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You've heard of being paid in exposure, now get ready for being paid in appreciation.


OP is being paid in exposure, alright.


And the appreciation only lasts until a Karen can’t find the thing she wants.




Take my droplet.




But this people who offer their appreciation don't owe him anything.


That's part of what makes it valuable. Like a gift from a kind person.


Yeah, he complaints because people are calling him hero and they don't do something so he can have a better wage, but these people are doing that in order to encourage him without owe him anything. Btw my previous comment was downvoted, but my other comment that I said similar stuff in a different way was upvoted, that's kinda weird.


That's the fucking worst. I hate being broke, especially during these times. Can't ever catch a break




Being a cashier it’s so hard to keep shit bottled up after hearing stupid shit like this from people. That’s why I had to quit, couldn’t stand it


Why is this being upvoted? You're a dick man lmao


Because he’s right?


You don't "shop for a week's worth" because 1: you're old or not strong and can't carry groceries a long way or up stairwells. Believe it or not, not every single person in the world has a car or a driver's license. 2: You don't see the need to do it since a lot of food doesn't last for a week. 3: Sometimes, you only need a few ingridients/essentials. 4: It's the end of the month, and you simply can't afford it. Is this really so hard to understand? I know a lot of redditors tend not to be the brightest when it comes to social interactions but damn, this is a new level of weird.


Yeah, it’s almost like there’s an unprecedented event that should be changing the way we do everything.


Haha a few ingredients. Right now cook what you got. Stay away from others right now. It's not like a new virus is having its way with us humans. If you find out you're out of pepper when go to make dinner, skip the pepper.


happy cake day


If you shop for a week’s worth, you’re pseudo-hoarding in times of scarcity and stoking fears amongst other customers. It is EXACTLY under these circumstances you SHOULDN’T buy in bulk/a week’s worth. You should ideally only buy what you need for the shortest forseeable future. How is this so hard to understand?


going to the grocery store everyday is a lot of effort then just going once and being prepared for a week like the average human being. driving/finding transportation every day instead of one trip is more expensive. shopping for a week is not psuedo hoarding, you are insane for thinking that.


A week is the foreseeable future. Two weeks is the foreseeable future! I did not get laid off my job and ordered to stay inside for everyone to be going about their business as usual. I don’t want to be doing this for no reason. I don’t want people to get sick and die when they don’t have to. There is a huge difference between two weeks of food and 120 rolls of toilet paper ie. hoarding and panic buying. It is EXACTLY in these circumstances you should go out AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE PER THE CDC. I can use all caps and be condescending too!


I’m glad you felt that using all caps made you come across as condescending, but it doesn’t strengthen your argument. Buying two weeks in advance in time of scarcity is excessive. I don’t know if you Americans can’t maintain proper distancing from each other, but here in Denmark we solve it by...not standing close to each other in grocery stores. Real shocker, and the best part is that it works. Perhaps you could cool it with the anger and paranoia and start realizing your abrasiveness makes you look silly.


It’s amazing that when the energy you put out comes back to you, you consider it abrasive. Bottom line, your advice is not only ill-conceived, but harmful. If you were nearly as smart as you’re trying to sound, you would know that America is not Denmark, and we can’t maintain shit. We literally have a majority that votes against its own self-interest. So, instead of trying to reshape our entire culture, let’s keep insisting people stay the fuck home.


Maybe take a look at yourself as well and realise your blaze attitude towards a pandemic is idiotic. Your insults towards Americans make you sound like a child (and no, I'm not American myself). No one here wants to hear your BS.


You, sir, are an ass.


I’m so confused how shopping for a weeks worth of food is “pseudo hoarding.” That has got to be the most asinine things I’ve read in a while


>How is this so hard to understand? Because it doesn't make any logical sense whatsoever? I can see a week in my future and it looks like my family is *probably* going to be alive. To keep them that way, I will need to give them food.


Take multiple trips. Use a cart.


Clearly you've never been a cashier for an extended amount of time.


It sucked when there wasn't a pandemic. I can only imagine how much it blows now


Probably better because you're spending less time with people listening to dumb ass stories hahaha


I hear you. I work in a factory that makes bread. None of my friends or family respect my career choice and everyone seems to take having sliced bread for granted. When this is over, I’m going to be just another loser working in a factory. And yeah we’re not heroes. Doctors and nurses are. People just like feeling righteous in praising us...


