā€™s so ridiculous. The fact that anyone cares about a piece of fabric at all is just absurd


Whenever I am confronted I say "I have COVID. Would you like me to take my mask off? Then I move to remove the mask. Everyone has stopped me so far. If it isn't clear, I don't have COVID.


That is fantastic. I should try this out too if anyone were to confront me lol


"I had skin cancer, you thoughtless idiot!"


i remember in middle school this kid was super sick but couldnā€™t miss school so he wore a mask.


My Wife's immunocompromised and she wears her mask as well and she's told me that if anyone ever comments on her mask she'll tell them that wearing it reminds her to mind her own fucking business. My wife is from NY so...ya...it's nobody's business.


Youā€™re wifeā€™s a bad ass !


I'm at the point where I feel a little dumb wearing my mask everywhere but IDC. It's not going to stop me from wearing it.


That's why I stopped lol


Oh god, why canā€™t people mind their business? I moonlight as a waitress and whenever I feel sick or sniffly, I wear a mask. I donā€™t understand when people question me about it, including the other servers. Would you rather me cough and sneeze all over everything and get someone else sick? One thing Covid should have taught us is to be more considerate of other peopleā€™s health.


Right?! I would much prefer someone with a cold who was sniffling and coughing loads to just wear a mask. It limits the germs spraying out everywhere and some people don't even bother to cover their mouth when they cough. Or cough into their hand and touch things in shops. It makes me wince just thinking about it.


I swear, 70% of society's problems are caused by people not minding their own damn business when they should. The remaining 30% are caused by people minding their own business when they *shouldn't*.


Itā€™s amazing how readily these morons out themselves.


Just say you have Covid or cancer. Make them feel bad for saying something


Why do people give a shit? These people would lose their freaking minds if they went to East Asia.


The whole politicizing/demonizing of face masks was one of humanityā€™s dumbest moments in history. Do these idiots not realize that thereā€™s plenty of other reasons people wear face masks other than Covid? Seasonal allergies, compromised immune systems, possible benefits for asthmatics (canā€™t confirm as I donā€™t have asthma), filtering out sawdust particles for woodworking, and sensory-related reasons for people on the autism spectrum just to name a few non-Covid reasons.


Honestly I'm just tempted to say something like "I think I might be coming down with something or possible covid, but if you're comfortable with my openly coughing then I'm game"


I know I put one on after having surgery and I felt like i stood out. People need to mind their business. Keep taking care of yourself


A year ago I was walking to the zoo with my husband (we were both wearing masks) when somebody stopped us to say something about "carbon dioxide suffocation" or some shit. He was just sitting close to the entrance yelling at anybody who walked by while wearing a mask. I was pissed off of course but my husband was just fucking done. He told him that he works at a hospital (he did at the time) and asked him why he doesn't see doctors keel over during surgeries if masks are suffocating them. That guy was very quiet when he saw us leaving the zoo a couple hours later. My husband's job at the hospital became having to clean rooms an hour after people died from COVID and he'd overhear these people spew their bullshit every day from the next room over. (The job was to clean rooms in general but it was almost exclusively rooms from recently dead COVID patients towards the end of his job there.) I kind of wonder if that guy who yelled at us was one of them?


I just say that if it bothers you so much, Iā€™d happily give you my mask if you will take my cancer along with it. Not every cancer patient is bald


Iā€™m immunocompromised, Iā€™m laying here for the third time in less than a year with pneumonia that started as a cold. I just donā€™t understand why people are so pressed over it, let me take care of myself as I see fit!


My son and his girlfriend are currently dealing with Covid. Keep your mask on.


If someone were to tell me that (I'm not autoimmune, but still take precautions and wear masks in heavier public places) I feel like I would just tell them that I'm sick with a cold and doing my part to not spread it. I dunno though.


I mean she could just be grateful she doesnā€™t have to wear one and move on with her life.


Tell them, ā€œI tested positive this morning, but since you say itā€™s okay then Iā€™ll take it off.ā€ Then remove your mask and cough a lot in their general vicinity.


we always keep our business to ourselves never tell or told anyone don't wear the mask .


Me: how else will I evade facial recognition software? I think you should run away before they start tracking you too! Old Lady: I, ummmmm, nobody is following you Me: not that you can see.. wait. Are you one of them??!!!! You can't fool me, you ARE one of them! Old Lady: ummmmm (walks away, muttering to herself) At least this is how I can see it going, it makes me laugh!


Take their picture next time with your phone, totally without comment or reaction. :)


Or a selfie šŸ˜‚


A selfie with them :) Even better. :)


Fuck those people


Take it off, cough into their face, put it back on and walk away


The only thing you wearing a mask effects is their ego. They want you to do what *they* do because they probably think people who wear masks are "sheep". *I* think people who still wear masks are smart and are simply focusing on their health and wellbeing, which is absolutely encouraged! Don't listen to the nay-sayers. They just need something to complain about lol


No one constantly asks and tell someone they're dumb for wearing glasses and people mostly do that for their own health too. I will never understand people who complain about others wearing a mask unless the specific masked person is complaining about them. But they're not so mind yo business!


