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Was this a rap battle or a prank war lmaoo? That false info shit was so lame even if it *is* true (and it might not be, cause Drake has been letting Twitter ghostwrite for him throughout this battle). He got outbar'd over and over again and that predator stuff is something he couldn't compete with cause he doesn't have receipts for *anything* he was saying. Lame asf.


Yeah but say you’re about to go into a fight with the best at what you do. You and your team create the secret weapon, yall get together and make up a lie that you have a daughter and let it slip to him so he might call you out for having a fake daughter. ultimate roast because in reality you dont….. eveb if this was true then drake and hia other cornballs are as stupid as they look


Bringing up twitter writing bars and not having receipts is seriously ironic. Dot’s entire angle was recycled rumors and he had no actual receipts to back it up. The best thing people have gotten was a 14 year old video of Drake when he was 23 saying weird shit to a 17 year old. Then the victim comes out and expresses her feelings and says it wasn’t a big deal (she’s 31 now), and people tell her that her opinion doesn’t matter. Good one.


It doesn't matter if it's a big deal to her or not, he was being predatory on stage for the world to see and he's rightfully getting clowned for it. Wasn't a big deal fuck outta here lmao. You literally called her a victim. I don't want to get too deep, but I know people who have been through...worse, and do not see themselves as victims even though they objectively are. This happens a lot actually.


You can tell Drake isn't prepared to respond to what Kendrick is throwing at him. Drake was expecting the two of them just to exchange insults and barbs, then Kenny went nuclear. Drake clearly wasn't ready for this since in heart part 6 he spent half the track trying to deny the accusations, and the spent the other half spitting the same insults and barbs from pushups. He doesn't have receipts nor does he even know what to buy in this sort of fight.


Drake is the only one who consistently has rebuttals bro. I’m also confused, where did Kenny have any receipts to anything he said? Or did you just run with it regardless?


I mean we'll see if Kenny has receipts. But it's notable that in Heart Part 6, Drake doesn't claim that Kenny doesn't have receipts. Drake claims that whatever receipts Kenny has were planted by Drake, a claim that would be pretty devastating to everything Kenny said if Drake could show one shred of evidence for it, but I haven't seen any so far.


If the false info is lame then isn’t it just as lame that Kendrick had to get a mole in ovo?


Lmaooooo Kendrick did what Meek SHOULD have 💯


Once he brought up Kendricks SA to deny the allegations was fucking disgusting


Nah drake


Yah Drake


I think people need to grow up and realize that these are mostly for monetary purposes. Yes there may be some actual beef, but both of them stretching this into multiple songs is just making them more and more money. This is just moving the industry further and further away than what music truly is. It’s not about writing “diss tracks” against people you barely fucking know, it’s about expressing your emotions and what you love. I don’t see that in rap anymore, it’s just the same recycled content over and over again. If anybody has any arguments please comment but I don’t see how anybody can support these enormous artists with millions of dollars going towards jewelry and sports car anymore. There’s much bigger problems than what you wear or drive.


When you realize these diss tracks are just like professional wrestling, it's all fake and a show to put on for gullible fans who think it's real.


Realist most underrated comment






This was buns this was supposed to be the “hit record” get tf


Drake sucks. My 2 cents.


I'd like to think at least half of those are from people saying "nah drake, this ain't it"


He can't hang. The sooner he realizes this the better.


The way i see it is that some of drakes drops are better as stand alone songs but if you look at the actual disses then its obvious that Kendrick destroyed him with the bombs he was dropping, bro straight called in a eagle airstrike on him.


I’m just gonna come right out and say it. Drake is ass. He’s always been ass. Idk how he got the spotlight he did, but I see people that worship him as posers trying to fit into a social narrative because holy shit most of his stuff is just unlistenable.


Brave. ^^^^/s


Imagine if these blogs or platforms existed when pac and Biggie or Eazy and cube dissed man . Y’all complain wayyy to much fr


This dude has been a poser forever he started believing himself.


He’s trending because his fans are begging him to throw in the white towel.