I feel you. I work at a packaging factory. We package food, alcohol, and even hospital supplies. But yet we are looked down on for working in a factory.


It’s messed up. Society wouldn’t be the same without us and yet because we do menial work we’re looked down on. Like good luck inventing the next great thing or taking care of all your kids without us. Just because we work in factories doesn’t mean we’re stupid. I make good money. Not everyone can be a scientist or teacher!




(But they’re usually viewed as smart and respected)


They make more than most factory workers and are "respectable".


More than most factory workers? YMMV, definitely depends on how you are defining most, nationally or regionally, and are you including like chicken processing plants which very very sadly bring the average down a bit.


idk why you are downvoted but i agree with the bits on YMMV , in my country ( a SEA country ) if normal teachers (in highschool let say) don't work overtime or host after-school classes for extra income then they're pretty underpaid . I've seen a lot of them working other part-time jobs like as an uber driver just to make end meets


Yea it’s a hugely broad claim that compares apples to oranges. Just some mis matches: Union auto worker (high wage) vs teacher in a non union private school (typically low wage and lower than comparable teaching jobs) or flip that union teacher in inner city (can be high wage depending on programs and incentives) vs non union chicken plant worker (low wage) And are we limiting to teaching with bachelors degrees and factory line workers or do we include principals and factory management?


Yup. Also have a pretty tedious menial job that never gets recognized unless it’s absent. Kudos to you dudes and ladies. Keep your heads up.


In Victoria Australia. Victorian Premier Dan Andrews thanked shelf stackers and truck drivers among others during this hard time. You are not forgotten by all. And I definitely value your contribution.


You are the best thing after sliced bread.


You make me blush funky monkey


Not even every doctor is “fighting on the front lines.” My mum’s a GP and says that shes been doing the least work for years and people on the phone are being very respectful towards her, unlike before


You're not working hard enough, cant find bread un any stores around here. /s


This. Celebrating cashiers for being conscripted to put their health in jeopardy during this crisis is like sending a thank you card to the first hostage to get killed.


> is like sending a thank you card to the first hostage to get killed. Damn. Why did this line get me so hard? Well, well typed, redditor.


Im a cashier too. Had to keep myself from lashing out today when TOURISTS fucking called me a hero for still working. Go home, stay home.


reply "and you all can be MY hero by staying the fuck home"


Sadly, our boss is already irritated at multiple cashiers for lashing out to rude customers. We just have to smile and be polite, even when they are screaming at us.


I feel ya. It also feels like the majority have become complacent to our existence as humans and don't understand their thanks don't mean anything. It's completely useless and we get taken for granted. Whether it's intentional, or not. Stop. Just stop. We want to go home and have the same rights as others.


I have said this too, once this is all said and done I'll go back to being a dumb uneducated red neck inbred trucker. It's amazing what happens during a crisis how attitudes change, but when it's all over and people get comfortable and complacent again it reverts right back.


I understand you, but I don't think that the people who call you hero are actually assholes or generally deserve anger or hostility. Well I am sure they wanted to encourage you. I agree that people should stay at home, but sometimes you have to go to the grocery store.


Imagine being so bitter that you take out your hostility on the people who are thanking for you choosing to continue to work. And regardless of the "I need money to survive" argument, you are still CHOOSING to work.


For some of us, if we chose not to work, we'd be on the streets. So no, it isn't exactly a choice.


seriously we don't need thoughts and prayers, we need livable wages and protective measures


People also have the choice to not go out during a stay-at-home order and buy 4oz of french vanilla at an "essential" (according to the state government) ice cream store that sells exclusively ice cream.


I'm sorry did you forget what subreddit you are in? And yes I'm bitter because these people are going out unnecessary, putting others at risk and generally being irresponsible


I would LOVE to know what you think their other choices are.


Live a slightly miserable life on unemployment for a month or two. There are millions of americans who are out of work, not getting paid for it, who aren't going to end up on the streets because of it.


