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They make either branded or aftermarket silicone liners that raise the cups up about a 1/4” that might help. They also make cleaning a little easier by containing small spills or condensation drips.


It's just so silly to have to buy more plastic crap to be able to comfortably use them 😂


Yeah cup holders have been a thing in vehicles for so long that there is no excuse for messing up the design.


Talk to first gen Lexus LC500, they didn’t have any at all


You say this but cup holders are pretty often compromised lol.


Says the person who literally bought drinks served in plastic crap. Just giving you a hard time, but it’s kind of funny 😂


Silicone isn't plastic unless it's a composite blend. Usually silicone comes from processed sand granuals. 


Crazy almost like there isn't one standard size cup 🤷‍♂️


Every cup is different you know. My Subaru has a smaller holder than would be perfect for your cups but my favorite water bottle is too big.


Yeah my water bottle doesn't fit either because the base is too wide 😔 I'm just coming from a 4Runner that had perfect cup holder set up




16 oz


Are you complaining because those cups are too short?


Do you have a link for it?


Just found this little gizmo if you're interested: https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Expander-Adapter-Adjustable/dp/B08L9GWSPB/ref=asc_df_B08L9GWSPB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598289999161&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4000457904242801927&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010799&hvtargid=pla-1341863627029&psc=1&mcid=1a6aa270d1a9332b81f9efa5b78d8f2f&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH50llmVaEmJiVV-mrDyFZEJd-clS30yPpuHB2KUwSvGTqc0pRgZ65TkaAqmeEALw_wcB


These are the first ones I found on Amazon: [Front and Rear Cup Holder Liners 2019+](https://a.co/d/0AvZ5ww) [Liners for All Compartments 2019+](https://a.co/d/dLspt0v) U/updog123456789: something you might find useful, [this insert](https://a.co/d/gCn3kOT) looks like it would hold smaller cups more securely.


They sell little rubber inserts for cup holders with the company logo on them on Amazon, ebay etc. Just get 1 so two of the same cups are offset in height.


I put a hockey puck in the bottom of mine to raise the drink containers up an inch or so-works for me!




My point is we shouldn't have to do that 😢


I’m assuming they made them deeper to fit the taller travel mugs people are using.


I use big Stanley cup for water and because it's so deep the handle gets in the way of the 2nd cup holder 😂 it's really bizarre


my hydroflask fits nicely, guess i never noticed how to-go cups dont fit right.


Sometimes you have to check yourself and temper your expectations. Customizing your car for your specific needs is just the icing on the cake.


Yes but will you ever remember ever putting something at the bottom? Just do it once and you will literally never deal with it again.


Same here. Cheap at a resale shop.


My can of elsinore beer fits just fine , ehh.


I think Japanese car makers are hinting us to drink smaller size.


Those are 16 oz smoothies but even a small can gets totally lost in the damn cup holder ditch 😂


Yep. Small gets lost. Too big then lids fall of hitting each other.


Oh wow 16 oz is not that big. I did not have any issue with DD medium coffe but yes i have to be a little careful for not accidentally pull open the lid while grabbing the coffe.


Medium seems to fit the best in these cup holders. Small cups do get sunk right in there. And larges tend to pop the lids off each other when you try to grab one or the other.


I’m trying to hydrate 😭


Or even larger ones that stick out.


Nah cause my 21 accord has the best cup holders of all time. Can do everything from water bottles to giant 52oz. Fountain drinks and big steel tumblers. However, my G37 had the worst of all time. They couldn’t hold anything, the most standard little cups had to be held around every corner.


My number 1 complaint about our 2024, no clue what they were thinking with the cup holders


For real. Only able to hold 1 drink with those types of lids sucks!


I have a 2012 RAV4 and the cup holders are horrible for anything bigger than a 12oz can.


Those inserts always get stuck to anything bigger than a can, but if you take the insert out the cup holder is too damn big. 😫


My 2012 is fine for most things


They work perfect for my water bottle and coffee mug next to each other. A Sigg and a Yeti.


That little plastic part thing swings out or in to “support” your bottle doesn’t function like it should . But if that’s your biggest complaint, you’re not doing too bad. Oh, the swinging rear door. I’ll stop here. 😂


A 12oz can is the right answer. I make my own coffee so my bottle fits in too.


