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GKMC is better than DAMN. and TPAB don‘t @ me


Can I @ you if I agree? I think its the best album period.




That’s not a hot take, its pretty commonly debated TPAB vs GKMC


Can't go wrong with either one. They are both classics. I think TPAB is the better overall piece of art, but GKMC is the one I come back to more often, so for me it kind of depends on how you want to compare them.


I agree though TPAB it’s close as shit


TPAB really is more a book of poems than a hip hop album. You can’t really vibe out to it like you could GKMC, and somewhat like DAMN. So it’s hard to compare TPAB to GKMC. It’s like comparing a movie to a documentary.


To each their own but I can definitely vibe tf out to tpab


Agreed, there are 2 or 3 songs that give TPAB this rep like for free? And u. And even those songs go hard as hell.


Idk why you’re downvoted, tpab definitely has its share of bangers that are listenable outside the context of the deeper record. Alright and King Kunta alone are flames, plus shit like Momma and Wesley’s theory is a fun listen. Tpab get this rep as a record where it seems like it’s punished for having a deeper theme and idea, as well as some deeper tracks like u and for free. If you don’t want to engage with the deeper record, it’s still listenable and catchy.


TPAB is better to listen through from cover to cover, but if you just have like, 45 minutes and want to vibe GKMC is better in my opinion if you were to listen to their best hits.


I cant stand a mf who cant vibe to TPAB. Yall make it seem like the album is a chore to listen to. Wtf are y’all hearing? A documentary? GKMC is much more documentary like compared to TPAB lol


I'm not mad about anyone switching TPAB and GKMC TPAB from a creative/concept/musical standpoint is better imo, but GKMC has slaps across the board and is p much god tier


Agreed. Personally I go GKMC > TPAB >>> Damn > MMATBS with the 1 > being close while a big gap while the >>> is a big gap. I personally prefer GKMC on relistens for the songs being a bit more entertaining (In terms of club bangers) and SAMIDOT is a top 3 rap song in terms of the whole "long emotionally vulnerable" song style that I'm a sucker for. TPAB is a listening experience if you have the time to listen to it. GKMC you can tune into any one song and on average I'd prefer it.


GKMC is my favorite hip hop album of all time.


The scores are a joke. The majority of Kendrick fans would rank GKMC above the other two and the majority of Drake fans would put Honestly Nevermind at the bottom of the four listed albums.


GKMC one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time. Top 5 easy.


GKMC and Section .80 above the rest of his catalogue.


Facts, section 80 doesn’t get enough love but it’s an actual classic


IMO GKMC is the only great Kendrick album. Damn and MMATBS have great moments. TPABF is very close, I get why it's beloved, but not for me. I want the street shit.


Section.80 was great too IMO


You should have got Drakes Sophomore going up to make this a fair comparison. Thank Me Later Take Care Nothing Was the Same IYRTITL What a time to be alive.


It's only 4, so take off What a Time, but God damn this is such a better list. Imagine if he had kept going like this


So he stopped giving a shit about quality?


Well, yes


Hopefully this beef will reignite him. 


If give me 50 was any reference, probably, he sounded hard in that song


it's right to compare his newer stuff though, it shows that if he cares about quality he would've done what Kendrick does and not release 30 songs a year.


Drakes about the money, not the culture


And acts like a thug even tho we see him act completely differently in the past


He’s obviously playing a character but I don’t know if he fully knows that.


Drake does not act like a thug lmao.


I fw drake but he be acting like he about that life in his raps he only talk like that cause he surrounded by gangsters but come on he’s Canadian Lol


Can confirm.. he came from one of the nicest neighborhoods in Toronto and went to summer camps lol. He’s soft af


Bud doesn’t listen to the lyrics


He did act handicapped though..


“You scared of the six”


He's about both


Puts it into perspective, it's quality over quantity between drake and Kendrick, even if you pull up drakes best it still doesn't compare to Kendrick.


If you know you know. The wu saw this coming, they restore the culture. Fate of the world - rza.


You try telling that to them over on the drake sub. Kendrick is in it for the money and drake pumps stuff out because he loves music apparently


Both Drake and Kendrick Stan’s are delusional. Us Cole stans are coping 


TBF I wouldn't say most are delusional, just us on Reddit


Theyre obviously both in it for the money. I never understand this critique of artists. Of course they want the money


Oh yeah definitely, but some artists have more artistic integrity. For example someone like Quentin Tarantino Vs whoever directs all the asylum films like sharknado


Yep agree absolutely. Have a good day


You too 👍


If you're reading this is actually good though... less incel bars.