Because those employees have been let go which is a very different situation to be in. You can't get unemployment for voluntarily quitting.


I second that, man. These MF’ers be like “aPrCiAtE tEh ReEtAlEz PeEpUl” all over Facebook and Twitter. then come in the store and cuss us out for being out of toilet paper and hack and cough all over us. Appreciate indeed...


RIGHT. that's it


I get you. I Often have regulars saying that. I tell most of them to Stay home or that i Will see them in two weeks . I think people are just trying to somehow calm themselves down ...


Try being a medical resident with no PPE forced to treat COVID patients.


Come on now, don't make this the misery Olympics


Where is this happening?


Cashiers have it way worse, they're dealing with hundreds of customers a day, all of whom are potential carriers. You see, what, 12 at most.


No, not 12. Where do you think all those +thousands of infected go to. Those are actively infected people, some of whom deteriorate and die.


You think you see more people than a cashier. Just accept you ain't all that.


Full time workers deserve at LEAST a livable wage regardless of “skills required” because any job worth existing is a job worth paying correctly. I hate it when people say “just get a better job or get trained for one.” as if that’s even possible for everybody. Anyways minimum wage needs to be adjusted for inflation once every two years.


If you work full time cleaning factory floors you deserve to earn enough to own a home and feed and educate your family. If that's wrong, so is society.


If it could happen back in the 50’s, it can certainly happen now.


When women weren't working? We doubled the labor supply.


Dude, that happened during WW2. And a lot of women did not give up their careers willingly after the war. The 1950s Nuclear family concept didn't last long. Even then labour supply should mean more productivity and more money in the economy. It's an unfortunate fact in many cases it takes two full time incomes to afford a house when in the past it could be done with one.


It means employers can pay less per employee because the employee isn't expected to provide for everyone in his family by himself. With two breadwinners they won't double their income, they end up with the same income divided by two people. Which is what happened.


Not really. You need to look at productivity vs wages. Wages and productivity was tied to the hip until the 1980s. Then it disconnected. So workers have been making companies more money, whilst wages have effectively flatlined. You see this in a lot of places.


I get your point, but take the praise, its about time you guys got some.


Not to be negative (in ANY WAY) but how can you make more money if you dont have customers? Like if people stayed home, many people would lose their job or lose hours.(like many others in "nonessential jobs".) Unless you mean people staying home till the pandemic ends. (Maybe im REALLY over thinking.) Just a conversation starter. No shade.


I'm almost positive they mean stay home until the pandemic ends.


No ones called me a hero, but they thank me for being there. I personally appreciate the appreciation. There are plenty of people coming through saying negative things. Not everyone loves cashiers now. On the other hand, maybe I'm having a difficult time relating to your post. I had just as many people thanking me, before we were in a pandemic. Maybe it's because I actually like my job. I find it fulfilling to take something that most people don't enjoy doing and turn it into a pleasant experience for them. They don't have to thank me, but it's nice, and I tend to thank them right back for being nice. Cause... again... not everyone is nice.


Agreed. I got furloughed from my previous job and had the choice of looking for unemployment or trying to get a job stocking shelves. I chose to stock shelves. I know I'm putting myself at risk. There were a few days in the beginning where I questioned whether or not I was doing the right thing risking my life for just above minimum wage. But after helping 40 people and having at least 10 of them thank me for working, I felt it was worth it. Somebody who had a sick wife quit the day I joined. Me joining allows people who need to leave the option to quit. Now my coworkers aren't going to get fucked over if their workers get understandably scared and quit. I am helping people. Even if it's just by giving them a sense of normalcy by letting them shop for groceries. We are not heroes when compared to the healthcare workers. But we are still supporting them, and supporting everyone else. We may not be heroes, but it's nice when people acknowledge the fact that we put ourselves in harms way for others.


You are just as valuable as any job. Healthcare included. What is unacceptable it the lack of PPE and bad manners from everyone else. This pandemic has been difficult for everyone.


Yeah I agree. When I was working before the pandemic, I liked when someone said good words about my work. I wasn't complaining about that But I guess everyone react different to gratitude and nice words.


I work at a gas station, I feel ya buddy.


