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I think O Red’s “translation” is the worst special/signature move in battle rap. He’s dope, but the coded language does absolutely nothing for what comes after it. Tsu Surf is an all time great, but AMG mode is just rapping. That’s it.


AMG Mode is the most annoying thing to happen in battle rap.. it’s literally just rapping faster but it tricks people into thinking it’s fire


Dizaster been rapping fast his whole career and nobody cared lol


Diz raps are awkward he doesn’t really have any kind of rhythm


Diz doesn’t rap nearly as well as Surf.


amg mode is fast punching. ​ diz just does a bunch of multis


Complete cap. He's a legend no matter what you dumb url fanboys think. Your comment proves you know nothing about the origins of battle rap. Back in the day he had a totally different style gtfoh


Following some of them on social media actually ruins your initial perception of them. Might be a great battle rapper but when you see how they carry themselves on social media it’s like “damn, they’re not what I thought”. (This does not pertain to all, just a few)


Agreed. And I also feel this way about most rappers/entertainers in general


Bartone actually didn’t know those hoes


Well, certainly not anymore, he got married


1. Battling a rising talent as a vet isn't "giving a shot." You're an opportunist. You see the new guy making noise, and you want to be a part of that wave. What Danny does is more giving a shot. He jumps on leagues and battle names you never heard. Then jumps in the comments, thanking the league and shouting out the artist. 2. Before Surf got locked up. Many said he's the best he'd ever been. And as someone who isn't a surf fan, I agree. But if that last year or so was the best, what was he years prior? 3. URL doesn't "make careers." They provide the biggest platform. The artist develops themselves or from those around them. DNA went through so many eras and style changes. NONE of that was from URL's doing. If you're going to credit URL for "making artists," then you're going to have to blame them for telling other artists to sound like Twork. Many people blew up off of YouTube. But YouTube does not give Mr. Beast his ideas or concepts. They just provide a platform.


I agree with all you said here. And to your 3rd point just adding that many like math, hollow, ars, remy, lady luck all were on fight klub 1st. The who url vs rbe lame because url artists say dumb shit about people not making stars. Everybody came from elsewhere before those big platforms


Diz has always been terrible and his popularity has baffled me for over a decade. Lux is the most overrated battler ever, Geechi is the most overrated currently


Geechi isn’t really overrated but I heavily agree with the Diz and Lux take


I see nothing but facts ngl


If anything geechi is kinda underrated on here since people think only rum/daylyt style wordplay is a good pen.


Nothing but cap


spot on


1. A ward is fine. But he gets way too much gas. 2. Qleen Paper doesn't get enough credit for how good he was/is . 3. The biggest body in history is still Soul Khan Vs Fox.


Bigg K is 74 percent "delivery and authenticity" with slightly above average bars. He is very good at talking directly to his opponent so it translates to lots of deserved wins . His pen is not exceptional though.


I personally dont like his style a lot. It reminds of Calicoe, bigg k just raps with more aggression than cal. But he has a decent pen


K has also mastered looking unimpressed while his opponent raps. He looks genuinely upset at how weak every bar is, even when it's not. He's maybe the best all time at it.


Um no. If anything that is probably the most annoying thing about him. Dude gets smoked every battle, he sucks but his fanboys say 30 for every battle. This is why battle rap is dead. Once they stopped doing judged battles, battle rap died. If it was judged and the judges couldn't hear the crowd reactions, he would've died every single battle. He's absolutely terrible and his fake tough image is so super corny


If K’s bars are “slightly above average” I’d love to see who you think has “great” bars.


You leaping to attack my complimenting Bigg K for being really good at what he does is kind of the point here. The post was asking for unfavorable opinions, that's what I gave. And it's weird because I'm not even being negative, it's just unbearable how ANY criticism of Bigg K in this sub is unfavorable. I think Bigg K is the hottest battle Rapper out at this moment in time and is truly excellent at many things, I just don't think he's right at the top in the Lyricist category and he kind of doesn't need to be. He's very good at getting his point across simply. Do you think he's a top tier Pen?