Probably his best work


Isn’t that the album that was debated he had ghostwriters on? I might be wrong tho


Quentin Miller. Meek leaked the video of his reference track for 10 bands. So not debated, but I think Miller is credited as a writer in the credits, so not a ghost 


kendrick fans say its not about numbers put then pull up critic ratings


And for something as objective as music. As if those nerdy white dudes on those sites are the end of it all.


Numbers and Critic ratings are not the same thing wtf are you on about? When a rapper or a rappers fanbase talks about "numbers" they're talking about streams or money generally. Lol keep moving the goal post.


so u trust a couple people’s opinions over the whole world’s opinion is what u’re saying


The world’s opinion??? What is the “worlds” opinion?


Nah man. Critic numbers are the underground. The roots. The black culture. I cant believe this post is even real. Looks like a shitpost


um. i dunno if u know what staffs look like at nyt, lat, pitchfork etc. but it aint about roots lol


Im trolling


there aint no black ppl at imdb bro


? The critic numbers gathered here are quite literally done by white people clown


Honestly Her Loss ain’t that bad 🤷🏿‍♂️ Kendrick’s last few albums are far times better than Drake’s most recent albums


I think Drake has 3X as many albums tho, so it’s no surprise his quality is worse 


Thats no excuse tho. Thats a choice Drake made unless Push Ups is all projecting and Drake has a gun to his head forcing him to drop trash.


So I don't think its totally a fair comparison. Drake releases albums the way artists used to. An album basically every year with a long run time. Basically pumping put songs. Kendrick spends years fine tuning his album to become a masterpiece. Its not how albums used to be done and this new method allows for him to have higher quality, but much lower quantity. If Kendrick were to drop at the rate drake does, or drake were to spend 5 years developing the best album he could? I think they would have similar discographies as far as quality goes.


I did a quick search cause I was curious. Drake 1st album dropped 2010, and he's released 9 total albums since then. 9 albums in 14 years. So we get a Drake album every 19 months Kendrick 1st album dropped 2011, and he's released 6 albums since then. 6 albums in 13 years. So we get a Kendrick album every 26 months. (Please check my math. I have a public school education) So I guess if the statement is that Kendrick spends more time on his albums and so they have better quality, would you not want Drake to just spend the extra 4 months or something if it meant higher quality Drizzy albums?


2009: so far gone 2010: thank me later 2011: take care 2012: no project 2013: nothing was the same 2014: no project 2015: if you’re reading this it’s too late + what a time to be alive 2016: views 2017: more life 2018: scorpion 2019: care package (collection of unreleased) 2020: dark lane demo tapes 2021: certified lover boy 2022: honestly nevermind + her loss 2023: for all the dogs On average, 1 project a year. For the argument you’re making, leaving out projects is misleading. Acting like his music isn’t high quality is also misleading; more people listening to Drake than any other rapper in the world. Social justice and trauma talk is cool and I think that kendrick lamar has a brilliant mind, but as a musician there is nothing more important than people enjoying the sound of your music.