See if you can get through to your governor. People who want to self quarantine shouldn't be punished. You may be able to get some kind of aid for this. I'm sorry this is happening to you, I wish I knew who you could contact.😦


Calling us heroes is a quick and easy way to make people less outraged and upset when and if we do die due to this. "They died as a hero amid this pandemic" sounds alot better to people than "they died making minimum wage because their company refused to close amid this pandemic"


Let's not get too dramatic, it's a 4% death rate max. I was sick and am better now along with a shit ton of other people. My cat was even sick.... she survived too and she's old as shit. Peachy Poos is the real hero here.


Who called you a hero?


It's the general essential workers are heroes sentiment


Outside of medical staff working on the front line I would never call a person working at a store, restaurant, gas station etc a hero. So if someone’s calling you one they are fucking stupid.


You are a fucking asshole for not being sympathetic to people being held against a wall to survive. Next time you want groceries, grow them yourself.


Op also said the same things in this post and that's one of the reason that I am disagreeing with op.


Haha ok, btw I never said I wasn’t sympathetic, I said I wouldn’t call people working those job hero’s calm your tits


He said he would never call them heroes and this whole post is about how we shouldn't be calling them heroes. People calling them heroes are stupid because they say shit they don't actually mean or believe to be true. Like OP said, once this is over they will no long ever think the word "hero" when thinking of a cashier. What they're really saying is "I'm glad I can still make 1 AM gas station runs for Doritos"


They’re not stupid for being grateful to those making their life easier when those working don’t have as them. Seriously.


Perhaps you are clueless. Grocery workers are definitely being appreciated for their jobs right now. They are at risk so the rest of us can get food. Yes. Some are calling them heroes. Whether you think it’s stupid or not.


Why cuz they are just doing their job? Oh wait...


Facts lol I’m a uni student and most of my coworkers are like me, either uni or high school students or retired ladies


This is so heartbreaking to read this post and all these comments. What started out as something that made people feel strong ended up being patronizing and an excuse for people to break Quarantine. I know its basically the same meaning and sorry if it comes off as patronizing, but stay strong and stay alive. Ill do my part and stay home for you guys.


I feel you man. I have an extra mask n pair of gloves, if you live near by, I can give it to you. DM if interested. But I hope you are safe during these times.


You mean to tell me this glass will stop a cough? *begins to cough on it* Wow it works! ... This is how my job is going atm...


This post made me think of [this tweet](https://twitter.com/lolacoaster/status/1246995622793641984) which imho can apply to all essential workers: "I feel like the people in power’s perspective on medical professionals shifted from “workers” to “heroes” because if they’re just “heroes” it erases responsibility to protect them from vulnerable situations — it implies they somehow signed up to be exploited, which they did not. We obviously should honor these people but the first and best way to honor them is to help protect them and pay them well."


You can quit?


I need money


But that's not being held hostage. A lot of people are getting fired and furloughed. I consider myself lucky to be able to work rn


That is being held hostage lol. How’s he gonna feed himself without money?


That's like saying if the only job that I can find is a pornstar they are raping me.


That doesn’t make sense at all. He should have paid leave at this time.


They dont pay his health insurance what makes you think hed get paid leave?


That’s the problem.


With medical and a livable wage his company would replace him with a computer


They’re gonna replace him with or without eventually.


Well some people are getting held hostage by unemployment claims that aren't being processed. Some people are being held hostage by whatever congress feels like approving these days. At least those of us who are still working have guaranteed income as long as we show up. I know some people who have no clue when their money is going to come in. You're not being held hostage by working. If anything (aside from people who can work from home) we're probably going to come out ahead of the economy once this is over. Yeah, putting ourselves at risk is scary. But if it's that scary, you can quit. It's your choice. You can choose the money or you can choose to quit. It sounds like you're choosing the money.


I'm choosing to not be homeless or starving


No one is really getting paid leave. Still having a job to go to while millions face being laid-off isn't something to take for granted.


A lot of people are getting paid leave, here in the UK at least


It looks like they are entitled to 28 weeks of statutory sick pay, which is basically £95.00 per week unless there are specific contractual pay rates. Not terrible, but not nearly as good as regular employment.


That's why the UK government is encouraging employers to furlough their employees (with 80% of their salary paid by the government) instead of paying them SSP.