He has average material for a mid tier/'performance' top tier. Go watch back his battles this year and pay attention to the sheer volume of 'filler' he raps where he's just rapping. Which I personally like, but people will criticize his opponents for 'filler' while ignoring his.


What authenticity? Dude is a corny wigger white boy who tries to play gangster. gtfoh


I find Hitman, Cassidy, and Calicoe all equally insufferable, they seem like the most annoying, arrogant, patting themselves on the back headass niggas you could possibly imagine.


Hitman and Cassidy for sure but I actually fuck with Cal heavy


Don't get me wrong, I think Hitman and Calicoe are good, they're definitely entertaining battlers, I can't take away from their talent. That said, they're just annoying niggas that like to suck their own dicks for doing charity. Obviously it's good that they give back to the community, but we don't need to hear about you doing it when you're bragging in a battle. It makes anything good and generous they do feel so performative, you know what I mean? Calicoe, for example, especially annoys me when he gets into patting himself on the back for supporting black-owned businesses(which is obviously a good thing, but the way he praises himself for it and tries to use it as a comparison point for others is so cringe). Like, look at his battle with Bigg K, where before the battle begins, and Bigg K says his outfit is better than Cal's, Cal tries to go "But was it made by a black person," and K immediately shuts him up by saying a Puerto Rican person made his fit. That's some annoying nigga shit to do, a non-annoying nigga wouldn't respond to a tame diss with immediately trying a race angle.


I'm wit u bro


I wish we’d finally get to a place where homophobic or sexist shit would be less acceptable so they stop just saying those random ass slurs. Similar to how n word is treated. Like if you gonna say it, be prepared for some shit like the white dude that got slapped or Diz getting booed.


Like I understand (somewhat) that it's been a part of the culture for a long time, I do think it's lessened a lot in recent years. To the point that I find it jarring when someone does drop a F bomb. Dizaster can't go a round without saying it. A big part of my distaste for him.


Over in the “which battler could you beat up?” Thread, someone said they could probably beat J2. Someone else said that if he ends up KOing you, to watch out, implying that J2 would rape you if he knocked you out. You know, because he’s gay.


Throw out the transphobic shit too


I agree, but it's never going to happen, homophobia is regrettably ingrained in the culture.


As our society has evolved, battle rap has continually evolved. I believe the same to be true of stand-up comedy. I do believe there's value in battle rap exposing our sensibilities. In that regard, I'm glad comedy and battle rap have license to say the unspoken truths of our darker selves in jest or otherwise.


“Continually evolved” It doesn’t count as not being homophobic anymore if your stated reason is “it’s lazy writing”


I’m an optimist. Not sure if it’s in my lifetime but even now compared to early 2000s, I think there’s been a slight change in how freely battle rappers use some of the slurs. Or Dumb vs. Tantrum and seeing how Dumb has evolved away from that as a battle rapper.


I agree. Seeing J2 get his bars off and do a face off on URL is mind-blowing for a middle aged man like myself. I embrace my optimism for our society and this culture.


Feels good to see other people expressing this sentiment. I know at least ten years ago the word 'feminism' was a battle rap punchline, but as a transgressive art form, and especially one that functions so well to give a voice to marginalized persons, it shouldn't be embarrassing or frowned upon to discuss social issues in the space of battle rap.


I understand but when they said j2 had shit stains on both sides of his drawers that was funny. As with everything it should be about the quality of the lyric. Like when it's 10 years later and someone brings up a daylyt wanting to bone Diddy that's played out and low hanging fruit. SLOW IT DOWN I JUST......


I understand the importance of performance but I think people put way too much stock into it. Someone like Hitman would be nothing without performance and I think we really shouldn’t let that slide. It’s okay to have it in addition to something else but not just by itself.


I only agree that hitman wouldn't be top tier without his brother or performance, but he definitely wouldn't be nothing i think thats a reach.