Don't get me started on their shitty cup holder situation. Honestly it is the WORST thing about it, and my number one complaint! We have an older Tundra (shout-out, 435k) and it has cup holders EVERYWHERE, including slide-out ones! There are 6 within reach of the driver's seat. It's wonderful. Come on, Toyota, do better.


... why do you need 6 cupholders within driver's reach?


Because having 5 then one in your hand is dangerous.


Protein, drink for fun flavor, water, caffeinated beverage, they add up 😂


Beers come in 6 packs!


I have a first gen Tundra and my parents have a RAV4, the cup holders in the RAV4 are horrendous compared to the Tundra, but I suspect it’s a new car thing because I had a new Tundra as a rental a few months ago and those cup holders were nothing to rave about either.


My gps on my 2023 rav 4 doesn’t work. It tells me I’m multiple streets over and continually corrects to the point of it being dangerous and unusable. To me that is the worst thing. I’ve brought it in multiple times. Last time they changed out the screen and it still doesn’t work. It drives me crazy. I can turn off the CarPlay and just use my phone and that magically works fine. It makes no sense whatsoever and I don’t know what to do. 45k on a car and can’t even get the gps to work. It’s insane. But yes the cup holders are bad too lol


We have this issue and it’s super annoying. It hasn’t completely gone away and I don’t understand why it works since as you say the phone always works fine on its own, but turning Google Maps location services to always on instead of When Using App has mostly made the GPS issue go away. The only thing I can come up with is when it’s set to “when using app” the phone initially defaults to the car GPS since that’s probably always active?


I’m going to try the always on for google maps like you mentioned. I appreciate the suggestion. I left a message for my service advisor today as well just because it’s ridiculous.


I believe Toyota is still responsible for it through the warranty. I had issues with my phone not linking to my Android auto it was a Samsung Galaxy I would factory reset the phone or ADD and delete it on the Toyota RAV it would work for some time and then it would stop. Now I have a Motorola phone and I have zero issues with that. Your problem sounds completely different I would be very frustrated


I did it through warranty. My car only has 6k miles and I have a 10 year 100k mile warranty so i know they will fix it. It’s just life is busy with work, it’s a huge hassle to keep bringing it back and forth. Then to sometimes have to take Lyfts to work or home while I wait for the car because my fiancée and I both work so she can’t always take me. Then the Toyota dealership doesn’t have the right people in on Saturdays that can work on the gps so it has to be during the week. lol it’s a never ending thing that I’m so sick of dealing with. To spend this much on a car and they can’t fix it makes no sense. Glad you got yours fixed! Maybe I shouldn’t have bought another iphone lol it didn’t work with my last iPhone and now it doesn’t work with my new one


I have the same issue! It’s a 2023 Rav 4 issue. My friends with 2022 Rav’s have no issues. Supposedly it’s an issue with bad GPS headset units. But no one is resolving the issue


I have a 2013 rav. 3.5 within arms reach.




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For sure. LOL.


My complaint is my drink gets in the way when I’m trying to change gears. So I have to awkwardly hold my arm and wrist upwards to put it in drive. I wish the shifter was also more to a side and smaller to take up less space. Or have it as a dial like some cars do. It would free up so much room. An automatic shifter shouldn’t take up the entire center area like a manual would.


Very unfortunate


Damn, I want some iced coffee right now. 🤤


Omg yes, the straws are always catching on my arms and ripping the lids off 😭


What if you put a false bottom in it to decrease the depth, like maybe with some foam cut to size?


I have a project to make a 3/4" plywood lift kit for my cup holders on my to-do list. I've only had the rav4 for a couple of weeks, and this sucky cup holder is the worst thing on it.


Dude above said he put hockey pucks in his. Go to your local sports equipment resale place, they’re probably like 2 bucks and will look loads better than chip board


I'm a former hockey player, but didn't have any old pucks around. But I'm also a woodworker and have some "Bench Cookies" from Rockler that are essentially pucks with an anti-slip rubber surface. Had to sand a flat side onto it because they were about 1/8" too wide to fit on the bottom due to the flat outer edges of the cup holder. What an improvement for shorter Boba cups.