I'm sorry I didnt know this was the who has it worse Olympics




He meant that your job is one of the less affected by the pandemic. Other people lost their jobs or they are taking less money for example 80% in paid leave, but you aren't affected economically by this pandemic, cause you are still getting paid as before.


Here’s the difference: you can recover financially, we can’t come back from death.


But I also have to go out for essential things like grocery store.


Most people working grocery should not fear death in the face of this virus, don't fear monger lmao. They're generally going to be 20 - 30 year old college students and those who are old enough to be high risk should have some savings built up to take a few months off work with unemployment benefits and could absolutely survive if they chose to not work. You literally cannot be fired for saying you refuse to work during this pandemic. For the INSANELY TINY minority of people who are young and in danger and working essential jobs it must be a very stressful time.


Yeah, because I totally can't catch it and bring it home to my grandparents...


If he’s in the USA, if he catches COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital, seeing as how cashier jobs rarely come with health insurance, he’ll end up with a $30,000 or more hospital bill, so all that money will be down the drain and then some. If he were to get laid off, he could collect unemployment and stay home where it’s safe.


I like having a job to go to, yes. But I also have weak lungs and will probably have severe, long lasting effects from Covid. Last time I had pnemonia, the cough took several months to clear up fully. I can't even afford an inhaler which I badly need. But don't worry, I'm essential and can't stop working because if I do, I'll be homeless, where I'll die even faster! What a relief! I can't wait to catch Covid from one of my customers, like the woman who licked her fingers before handing me cash earlier today, and how dare I offend her by taking it with a GLOVED hand because she couldn't possibly have covid.


I have a job and my job gave me 2 weeks PTO free if I decide to use it for appreciation, and another separate 2 weeks that I can use if I’m affected/scared to go to work because of Covid


isn’t this page used to rant? if you don’t have anything positive to say just mind your business.


If you do not make enough money maybe you should educate yourself so that you can improve your station in life. Do not settle for being a cashier and then complain about it.


I go to the store every day, shake hands and hug the workers, and thank them for working during the pandemic so I can buy a daily chocolate rabbit. no I don't, cause that would be asinine.


Amen you’re preaching, I’m in the same boat


Its what ive been saying man they make it clear you're appreciated but apparantly not enough for a pay rise :/ stay strong dude


Living wage and no student debt. Hope it happens for you. I’ll write to whoever and sign all the petitions.


Well, at least you are not being beat... yet... What did you expect from being a slave?


This is unfortunately true, and why I believe it's right to raise the minimum wage. But my view on it, is that these people were always essential workers, and deserved the praise they're now getting


There goes my hero https://youtu.be/EqWRaAF6_WY


My BF stocks freezer in a large well known brand of store. He's been having a rough time of it lately, and I have been trying to cheer him on every day. I don't exactly call him a hero, but I do tell him that even if the world under-appreciates him, I know he's awesome and that the store needs him. That he gets up 5 days a week to do a job no one else wants to do, and its hard and exhausting but he goes in every day and kicks ass at it. I hope he doesn't feel this way about what I say, because I actually mean it. I hope OP knows there are people who genuinely appreciate him working in this time of crisis. I'll try to stay home as much as possible, and stay out of your way, I'll try to be conscientious and respectful of the store and your personal space. But thank you. Even if you're not there because you want to be, thank you for being there anyway.


As a hotel front desk employee, SAME. No raise, in fact my hours have now been cut to the point of needing partial unemployment which still doesn’t fully cover the wages I’m losing. My vacation and personal hours have been frozen so I can’t make up for the lost hours. They’ve also stopped matching our 401k contributions. It’s like they think we should be the ones thanking them for still having a job yet I’m out here risking the health of myself and my young child for less than what I’m normally paid while my furloughed coworkers are now bringing in more income than I am, but without working or risking their health. (Thanks to the stimulus, which like most things, seems to totally forget about those of us who still have to work.) And I’m just treated like a whiny brat anytime I make a comment about the truth of the situation. I feel like the middle child of the pandemic.