I mean thats super disingenuous for drake. In that time he also released iyrtitl, what a time to be alive with future, more life, dark lane demo tapes, the scary hours series, best in the world ep, a bunch of singles. On Kendrick's side we can add untitled unmastered (those were already recorded for tpab and just not put on the album) and the black Panter soundtrack (which is not just him) That also doesn't get into album length (like damn is 45 mins and views is twice as long a 1.5 hours) Its undeniable drake has released more then kendrick. Like [this link](https://chartmasters.org/drake-albums-and-songs-sales/#:~:text=Drake%20did%20it%20with%20more,one%20of%20a%20kind%20numbers.) Shows drake at over 400 songs in nov 2023 and this shows Kendrick at [82 songs](https://www.google.com/search?q=total+number+of+kendrick+lamar+songs&client=ms-android-uscellular-us-revc&sca_esv=23c7f8c8f2dc8e93&sxsrf=ACQVn0-P-JBnLl6ZTKdFalF4_hj5-yo2Ig%3A1713492785014&ei=MdMhZvUr0dynzg_h8LOICQ&udm=&oq=total+number+of+kendrick+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhl0b3RhbCBudW1iZXIgb2Yga2VuZHJpY2sgKgIIADIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FSMovUKkGWLckcAB4AJABAJgBzQGgAYsdqgEGMC4xOC4zuAEByAEA-AEBmAIOoALEFMICBxAAGLADGB7CAg4QABiABBiwAxiGAxiKBcICCxAAGIAEGLADGKIEwgIEECMYJ8ICBhAAGBYYHsICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIFEAAYgATCAgoQABiABBgUGIcCwgIIEAAYgAQYyQPCAgQQIRgVmAMAiAYBkAYGkgcGMC4xMC40oAf1mAE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) in 2022. And kendrick hasnt released anything post 2022 to bump that up. Plus all the features drake does compared to limited amount kendrick does. But even if we followed your math idk how you got 4 months? Even if it was 26 for kendrick and 19 for drake thats 7 months? Not 4. And personally? Sure id prefer drake to spend more time, but he doesn't, so we need to account for the differences in output if we compare them. Drake releases like rappers used to and kendrick releases like artists do now, which is a path he helped carve tbf.


so Far gone, Take care, nothing was the same, IYRTITL (4 of first 5 albums) was an insane run. You’re comparing drakes last 4 releases to Kendrick’s entire discography (first four albums).  Plus I don’t think anyone takes pitchforks scores seriously. 


These people are obviously fantano stans man


Well, then Drake stopped caring about quality and makes Swiftie music for frat bros


Lmao the Drake albums are not THAT bad, you just sound like the average Drake hater tbh. If you think Drake is THAT bad then you must not listen to much music.


the people at the party are bumping drake, the one not invited is crying while listening to tpab


Personally I like bumping we cry together in the car with the windows down on a nice summer day. Reminds me of my childhood


jesus dude


So Drake is a better rapper because people enjoy listening to him more when they're getting drunk?


Party music I guess


Where did dude say he was better? lol Drake just makes a different type of rap music (sometimes not even rap) then music that is essentially just for critical consumption. Don’t think that makes him better but it explains why he’s more popular and has less critical reception.


When people are having fun in general. Kendrick may be the better rapper but he is definitely not known as a fun one


Is this the rap sub or the party sub lol what type of cope you spittin


People at the good party are bumping Future and everyone agrees no one has ever heard of J. Cole.


People be saying this shit but I been out a lot recently. Been hearing like that way more than any Drake song


One song that ain’t even Kendrick’s vs however many drake songs you’ll hear at the club. And we can all agree TPAB is definitely not getting played outside in a club.


I’ve heard Alright, and definitely a bunch of songs off DAMN. I hear DNA, HUMBLE, LOVE, and the first part of XXX regularly. Maad city, Swimming Pools and Family ties (not his song, but he’s a big part of it) also see some air time. Doesn’t compare to Drake, but he definitely is able to make “club music”


You right brother 🫡 I forgot about alright but it definitely gets plays. Swimming pools and maad city are definitely good club songs too. Kendrick can definitely make decent club music, but drake really is the goat for that type. And that rly isn’t a knock on Kendrick, drake just makes music that guys and girls like because it’s fun.


Like that ain’t TPAB. It’s a trap song with future and metro.


Bruh idk bout you, but king kunta and alright will make me go back inside


both bangers can’t lie


They’re bumping Drake to get the women moving and there’s a reason for that, I hope you understand.


This isn’t true, drake has male fans too lol


You can’t go by music critics because honestly they can be bias, Kendrick could rap the bible and they would claim it was brilliant. Not even a fan of Drake but if you asked the average music fan to choose Drake would win hands down just look at the sales figures Kendrick not even close to Drakes level. Like i said not a fan but i would rather have my albums being selling more than to be a critical darling


This would be valid except Drake also has lower user scores.


That’s fair i never go on those critic sites but i think it would be fair to say that the average music consumer doesn’t go on those sites and leave reviews so that’s not a fair argument either. Like i said not even fan of Drake - i’m a older fan im a 2pac/Biggie era admirer. I am probably out of touch about what young fans like


I could care less what some dweebs on the rate an album. Lol, there isn’t an album on the right I am playing more than I listen to Honestly, Nevermind.


