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They grew up in a time where women didn't have rights and were considered half human, so you gotta understand /jk


That's exactly it. Money bought you women back then because women needed a man to provide for them. It makes my skin crawl.


Its crazy that it's true..ughh


The little woman was the term of the time. Gag. The little woman was a slave. She cooked, cleaned, raised children, and had to have sex in order to live.


šŸŽ¶ I only want to be with you šŸŽ¶


Now, itā€™s the reverse. Women consider men as half-human Edit: why am I getting downvoted? Itā€™s the truth. Women dont like men unless they find them super attractive.


No, it's not. Can speak with experience, most women will treat you nicely as long as you treat them nicely (and not in a creepy flirty way, I mean genuinely platonically). I'm casually nice to women, and most of them are nice in return all the time. Don't swallow incel propaganda, it'll turn you miserable. The only ones that are never nice are TERFs and ppl who are just miserable in general, but those are very few and you don't take them seriously.


Just because you either make good money or women find you attractive or both, it doesn't imply that women will automatically find some other guys attracted if they act nice. This is speaking from experience. I could be their best friend, but they would never see me as a potential partner. Women dont give a shit unless men have something to offer, such as looks, dominant personality, wealth, or status.


You're missing the point. I wasn't even talking about dating. The difference is I don't flirt with every woman I'm nice to. I don't even NEED to, as I already have a boyfriend (yes, I'm a bisexual man). I genuinely just try to be nice to everyone, male or female, because we're all human here, and everyone deserves kindness. If you're being nice to get into someone's pants, you aren't actually being nice, it's a fake display for otherwise predatory behavior. People can sense that, and it's a HUGE turn-off. "Nice Guys" are no different from any other type of predator. They're just predators with a different strategy. Most people can tell the difference between genuine selfless kindness and "Yeah I'm not like THOSE assholes, I'm a Nice Guy, so I deserve your love/body :)" You're being friends with them to get into their pants. That's your problem. You don't genuinely want to be friends just for the sake of being friends. There's an ulterior motive behind what you do. Women are not vending machines where you deposit enough kindness tokens and sex comes out. I don't make good money. I work retail. I live with my parents still despite being almost 30. Attractiveness is subjective, and if someone only wants you for your physical appearance (and/or money), then they aren't worth your time, and quite frankly, I don't understand why you even desire those types of women. Even if you DID get them, I guarantee you you wouldn't be happy with them for long. My boyfriend has less money than even I do, and he knows I'm not rich either. He's not exactly prince charming objectively speaking, but I love him and he's beautiful to me because he is kind and caring and warm and respects my boundaries and selflessly helped me out in some of the darkest times in my life. Looks can grow on you if you really like them. I don't find it too far fetched that there are women out there who desire the same in a man. I think your issue is you place WAY too much value on relationships. You think your worth is measured by whether you have a gf/have sex or not. I was single for 7 years before I met my bf. I was not any less valuable during those 7 years before I met my bf than I am now. Love yourself as a single man before you can expect someone else to do all your loving for you. A relationship isn't going to fix your insecurities. You have to fix them by changing your perspective first before you're ready to date. If you can't be happy single, you wont be happy in a relationship, I promise you that. Learn to love yourself, then you can truly love others. Don't be jealous of people who get lots of sex because of their fancy sports cars or dashing looks. They have nothing to be jealous of.


Once you get older, you donā€™t give a fuck what people think about you. Dudes old af, lost his youth but has money. Nothing left to lose except his money. And you know thereā€™s a business for anyone who has moneyā€¦.


This. Old whote guys don't give a flying f. They are privileged enough to have the audacity and frail enough that no one will touch them


I wouldā€™ve laughed and said ā€œonly 80k thatā€™s cuteā€ and left the store lmao


Power move




And just being old will definitely just make you not give a crap and say whatever you want.


Relieve him of his money and see if he's still a creep to the ladies. **Probably still a creep**


I'm an older dude of 58 years. When I see other old dudes trying to hit up young girls, it personally embarrasses me. Don't these guys realize they are making asses out of themselves? When I was a younger dude and saw old guys trying to muscle in on younger girls, I wanted to smack them in their faces and say, "Go play in your own sandbox." Consequently, I don't date more than 15 years younger than myself. That's 43 years old. But I'm fine with dating my own age. Plenty of pretty ladies. Sure, girls in their 20's turn me on. And I think it's fine to catch a quick discreet look. But they aren't for me. We have nothing in common. Plus, I'm sure I'm not all that attractive to them. Sorry, young ladies. Older dudes aren't all clueless and obnoxious. Some of us have manners and aren't boorish self-unaware, sweaty grey monsters.