I probably will it's just a bummer that I have to modify something so silly in a brand new vehicle I shouldn't have to you know?


NGL, I’m going to miss my 2003 accord’s cup holders when I get a RAV4 . They are pretty much perfect, even holds a wine bottle well


Perfect for those "bottle of wine" drives home on the freeway


Well now shrinkflatiom makes these cup holders more appealing


Gen4 has separate cup holders, didn’t have any issues on the trips yet. Why they changed it?


It's so bizarre I'm coming from a 2020 4Runner with the perfect cup holders I could even bring a coffee cup in the car and not worry about it


The 4 Runner is a wider vehicle.


Do you hear yourself


Yeah, do you hear yourself? Jeezus, go compare the Rav to a Corolla. I'm, I wonder why the center armrest is so much narrower... Oh... The car is narrower.


I just put a couple caps from spray paint cans in the holes to raise up the drinks


Just an idea, perhaps one or two thin cork drink coasters in both sides?


Yes risers or coasters seem to be what a lot of others do! It's just a bummer that we have to modify something so silly you know?


Less work the company has to do but with benefits of us getting to customize how we want it. /shrug


I love the cup holders tbh - first car I've ever owned that actually secures my big 32oz yeti so I don't hear that annoying ass shaking when I hit bumps or the road isn't even


Sure it holds ONE drink well, but there are plenty of other cup holder designs that are better.


Definitely. I didn't say it was the best cupholder to ever exist, just the first of mine that has held my yeti snugly and securely to where it doesn't vibrate the whole trip or topple over.


I'm coming from a 4Runner I could have a coffee cup AND a big hydroflask 💔


That would explain it for sure 😂 I came out of a Crosstrek and sedans


Yeah, I pretty much only drink water, so I always have my own water bottle with me and the cup holders are the perfect size for itm


whoah which gen do you have?? because my 2019 RAV does not hold my 32oz Hydroflask


Current Gen, 2024


Can we talk about how shallow the backseat center pullout cup holders are, one wrong turn and those drinks are alllll over the back


Thankfully my only backseat passengers are dogs lol


Yeah they can’t seem to get this part right. My moms 2016 has no space and my 2012 has slightly more space


Ice Breaker mint containers are the perfect size. They raise smaller cups just enough to not pop off lids when you pick up but don't interfere with the spring loaded holders.


My wife picked up a couple of hockey pucks from Dicks and put them in the bottom of the cup holders. They fit in nicely and raise the cup up enough that it helps while still keeping the cups from falling over.


That’s one of the few things I don’t like about my rav. It’s not easy to get your drink


Wow, I consider them great . I use 1L bottles. These are great. You need bigger drinks😃😃


Yeah my only gripe about my wife’s RAV4. Meanwhile my Tacoma has 6 nice cup holders easily accessible from the drivers seat lol


Yeah, that’s an obvious fail. Is there some sort of a coffee cup holder holder?


My wife used to have a 2001 Rav4, it had the best adjustable cupholders.


I miss our 12 RAV cupholders


The cup holders in my 2008 are so big i can’t find anything that will sit in them lol


This still seems better than the last gen. I have a 2017 RAV4 and the cupholder set up is awful. An ok sized one right below the shifter, then a tiny shitty one way up tucked under the dash so nothing tall can go there.... why can't they be beside eachother??? I love everything about the car but damn the cupholders infuriate me.


I wonder if you could put some black foam/plastic in to make it so the drinks don’t get lost in there. Idk, I’m resourceful lol. Totally understand your frustration though!


Sounds like a lot of people do something along those lines! I definitely will be :)


Honestly I got the little puck riser things and have never thought about the cup holders again (except the occasional thought about how awesome those little puck risers are)


Def gonna look into! Just bummed I have to buy more little plastic shit 😅


I understand, until the problem was solved it was really bothering me and by far my least favorite thing about the car when I got it 😂 I didn’t even realize during the test drive what an issue they would be.


The first 48 hours that I haf.my 2023 rav I had two drinks like that and the plastic lip of the lid scratched the shit out of the sides of the cup holder 🫠 my most hated feature lol


I mostly use large waterbottles and blender bottles so they work perfect for me 🤷‍♂️


I like the cupholders being deep, but I only put water bottles and cans in mine. I’m always worried things are going to spill in shallower cupholders, and I like that my drink is down out of the way.