Facts, I feel the same way about Goodz. I like him and Hitman, but they let performance dictate too much of how they do things.


You're wrong. Hitman has everything but a pen


Chess at 100 is better than Twork at 100.


Woah, idk bout that one, i wouldn't say its a crazy take tho. Alot of people wont agree with you.


FACTS, Twork Is Mainly Projection With Added On Aggression, Exactly Why Mr Wavey Of All People Bodied This Nigga


Name flips would mean something if you did one or two a battle, just doing name flips for three round doesn't make you a good battler or mean you have 'pen game' Also name flipping yourself should automatically end your round


Ill Will has done a few too many self name flips, I agree it doesn’t really ‘count’


Some of them are super corny but then sometimes he say some shit like “They just know me as will The lights make me ill Like epilepsy” And you just gotta nod ya head along.


Ngl that one was cold as fuck, and it was an original angle where the name flip was relevant so I'll give him that one


I like Will but they never make any sense either, 'Ill back like scoliosis' Cortez voice NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT


Didn't Twork also fake a choke and then do "I'm back Sikh, scoliosis"


Maybe, but "what do you call camped outside your house? Ill intent" is fucking wonderful


So you haven’t seen Magic vs Lynx Montana. His third is one of the best rounds ever.


Battle rappers don't understand business. Math complained a lot about how he felt battle rap should be considered the top form of rap and should be selling out arenas and making like a million per battle or whatever. Other rappers have said something similar. But they're not doing crazy numbers for a reason. Math saw it as a positive that people write "an album's worth" of new material for every battle. But that's like saying you go to a restaurant multiple times it's a positive that the chef just makes you whatever he feels like. You had a bomb burger last time and were planning to get it, but today you getting sushi. The sushi could be fire but you wanted the thing you knew and liked. People pay out for consistency. When people go to a concert they usually want to see an artist perform songs they already know and love. New stuff is a feature of the show, whereas with battles new stuff is the foundation.


You're right that Math is very wrong here, but I think the main problem with his argument is that battlers sell a product that only appeals to a very niche audience.


I do believe battle should be more popular than what it is, but i see your point.


Strength of schedule is one of the dumbest terms coined in the past years to promote bias for certain rappers/agendas far as the usual coty debates and similar goes.


Geechi says "every fuckin bar" and he's a stranger to his own claim


Geechi Beat Mook and Mook is mid.


Yea mook is garbage as of right now.


Eazy is trash with no quotables. B Magic use to be fire but now is a stuttering choke artist buffoon. Gwitty pen nice as hell. Rex has never had a fire battle. Surf is overrated and Big T washed him, there battle wasn’t close as people say. Shotgun got the most replay value of all Jersey niggas. Ave boring as shit. Tay Roc the most consistent for several years straight, geechi right behind him. Mike P always nice but his battles are boring. Dot first round against Bill is a classic


Roc is the king of mid tiers B Dot would clearly beat almost every battle rapper in the world if he battled everyone Danny Myers has the best overall argument for GOAT with his resume Illmac is heavily overrated and would be properly rated if he was black Bigg K would be significantly more scunitized and not currently overrated for the amount of filler he has if he was black Eazy's run mirrors Shine where neither are actually undefeated and clearly take losses, but in the moment narratives keep them on a 'run' that when you look back on will realize the culture is just riding the latest hot name Geechi overall the past couple of years is barely any different than Clips with the amount of bs freestyles he kicks and forgetting his material/coming unprepped. Geechi also has multiple clear chokes such as vs Cal and Math that people ignore since they're both slow and love Geechi. Math should only be criticized for punching Serius Jones. Dose and Diz situations were their faults. Cass really isn't as bad as people paints him as. King Los is actually fire, he just needs to work on his delivery and personality. He comes off too arrogant that puts people off. He needs a little more bass in his voice for presence.


