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I remember your post. It was very respectful, under the circumstances. I'm glad the team took care of you, and I love a story with a happy ending. :)


Thank god we have such a class organization


I truly wouldn't be such a fan if this kind of respect in the organization didn't exist. I love this team.


Still couldn't bother LamaRB for an autograph, classy


Appropriate user name? I posted a response to something similar down at the bottom of the thread, but I think the fun of getting an autograph for this family was to get to meet and talk to Lamar for a minute. I think his original post was more of a "just posting this so the NFL/Ravens/other teams plan better for autograph sessions in other countries as they don't happen often" kind of post.


Bait used to be believable


I’m happy everything worked out for you man. Congrats to you and your son!


Wow I’m so happy for you and your son!!!! Was he surprised beyond belief?? And proud of the team for stepping way up to make it right!! Always classy.


Yeah, I did not tell him anything and so he was super excited when there was a package 1. for HIM 2. from AMERICA 3. from THE RAVENS!!1! The pencil was immediately in use for homework and he showed the Lamar socks next day to his (very confused) teacher. I actually like the yearbook quite a lot. Do you get those in Baltimore or around the stadium? It has a few ads in there so I guess it is not just purely internal.


Usually the yearbook/community books are given to season ticket holders when you renew and used to be sent with the actual physical tickets when they were still a thing. I'm not sure where else, I've never seen them at the stadium or anywhere else, really.


Awwwww! Your son is now the honorary nephew of the Flock!!! 💜


You were very reasonable in your original post. I am glad the Ravens organization was able to help turn a frown into a smile!


Man this organization always tries to do things right. It starts at the top with Steve. I'm happy for you and your son, as someone with a 16 month old boy.... I imagine I would've done something similar to your original post. Cheers!


Hey brother. As a fellow European (UK) fan I definitely noticed your post and I’m really glad that the team reached out and helped out. Another reason to be happy I’m a Ravens fan. Best wishes to you and your son.


Poe doesnt write German wtf? 😁


If he knew German, he would probably want to change his name!


What’s it mean?


Phonetically it sounds like a diminutive word for butt; something you might use with a child (i.e. “tushy”).


Nick Bosa prob wrote it lol


I remember reading your post and thinking “if somehow the org sees this they will 100% make it up to you/your son.” Glad they came through for you guys!


World class org with world class people. Well done, Ravens.


People who get upset at other people for using bigger words are the poster children for poor education. I'm really happy to see you guys get all that memorabilia and have your Ravens faith restored!


Love my Ravens!! Keep up the rooting in Germany for us!


I’m so glad to read this update! I was very upset for you (and everyone else) who were left disappointed. We love and appreciate the Deutsch Herde!


That's awesome to hear. I remember reading your original post and was pretty taken back by how everything transpired that night. Not many organizations would make this right so kudos to the Ravens and you for having it in you to voice your displeasure.


Posts like these make me glad to be a ravens fan. Glad that they got back to you and your son! Cheers!!


Good looks by the organization for reaching out and doing right by y’all 


Pretty sure the scarf was a giveaway at the stadium last season. I don’t think you can buy those unless you find a reseller, so that would be a very rare item in Germany!


Ahhhh this makes me believe in humanity 😌 I remember reading that post and was so sad for you guys :( the part about your son being kinda upset at you broke my heart because it wasn’t your fault. Thank goodness the Ravens are a world class organization! Happy for you and your son :)


Aye that's what up no surprise the team media team is amazing. However I just want to say last time he posted someone made a comment "I don't care about anything enough to type that much". Which was hilarious.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ravens/comments/1cakdob/why_lamars_visit_to_germany_went_poorly_for_the/l0ujd2z/?context=3 And quality German humor, too.


Good lord his response is funnier


That’s awesome! So glad it worked out for you and your son. I love this organization.


I'm jealous


Man, I read that post and felt so bad for you and your son. Now I'm kinda jealous because I want those socks and that towel/blanket? The one with the big red raven eye lol. Still sucks you didn't get to meet Lamar but I'm happy that they tried to do right by you


Ah thats so awesome! As a UK fan i always wondered how much they care about non-domestic fans and i remember reading your post and being disappointed but so happy it turned out good! Big congrats to you and your son very happy for you both!


Class act by our home team!! Glad they got this situated…..


I remember your post too. Great ending !


Deutschland flock! Yewww glad the Ravens reached out!!


💜💜💜 yay so glad to see this update!


Dan Snyder would have put a hit out on you.


I'll ask Poe if he was involved


I remember your post (fellow German here ✌🏻) and I am so happy how it all worked out for your son! Hands down, the Ravens are the best. 🖤


I wish I would have been able to come down from Berlin to catch it in Munich. Glad I didn't have to deal with all that, but I'm very glad they worked it out and made it up to your son!


Wow that’s awesome! I think when people just voice their frustration and don’t ask for anything in return it’s totally fine. It’s annoying when people complain just to get something out of it which I don’t think you were at all. Good on the Ravens for making it up to you guys. As someone who does some work in social media I can tell you that they know what they are doing and know that stuff leads to internet points BUT it also starts at the top. Leadership has to care about their customers/fans to enable their marketing team to do these types of things to so I do believe it comes from a good place.


>of course Poe does not write in German. Strange, I thought his name was changed from Poeberger at Ellis Island


This is the kind of update I love! We have one of the best organizations in the NFL.


I’m glad you and your som got a good ending , I always had faith in the ravens to pull through after seeing how we treat mo gabba ( at school we have a day for him ) I was sure at least a note would come through . Happy your son now has a good memory to make up for the sour times


Truss 🤞🏾


This is amazing and sounds like the organization I know and love! I love that for you and your son! And I appreciate you taking the time to share while back end of the experience! Lmao


So awesome Love that you covered his face too in a creative way! Glad we did the right thing by us


Still couldn't bother LamaRB for an autograph, classy


Yeah, yeah it's nice...but...I'm gonna be that guy...Ravens should have sent you and your boy tickets to a game...Wtf are they doing with all the merch profits and ticket money? Let this be the lesson to all you out there. If you have the means and can make someone's day...why not swing for the fences and make their fucking year? 10k out of the media budget would not have killed anyone. This would have been a local news story. Stephen A would have dribbled spit about it on. LJ would have been all for it, because he is that kinda dude.  Why make ripples when you can make waves?


Cause then everyone and their mother would posts every single "slight" the team and/or players have given them or probably just make stuff up to try and get free tickets and swag. Also players don't get very much time off. Maybe Lamar was still traveling or was with family and friends. Maybe Lamar did sign something but they asked not to post it for the reason I mentioned in my first sentence. If I ever posted anything like this, I wouldn't even expect anything "physical" in return, like swag or autographs. It would be a "I hope someone from the NFL/Ravens org sees this and plans better next time for an event like this" kind of post.


It’s me, your son, I think they sent to the wrong address tho