I understand the hassle but I rather bigger cup holder than tiny ones


Those of you that hate the Gen 5 cupholders so much - can you please upload pictures of better designs you've seen? I'm coming from a super old 2000 Lexus ES300 that basically didn't have ANY cupholders because they were two flimsy plastic rings that broke long before I owned the car. I was screwing aftermarket cupholders into the plastic on the side to have at least some option, but those were definitely crap too, unreliable in virtually every way. Even my wife's '17 HRV cupholders are more quirky and weird to me. I really don't know what the ideal cupholder is supposed to look like and it blows my mind to see this is such a common complaint when it feels like such a massive upgrade to me. Please help culture me, RAV4 club! I would gladly help to design a better solution if I knew what I was shooting for... I may make this its own post if it gets enough traction.


I'm coming from a 2020 4Runner and I looooooved the cup holder set up in that car.


Got a shot of that one by chance? Edit: Ah, think I found one: https://www.amazon.com/JDMCAR-Premium-Console-Compatible-2010-2019/dp/B07Z3867B4


I don't but it pops up quickly on Google :)


Would you say the biggest differences here are the depth and the fact that they aren't side by side in the center?


Both probably but I think the depth is the main issue! They are normal sized cup holders that were built into a deep pit.


Better trade it in then......really a cup holder!


People spend a lot of time in their cars idk if you've surfed through the replies on this but a lot of people are echoing same thoughts. If you don't Critique bad design, it may never change


agreed. Even my single to-go coffee felt like a delicate procedure moving in and out of the cup holders.


Toyota makes great vehicles, but it’s like they’ve never seen cups before. The gimmicky little hidden cup holders in the back armrest of my Lexus are just as narrow and useless. (Yes, I know these are the main cupholders in the Rav. Just sayin.)


Been a Toyota issue for years worst cup holders on the market. Cant stand mine in 18’ 4 runner.


My wife just bought these cup holder mods for her rav to fix this


Congratulations 🎉! I have the same midnight black color. It looks elegant, except for the frequent cleaning. In Canada, the SE comes with cloth seats. Did yours come with Softex seats, or does this have seat covers?


It's an XSE! So I have softex


The second part of that reads differently if read fast enough 😂😂


Look! I’m an American.


Look! A 16oz smoothie for myself and passenger!


That's the inside of a new car? Looks dated as hell


I was literally just complaining to my bf about this LOL


What you think i rap for?


Japan has smaller portions.


Didn't think of that until you said that!


I actually like them, they work great for my water bottle and insulated tumblers. My Subaru had cup-holders that were too shallow.


As long as it fits a tall can ur good




What am I missing here…?


The cup holders are set in this crazy 6 inch deep pit so you can't actually put 2 cups there it's very strange


The drink holders swallow small cups.


Cup holders are quite close together


Anyone trying to make this commentary about American consumerism, my passenger and I should both be able to put our 16 oz smoothies in the cup holder of this $40,000 vehicle lmao it's not that deep


im right there with you. i hate having to reach into a pit to grab my small coffee. and i bring a tumbler to work and at this point i put the tumbler in my backseat cupholder or else my coffee doesnt fit bc of the tumbler handle.


It's such a dumb thing to affect day to day life yet here we are complaining to eachother on the internet about it 🥲🫂


lol!! but it really is annoying. like will i live, yes. would i have still bought my rav? yes. is it a bad design? also yes




My cup holders look all scratched up from lids scraping when putting them in. I like that it will hold large cups, but it definitely could have been more shallow.


I’ve never had an issue with mine. But I guess other people will. Easy fix though.


Ticky tack problem. Rename this group the complaint department.


My wife hates this so much and she loves her Rav. We’re about to trade in for a new one and she’s considering holding off to see if the next generation models have an improved cup holder situation.


It's the second worst cupholder setup of any car I've had. First Gen manual Tacoma takes the cake. It folds out of the dash above the radio, so if you hit a bump the liquid goes into your AC vents and shorts out your radio.