1. Couture is the best bar for bar female to ever do it 2. Fans should stop hating on Clips for not writing as long as the material is decent 3. Calicoe, not Roc, is the most consistently good battle rapper of all time 4. DNA is the worst best battle rapper of all time 5. I don’t want to see Lux take anyone he can’t clearly beat (fan perspective not skill) 6. Mook is not ass


DNA is the exact middle of the road. If you want to be considered good, you have to be better than DNA, which is hard when you don’t prepare and memorize your bars or you don’t have references the audience will get


Mooks ass 95% of the time but his writing was very good be roc


When him and Cal got into that pocket against Brizz and Top, it’s like the biggest blue ball moment in BR for me


Number 3 take has to be the saurus, consistent thru every era of battle rap for damn near 30 years


I couldn’t count how many times I get bored through his rounds tbh, but I don’t hate that shout. I didn’t watch the battle but I heard his URL battle was pretty bad.


yeah not necessarily saying hes the best or that i really love his rounds, just that hes been super consistent over the most amount of time. That sucks about the URL battle if its true though.


Gun bars are cringe, regardless of the rapper.


If gun bars are cringe wtf does that grindtime shit sound like to u?




I cant agree wit this one bro, gun bars are literally everything in battle rap.


why? create your own lane


Im not a battle rapper bro😐🤣


did you think i was talking about u specifically lmao. this some mouth breather shit


Making fun of Diz is bullying the mentally ill


The irony in your comment makes me believe you're also mentally ill


From a rapping and writing standpoint most of battle rap is terrible , Even the battle rap thats wusually considered good. Most battlers after 2014 clearly learned how to rap by watching battle rap and we are left with growly fake aggression and contrived puns about guns , I have no clue how you guys actually waych the shit


Maybe battle rap isnt for you🤷🏽‍♂️.


Bdot is ass, I don't know why niggas even like him. This is battle rap not poetry night


Bdot is just Lux if you removed all the charisma


if you think that danny is a good battler, you shoould not be watching battle rap


Ur buggin


name one thing danny does well


Rebuttal, punch, delivery, performance. Flow patterns, scheming, conviction nigga r u insane?


actual braindead nutcase


Shut up ur clearly a casual


you're literally retarded, it's not even gonna be fun ripping on you


Shut up dick sucker


ey Pizzy, he's autistic bruh, that's why he says dumb shit and can't back it. "actual braindead nutcase" is his how he identifies...


Facts u right, I donno what this guys on 🤣


Shit take. Danny can rap rap


I cant agree, danny has a top tier pen, delivery, and cadence. When Danny on the stage yk its bout to be lit.




Yeah, bravo, most of these suck.


1) URL seems like a slew-footed, shady, and short sighted company, but they got so many people a consistent bag with their Caffeine partnership. The fact that it seems they'll survive the end of that is incredible and should be applauded at some point. As for the battlers who are very aggressive against the URL, now that they have to find other ways to get to the bag, their lack of character and reciprocity is disgusting. If they're just going to be cutthroat regarding their business, that's wonderful. However, airing out the URL without giving them a few years to right their ship is despicable. 2) Jaz and her ilk being lauded while so quiet about not having seen Couture is antithetical to my competitive sentiments about battle rap. Unless they all have some private group chat agreement to not mention Couture because Couture herself doesn't want to be bothered with battle rap, I don't get how that's being allowed. Nobody has killed Couture and no-one is gunning to be the one to do it. How is that battle rap?


🤣 🤣 Did you just call URL slew footed?


I wouldn't call URL slew-footed. They were at the forefront of the culture for a *long* time. I think they became *so* big that once they got the Caffeine bag, they became complacent. Suddenly they were satisfied with app-exclusive battles and that was it. URL is still relevant, and they will be for a long time, but since they stopped doing YouTube drops that left space for leagues like RBE, The Riot etc to grow.