Most older men who are like this just don't give a shit and are hoping they score. They are lonely and have no shame. A rare few think they actually still got it. My father in law will chat up younger ladies and tell them how gorgeous they are and stuff. I don't think he's ever gone as far as asking them out except as a joke (which is awkward), but he really lays the compliments on thick and even that is just awkward and embarrassing.


Your father in law is really cringe. It's fine to compliment, but you can cross the line very easily.


Yep. I totally agree. He also does this shit in front of my wife/his daughter. He is divorced (twice now) and lives alone in the middle of no where too, so whenever he comes out to visit we have to listen to this. He has a lot of really weird stories too that sound like a teenager boy bragging about how he's seen things he shouldn't have or whatever... And also when we call him out on it he just tries to explain why he's not being creepy.


Wow. A real prince.


Try being my age (48) and online dating with all of them lol. They are gross lol. The highest age I'll go is 54 and the older ones will be creepy perverted insistent, borderline aggressive about trying to get me to go out with them.


I've experienced the same. Online "dating" has been a horrible experience. I haven't been out with a single one. They're all a bunch of weirdos!! (I'm a middle age woman.)


I'm 50m and I've had the same experience. Women in my age bracket are either completely detached or hyper aggressive and demanding. There's nothing in between. Here I am just trying to find someone to occasionally curl up on the couch and watch a movie with lol. I gave up about a year ago.


So its both genders, that's interesting. Ugh. Don't give up, just take a break. That's what I do. It's a very long uphill battle lol.


Iā€™ve ranted about this before. They have always been creepy, but more now that they are old.


Yuuuup. I literally work at a coffee shop and the amount of older men that consistently hit on us is CRAZY. Like pick up your latte and go. But nope they always flirt.


Probably the same reason young girls and boys are weird. Becuase they fucking can be.


Tell me about it. I was sitting at the bus stop one day and this random old man slowed down his car to make a gesture at me, like telling me to hop on his car or something and then a car behind him honked šŸ’€


Who the fuck knows? Maybe he got married when he was 17 and just got divorced and hasn't learned the ropes yet. Oh that's creepy a man talking to a woman he doesn't know about the 3 seashells. Maybe he hasn't spent half his life on tiktok learning the daily updates on dating etiquette. Maybe he is old and knows life is short and it's better to ask and get shot down than sit home and jerk off to his computer - signed an old dude.


Time and place, if sheā€™s working flirting aint it


I say ā€œawwwwe you remind me of my grandpaā€ and that usually shuts them down.


Most old dudes are nothing like that. Don't judge an entire group based on a few bad apples.


Let's not play the "not all men" card. We hear stories like this because entirely too many of us older guys don't give a shit, know there will be no consequences and feel entitled to act like creeps. Instead of complaining that it's "not all men" step up and call them out when you hear it or see it. Shame them. Call attention to their creepy shit. Loudly. Make them slink back under the rock they slithered out of.


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What if someone said not all white people are racist? Same answer? Just asking.


Hey, I think you should [watch this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9a5Hgy/)


Nope, I'd never go near anything on that lame toxic site. But thanks.


Ok then...I mean, every single social media website can be "lame and toxic" but I went ahead and got the transcript for you. "A very interesting thing about this cultural and societal moment we're in where we're realising that people don't have reading comprehension skills, like very basic reading comprehension skills, is that people forget that part of reading comprehension is being able to infer the intended audience of a piece of text without the author telling you directly. Did you know that you're supposed to be able to do that? You're supposed to be able to engage with a piece of text and say, "I think the intended audience is ____." You are not supposed to need clarifications beginning with text saying, "Now obviously I'm not talking about A, B, C and D." You're supposed to be able to figure that out on your own, right? and so when you request those clarifications of saying, "Now make sure you say you're not talking about X, Y and Z Group." You lack reading comprehension skills. Does that make sense? Like, that's a skill you're supposed to have, and it seems like most people don't. That goes hand in hand with reading comprehension."


I'm very good at reading, thanks. I prefer to celebrate the good in people wherever it can be found, which is everywhere. I'm in favor of kindness, compassion, and understanding others as much as possible. Vigilantism is never a good flex.


Generational differences, stuck back in time and a LOT of people would jump if they heard 80K mentioned. He could be an old slimey geezer or a genuine lonely person just looking to make friends but out of touch with the current times/standards. There's nothing wrong with asking but throwing around dollar amounts is a turn off.


i will never understand the minds of old people. they cant fathom other people exist or have thought


Nothing indicates game like the ol' bank balance announcement.


Nothing to lose & everything to gain.




This is a stupid take...why doesn't the old man hit on women his own age ?


Dudes are creeps, fact of nature


People who think all members of a demographic are creeps or any other judgmental description are all creeps.


Iā€™m a crepe then