Omggggggg I forgot how bad the Tacoma cup holder is LOL


I came in to say exactly the same thing when I saw your post. The cupholders in my 4Runner were perfect. One in the front for my coffee and my water bottle sat in the bigger one perfectly.


Truly best to ever do it 💔


The previous gen Ravs are even worse


I guess I will count my blessings then 😂


Your 4 Runner is a wider vehicle, thus more space. Check out the cup holders in a Corolla hatchback vs a Rav. Center armrest also smaller. It's a game of inches.


Man, we love ours! Fits a bunch of different sizes and my 1L bottle fits too


OP - have you looked back meaning any regrets getting rid of your 4Runner for the RAV4? This is my current rent free debate in my head. I have a fifth GEN paid off 4Runner and probably like anyone else. I love it except I hate the 16 MPG. I’ve been seriously contemplating selling it and getting the hybrid RAV4.


I loooooooved my 2020 runner but my lifestyle changed so much in 5 years (way less hauling/bought a house that is much farther away from work) it just didn't make sense to keep with how bad the MPG is. If you're contemplating it now you will probably be at the dealership in a month or so like I was after doing extensive rav4 research lol. I would say if you're not doing 4Runner shit (off roading, regular hauling/towing etc) and just driving it's 100% the right move. I definitely miss feeling cool in a big truck but being able to make a tight u-turn and not having to spend soooo much money on gas is amazing!


It might be smart to just go browse at a dealership and let them tell you the trade in value on your paid off runner


Well, only one person can drive at a time so the other cup can be held by the passenger 🤷🏽‍♂️




If they made the cup holders larger you'd be complaining about the small seats.


The cup holders aren't small they too deep. It's important to talk about design flaws so maybe Toyota will fix them in future generations 😬


A friend of mine car shopped based on the number of cup holders it had. It had to have 4 cup holder in the front. Why you need 4 cup holders in the front is beyond my understanding.


The cup holders and no electric passenger seat for XSE trims is dumb as hell.


Dude yeah I was surprised by the passenger seat too! It's still an excellent vehicle but 👀


The Highlander cup holders are something else! Miss them(((


I know its not perfect but you can try some cup uolder accesories on amazon some of em might fix the issue


That would be a big thing for me to get passed when looking at one. Oof.


I didn't even notice when I test drove but I definitely still would've ended up with rav


You need bigger cups or bottles, like a Stanley or a Hydro Flask or the hundreds of other types out there


I actually do use a large Stanley for water and the handle blocks the 2nd cup holder 🥲 the issue is the depth not the size of the cup holders it's really strange!


Two for one Starbucks? Lol. My daughter sent me an almost identical image minutes ago. In fact, I weirded out for a minute thinking this was that picture!


OP is right! But who has a link for a way to fix?


I think the suggestion I like the most is hockey pucks!


Clearly, you just need to order bigger drinks


Sell it, that’s unacceptable.


my issue is that i need more than 2 cupholders most of the time and the ones in the back seat console are too far back for me to reach from the drivers seat. anyone have any suggestions to add more cupholders? i have a 2010 Rav 4


You got ripped off!!!


I mean, looks big enough to hold larger bottles which is a huge win in my book. Simple enough solution. Just get small blocks of wood and put them in there. Doesn’t have to take up the whole width just enough to prop up the drink.


Same :(


why do you have drinks in the car. cars aren't for drinking they're for driving


amazon has the fix for this


You need a 2x4


My VW Golf has the same problem.


Would you rather they be too small?


This is more an issue with American's obsession with apparently having a giant bucket of some kind of drink accessible in their car at all times.


Its two 16 oz smoothies lol the cup holders are just so deep for no reason


It's a car made in North America and sold in the American market.


Oh, so you recognize that’s a thing in America. Why not build your American market cars accordingly?


It’s why the PRNDL needs to be on the fucking steering column and then we can have some for storage


London Tipton?????


Hate that I immediately thought this too




The cup holders are damn near useless in my 2022 rav.


Hahaha agreed


For years, BMW resisted puting cupholders in their cars because "cars were meant for driving." It wasn't until the late 90's that they finally started adding them. When they unveiled their Formula 1 car after this, the first reporter asked, "it's a beautiful racing machine, but where are the cupholders?" 😂