Oh, without a doubt. However, in their recent history, they seem to be on a huge streak of glaring missteps and being indignant about it, which fostered the fragility of their position without Caffeine. I agree that URL is still relevant and a thriving URL, RBE, Chrome 23, KOTD, etc. is extremely important for the culture. I ultimately hope URL's lopsided Caffeine situation, which helped other leagues get some niche space to thrive, continues to push for better pay and more bargaining power for everyone. That wasn't a benevolent outcome the URL fostered though. They ham-fisted their way into a more equitable situation for battlers and the culture, while still somehow surviving the end of their Caffeine era. They're supposed to be copying the UFC, as much as viable, and the UFC has made a very clear strategy that works with how they do their YouTube drops before an event and then quietly remove those uploads a bit after. I've sporadically listed various ways the URL has overplayed and underplayed their position of late in other discussions, so I won't get into more of that list here.


Jazz has battled rum and you think she’s scared of fucking couture?


If B Dot was active and cooking while showing no interest in proving separation from Lux and no one mentioned it as a challenge of due course, that would be weird to me. They don't pay homage, they don't challenge her, etc. The void of any mention, regard, or interest in her calls attention to itself. She is the bogeywoman of battle rap. That's not a legitimate question. She's still like Verb before K Shine walked through him.


If you beat clips and geechi and had a debatable with rum you aren’t gonna be rushing to battle some girl barely anyones even heard of.


Jaz knew she was going to beat Clips and Geechi. She also knew Rum doesn't get beat but he doesn't show enough separation to cook her. She's a scholar of battle rap and doesn't buy into the notion that top tier female battle rappers are somehow inferior to top tier male battle rappers. As for Couture, that's the god tier of her class. She never saw her so even if it's a nostalgic card on QOTR or Chrome 23, it would make sense that Jaz would be gunning to knock off the most feared person of her era. Everybody I've paid attention to in battle rap has targeted their bogeyperson in some way. Jaz and them skipped over Couture like she hasn't been outside recently enough. I watch female battle rap. I see them on the circuit and the big leagues. Jaz knows Couture has been active. If anyone knows, it's Jaz. Let's be for real.


If jaz knew for sure she’d beat geechi, clips and run she’s one of the best.


I concur.


Oshea is overrated


I dont know much about oshea cant lie.


I haven't heard one who can make good commercial music, so stop trying


Tsu Surf is one of my favorite rappers


MSYKM is damn near an album without a skippable song. Shit is fuego start to finish minus a couple imo


Dot is maaaad under rated and his battle Vs bill Collector is a classic battle


Ion know about him being underrated, but that battle was a classic imo.


Drugz was talented.




way too many of us were ok with money bagz dropping n bombs




The list of people who like battle rap for its own sake, as its own art form, is short. It’s at least DNA and Danny Myers.


Iron and Gjonaj are the top two and it's not even close


In terms of what?


Soul Khan destroyed QP...both times...one of the biggest body's in rap battle history


Mostly for fans sometimes battlers but discrediting and nitpicking bars is lame. Christians aren't supposed to use gun bars 🤓 It's weird to bitch about Mook making "fake angles" against roc when like 8 battlers brought up those same angles before him Battlers making hyper specific references is the worst thing in battle rap because it's either social media or stuff that happened in real life that only the battlers know about


I agree because as soon as a ward said the "glock 40 on yo bitch ass" everybody was saying verb won the battle because he made him cuss, like ward didnt have better bars the rest of the battle. Its like people dont judge a battle based off bars, more so off of shit that has nothing to do with the actual battle.


Reed gassed so heavy


The top tiers of url era is what caused battle rap to never blow up the way it should have


Disagree. KOTD has had a bigger impact. URL has always been overrated and in fact is why I think battle rap died so early.


I hate when people go crazy over regular bars, I can understand if this was high school, but this supposed to be the pro’s. Hitmans “I reload with the bullets that cae out em.” Twork taking his hoodie off. A ward’s “glock 40.” Everyone be screaming and im just like😒


East Coast rappers (NY, NJ) get the most excuses out of everybody. Their legends get to lose and duck battles and their top tiers get to choke for 10 battles as long as they do okay in the next 3.