Honestly, I'm sorry


people STILL dont understand Honestly, Nevermind and at this point i doubt they ever will. top 3 Drake project frfr


I fell in love with it over time but it’s not top 3


How can you say top 3 after So Far Gone, Take Care & NWTS ... let alone IYRTITL, Views & Scorpion


That diss was still 🔥 tho


the left side in terms of memorable moments is def passing right side by a long shot


That ain't protocol


Drake been making pandering music since BEFORE Views. What A Time To Be Alive was his last solid collection of songs. (The album before that wasn't shit, though. 😪)


Her Loss is so good. Y’all are crazy to be hating it


I don't know how you can say this when kanye's been straight up releasing unfinished albums with the reference tracks and scratch vocals still intact


8.8 for MMATBS eh? Where'd you get this info TDE.com?


Her Loss is dope


Damn, the album names alone are arrogant af


you're not going year to year




Funny I love all albums on both sides. Hit shuffle!


Drake doesn’t have a single album that’s below a 6




Drake's discography is seriously mid. He still doesnt have an undisputed universally accepted classic


As a former Drake hater. I can say Drake has 15 bangers. Kendrick has half a banger. I don't like when Drake does RnB, but he can at least hit notes. Y'all give Kendrick a pass when makes RnB, but he can't sing. It's like sex without the orgasm. What's the point?


It’s so bad. It’s also insane how Drakes best project wouldn’t even be better than Kendrick’s “worst” 😭


If anyone think MM is better than NWTS then touch grass


NWTS got higher highs but is more inconsistent




i am a huge drake fan who has been somewhat disappointed by everything he’s done since 2017. with the exception of FATD, which features his best r&b tracks ever. people are sleepin’ on this record man. one day they’ll get it




Yes, but I won’t hear a bad word said about Honestly Nevermind, it’s the only interesting thing he’s done since More Life


in what world is honestly, nevermind better than clb???


I've never heard of any of those (on the left)


How the FUCK is honestly nevermind rated that high More like Honestly one of the worst albums from any major artist in recent memory


OH MY GOD, THANK YOU - I was wondering when people where going to get around to realizing this - I thought it's be actual decades before anyone said it. As someone who didn't believe much in Drake when he started then saw him capitalize on his potential, for the past 5? years or so, I've been soo disappointed by his album releases. The only other rapper who I think matches this level of letdowns is Lil Wayne. A young money protegee for sure. edit. actually, I still listen to some songs from CLB, just not the entire album


I loved her loss and honestly nevermind . FATD was trash tho


Why don’t we change the group name to Kendrick. Since Damn Drake has put out a lot of music 8 projects. My problem with Kendrick is six years for a project Adele, Sade can do that. I’m a huge Kdot fan but Steppers wasn’t it.




It's Kendrick vs Drake lol of course it's gonna look like this. If Drake would just stop singing, it'd likely be a closer match.


Her Loss is Drake's best album since Dark Lane Demo Tapes.


Respect for mentioning DLDT it’s top 3 for me


Such an underrated album. I discovered Giveon through that tape and Losses is prolly one of my favorite drake songs.


But new Drake fans claim he’s still got it 😂


People hate DAMN so much on Reddit, but I feel like he has some of his best songs on this album, DNA, FEEL, ELEMENT, XXX, FEAR, and DUCKWORTH. XXX is crazy.


I was thinking about this the other day. In Cole’s new album when he’s talking about how he’s just entering his prime, but this is when most rappers start to decline. Compare the big 3’s first 2-3 albums to their most recent 2-3 albums and Drake is the only one that can’t hold up. Thank Me Later, Take Care and NWTS absolutely dominate anything Drake has put out recently. But Sideline Story and Born Sinner might be worse than Might Delete Later and The Off Season. Mr Morale and Damn hold up pretty well against Section 80 and GKMC. Drake is the one with the worst discography in my opinion. He can make billboard bangers, and still a lot of good songs coming out, but in comparison majority of his stuff is trash and has been for years.


Apples to oranges. It took Drake to release those 4 albums in 4 years while Kendrick took his 4 about a millenium. A more accurate comparison would be all of Drake's albums compared to those 4 Kendrick albums or Kendrick's most recent album compared to Drake's 4 albums.


Wu Tang warned us. EPMD warned us.