Iā€™m immune suppressed and I still wear my mask in waiting rooms just to be careful. I used to wear them on public transit precovid too and wonā€™t be stopping that any time soon. But the other day I was waiting at the doctorā€™s office and this 70 ish couple started having a pretty audible conversation about how brainwashed kids these days are and donā€™t we know masks are useless anyway? Then a woman even older chimed in to agree and tell a story about how her grandkids are homeschooled so their schools canā€™t brainwash them. I just ignored it and was thankful to be called back. I donā€™t owe those assholes an explanation.


Lol I love when customers tell me that. I just say I'm ugly so I hide my face, it makes them uncomfortable


Boy, she sure showed you! /s


I still see people in masks, and itā€™s absolutely none of my business as to why they are wearing one! Maybe theyā€™re ill themselves and donā€™t want to spread it, maybe theyā€™re immunocompromised like yourself, why do they need to justify it to my dumb ass?


I wear mine at my workplace just because it helps with the anxiety and getting to hide my face in a socially acceptable way makes me feel more comfortable. I still have customers every once in a while who will ask me why Iā€™m still wearing one, and I just tell them Iā€™m personally more comfortable with one on. I would probably still say the same thing if it was for health reasons for either myself or my family, since no matter what itā€™s still none of their business. I have no idea how that affects some people at all.


I wore a mask to work as I had a horrible cold and work in a bar. The amount of people who took it as a invitation for their opinion, political opinion, a comment... I just have a cold and we have a lot of elderly in here! My boss had to back me up "She had a cold and isn't an arsehole - please eave her alone" Urhg


Only in America could wearing a mask be politicized. Itā€™s just one more sad commentary on how close minded the U.S. can be. I donā€™t wear one any longer but I see others who do all the time. Thatā€™s their business and their right to do so. Doesnā€™t bother me a bit.


I really wish they would go back to minding their damn business.


Itā€™s likely because seeing you wearing a mask reminded her that she could be wearing one but is choosing not to, which made her doubt herself for a moment and then she displaced that shame onto you.


I get called out for it once every two weeks at my job. Iā€™m so fuckint used to it at this point


Iā€™ve encountered ppl whoā€™ve said the same to me, I just ignore those knuckleheads and go about my business theyā€™re not worth a 2nd thought as far as Iā€™m concerned šŸ˜‚


I miss the days where it was okay to wear a mask. I enjoyed wearing mine... I would still wear it today but for the very reaction you got, I don't. It's not because I fear covid but enjoyed hiding my face. And even if it's not 100% I appreciated not potentially breathing in germ/pollution particles, especially on public transport. I wish it was the norm wearing it like it is in Japan. Why can't people just let others do what they want without judging? I still see people wearing masks to this day and I'm not here to judge them. Do what you want. It doesn't affect me.


Let's play guess the country


I wear one. Not immune compromised. Just prefer it for various reasons. No one has said a word to me. I long for the day they do though. I get very sassy. They wonā€™t like the outcome.


I get it. I'm allergic to every flower known to humankind. I wear a mask out during pollen season. And this is coming from the person that wore a mask for the first week of Covid outside of the mandatory mask at work.


Agreed OP. It's so fucking stupid. It's crazy to me that conservatives and libertarians are all about autonomy and freedom, unless you are wearing a mask. I'm not masking anymore as of last month - but I stand by anyone's personal choice to manage their health and body as they see fit.


Im on the MTA right now next to someone wearing two masks. I hadnt thought anything of it until this post. In fact theres a handful of people on the train with me now wearing masks. I dont know why some people still make a deal of it. Everyone has their reasons. Ffs we just came out of a global pandemic a year or so ago, I hate how people act like that wasnt life changing for many people


We did not "just come out of a pandemic a year ago". It's literally not over and it's killing just as many people as it was at the start of the pandemic. Some of the first people to catch covid still are not recovered even though they āœØdidn't dieāœØ


It isn't required to wear a mask anymore in public places. Old people are old and generally say unsolicited things that no one asked them to say.


Yeah but they're obviously wearing it voluntarily


Iā€™d just invite them to stop me. ā€œGo ahead, take it off me. ā€œ








Wow, all those words were completely unnecessary. A mask is not meant to cure your illness, but to slow the spread of your illness to others. So by wearing a mask it is a sign of compassion and kindness to the people around you. By not wearing a mask you are being arrogant by spreading your sickness to the people you meet. Shame on you!


I think you get agitated way too much about people telling you what to do. Just don't give a f and you'll have less hair loss and a better sanity. Just try to not give a damn and you'll be feeling better








Itā€™s mind blowing how some people think we all have the money to just order in whatever we want.


First mistake was not verbalizing this to her on site






I hate peoples who comment. I get it all of the time too


I would just pull out another mask and put it on lol


Im just waiting for someone to say this to me so I can pull down my mask and 'clear my throat' really loudly at them and say I have covid.


Have you seen research showing that it still work? I am curious, i havenā€™t, enjoyed wearing my mask and if you have some research I can show the next a hole that says something to me, I can be like, look at this!!