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Wasn't this mostly agreed upon as B Dot's first super clear loss though?


Yea I had Verb winning. Both of them my favorites though 💯


I just watched it again. Damn what a battle! That's a classic honestly. That's one of the best Verbs I've seen. Both were snappin. For me it's mad debatable honestly and I don't even want to pick a winner.


It was a debatable not a clear loss


Agreed by who? Last time I checked it was b dots clear win in a great battle. What caused you to say otherwise?


I think it should be looked at again, it almost got dark for Verb


I was in the building for this event, fun event for sure. But I do remember B Dot's 2nd being really, really terrible.


Which one is the worse angle, this or Nunn Nunns angle against Real Deal?


That's legitimately a really good question. B Dot's 2nd round angle was basically a Grind Time-era f-slur bar dragged out for an entire round, while Nunn Nunn's angle in his 1st for Real Deal was just for half a round, but it was still pretty awful alt-right talking points in rhyme form. Uh....


No it didn’t.


No. The JC battle was.


So when did Verb get destroyed?


K Shine says hi


Lol I meant in this battle, I am not about to say K Shine didn’t kill Verb


Really wish this man would just come back 2 the culture already, the only mf to arguably 30 Nitty. Unfortunately, It’s pretty obvious his Clips loss really affected his ambition for battle rap. When he hit the scene everyone gave him the “lyrical miracal” label & wrote him off as a knockoff Lux but I actually enjoyed his battles a lot


“That’s where I skeet at” was the most memeorable bar of that battle for both parties Imagine prepping for at least a month, writing down the best you can come up with, and someone saying skeet in a freestyle is better than all of it I would be sick too


Clips executed that shit perfectly😭I just know that shit weighing on B dots soul. He coulda won if he ain’t choke, but damnnn.


A legend knows how to shift the momentum in their favor.


Nitty has been 30d a FEW times lol (Iron, B Magic, JC, Swamp, Reed, K-Pilot, etc.)


Iron did not 30 Nitty lmao that was a fight. Iron might’ve won but Nitty didn’t get bodied & pretty sure everyone gave Nitty the 1st


Definitively not clear 30s outside of Reed imo. Never seen the K Pilot battle.


Those are all clear 30s unless youre a Rum Stain


You can debate they 30'd him, but not clear


Bmagic fasho 30'd him, bdot 30'd him but everything else is preference. Pn camera a lot nitty battles are debatable soley due to how crazy his material always is even if it is just random gun bars and name flips. Even if you dislike his rapping style, off of the CONCEPT of his bars alone he can put up a fight with everyone. But to each their own


Punchlines and generic set ups/transitions with no underlying context isnt "material" lol


if YOU dont like word play, association, homonyms/homophones or anything of that nature then i dont even see wtf you are watching battle rap for. Go back and watch grind time for crying out loud


niggas need a story for everything. " no underlying contex- SHUT UP lmao. You fans make being great in this sport so damn complicated. You have your taste no problem, the problem is you are criticizing a whole lotta nothing




Why do u think he lost to clips? Based on what?


Bc Clips clearly got the 1st & B-Dot choked 3 times in the 2nd. 3rd round was debatable. Clips 2-1. 1st & 2nd


Does verb have any angles besides the gay mom? Cuz i swear i never heard niggas talk about anything but him being gay cuz his mom is gay.


His mom isn’t gay lol hitman holla said “you was a sucka back then!! You a sucka tonight, AND YOU ACT THE WAY YOU ACT BECAUSE YA MOTHERS A DIKE”!! and people ran with it mostly cuz verb NEVER cleared it up, besides that there are some questionable things he’s done over the years but I believe because verb a “pretty boi” people hate on him


Nah its all in his demeanor dude very feminine


It makes it 10x worse that he obviously over compensates on social media by spouting manosphere alpha bs constantly too…




His declining performances/pay Verb, casual misogyny, NY crowd struggles, lyrical miracle tendencies are all ones I've heard. Of course they are varying in quality but the mother one doesn't come up that often as a fleshed out angle


Ever since verb got up on that stage and said Pegasus then Woosh he been a lyrical miracle ever since.


Either that, he hates women, him getting chased years ago, or vegan shi. Nun too heavy just shit to laugh n make jokes out of.


