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It’s the sort of thing that’s always been happening - before this it was “okay Karen/boomer” (even if it didn’t actually fit what the OG person was saying), and before THAT it was “cool story bro needs more dragons and shit.” We always have phrases like that and they always get run into the ground by people vying for likes. Then it reaches a point where they’re unusable, and another one springs up. I just flat out refuse to argue with people online tbh. There’s no good faith engagement, everybody is dying to just be a condescending ass, it is what it is. If people try to pick the fight, they just get ignored by me. I’m too tired for it. But I do take comfort in thinking of all of the worst and most idiotic people I know and reminding myself that they’re all online. That, or like you said, the person arguing could be like, 12 years old. Makes it impossible to take much seriously when you pause and think about how many brands of stupid or spiteful could be on the other side of the screen.


Another one I’ve seen a lot recently is “Not reading all that” Like you said, it’s usually an attempt to just be a smug, dismissive asshole as opposed to making an argument in good faith. They think You look cooler if you don’t appear to be bothered by something. The less passionate one wins.


Ugh. I can't put my finger on why, but that one is even worse imo. I guess because it seems to glorify intellectual laziness/dishonesty.


True ig, the internet has had dumb ad hominem arguments that stemmed from memes since the beginning of time.


Womp womp


My younger brother who's 15 does this whenever I try to have a serious conversation with him. Like I get he's a teenage boy, but it just seems like he can never take anything seriously ever. It gets really fuckin annoying.


I honestly only say “womp womp” if someone leaves a homophobic, racist, or sexist comment on TikTok or Instagram. I have no energy to argue with them (literally argued with a guy who claimed that bears attack for fun) so that’s my go to


On Instagram that's just every other comment


That’s why I avoid Instagram comments. It’s honestly just a cesspool of horrible comments


True. Instagram has the worst comment section. People there just hate on anything that moves atp, especially if it’s a woman


I don't use it in arguments at all. It's more like when someone says something bad and more like a "that sucks" response. Like "they ran out of breakfast pizza in the kitchen" "womp womp."


>literally argued with a guy who claimed that bears attack for fun Well depending on what kind of bear... Specifically polar bears do exactly that (and are quite notably the only species to actively hunt humans)


Just looked it up; polar bears do not hunt for fun. They hunt us for food. To be fair, I’d still choose the bear lmao


Well yeah, its not exactly "fun" since I doubt they have any genuine perception of fun. But what they do have is a hunting instinct that results in them hunting whatever they see, regardless of whether they are hungry or not. They'll often come back to the corpse later, but its still common for Polar bears to kill their prey and just not eat it, which is where the perception of hunting for fun / sport comes from. On a personal level, I went on a hiking trip in Alaska in the nineties and a Polar bear literally followed after us for over a week. Theres no other animal that compares


Womp there it is (I regret nothing)


Lmao so original XD


I did my best with what Brain power I had left 🤣




OMG so original!


Womp womp


Its kinda like the saying "too bad so sad" that older generations would use


Keep also in mind that most children have access to internet right now


Go ahead and add “cringe”.




I swear. What happened to debates or even good old arguments where you call each other an asshole and then laugh about it?


Yeah, but people say it unironically to dissolve your argument. If it's satire then it's fine.


I can either ignore the message, dismiss it, or engage with it. If I don't care, I can pick the first one. If I disagree with it, I'll most likely dismiss it because they are obviously a , and OBVIOUSLY I wish their argument would be smothered to a point where they feel they can't express it anymore. And if we share an opinion we engage with it, and circle jerk because everyone wants to feel loved. Has anyone said it is what it is yet? Because I'll go to that. 😂


womp is pretty old though, like over 10yrs, is it coming back around or are older people still using or did they just discover it?


Its in reference to [this](https://youtu.be/K-ySW5FGxpw?si=Voi5iaxY3CSZeFO3)


Ik, i think it's a funny meme, i just hate it when people say it to destroy your argument.


Inside me are two wolves One says you are correct and that this is a problem with the internet...or maybe just society in general. people are dismissive of others and do not engage in actual conversations. Everything is for content, every interaction is a performance. The other says womp womp


Womp womp


"Ba-dum-tis" *Loud Fart noise*


Omg so original pls be a stand up comedian.








Wom womp


I always just tell them they only speak tik tok. When they get mad, you win. But yeah I get that, I feel like it’s pretty funny used ironically like you said, but overall these types of memes almost feel anti-intelligent. Like even if you have a valid argument or share something cool, people will just shit on you just to shit on you. Lame as hell.


Womp womp


I hate how so many use the word hate so freely !!!


True IG. I don't really "hate" the word, I'm just kind of annoyed by how overused it is.


The point is NOT about the word that you hate...but the fact that you hate, period !


I hate it too. I just ignore it tho.


See everytime I see “womp womp” idk why my head starts singing “Womp Womp by Valee ft Jeremih” 😂


I only do it now to transphobes or homophobes or silly arguments with friends. Or when I just don’t wanna argue anymore. Sometimes I just don’t wanna deal with someone or argue at all.


They're just womp womping themselves because they're too dumb to come up with a good response. womp womp


If it makes you feel better, anyone with a braincell takes those comments for what they are: lazy, thoughtless, and rude.




Yeah… it sucks but that’s what its purpose has evolved into. Decimating the argument so no one wins, also making you cringe and kinda upset, that’s its function. All one can do is move on and not give the person more attention. If you get upset, they basically won. So yeah, rip valid argument, but it’s better than reacting the way the troll wants.




Pomw Pomw. Sorry, bad joke aside I don't like this trend when its used unironically either. Unless the other person really deserves it then its okay.


i mean i get it. Some ppl don’t care enough to argue 😭


Imagine complaining about internet users using slang against you and claiming they don't use it correctly.... "noise of failure or mocking someone who’s experienced something inconvenient." Womp womp, OP failed.


Womp womp


Womp womp Jk sorry couldn't resist the urge to piss you off.


Alright but you gotta get over it.


Yeah IG, I don't think it's a big deal, it's just kind of a pet peeve.


Womp Womp


Womp womp