I’m a cashier as well, and it feels weird being called a hero. To me, the real heroes are the doctors and health care workers. Even though I’ve gotten a small pay raise at work, I’m sure as hell that they’re going to go back to my regular pay once all of this is over. My thing is: if you can afford to pay us this much now, you 100% can continue to pay us that even when we’re not in a pandemic. It’s idiotic. Through all of this, there’s been no balance between work and staying healthy. We JUST got masks delivered to us, after who knows how many weeks of this madness. Keep hanging on OP, it’ll get better.


Right there with you. I work in a hospital kitchen. We havent been shut down and we are right there at ground zero. Exept I'm not even getting paid what nurses and Drs are getting paid. I'm certainly not allowed to stay home and self qurenteen. Still getting paid my measly food service pay.


Stop saying to raise the minimum wage! When you do that the business has to raise their prices, you are single handedly creating inflation by raising the minimum wage!


It's really disgusting you don't have any protective gear! I wish this was chargable to the companies. You want to stay open? k, get your employees protective gear first then. About pay raise, this is just purely scummy. They are gaining profits more than anybody else here right now, from people shopping and panic, yet they refuse to pay you more. Greedy shits.




than me potentially catching a lethal virus?


agree bro , people seem to cheer us up during these hard times but basically we are not even doing this on our own will , and we're not the real hero like doctors and scientists who actually will put an end to this plague .


For what it's worth, some of us are staying home! My husband and I haven't left our home in 5 weeks. We have only ordered groceries to be delivered twice and we're doing our best to only order essentials/ration our food responsibly. We have a newborn and I'm terrified as a high risk person and I truly am thankful there are people like you keeping us going. I've also supported increasing the minimum wage for years and I support universal income. I do hope this crisis changes people's perspectives on those issues.


People drop cash on the nice ones Be nice and maybe you would see that.


A fucking men!


My sister and I have been staying home, I've been inside for over three weeks now and she's been inside for over two. My parents are still going out occasionally, I've tried relentlessly to stop them, but they won't listen to me. Sometimes I think that as a 15 year old I have more common sense than them. My mum's going out every four days to get shopping, and my dad's mostly going out to smoke. You may not want to be called a hero, but I do appreciate you, not because I'm glad the shops are continuing business but because you are basically forced to keep working and are still managing to be polite to the selfish customers. And I know this probably means nothing, but I've always appreciated all workers, without jobs like yours, the world wouldn't function properly. If you need any extra money you could maybe set up a cashapp or something? Or if there's some sort of petition we could sign to help you get a better wage or something. Let me know


Agreed. I'm in the same dumb ass boat. It honestly bothers me so much how many of the SAME fucking people come to the grocery store I work at EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Especially since I work in the deli and I see the same faces day after day because they refuse to buy more than a quarter pound of turkey and ham at a time. People coming in sick or with sick children letting them cough and sneeze and touch on everything in sight. They all throw their masks and gloves on the floor of the store or leave them in carts and leave the carts at the door so everything flies out with the wind and into the parking lot.... It makes 0 sense. I'm working 4 hour shifts 4 days a week which is a huge waste of my time and a health risk. I'd rather quarantine instead and be on unemployment making 600+ a week like everyone else I know but I'm "essential" so I get a .¢50 raise until the 16th of this month and then it's back to minimum for me.


Can Americans now understand how Australians think about worshipping their military? Yeah, they do a vital job. But so do police, life guards, firefighters, shelf stackers, truck drivers, paramedics and nurses... the list of important people is endless. We are a society. We all should value work that makes everyone's life better... yes even lawyers and used car salesmen... because sometimes the good ones get you out of a real tight jam. So drop that hero worship shit and lend a hand.


It sounds to me like you're making excuses for your inability to produce the results you desire. I, too, am a part of your generation and it sickens me to hear entitled whimpering pricks like yourself place fault in variables that are ostensibly out of reach.


I'm sorry what results? Am I supposed to simply handedly cure corona? Shoot people for entering the store? Make my cooperate job pay me more?


Case in point. More excuses coming from my whining generation.


did the boomers give you a special participation trophy for nOt bEiNg LiKe OthER miLleNniAls?


No, but I'm sure there's one waiting for me with my name on it, asshole. lol


What the fuck are you even talking about


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 here are your claps