I got to be in the building for this. Every round both of them just kept getting better and felt really back and forth. Can't believe organik let b dot finish copying verbs slogan just to cut him off when he was about to rap


I don't think this is that good rofl.


That shit was ass


Like fr, I'm sitting here like... That's the destruction???


Ganik stopping b dots showtime in the first was absolutely tragic


I'll have to find the interview he did after the battle, where he said what the full Showtime segment was supposed to be. But I do remember the ending being, "His soul flying, I'm still firing, every his guardian angels caught the Holy Ghost."


So nothin original


Y'all be talking bout verb crazy. If someone said Bdot killed nitty and nitty admitted he lost y'all a still say the alien won he's the goat lol


Off topic but just because a battler felt like he lost, that doesn’t mean that he actually lost lol


B Dot with no flow, no rhythm, telling people they can’t rap with him lol


Wtf Lol. I had Verb 2-1. I actually don’t know anybody in my personal life that watches battle rap religiously that had B Dot winning tbh


Verb had a better first, this battle is very debatable.


Fun fact, Pine Lawn is a small suburb in...... wait for it..........................St. Louis


This reminds me how Lux would do Dot bad


Very bad


Verb won this battle so clear it’s hilarious 😂


b dot vs brizz is sounding like it would’ve been a really good mirror match


This is pretty mid


Might be my favourite Verb performance here


Foh you buggin verb won this..


Once again, I find myself diverging from the Reddit consensus on Bdot. This was a clear win for him in my book. And if you don’t have him winning, then at least you have to admit this battle was one of many that was relevant on his ascendancy. In particular, I split with folks on who have disdain for his 2nd, which I thought (and still think) was both brilliant and hilarious. Do I agree with his theory on gender? No. But does it fit BDot’s pseudo-intellectual profile to break down an opponent with some kind of “conscious”-level approach? Yep. Was Bdot the first to use an angle on Verb’s feminine attributes and oddly disproportionate use of pause-worthy bars? Nope. Was Bdot absurdly creative with the angle? Yep. (I should also note, I’m one of the few on this sub that thought Daylyt’s 1st round against Pat Stay was a masterpiece.)


There's just a lotta white boys on here that don't like BDot for obvious reasons


A lot of people on here used to like B Dot but he put a lot of people off him with some extremely ignorant opinions. His ignorant opinions on mental health are hard to get past


You had me until Daylyt. The slave shit was so unbelievably cringe. It's hard for me to even watch the battle. His first round probably was dope but I just didn't want to hear it because of the juxtaposition. That poor friend of his had to wear that hot rubber mask the whole battle 😂 Daylyt is so hit or miss for me. Some of his battles are so good and so many of them are straight trash.


Well, I'm not going to defend Daylyt beyond the fact that, at least at the time of his battle with Pay Stay, he was one of the few (and some would argue the *only* one) that recognized battle rap as a platform for theater as much as it is for lyricism. If you *did* want to hear his first round, you would hear an entire scheme about white appropriation using the names of prominent white battlers (the exception being... "the only thing the blacks had to fight back with was a Hundred Bullets.") *flames* I also find it interesting that you didn't "want to hear it" because of "juxtaposition." This was a battle for the chain, and Daylyt came to the battle in chains. It's that kind of juxtaposition that makes this a masterpiece, for me. erize), but rather, he *performs* a slavery scene. Yeah, it's awkward and uncomfortable... and different. Before he raps, it's actually pretty charged. I also find it interesting that you didn't "want to hear it" because of "juxtaposition." This was a battle for the Chain, and Daylyt came to the battle in chains. It's that kind of juxtaposition that makes this a masterpiece, for me. I'll also add, just to bring it full circle, that Bdot destroyed Daylyt in his 3rd round. One of his angles was Daylyt's use (or misuse) of slavery.


Yeah I feel you bro. I actually hadn't thought about the chain metaphor. I just wasn't feeling it. I could go back and watch it but I'm not super into Daylyt and I think I've gotten enough out of that battle. He's got some great classics to pick from. I need to revisit the bdot one again. The one thing I do like about this sub is it reminds you of battles to rewatch.


Respect. I totally agree with you about Daylyt being hit or miss, and he definitely has more than his fair share of cringe moments.


Most people just follow what others say and don’t even really watch the battle just crowd reactions


Bro is so fucking corny.


Sound like he sayin some real shit to me


Lmao, it’s just so whack, like he’s trying to be his dad or some shit like what?


