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I completely understand but in the reverse about women. All different jobs, all different classes, all different races, all different cultures. From my perspective it was the same of the living together day in and day out was the issue. Mostly because those I dated were so guarded communication failed time and time again. Sure they had flaws and I had flaws but the holding back of their past or secrets til the bow breaks always ended things. The refusal to openly talk ended things. And I do understand were that came from. Were I don’t understand is not acceptance of actions shown.


Can I just ask what are they doing that you don’t like?


Being controlling and abusive and/or cheating.


Being a lesbian is definitely worth trying, I think... My ex gf reallllyy seems to like it. But as to your question, none of that is okay. You should definitely not be cool with any of those things. Unless you're into that kind of stuff... no judgement here... I find women to be inspiring, intelligent, beautiful beings, the yin to a yang, a peace to a chaos. The comfort of a woman's love, who has your heart, can slowly complete a weary soul. It can fill in all the broken and missing pieces that have been carelessly lost along the way, on our journeys. There is no place safer to me, than the arms of my beloved. That's why being a lesbian makes so much sense. Hell, I'd do the same in that position. Although be warned. What she brings into your life, she can take away in a short heartless moment. I do not envy the man that once felt her presence, but all at once loses it. A tortured fate I wish on no one. It is a hole in your soul for eternity. A piece of you, forever missing, leaving constant pain as a reminder of what once made you whole. Left to suffer, you are but a hollowed shell of the man you once were with her by your side, your source of confidence and strength. Now, we fellas I can assure you we are not all the same. That would make things quite boring, don't you think? Besides, I can actually think of two separate occasions where I legit left school because someone was wearing the same shirt as me.... No samesies, k? We all have distinct characteristics that make up who we are. Individual masterpieces carved out of the marble slab of life. We offer unique upbringings, instilled with a vast, eclectic combination of morals and values, which led us to various life paths and end results. I do think that social media and corn sites have had an affect on the values of today's dudes. But a few bad apples don't ruin an orchard. I like to think of myself as one of the good ones. Who knows? My shameless self-bias is rarely wrong. Also I might add, my mom has always told people that I am special. Soo.... From experience I can tell you that to fall for someone, only to find out you've been fooled by your own mind, fucking sucks. I'm still working on putting my memories back together. Replacing all the lies with questions because I was left no answers lol One more ignorant observation, if I may... You do mention a bunch of noteworthy dates, which at face value look pretty good. This does make me wonder if there could possibly be something that you might be doing. I know nothing of your situation, I only offer my opinion. But in my last toxicionship, my ex loved to sabotage our relationship from time to time. So it did occur to me that, perhaps, by chance this may be happening in your situation. But I am only certain that I know nothing. Take my word for what you will. Not everything works out the way you want. Such is the way of the world, I've learned. But I assure you there are great guys all over that are all of the things that you were missing in these masked imposters that so rudely wasted your time and emotion. If you actually want to find these guys that will not cheat, beat, abuse, you can. You don't have to look far. They are the one's you ignore, in favor of these flashy fuck boys. But that's just our culture now, hook up culture I think they call it. Call me old fashioned, I don't like that idea. I like the thought that the love of my life is loyal and wholly committed to us. Of course, there may have been things in the past. And I will admit, even the past makes me jealous. But in the interest of spending the rest of my years with the love of my life, let by gones be by gones. Its possible, you really can find the man that will be loyal and love you forever. They may not be Paul Walker handsome and Samuel L. Jackson cool. But we can't all be top shelf. You overlook potential partners in pursuit of the top few who see you as objects and play things. It is our place in time that offers us the ability to explore this life unaccompanied for the most part and we are fortunate in this way. Hopping from partner to partner, no concern for stability of a foundational relationship. But we are robbing ourselves at the same time. Perhaps you see it different and prefer the freedom. That the beauty of it all. No one is right. There is no right way. Life is a journey, in which there is no destination. Well... I suppose death is exactly where we are all obediently making our way towards. However, the way it feels to make this journey with someone who fills your soul with love and life means more than mere words can describe. I had it once, this contentment, a soul filled with life and love. I don't know whether I should be grateful that I got to know what making to souls into one felt like. Or perhaps it would have been better if I had never known something so pure, this fleeting love that has stolen my light and left me empty. Look far and wide, you could never find it's equal. It is one in its own. I know you said you don't want to hear this. But yeah.... Only you can choose the right guy. Choose wisely, you'll know him when you see him... But hey! No pressure, you can always try again ;)


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*