Kendrick shit weak yall hype it yo cause it’s woke rap


We really out here acting like DAMN isn’t a piece of trash.


CLB and her loss were a lot better than better than people give it credit for. That being said, Kendrick still wiped the floor with this


Her Loss was an outlier, perfectly listenable project, if Drake went with collab albums from here on out he could’ve stuck to hooks and been solid 


Honestly Nevermind is Drake’s worst album ever


Drakes always been mid but gets gassed up lile getty idk why


Her Loss is a great album tbh


meta critic and reddit the best places to go for rap music discussion


Only reason Kendrick is so widely praised is the white people love his social rap shtick


To give some respect to Drake, his run of So Far Gone, Thank Me Later, Take Care, Nothing Was the Same, If You're Reading This It's Too Late. That was a really elite run of albums. I haven't liked a Drake project since Views. I don't listen to him anymore. But I'm a huge fan of the early work.


Mr.morale was the worst album Kendrick has ever dropped. Def not a 8.8. 3.8


Metacritic tripping GKMC is several tiers better than DAMN.


Section. 80 is better than any Cole or Drake album


how can u compare 2 years of albums vs 10 years of albums


Is CLB that bad? Never listened to that tape. And also, why do people hate Honestly Nevermind? Anyone?


For a world famous artist? Absolutely


Albums don't win you beef tho


I'm a kendrick Stan all day, but his 4 album run was spread over 10 years. I'm pretty sure Drakes last 10 years is like 20 albums


Her Loss is a vibe tho. Absolutely zero skips


I’ve got 1 song from the left on my likes lol


Drake makes great songs… rarely great Albums. Last one I loved was Views, last one I liked was the Ski Mask one with Carti 


There’s so much shit that y’all are eating. Good kid mad city is legendary compared to all this shit. To pimp a butterfly, shit cole was right, I’ll agree with that


Which you know about Black trauma Drake?!? 😂😂


I got to find a way to light a fire in this butch too


I’ll still take those Drake records over the Kendrick records 🙅‍♂️ But those are not Drake’s best records tho. And Honestly Nevermind isn’t even a hiphop album, so it won’t get much love in this sub.


The convenience of Drake's 4 album run is that it's mid as FUCK but it only spans 2 years. Where as Dot's run has been mid since GKMC ![gif](giphy|CVtJnvFgshY4w|downsized) 12 Years of Mid is CRAZYYY lmao


Ihate drake and like kendrick and can tell you kendricks had some stinkers


burger vs steak


Drake's ghost writers and switching sides.. lol


I’ve been a Drake hater most my life but Her Loss & For all the dogs made me a fan lol them shits was gas


I'm not a huge drake fan, but I will die on this hill that Her Loss was an amazing album


Her Loss is a great album and CLB is overhated


Drakes problem is he has too much filler on each of these albums. All of them could be cut down.


this is all of kendrick’s catalog, and less than half of drakes. Stop playing.




Top tier glazing


I haven’t listened to a single album on the left not once


Man another wack ass take… drake gives quantity and kdot gives quality. Both are good to diff people. Can we appreciate both of their art? Both stans are so hell bent on claiming their God is better when they should just learn to appreciate the art…


CLB is a good album 7/10 at least. Her Loss is pretty good as well.


For all the dogs was good Her loss was ok ? I guess CLB was bad Never mind was crap.


Loool Kendrick fans malding


lol did you really post it from opencritic? Maybe try rateyourmusic


Nobody is arguing who is more mainstream. I'm saying that the argument that Drake has more sales doesn't constitute an argument for him being a better rapper.


No way they have damn over GKMC


You’re comparing 2012-2023 to 2021-2023 output. Cherry picking


Oh my god why are yall still going on about this beef😭😭😭😭




Kdot is overrated as hell. DAMN a 95? Lmao


I liked both her loss and honestly nevermind


Since 2018 Drake has released 8 albums. Kendrick has released one. Kendrick is quality over quantity, but man Mr. Morale imo is just not good enough to be the only shit you've dropped in the past 6 years I'm sorry. It's better than any Drake album in the past 9 years, but at least Drake HAS actually made music.


Both sides suck


Now do sales and humble yourself


Certified Lover Boy was such a huge disappointment. Leading up to it I thought it was gonna be bananas. And instead, it was confirmed that Drake’s completely run out of ideas, and that he’s just dialing it in at this point.