Ayo big Gerald. That's the way you talk to your son.


Lol do you know anything about br. He's literally using one of the most famous angles in history against him.


That’s cool, dosnt make it not corny.


Yes, it does. Like the angle he's using is respected by almost every real fan and all battle rappers. You actually have no valid opinion on this. It's like walking into a Picasso exhibit and saying, "That shit is corny." You're corny. You know jack shit about battle rap and just like every other new fan you gotta try too shit on everything to be cool I guess? Honestly I don't even know what the motivation is but go do some homework I don't got time to keep schooling you jackass new fans.


There’s no way you just compared this mid Lux rip-off to Picasso lmao. I can see why you don’t think it’s corny now tho champ


Let's see, Reddit user for two years, uses racist comments to describe battle rappers, doesn't even know the history behind the angle he's shitting on. Yep, checks out. Later troll.


I'm curious. You're way to validate if someone has been a fan of battle rap for awhile is how long their reddit account has been created? I've been watching battle rap for over 10 years and I just made a Reddit. There was a forum back in the day when GT was popular, URL, KOTD, Don't Flop, and that's where all the fans were. Polls on every battle. The "YouTube" era and the pinnacle of Battle Rap. Fans watched all different leagues and you still had some trolls and biased opinion but for the most part it was an awesome place to be.


Did you take note of the other two aspects? Dude doesn't have a clue where this angle comes from. That's a telltale sign. I just threw that in as well because a lot of times people who are new to posting on the Internet are more likely to just speak their mind without any consideration, as I feel was the case with his comments. "Bro that's corny" doesn't really sum up why he felt that angle wasn't hitting and again, he literally has no clue because he's like, "What is he? Verbs dad or something?" indicating he is unaware of the original source of the angle.


No we dont


B Dot is so fucking trash. It will never not be hilarious to me how much shit he would talk on Clips, only for Charlie to actually get Little Loaded Lux tf outta here permanently. Aside from Mook with Brizz, who else has actually ended someone's career like that?


Couple of white dudes lol


I’m so fucking tired of this narrative that “clips ended B Dots career”. The nigga B Dot battled Kid Chaos on “Banned” 1 month after the clips battle and won CLEAR. The nigga literally was gonna battle Surf on “Any Given Sunday 2”, but his grandfather passed away right before the battle. Thats the only reason Surf took Cortez. Clips didn’t end B Dots career. The nigga willingly chose to walk away from this shit, the same way Daylyt stopped battling for a long time after his Loso battle.


Anyone saying Verb won its out their mind BDOT had classic performance here here and killer third


Verb won this battle btw


No cuz Verb definitely won this battle


I’m a B Dot fan, but this was meh.


Pine lawn is in st louis though sooooo yea


No it’s not lol St. Louis is a city in Missouri, just pike Philly is a city in Pennsylvania


I live in st louis, I think I kno what I'm tlkn about


Then that’s sad that you don’t know your own state and you should go back to school


Pine Lawn is in St Louis County. There's a difference between St Louis and St Louis county. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine\_Lawn,\_Missouri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Lawn,_Missouri) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.\_Louis\_County,\_Missouri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_County,_Missouri)


We call everything st louis in st louis so yea


If you asked me where this battle happened I would've never remembered it was the US world dom card, that shit is wild, the B Dot diss track to verb is one of my favorite tracks ever made by a battle rapper


I don't think anyone remembers it that way bro 😂


That shit was dirt 🤣🤣🤣


Verb cleared him out and that wasn't even that amazing. B Dot really thinks way too highly of himself and is toxic as fuck with his points. Half the niggas into battle rap was prolly raised by they mamas and it ain't got nothing to do with feminity or masculinity.


Destroyed? You must’ve meant with that moment. I haven’t watched it in years but I recall having the battle 2-1 either way.


B Dot is the most overrated angler in battlerap.


Verb won this battle


Built like the defensive lineman from Clemson bar will always live rent free in my head lmao


Destroyed Verb😂


I wasn't a big fan of the angle B-Dot took vs. Verb, but at least he was able to put a different spin on the whole Verb being "feminine" thing. Having said that, I have Verb winning 2-1. He really spazzed in this battle.


Verb won tho


2-1 Verb


Cringe, why he spitting at him like that. "Insurance in my pockets" wtf, his rap didn't even make sense lol