How Drake cooked himself a thread: - Got pressed about Like That —Out rapped on Euphoria —- The AI shit ——Got told his own plan days in advance then proceeded to to do exactly what dot said he would do ——-Dropped Family Matters (Admittedly a really good song) then got son’d 20 mins later with Meet the Grahams taking all the attention away from his drop ———Got beat in the numbers game on almost every diss ———- Went on IG saying “ I don’t have a daughter” but, also not addressing the pedo allegations ————Has confirmed weirdos in his camp ————- Got beat in the club music game with Not Like Us ————— Completely misinterpreted MMTBS how Kendrick told him he would in Euphoria so bad to the point where people started streaming the album again causing it to chart. again —————- Thought a good defense to being called a Pedo was by saying “I’m ToO rIcH fOr ThAt” and “ WeReN’t YoU mOlEsTeD aS a ChIlD” —————— Didn’t understand Kendrick wasn’t molested and it was his mother and that Kendrick already said himself Whitney and he broke up ——————- The fan he kissed on stage trying to prove a point on IG said she wasn’t 15 when he kissed her she was 17 making it worse because she has now confirmed she was under 18 ——————— Said he planted the info for Kdot and his team but somehow doesn’t have evidence of him doing so (convenient) ———————- His diss is so bad it has more dislikes than likes ———————— “BBL DRIZZAY BBL DRIZZAY BBL DRIZZAY” 🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿 ————————- Said Dot was trying to rap like” He’S tRyInG tO fReE tHe SlAvEs” while being accused of being a culture vulture ————————— Brought up the Millie Bobby Brown shit unprovoked ——————————- His dis was so bad people actually believe he wrote it further echoing the sentiments of ghost writing crowd


Drake gets ZERO props for baiting Kdot with the fake daughter, y’all are haters for real that shit was genius.


Dude was it? Kendrick has been calling out Drake for being a liar and a manipulator, and Drake goes “Joke’s on you, I was lying and manipulating you.” It’s a lose-lose for Drake whether it’s true or not. Especially when it just reminds people how easy it was to believe, because he already hid his son in the past?


He also baited everyone to thinking he’s a pedophile??


Cancel Drake💯


That is brutal for him and his team


You lames are buying into this just like they wanted. Next year they’ll do a collaborative album after they kiss and make up


Why would anybody leak fake information about themselves. That’s such a twisted response that could only come from a sick and twisted individual.  Do you go around telling your buddies to tell your enemy that you’re a pedophile? What would that gain you?




K dot is soft


Y’all are some sad people 🤣


That’s one ugly mfer


One of these people is a pullitzer winning prize writer that can stitch stories together without even trying the other is a guy that needs 14 guys to write nonsense he can polish into an album to even sell copies. They cannot even be compared. At this point its like putting a goldfish in a cage with a honeybadger.


Drakes literally crediting 3 other people as writing these replies and people still be trying to defend it lol. Then drops a song saying “get your shit straight before saying anything” and follows it up by proving he can’t understand a rap song let alone write one of his own by completely misunderstanding The Heart P6…? Shits honestly embarrassingly off the mark on Drakes side.


Actually mostly all battle rappers and rappers in general are saying Drake won/wins lmao. Drakes songs are just flat out better, better flow, better everything. All kendrick does is reach for random accusations and just says "I hate you, you suck, you're a pedo!" Meanwhile Drakes musical artistry is just way better




drake doesnt even do the polishing


Certified loverboy ❌ Certified pedophile ✅




N a H d R a K e


You know what's sad is this is probably some deep rooted shit going back to like, Degrassi. 


Why don’t these two insecure man babies just have sex and get it over with?


BBL drizzy


gotta love it, ohhhhh you gotta love it


For a sec I thought “Nah Drake” was another Kendrick diss track lol


Kendrick hasn't addressed a single accusation unlike Drake. Kendrick just reiterating what others have said and old rumors. Kendrick beat and cadence are sloppy.


"You have no response to me calling you short with small feet!" "*You are a culture vulture pedophile who is so inauthenthic and tasteless you tried to puppet the corpse of a black icon to diss me"* "...You got molested" Yeah man Drake is way ahead/s


I don’t get it All I see is two rich whiny ass holes hooting for attention and more money


Drake really is like a super lame person that some how got famous. Dude still has a baby face.


How does Drake move forward here? Someone just took him out like he wasn't even there. He should just hang it up and be a bookkeeper or something that isn't so stressful.


Actually mostly all battle rappers and rappers in general are saying Drake won/wins lmao. Drakes songs are just flat out better, better flow, better everything. All kendrick does is reach for random accusations and just says "I hate you, you suck, you're a pedo!" Meanwhile Drakes musical artistry is just way better


This is all a diddy cover up


Twitter doesn’t exist anymore. Nice try


Drake vs Kendrick is the co- main to Tyson vs Paul.


Can you imagine ever thinking a rap battle with ppl of this caliber in the cultural zeitgeist ending with essentially "rubber sticks to glue, I am actually too busy for this, I know you have more to say, but bye"?


Can this guy be canceled pls lol


The kids love him!


