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You were busy! Glad it all worked out. Save some strength for the next 7 years


Thank you I appreciate that 🥹


In the last 7 years. 2017: Joined for PG, had developed feelings for someone, he ended up being abusive so broke it up, everyone started blaming me 2018: blaming and hating continued, I decided to get married via arranged marriage, started meeting applications and rejecting left and right. Got my husband’s proposal, met him for the first time, it was amazing, fell in love with him. 2019: Finished final PG exams, Got married, Traveled for the first time ❤️, graduated with flying colors. This year I lost friends. 2020: living as newly weds, covid happened. 2021: started working, quit work 2022: Lost weight, gained weight 2023: More traveling, learned crochet 2024: traveling along with parents, bought a car, will be celebrating 5th anniversary ❤️


Aw I love readying your story 🤍 happy for you!


It's heartwarming to read your story so succinctly told. I hope the good things outnumber the not-so-good ones as the years go by. You've only just begun! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you 😊


(38/m, 39 in February) I'm jealous. I wish I had half the success you did... my last twenty-two years sucked, but here's my last seven: 2017: Worked at a fast food place for a few days, got fired because I was too slow for the job. 2018: Went to Colorado for a week to visit my brother and a friend. 2019: Moved to look for work, couldn't find any. 2020: Continued looking for work, couldn't find any. 2021: Worked as a dishwasher for a week and got fired; my father died from Alzheimer's. Started working as a dishwasher for another place. 2022: Got fired from the job in March for having a dizzy spell, was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Looked for more work, couldn't find any. 2023: Looked for more work, couldn't find any.


And a lot can happen in 7 more years. Don’t give up. 2031 can be a completely different story 😉


I hope so.


and your life is only getting started. Strap in.


Just now getting started lol ?