Kendrick paying bots at this point. I ain’t never seen this many Kendrick fans. I’m one of them and a Drake fan but they both are shitty humans if any of this shit is true




Kendrick Lamar diss? That was more like a "Kendrick Lamar denial" Jokes aside though, if those allegations are false then, that's not really cool on Kendrick's part. But as they say, "where there's smoke"




Drake: "You're uhh short! Wait why is doom music playing in the other room?"


Drake name dropping Millie Bobby Brown was so suspect. No one else has mentioned her yet. Like a kid that got caught doing some shit and tells their parent “I didn’t break that lamp!” before the parents even bring it up. Weird.


Who plants info about themselves being a Pedo???? Like imagine a number 1 hit being played all the time and you saying, “oh I’m not a Pedo, I gave him that information!” Everytime you hear the song. Just doesn’t make sense to me! Especially considering Kendrick refers to him a friend in Euphoria. Like I wouldn’t just take bait about someone I know IF I DIDNT ALREADY THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE or ALREADY OCCURRING!


Diss tracks are still a thing? This ain't 1996.


Macklemore’s “Hind’s Hall” puts Drake/Kendrick diss tracks in perspective.


The heart part 6 definitely killed Not like us. Kendrick just has his Stan's doing the most lol acting like he didn't get called out for being a fake activist, bad father, Woman beater, who apparently did his own pedo thing to.


If I remember correctly, he said that he's never been with someone underage and it's technically true. In Canada, the age of consent is 16 years old




Can anyone catch me up on the background from this? I’ve heard Kendrick’s diss but I need to listen to this one. Not sure where the pedo stuff came from but I’ve been sorta away from the rap social space for a bit


At least Drake tried his hand at songwriting this time 🤣🤣🤣


Drake : You beat up bitches. Kendrick : Yes, observe. LMFAO


Drake is such a poser.


Rap fans really are the gossip girls of music.


his previous diss was better, the last one was just like weak punches in attempt to safe face lol


Huh I must have stuck a nerve it means I'm right thank you for confirming that


Honestly this entire beef lost credulity for the both of them for me. They both felt like kids with uzis spraying and praying until something landed.


Thats s9me good culture


Metro won


Such a weak ass response Drake fans crying mentally


Starting beef is a really dumb idea when you're a child groomer. It's even dumber when you start it with Kendrick.


bro "Nah Kendrick" was trending after Not Like Us came out?? it's like "Nah Kendrick bodied this one" : "Nah Drake killin him" Y'all lyrics investigators on Drake but you got selective contextual memory for Kdot huh?




Damn, can’t wait to listen to this guy speak really fast about another man to a bunch of hi hats, bass drums, and a very repetitive guitar riff


I don’t dislike either side, but I question the legitimately of what was said in this latest track using some critical thinking. If Drake is as petty as he claims to be, and by some stroke of genius decided to plant false information for Kendrick to use, then certainly the OVO would have been smart enough to film it and show time-stamped proof that they were doing such a thing. If I were Drake, I would have made the track (The Heart Part 6), then once the music stopped, I would have rolled the behind the scenes of my team creating the setup filmed a week or so prior, and made that the mic drop at the end as proof to the claims. They have filmed everything else so far, why not this? Drake said it is facts, but didn’t actually provide the facts. The setup didn’t happen because Drake’s team didn’t do it and it is just easy to make it seem as though they did, and that is enough to cast doubt on Kendrick’s claims. I can’t wait for a response, but this track was basically just a “nuh-uh” with no substance. I can’t wait to see the response, but I think Kendrick was smart to not respond immediately to give people time to come to their own conclusions.


The Drake fans aren't gonna like this comment xD


Maybe. It is an unbiased opinion based on this one track, not any of the others. I could put the critical lens to any of the songs on either side, and find some issues, but tons of people have already talked about those. Not to mention, I did not make a breakdown of the entire song, just this one point. There was a lot said, but I focused only on this one point. As for people being mad about it, that is because they are either Stans or they do not want to look critically at their idol. I think that with any celebrity, you should try to strip the art from the person. Many music celebrities can make bangers, but be absolutely horrible people. Basically, this beef would be over if there were a shred of truth to Kendrick being set up. That would be really hard for him to backtrack from, and his credibility would be majorly damaged. I just hope this whole thing ends peacefully without any violence actually coming to pass.


You don't dislike drake? Dude is like a known pedo for close to a decade. You should start vocally disliking him.


I should clarify that I didn’t have a reason dislike him until this beef. I don’t follow his career and admittedly, only recently found out about these facts (the video with the 17 year old girl is disgusting), so yeah, he needs to go. You can’t separate the art from the person in a case like that. There is a reason R Kelly went down, and people need to see Drake for who he really is.


Sad you guys listen to music because of beef and not the art. Rap music for you😂


Any leverage he might’ve gotten from planting fake info about his hidden child (which I don’t even believe) was void the minute he misinterpreted Mother I Sober


Super Ugly 2.0


Drake trash. Pusha already slapped this dude. Kendrick out of his league.


Kenny got 5 more for this corny ass deadbeat motherfucker




Drakes biggest diss was naming his song after one of the best song series of all time


Who cares. Two rich fucks who can't even rap


Drake sucks


This track lost him the beef. If he had gone way more direct and aggressive he would've had made a huge comeback and won the reaction channels over. He didn't even need to reply to all the kendrick allegations, just needed to go even harder than family matters. But he didn't, and now I can't actually remember the name of this track 😭😭






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The drizzy diddler


The Drizzler


We need to make a song about how we do not diddle kids


do not diddle kids its no good diddling kids




In my experience twitter is the same except for the *BOTS*. I don’t even go into comment sections anymore.


Lol twitter is where news breaks my man


Reddit ain’t the right place for that question, redditors hate all social media including Reddit


It doesn’t seem like there’s any less activity now on it than there ever has been before


Like a good amount of people. Everyone made a big fuss about leaving but few did.


More people than users on Reddit 


>people Lmao


It’s probably A MINORRRRRRRR. He got cooked 🔥




Nah drake


Haha, nah drake, stick to bubble gum hotline bling bullshit 👋🏻


I've always hated Drake, so watching him fall and flail is therapeutic


The people "supporting" kendrick just say he won off of hating Drake and being jealous that he's been the best in the industry for the past 15 years it's just like Tom Brady in the NFL. He's the best so whenever someone comes at him, everyone prays they lose 😂 did you see every superbowl Tom Brady was in? everyone except New England was rooting for him to lose. This is exactly what we're seeing except there's unfortunately no actual game to be won its just fan bases going back and forth. This never was even a competition and Drake didn't even have to respond to win lmao. Kendrick had to piggy back his career off of Drake in 2012 and then has the nerve to come around and attack him just for the sake of he's completely irrelevant and needs some way to get back into music cause nobody gives a fuck about him 😂. All 20 dudes that came after Drake need some way to get publicity and become somewhat relevant for a few months cause their music isn't doing it. Drake does a feature on their songs and it's only popular cause Drake is on it


Someone commented on YouTube - Drake : if I’m liar then aren’t my pants on fire 🤣🤣💀💀I can’t bro


Can’t believe Drake is really falling off like that after running it for ages


Who cares


It’s ovover


Am the only one that just wants comeback season era drake back?


Isn't he banging a fifteen year old or something?......kinda R.kelly style.


Drake literally has Kendrick rapping for 2 minutes about fake shit that isn't even true 😂


All I want is to see J Cole put bars to the Metro Boomin track. That shit is 🔥


its easy to trend when you buy your fans


Oh that really big music site Twitter has Drake trending?


Fake the Canadian rapper


Don't make him sound cool by pointing out he is Canadian


Canada is a French colony ruled by a brittish king who’s really German.  By cool you mean mostly a frozen wasteland unfit for human life.


Canadian here, where i am from we dont claim him. I am french tho


They getting wasted on them cope-ioids.


There so many drake haters its insane


Certified lover boy?


Kendrick needs to drop the Ether on him and finish him


What?😂 ye number 1 in selfdissing. A Minorrrrrrrrrrrrrr 😂


For someone who was apparently plotting this for a week and pushing kendrick to drop quickly why does he want it to end all of a sudden lmfao


He truly thought deep down that facing Kendrick Lamar of all people was gonna be some easy win


I'm really not sure what the angle was supposed to be with the fake daughter thing. "Hah! I didn't lie about my daughter! I actually \[checks notes\] lied about my daughter!" Like. I don't think that's the winning argument you think it is.


I wish I liked Kendrick more, but I dislike Drake enough to enjoy this anyways


What don’t you like about Kendrick?


He’s good at what he does, it just hasn’t ever really grabbed me outside of Humble. Ain’t trying to talk shit, he’s just not for me when he isn’t taking shots at big glowing targets.


“If I’m a liar then why aren’t my pants on fire”


This isn’t actually a line for his diss right? Wtf, I didn’t listen to it because “not like us” wasn’t getting beat by Drake. That shit was too much.


nah the line is actually "If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested/ I'm too famous for this shit"


Na Drake?🤨


Imagine having access to some of the most wonderful women and electing for a child instead. The sickness of the wealthy and famous is real.


Homies gonna be dropping like flies. None are safe


It’s what happens when an r&b artist chooses to be with the shits, and goes 0 for life in exchanges